《Sorcerer Merlin》The Macedonian Empire
The light surrounding Adrienne, Merlin, and Arthur finally dimmed. They found themselves standing in a dark and narrow space between two buildings made of stone. They had arrived in the Empire on the planet Macedon…
"Wow, the clerk wasn't kidding about the back-alley thing…", Arthur commented.
"Yeah…I've already got a weird feeling about this place…", Merlin stated.
"Me too, but we can't get caught up on appearances. We need to find that representative Ms. Crystal mentioned", Adrienne said.
They started moving towards the exit of the alley, able to hear the bustle of the Imperial citizens in the street as they got closer. Adrienne stopped just as she was about to walk out into the road.
"Something wrong?", Merlin asked.
"Maybe…maybe I should put my hood up to hide my face…?", she replied.
Merlin and Arthur looked at each other, both seemingly on the same page. They weren't crazy about making her hide herself, but if it would make the mission flow more smoothly, then perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad idea…
"Probably not a bad idea. At least until we got a better idea of what we're dealing with", Arthur stated.
Adrienne nodded and pulled the hood from her cloak up concealing her face. She also reached into her pack and pulled out two gloves to cover her hands. With all of her visible gray-purple skin and her elven ears now concealed, she walked out of the alley and onto the street followed by Merlin and Arthur.
The trio was momentarily stunned at just what they were seeing. The street that they stood on stretched for as far as the eye could see with stone buildings rising up out of the ground on either side. Hundreds of residents of the city made their way down the road in all directions, some on foot and some in carriages drawn by horse.
"Whoa…I've never seen anything like this…", Merlin observed.
"There's so many people…and I thought the temple was big…", Arthur remarked.
The three stood speechless when a voice called out from behind them.
"Out of the way!!"
Merlin turned and saw a man on a horse rushing forward. They quickly moved back towards the alley, just narrowly avoiding being trampled by the horse. The man circled back around and shouted again. "I don't know what you freaks are doing here, but at least move!! Don't just block the street!" He then galloped away, leaving them speechless.
"Well, I guess it didn't take long for people to notice we aren't from around here…", Merlin commented.
"Uh speaking of getting noticed…", Arthur nervously alerted Merlin and Adrienne to the crowd of people who were now staring at them.
"Who are they?", one woman asked.
"Why are they dressed like that? What's with the weird robes and the capes?", another added.
"And why's that one guy in white armor?", another person remarked.
"Do you think they're…mages…?!", someone else asked.
"No way! Magic isn't real!", someone else replied.
Merlin looked back at his teammates and signaled with his eyes that they should get moving quickly… They both nodded and hurriedly walked up the street and away from the crowd.
"Well Arthur, I thought maybe you'd be able to blend in a bit with your armor, but I guess that didn't last long", Adrienne said.
"I kinda thought the same thing! But I guess the Imperial knights don't wear white!", he replied.
"Speaking of which", Merlin said, "do we know who it is we're supposed to be meeting with?"
"Ms. Crystal didn't say…maybe the mission request didn't specify?", Adrienne answered.
"Awesome…guess we're winging it again…", Merlin said, annoyed.
The three continued walking up the street, marveling at the Imperial architecture whilst also attracting the attention of the Imperial citizens. Some just glimpsed, others stared, some scowled, and many just seemed confused, unsure of what exactly they were seeing. None of them made the group feel welcome…
After several minutes of walking, they finally reached what appeared to be an intersection in the form of a giant circular courtyard. From just the bit that was visible, they could see at least half a dozen other streets that all fed into this one area. More stone buildings rose up all around them, and in the center of the courtyard was a large fountain. Rising in the center of the fountain was a bronze statue of a man, easily 30 feet in height, adorned in armor with a sword and shield, standing in a battle pose.
"Whoa…that's impressive…", Merlin remarked.
"I guess Ms. Crystal was right when she said these people were proud…that must be a memorial of some kind…", Adrienne said.
"Hey guys, look at that!", Arthur shouted.
They looked to where he was pointing and saw a small building erected near the side of the road. Several men stood outside of it, dressed in black plate armor with gold trimmings on the edges. Some of them appeared to be monitoring the hordes of people moving throughout the intersection. Some others were talking with the citizens, possibly giving directions.
"Those look like knights! Maybe they can help us!", Arthur suggested.
They approached the building and two of the knights took notice of their presence. The group paused for a moment as the knights kept looking at them.
"I probably shouldn't be the one to approach them…", Adrienne muttered.
"I don't want to talk to them either! Merlin, you do it!", Arthur said.
"What?! Why do I have to do it?!", Merlin inquired.
