《On the Edge of Insanity》Chapter 12


“What is it that you want?”

“I want for nothing. I crave for all.” Came the demon’s answer, throwing Allen into disarray. What does he mean by that? Allen was not one bit closer to finding its motives, he can’t exploit the situation like this.

Up until now the demon hasn’t shown any signs of understanding, however not long ago something had changed. The demon spoke his language, but Allen could comprehend it like it was his own. Considering that it waited for a reply, the demon could understand him as well. It weirded him out to stay the least. However, he couldn’t allow his mind to wander, he had to focus on the situation at hand right now.

He took a deep breath, before he made a question of his own.

“Where are we?” The demon seemed hesitant to answer, but then again it could be just his imagination.

“What do you mean where? We are at my home of course.” Allen wanted to facepalm at the simplicity of the demon. He wanted to shout at it; ‘No, you moron! I mean where the hell is this place!’ But ultimately, he had decided against it. It would be the best if he could trick the demon into a beneficial relationship, it wouldn’t do any good for him to offend it needlessly. He still didn’t know if all those suffering was a dream or reality, but he wasn’t ready to find out.

“How about this; we take turns asking questions, first I answer one of yours then you do the same, what do you think?” Allen asked, smile faltering on his visage as he struggled to keep a straight face.

“Very well. You start.” The demon said dismissively. It must have already decided on its questions. It didn’t mind humoring him, afterall the power gap between them was like heaven and earth. It wouldn’t make any difference if he answered his inquiries as well.


“Who are you?”

“I do not know.”

“Hey, that’s not an answer. If that’s an option, then don’t be surprised if a say the same.” Allen blurted out, forgetting for a split second that now was not the time to be condescending. He regretted the moment the words left his lips, however there was no taking it back now. He observed the demon carefully, looking for any sudden shift or change in its behavior.

The demon seemed to mull over it for a moment before it pulled over a boulder using two of its tentacles before sitting down. The demon started to explain itself much to the surprise of Allen.

“Now, I meant that when I said I do not know. I… I do not remember. I am strong as you could already tell, but I do not remember who I am. Every time I try to recall my past my mind gets foggy. Every time I try to recall my name, the name Profugus presents itself before my mental eyes, however I instinctively know that it is not my true name. It is not my true calling… I would not answer with certainty to questions I do not have the answers for... Is this explanation satisfactory?”

“Yes, it is. Your turn.” Allen said.

“Why are you so weak?”

Allen looked at the demon incredulously. ‘Oh man really, are you kidding? I was an athlete back home, a champion no less, and you say I am weak?’ He thought, though he was strong in human standards, the same couldn’t be said about this world’s standards.

“It is not that I am weak, it is that you are too strong.”

He was swiftly reminded to reality. The demon’s comeback came instantaneously with utmost confidence. “No, you are weak. That bite mark on your thigh was proof of that. The Hellhound you got it from is in the lower echelons in the realm, just imagine what a higher-ranked demon could do to you.”


They spent hours exchanging knowledge, although Allen felt that it was not an equivalent exchange of information, but it was all the better for him. He still cringed as he thought back to the conversation if it could be called that. The demon really had a way of asking useless questions.

He gained insight about his captor, his environment, and the creatures of the trench. Which if nothing else, then it would be useful. It would come in handy when he eventually escaped. He was careful with his questions and used them to gain the utmost amount of information.

He regretted asking the demon how he could communicate with him. He was disturbed to learn how the demon understood him. It had planted parasites inside of him which would allow Allen to understand and speak the demonic tongue. When asked why he didn’t recall such an event the demon blamed it on the shock, but he was sure that there was more to it.

The demon didn’t become any smarter after their conversation, however he didn’t seem to realise it. It enquired about his race, although hesitantly Allen told him that he was a human. The demon, or Profugus to call him by his name was oblivious to what humans were, and so it wasted another question on it.

Allen provided only the basics and while he did so, he inflated his own value and told the demon that he is the only human in this world, so he better take good care of him. As the demon had never seen a human before it was an undeniable possibility, and Allen would exploit it. Though, now that the demon’s intellect was confirmed, and he found that it is indeed capable of reason he might not have to leave behind his ‘safe’ haven.

He thought back to the end of their conversation where he brazenly proposed a deal.

He would stay with the demon and sate the demon’s curiosity in exchange the demon would protect him. Although Allen thought they pretty much already established this connection, but he felt that it was better if it was said out loud. The demon didn’t seem to think much of his request — he instantly agreed. Great, now he officially has a place to stay, and a demon as his guard. Only one thing was left. He had to convince the demon to stop butchering him. One time was more than enough.

Though it may be a temporary solution to his predicament, he would take it until a better alternative presented itself, or so Allen thought as he shook one of the many clawed hands of the demon.

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