《On the Edge of Insanity》Chapter 10


It has been a couple of days since he brought home the peculiar being.

When he looked at it, he instinctively knew it was a male. It smelled like one at the very least, however his body looked all too fragile and small. He had a rather plain body structure as well. Two arms, two legs and a head. Not a strong composition if you ask him, but then again, he might be proficient in other aspects. He could be a commander that stands out in the battle of wits, or an assassin well-versed in the art of deception.

Normally, he would have already killed him, however this prey was special. It wasn’t anything like his previous spoils. Throughout his years of hunting, preying on the creatures of the abyss and the dwellers of the trench alike Old Profugus had regained a semblance of his former self. He recalled ages long past, information long forgotten to the passage of time. Though he did not remember much, it was enough to spark what remained of his intellect.

One thing he could observe for certain is that the creature was injured. It had a rather nasty bite mark, that of a Hellhound, or some other dog like creature. The man was heavily wounded, he was on the verge of death. Though a wound like that was nothing threatening to a demon like him, this peculiar being seemed all too fragile. It was unthinkable how he could survive outside alone.

He also wanted to learn why he had such an alluring smell, and maybe even learn more about him, however first he had to make sure that it didn’t die on him. After all this time he had come across something new, something interesting, something unknown. He wouldn’t let it go to waste. He searched through his hoarded items looking for anything he could use. Finally, he found something that could be of help. He moved hastily to complete his objective.


He used some abyssal grass as medicine to nurse the boy, and it worked splendidly. He was back to full health in a matter of hours. Old Profugus impatiently waited for the boy to regain consciousness. He closely monitored the boy and noted that his temperature had gone down further. He looked at the body frustrated. Among demons such a low body heat was lethal but somehow the boy still drew breath. Maybe it had a special trait? No matter, he would have all the time in the world once he wakes. He preoccupied himself, but always kept one of his many eyes on the boy. Days passed like that when he noticed the stirring.

The boy finally came to, but just then another problem presented itself. He couldn’t understand a word he was saying, and nor did he. Well, there is always another way to get to the bottom of things.

He waited for the boy to fell asleep, then he moved with intent to act.

The boy disappeared in his shadow as he got to work. He had to peel away — layer by layer — any secret his unusual body may hold.

The ungrateful man had awakened and squirmed under his hold, but he held firmly. His guess proved to be correct. This boy was no fighter. He didn’t, or more like couldn’t put up any meaningful resistance, as his body was laid bare before Profugus’s myriad eyes to examine.

Profugus stared curiously at the subject.

Flesh, bones, veins he examined them all. So feeble circulatory system that it had only one center, one hearth. A weak point no demon could afford if they meant to stay alive. Bones so fragile, so brittle that it would take but a few tons to completely shatter his skeleton. A force he could project even without trying with but a few of his limbs.


As he continued with his observations more and more doubt resurfaced in his mind; how? Just how could something so inefficient, something so weak survive? Even the muscles were so unrefined, so prone to rupture that he doubted they could lift anything more than double the weight of its bearer. Really, so underdeveloped.

He was worried needlessly, even if he would let it, the boy still couldn’t hurt him. Many questions arose in his mind as it struggled to form complex thoughts for the first time in centuries. How did it survive outside? Was it still a child who hadn’t have the chance to develop yet? Was it an adult with an ingenious mind? But then he should have at least the intellect to cover up his scent. He came to a conclusion at last; it must have a hidden advantage that his dissection couldn’t expose. How curious. He thought. He would get to the bottom of this.

While he worked diligently, he took a bite here and there. Tasting the creature’s flesh made his salvia run amok inside his maw. Terrific! He thought, as his clawed hands came to a halt. He had seen all he wanted to see, for now at least. He doubted that the subject would survive if he carried on, and thus he stopped. It was too precious, too mysterious to let it die in one go.

He grabbed the bowl filled with the separated meat and made his way over to his desk. It shouldn’t go to waste now, should it? Abyss grass could heal many injuries; however, it had its limits. He would have to use something else now. He lifted a boulder to reveal a small pond under. It was filled with muddy black water. This would do for now. He thought, as he filled a bowl with it and offered it to man, who despite his inability to move rapidly gulped down the liquid.

His eyes lingered on the man no more as he made his way over to his makeshift stone table. He savored the meat once more as he felt a pair of eyes boring into his back, he turned around and saw that the subject’s eyes were indeed following his every move. It said something, he didn’t know what it was, but considering what he had just gone through it couldn’t be anything good. A smile etched itself onto his face, as he couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

He tried to communicate with him, afterall the man seemed more than compliant to converse, however neither of them could understand each other. It was plain to see as the man jumped back in fright.

He would have to find a way to communicate if he wanted to gain insight to its abnormal ability to survive. If sooner or later he had to find a way to converse, then it would better to be it sooner. He thought as he made his way over to the man. This might not be the most optimal method. He admitted. He hasn’t done this in centuries if his memory holds true, but in lack of a better idea this was the only thing he could do. He could only hope that this would work on the man.

Several of his tentacles detached themselves and wiggled their way into his arm. He slowly made his way over to the man as it was all taking place. It frightened the man without a doubt. He desperately leapt back as far as the walls allowed. Understandable — he thought, afterall he wouldn’t want to be on the other side of his experiments either.

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