《On the Edge of Insanity》Chapter 2


It was a sunny day without a single speck of cloud in the sky. Gentle breeze caressed all who strolled outside on this beautiful day. However lovely as it may be, it would not end well for everyone.

Allen was walking home at night. He just finished cram school where he stayed late like always. During the years it had become a bit of a routine for him to check on a stray dog that took up residence in the railway station’s watch house. It was an old, abandoned building, — threatening to collapse from the lack of maintenance, — however it was good enough for the puppy.

Allen was fascinated by the puppy’s stark white fur. The first time he saw it, he could swear it looked like a fluffy angel from the heavens, however he quickly dismissed such an absurd idea. If somebody heard him, they would think he is a dog enthusiast on a crazy level.

Who knows, someone may even start a rumor about it. He didn’t want that, so every time he visited the poor creature, he kept his distance. He couldn’t have adopted the puppy, it was not allowed at his residence, nor did he have the funds to look after an animal.

He lived at an orphanage where their finances were strictly controlled. One would say they were being extorted, however most of the children didn’t realize this, afterall they were born into that environment and it was common occurrence.

He could have called animal control, and have it taken to a shelter; however, he didn’t have the heart to do so. Even though, it might seem cruel to let the poor animal settle in an old cabin, he was sure that it was much better than what its fate would be if he were to be taken away.


Today was no different as Allen walked past the rails, however when he peered inside the old cabin a hellish sight greeted him.

Blood was smeared over the walls, and the carcass of the puppy laid there. Its white fur was unrecognizable; — wholly painted red, great patches missing — this could only mean one thing.

Though his stomach threatened to empty its contents all over the place, he had to check. He looked closer and noted that those were indeed bitemarks. It was a shock to him to see such gruesome marks. What kind of breed would be so aggressive? Even more so that he was inside a metropolis. There was no way a stray wild dog could have penetrated so deep inside the city.

Then, who could own such a cruel and fearsome beast? Had the man no conscious to let it roam free? Even worse, did he encourage the act? Allen turned uneasily looking around if there is anyone near the cabin, — there was no one of course. No one liked to stray from the concreate path, not even a single inch, so it was no wonder that this act would go unnoticed.

Allen used to play video games where blood was a common occurrence as a means of stress relief, and through the years he had grown accustomed to seeing the crimson flows, still it wasn’t the same when he came face to face with a fresh corpse. The foul odor only added to his sickness. He gagged but managed to calm somewhat before the contents of his stomach promptly escaped.

He scanned the room once more before turning to leave.

Abruptly, his attention sharpened, and his blood temperature rose and straight up shot through the roof when his eyes were met with glowing blood red orbs.


As it growled and slowly approached him, he could make out more and more of the creature. It was unsettling to say the least.

It was a dog as black as coal, and had a strong odor surpassing even that of a decomposing corpse. It had deep red eyes threatening to burst aflame. Allen couldn’t say what kind of breed the dog was, however, he wasn’t so well versed in the subject in the first place. He didn’t bother finding out or sparing a second thought to it.

The dog approached ever so slowly, as Allen’s mind was working overdrive, thinking about his possibilities.

Run away? No, there is no way he could outrun that thing. Not to mention that it had already cut off the only way out of this place.

Fight? Fight with what?

His eyes hastily scanned the shelves around him, yet there was no suitable weapon there, only old records and books. He couldn’t run away, — even if he tried to run — he knew that would only encourage the bloodthirsty animal and give it an edge. With a quick motion he brought his backpack between him and the beast, just in time to see it pounce on him. Then he succumbed to darkness.

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