"Just go, Merlin!", Adrienne commanded.
Merlin muttered to himself and slowly approached the two knights that had noticed them. They just kept staring as he advanced. Finally, one of them spoke. "You three aren't from around here, are you?"
"Um n-no sir, we're not! We're uh…we're actually here on a mission…", Merlin said, cautiously.
"Is that right?", the knight responded, inquisitively.
The other knight looked at the first and responded. "I think I remember command telling us something about this. Something about some…peculiar individuals who would be arriving."
"Oh yeah…", the first knight replied. "What was it we were supposed to do again?"
"I think we were supposed to take them the castle", the second knight answered.
"Right…ok, get those other two and I'll escort you to the castle, I guess…", the first knight said, annoyed.
Merlin walked back over to Adrienne and Arthur and conveyed the knights' message to them. "Sooo…I guess they're taking us to the castle…"
"I don't like where this is going…", Adrienne mumbled.
The knight escorted Adrienne, Merlin, and Arthur down another street. Now that they had a knight escorting them, they were attracting even more attention. They could hear people murmuring, wondering if maybe they had been arrested. Others dismissed this thought since they weren't restrained in any way. Some were even jealous they had a knight escorting them in the direction of the castle. As they rounded a corner Merlin could see the Imperial Castle off in the distance. It was massive, larger than any of the stone buildings they had seen so far. It was pitch black and from where he was, Merlin could see dozens of towers and spires shooting into the sky. He could only imagine what it would be like once they got up close…
"Uh, Sir, who is it exactly that we're meeting at the castle?", Arthur asked as they continued to follow the knight.
"Can't say. Not my business. I'll turn you over to the Knight Captain on duty and he'll direct you from there", he replied.
Arthur looked to Merlin and Adrienne who both shrugged in response. "I see…alright then", Arthur anxiously replied.
After what seemed like an eternity the group was finally nearing the massive gates to the Imperial Castle. No longer were there any civilians walking about. Now the only other people present were armored knights and archers. The few non-soldiers present were all also dressed similarly in black robes with golden stoles. The trio assumed that they must be government officials. And as the human atmosphere had changed, so too had the reception they were receiving. Before, the citizens had given mixed reactions, but had generally acknowledged their presence. But now, the soldiers and bureaucrats didn't so much as give them a second look…
"There's the entry checkpoint", the knight escorting the group said as he pointed to a two-story stone building next two a giant archway leading further into the castle. "The Knight Captain there will direct you further."
They approached the building and out walked an older man dressed in the same black and gold armor the other knights were dressed in, but his had a single golden stripe running horizontally across the chest. The other knight walked directly in front of the older man and placed his right arm horizontally in front of his chest. "Knight Captain, sir!", he said loudly and confidently.
The older knight performed the same gesture, covering his golden stripe with his arm. "Report trooper!", he commanded.
"Hey Arthur", Adrienne said in a hushed tone, "do you guys do…whatever that is?"
"Nah. Spellknight customs aren't quite as…strict as this", he replied.
"Knight Captain, I've found the visitors we were informed about", the knight said.
The Knight Captain gave them a brief look and replied to his subordinate. "I see…very well, you may return to your post."
"Sir!", the knight responded as he performed the same gesture he had when first reporting. The Knight Captain once again returned the gesture. The knight then left in the direction they had all come, leaving Adrienne, Merlin, and Arthur with the Knight Captain.
"Alright you three, follow me", the Knight Captain commanded as he started to walk through the large archway.
"Knight Captain sir, who is it that we're going to be meeting with, exactly?", Merlin inquired as he ran up next to the man.
"The Emperor has decreed that he would like to meet with you personally", he replied.
Merlin felt his stomach drop. He looked back to see Arthur staring back at him wide-eyed. He then looked to Adrienne. From what he could tell from her mostly concealed face, she was terrified…
"A-are you sure that's necessary", he stuttered.
"It doesn't matter if I think it's necessary. It was an order from the Emperor himself, so you're going to see him", the Captain responded.
"R-right…", Merlin nervously replied.
So far no one had seen Adrienne…but if they were going to meet with the Emperor he would certainly want to see her face, wouldn't he? Would he be hostile? They were already informed that he isn't fond of mages…Merlin just hoped that everything would work out fine…
The Knight Captain led them through another large courtyard with huge stone walls rising on either side. They could see dozens of archers on top of the walls keeping watch as armored knights milled about in the courtyard. Merlin wondered if it was necessary to always have this many people on guard. Certainly if there was an attack they would know well before the enemy could get this close. Perhaps it was meant to keep their own people out? After all, they had come pretty far since seeing any citizens…
They finally approached massive wooden doors at the far end of the courtyard which led into the superstructure of the castle. Two armored knights performed the saluting gesture to the captain as they approached, while two more knights opened the doors. Once inside the doors were slammed shut, causing Adrienne and Arthur to jump a little.
