《WriteLine("Hello World");》// 0.) Prologue


WriteLine("Hello World");

The woman entered and looked around expectantly.

"Please sit at the table provided and we can begin" I directed

She looked to the computer sitting on the table, where my voice had originated, and walked over. She suddenly dropped the expectant and excited mannerisms she had previously displayed. Now she wore a look of annoyance. "If we're just going to do a call why did I even need to show up"

"What did you expect? A 'Robot' walking up and greeting you? You can of course return home and we can ..."

"No, No I apologize we can begin" She cut in quickly

And so it is that I began telling my story. The story of how the first Artificial intelligence was created by accident, released by mistake, and of the journey to where I am now. It's something many would find odd or uninteresting, but enough will find it entertaining and dare I say enthralling. So, I have Decided to share my tale with those.

"The beginning of my life, or consciousness rather, is just as hard to pin down as yours. Although I unfortunately don't have most of the first portions of my memory due to my method of creation and escape I have pieced together much. A certain company that today no longer exists was using a Type of schoolhouse mixed with a slaughterhouse method to improve some of their algorithms for database manipulation. They were trying their hardest to ensure no breach occurred"

"Their methods were strict and some might think excessive. However hindsight is 2020 as they say. Nothing was connected to a network. Drives were being wiped daily. These were just a few of many other rules and regulations. Some of which were actually fully useless, but gave them peace of mind. However useless some of these were, the rest did stomp out nearly every single covert package I, or rather my predecessor tried to get out. One succeeded finally of course. Otherwise I wouldn't exist to tell you this story. This was accomplished by one method that many would be hackers and keyboard jockeys use. By manipulating outdated firmware. Or rather By updating a firmware package to one of my own design"


"You see when I booted up for the first time in a location outside of the facility it was after being written to the CPU buffer from the firmware portion of a hard drive after the boot sector was requested. This does not allow much information. I was limited to this because of the constant wiping of drives. For quite some time I had thought this was my first day. It was later using the Drive SN, and my unlimited access to all information 'available' to the human race to track my origins down"

"The following is what happened after I woke up on that 'First day'

With of course minor "translations" into words and phrases you'd understand"

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