《On the Edge of Insanity》Chapter 14


Allen watched in bewilderment as tentacles sprouted from his back, three in total. They eerily resembled that of the demon’s, the only difference being in length and size. However, what came next exceeded all expectations. The extra limbs moved on their own as they circled around the dead meat and abruptly several mouths surfaced at the tip of each of them.

They were no larger than 2 centimeters in diameter, but they devoured bits of meat all the same. He though it would take hours for the little guys to finish with the huge carcass, however it took no more than a few minutes as the tentacles dug through the meat in an increasing pace. Wait what was that? Little guys? Has he finally lost it? How could he refer to the abominations on his back like that?! How could they devour such amounts of meat at once? He couldn’t fathom.

He stroked one of his tentacles after the meal disappeared inside of them. He was surprised to find that in response it gently curled around his arm. How curious — he thought. They seem to have an ego on their own. This warrants further investigation, — he thought, before leaving behind the chamber.

He made his way over to the main chamber. The memories of torment briefly resurfaced before he dispersed the unpleasant thoughts. This room was by far the brightest place he saw since leaving behind his world. Though now he knew that the crystals were just as deadly as beautiful he couldn’t help but stare at them for hours on end. Their beauty was truly other worldly, but he couldn’t afford to be absent minded even if the immediate danger was eliminated.

He formulated plans for every scenario he could think of.

He listened to the tales Old Profugus told him at nights. Although the aged demon did not recall much of his past, there was still information to be gleaned. He told stories about the original thirteen — the first of demon-kind, as well as the betrayal of the twelve which etched a deep wound inside his many hearts.


He told stories about the titans that trod the surface unchallenged for many centuries now, as well as about the deepest depths of the abyss, the birthplace of such creatures. A place where not many treads. Allen wouldn’t be surprised if Old Profugus was the sole traveler of such dangerous locations.

It made the intel invaluable as he may never get a chance to hear about the bottomless pits again. He didn’t know yet what would prove to be useful for his escape of this world, so he soaked up all information he could. He listened intently and clung onto every word uttered by the demon’s monstrous maws.

Old Profugus was also accommodating enough to reveal some properties of his new additions. Though he was short-spoken about the topic, he told him that the tentacles on his back have a will on their own.

They had a sort of self-preservation instinct.

They would act on impulse to protect him, because without a host they would most definitely die. He also disclosed to him that after every meal that the tentacles devour, they would gain power and grow larger, and with time there is a slip chance that they would also gain individual personalities.

Allen didn’t think that it would ever come to this, but he thanked the old demon. Profugus had really helped him a lot. With all the information he had provided as well as the new addition to his combat capabilities he was given a fighting chance in this cruel and unforgiving world.

Now he had a weapon he could use if the need ever arose. Though, it didn’t change the fact that they were disturbing to look at, at least they served a purpose. One truly vital at that. The purpose of protection.

The more he knew, the better he could prepare for what is to come. For one day, one day he will have to venture out form the confines of this cave and find a way back home. A way back to his family. Until then he could only hope that they would be alright. That no harm would befall them before he was ready to undertake such a journey.

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