《Reign of Magic》11. In despair


Trinity sighed again, her voice echoing through the silent walls of the corridor. She rubbed her forehead as she recalled the expressions of the Wright family. At first, the two boys had been intrigued or that was how it looked when they learned about the world they had no idea even existed. But when she spoke of bringing them back to Atanor, their faces fell at once, entirely mirroring how their parents looked at that moment.

Distraught. Anguish. Pain. Fury. She saw all the emotions vividly in Jarett and Emily's eyes and why would they not be when their children who they had taken care of, loved and protected all these years would now leave them? Although not forever, it still haunted them, especially when Atanor was anything but safe.

"Are you alright, Trinity?" This was one of the rare times when Sean did not tease Trinity for her sighs. Otherwise, at other times, he would not hesitate to pull her leg and force her to fight with him, verbally.

"I feel blue, Sean. I didn't like what we did today." Trinity remarked as she pushed her glasses up her nose.

"I understand, Trinity. But we had no choice. Alan and Neil belong to Atanor. They are not normal children and the day our world finds out about their presence, they will be in danger." Sean too let out a sigh in dismay. "We have to bring them back to protect them and to make sure that they are capable enough to protect themselves in the future."

"Alan and Neil have already shown their powers. Although Alan's abilities are barely any powers, he still has the ability in him." Trinity stared at the candles on the chandelier and shook her head. "It will not be long before he too shows what exactly he is capable of. I just hope he does not attract anyone's attention when his powers are unleashed for the first time."


Sean's lips thinned when he thought of the brothers. They sure had a good time all these years, unlike the other sorcerers of their age who had stayed in Atanor all their lives. Now, it was time to return and protect their land. That was what they were meant to do, that was what they were born for.

Sean and Trinity reached his office and the doors opened automatically, welcoming them into the room. As soon as Sean took a step inside, his cat pounced on him, meowing happily and Trinity almost had a heart attack at the unprepared attack.

"Oh my! Oh my!" She glared at the annoying cat that just mewled on meeting her fierce gaze as she patted her heart to calm herself. "Every time." She fumed and Sean just smiled at her as he patted the cat.

"Can't you keep your cat in check?" She glared at the animal again before she entered the office and the door closed after them immediately.

Sean just gave her an innocent look and Trinity rolled her eyes at his acting. "Yeah, keep acting." She scoffed and pushed her glasses up her nose again.

Sean took his chair and patted his cat while the animal curled on his lap before it started napping much to Trinity's dismay. She ignored the puny animal and focused on the letters that were now on the table.

Silence filled the room and other than the clock ticking at the corner of the room just beside Sean's chair, there was no other sound.

Sean started to arrange the letters and opened them one by one while Trinity just stared at him, lost in thoughts. Her mind kept wandering back to the twins and their parents and then to their biological parents who no one had seen or even heard for fourteen years.


"Sean?" Trinity uttered after contemplating for a long time.

"Umm?" The man did not lift his eyes and kept reading his letters as he sorted them in the order of their importance.

"Is the Egwyn couple alive or..." She stopped, not having the strength to speak anymore. Just the thought of never meeting the couple instilled an unknown terror in her heart and she licked her lips that had gone dry at some point in time.

Sean dropped his letters when he heard the fear in her words and he leaned back to look at Trinity clearly.

"Trinity, you too know that the couple is alive and well. Otherwise, their names would have long vanished from the dairy of residents." Sean remarked, completely understanding the reason behind her worries.

Fourteen years. They had not heard about the couple for fourteen years. How could not anyone suspect them to have died?

"I know, Sean. I know. But why have our trackers not been able to find them?" Her shoulders sagged in misery and she stood by the window sill as she watched the dark sky. Even though it was some time in the evening, the sky had already turned dark due to the dark clouds that hovered in it.

The room was scarcely lit, giving it a creepy feeling. But neither Sean nor Trinity cared about it as they were weighed down by their worries. The Egwyn couple's disappearance was one of the biggest mysteries they had been unable to solve and now that their children would be reaching Atanor soon, they were all the more worried.

"Trinity, when the time is right, we will find them for sure." He sighed lightly and looked at the cat on his lap. Sensing its master's stare, the animal woke up and gave him a look before it jumped down and leaped towards the book rack, taking its favorite place. It then went back to sleep.

"How long, Sean? Zeer and Meira have been gone for a long time and nobody has heard from them. How are we even going to find them? We are unable to find them and the trackers are unable to locate them. What are we going to tell the twins when they ask us about their birth parents?" Trinity turned around, her face despondent and exhausted.

"Do we have a choice, Trinity? We will have to tell them the truth." The man stood up and made his way towards her. However, instead of stopping in front of her, he walked further and stood in front of the window. "We cannot hide the truth from Alan and Neil. They are their children and they deserve to know what happened at the time they were born."

Trinity did not even have the time to speak when the fluttering of wings caught their attention. A bluebird hopped on the window and cheered happily and Sean and Trinity listened to it carefully.

Sean patted the bird, fed it some water and once the bird flew away, he turned to Trinity who was now smiling faintly. The bird had succeeded in distracting her from her melancholic mood and he too smiled in return.

"Call for a meeting, Trinity. I need to make an announcement regarding the new term. This time, we have some special people joining us."

Trinity discerned who the special people were and nodded lightly before she started to draft the message, completely missing the glimmer of sadness on Sean's face that lasted only for a moment.

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