《On the Edge of Insanity》Chapter 4


Allen was pleasantly surprised to find that the beverage tasted quite alright. When he first laid eyes upon it, he surmised that it was water, however after tasting it he knew better. The wall’s color wasn’t what gave the liquid its red hue, it was something else, or maybe it was the wall, but one thing was for sure: This was not water.

After quenching his thirst, he got ready to begin his journey — he couldn’t stay here — he would die out in the open. However, visibility presented some challenges. It would be easy to get lost or run into even worse predicaments. Still, he had no choice, but to advance. Allen made his cloth absorb as much liquid as it could and placed it on his head, before ultimately deciding to move out.

He also wanted to find, or possibly make a weapon to defend himself, however there was nothing he could use, nothing but rocks. Maybe he could make something simple, like a sling — by using some of his cloth. If push comes to shove, he could always rip his pullover from his head, and instantly make his weapon by grabbing a stone from the ground.

In the semidarkness he could see faint outlines in the cliffs. He didn’t know what those were for certain, however he would be really surprised if those weren’t caves of some sort. Caves might be dangerous, for they could be already occupied by beasts, however Allen had no choice. If he decided to stay here, he was sure that when that deadly heat returns, he would be a goner.

He made his way over to the closest cave, crawling tirelessly for hours on end before he finally reached his destination. These caves really were rare, the distance was much greater than he first surmised.


Upon reaching his destination, he peered inside the darkness that inhabited the cave. He thought it best to check first before entering death’s maw. Afterall, he who is careful lives to see another day.

He lifted a rock – roughly the size of his fist – and threw it inside.

The clattering echoing inside the cave was much louder than he had expected. He jerked, as he hastily hid himself behind a large boulder at the entrance of the cave. Cold sweat broke out all over his body as he shivered. They didn’t hear, did they? He thought. He was prone to forget things if they weren’t an immediate concern. But what if? What if he has just invited the monsters to a set table? He could not accept a fate where he was the cause of his undoing. That would be so stupid…

After the sound ceased and silence reigned supreme, he slowly left his hiding spot. He staggered inside the cave and settled after reaching a distance which he considered safe from the opening. He estimated that he was about 20 meters from the entrance. It ought to be more than enough to protect him from the hazardous environment. At the very least, he hoped so.

Inside the cave a much cooler atmosphere greeted him, — even compared to the mild weather he experienced after the storm had passed — the cool air caressed his burnt form, putting him at ease.

He felt about his environment, and after a few minutes he found a boulder under which he could hide, and finally rest. It was a long wearying day, he needed this. He required a good sleep; his psyche had a lot to process. Tomorrow, he would have to figure out what to do about his leg, and how to find food. For now he could endure the hunger, but sooner or later he would have to eat.

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