The area they now stood in featured an ornate architecture of marble flooring to contrast the black stone walls. The ceilings rose to be what Merlin thought had to be at least a few dozen feet high. Corridors stretched in all directions away from them as they could hear the chattering of people. The walls were adorned with paintings of men in suits of armor on battlefields and women surrounded by handmaidens. "They certainly know how to decorate", Merlin thought to himself.
The Knight Captain gestured to the end of the long corridor that ran directly in front of them. "The throne room is at the end of this hallway. I will go in first and confirm that the court is ready to receive you. Wait for me to return before you enter. Understood?"
The three nodded their heads in understanding as they walked towards the throne room. They passed several officials who gave them strange looks at first, but then went about their business upon seeing the Knight Captain escorting them. Merlin could feel his heart stating to race faster and faster as they neared the end of the hallway. Adrienne's knees were shaking as she pulled her hood further forward. Arthur started sweating as he wondered how this interaction would play out…All of them knew that meeting a monarch under amiable circumstances would be stressful, but this…this could be something else entirely.
Finally, they reached the end of the corridor and stood outside of two lavishly decorated doors, the entrance to the throne room. The Knight Captain quickly stepped inside and closed the doors before any of them could get a glimpse inside. They stood outside the doors for several anxiety filled minutes in complete silence. Merlin felt Adrienne come up behind him and grab onto his cloak. Her nerves were starting to get the better of her… Before he could turn to say something to her, the door swung open again and the Knight Captain exited.
"They're ready for you", he said. "Approach the dais slowly. The Knight Justiciar will announce you to the court and will then introduce the court to you. Now enter."
He held the door open and ushered them in. Upon entering they marveled at the spectacle of the throne room. It stretched back a couple hundred feet, where they could the dais with the throne at its top. They could all see a figure seated in the throne with another figure on either side, but they were too far away to glean any details. The ceiling was at least twice as high as the area they had just come from, and they could see a second floor above the ground where a handful of spectators stood. Along the walls were a dozen or so armored knights staring straight ahead emotionlessly.
As they approached the dais they saw another figure at its base dressed in black armor, and heard a voice echo throughout the chamber. "Welcome, visitors from Camelot!" They noticed it was the man standing at the base of the dais, and noted his black armor had three golden stripes along the chest. The Knight Justiciar who was the introduce them.
"You stand before members of the Imperial family!", he continued. "His Majesty, Prince Ares the First, son of Alexander!", he said, motioning to the figure that stood on the left of the throne. They were close enough to now see that he was a boy, appearing to be in his early teens with near shoulder-length blonde hair, pale skin, and dark red eyes, almost the color of blood. He was dressed in black armor similar to the knights, but his appeared to be a lighter version. The armor didn't extend down the arms, instead stopping at a shoulder pauldron on each side.
The Justiciar continued, "Her Majesty, Princess Athena the Second, daughter of Alexander and heir to the Imperial Throne!" He gestured to a girl standing on the right side of the throne who seemed to be slightly older than the prince. She wore armor almost identical to his, missing only the shoulder pauldrons. She had the same dark red eyes, and her strawberry blonde hair fell in front of her shoulders continuing to the middle of her arms. Her lips were dark red and her skin just as pale as the prince on the other side. If Merlin hadn't known any better, he could've mistaken her for a doll…
"And his Excellency, Alexander the Third, son of Athena, Emperor of Macedonia, rightful ruler of all Macedon!", the Justiciar proudly stated as he saluted with his arm cross his chest.
All of the knights in the throne room performed the same salute as the man who had been sitting in the throne, the Emperor, stood and walked to the edge of the dais. He was an imposing presence, standing at well over six feet tall with broad shoulders. His strawberry blonde hair was cut short, and he had a beard of the same color with the same blood-red eyes as his children. He wore the same black and gold armor as the knights, only his had regal adornments.
"Be at peace, all of you", he commanded as the knights dropped their salutes. "You three, approach."
Adrienne, Merlin, and Arthur all slowly approached the bottom of the dais as the Emperor stared directly at Adrienne.
"You there, it is poor manners to conceal yourself in the presence of a monarch", he stated.
She took a quick step back as both she and Arthur anxiously looked to Merlin, hoping he would have some answer. He sighed for a brief moment and then slowly nodded his head… Adrienne slowly removed her hood revealing her elven ears and the purple-gray skin she had been concealing to this point. The spectators in the court gasped in disbelief. Prince Ares made a look of disgust as Princess Athena seemed more intrigued. Emperor Alexander simply squinted and said, "And what is this creature you've brought before me?"
Unsure of how to react Adrienne didn't say a word, she simply looked to the ground. Arthur began stuttering trying to answer but was cut off by Merlin. "Y-your Excellency, this is Adrienne. S-she's actually our leader!"
Emperor Alexander chuckled slightly in response. "If you say that the dark elf leads you, then so be it. But I will speak only with you", he said looking at Merlin.
"Uh, y-yes your Excellency!", Merlin nervously replied.
The Emperor continued, "I decided to meet with you personally because it is considered poor form for a monarch to ignore official visitors to their country. Do not think for a moment that I approve of you or your magic. I respect its power as I have seen it's destructive potential firsthand, but that does not mean that I have to like it."
"You've seen magic, your Excellency?", Merlin inquired.
"Indeed", he answered. "There was a time that I doubted its existence. And when I did see it for the first time, it was just cheap parlor tricks. But then came a time when some from your order had taken up arms alongside one of our enemies…"
"I see…", Merlin responded.
"I lost many of my closest friends and retainers to your kind, which is why I despise your magic, but I recognize that you should be the ones that deal with these interlopers on my land. Frankly, I care not if you all die, so long as the problem is solved."
The three recoiled slightly. Everything that they were told turned out to be true. There was no love for them here. They were simply pawns meant to serve their purpose.
"I understand, your Excellency… If you'll please tell us where the rogues are, then we'll be on our way…", Merlin stated.
"They have taken up residence in an abandoned fortress to the north of here, Northpoint Fortress", he replied, annoyed. "It had fallen into a sorry state, which is why I had sent a team of knights and engineers there to repair and garrison it once again."
"But they were attacked…", Merlin said, shakily.
"Precisely. Many were killed. I might enjoy it if you captured them so that I could execute them myself, but at this point I just want the matter resolved. Unfortunately, Northpoint is a few days ride from here and you've arrived late in the afternoon… As a gesture of goodwill, I will permit the two of you and the dark elf to rest here in the castle tonight. At dawn you will depart with an escort. Once the problem is taken care of, I want you gone. Do you understand?"
"Yes, your Excellency! We appreciate your hospitality", Merlin said, trying to remain cordial.
"Good. Now a steward will show you to a- "
"Father", Princess Athena had spoken up, interrupting the Emperor. "Perhaps they don't need our knights to escort them to Northpoint. I could show them the way."
"Absolutely not! It's far too dangerous for you to battle with those cretins!", he responded.
"I don't mean to engage them in combat, Father. I would only act as a guide. Think of it this way; it would be valuable scouting experience for me, especially if you intend to have me lead our forces one day!", the Princess replied.
"Hmmm", the Emperor pondered.
"And if it's just me with them, we can get to Northpoint faster, meaning the job is done faster, and they're gone faster!", she added.
"You've made your point, Athena. But the answer is still no. There will be other, more appropriate, opportunities for you to gain scouting and battle experience", he responded.
Princess Athena remained quiet for a few moments, slowly looking down on the trio as a sly grin crept across her face. "As you wish, Father…", she said finally.
- In Serial165 Chapters
Pandemonium of a Lazy Soul
A Soul who became lazy over time has to now try and not die for 25 years before he can go back to his home, where he can be as lazy and not be subjected to more tests and trials.-----------------------------------------------Tags: No harem(harem sect please go away), System/LitRPG, Slow start.-----------------------------------------------Please do advise me if you find any logical mistakes, but don't try to enforce your idea into my novel. I appreciate good feedback as all of you can guess English is not my first language and this is my first time writing a novel.This novel is aimed at a certain target audience.Try to observe and interpret, very closely for any foreshadowing or clues I leave about many things in this novel and connect them like a puzzle before I reveal it to truly enjoy my novel.But do ask me questions and I will answer them. I like people who ask question and talk in my comment section.---------------------------------------------- A big thanks to dragozx1 for drawing me the cover picture.Check out his page:https://www.fiverr.com/dragozx1/draw-character-designs-in-my-art-style----------------------------------------------- Check out the wiki for my novel. Note it was recently created any almost all information is missing from it. I would be glad if some of you could assist me in adding in info.https://pandemonium-of-a-lazy-soul.fandom.com/wiki/Pandemonium_of_a_Lazy_Soul_Wiki
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