《Unknown Dimension》Chapter 4 A fantasy world.


I knocked on dirt and dragged me into the room, luckily the door was closed however I should not turn on the TV, my wife had put on very transparent curtains, I have always told her to put a set of dark curtains with the transparent ones so that people find it difficult to see inside...

"Since you don’t know what you're talking about, I put the light curtains because the house looks better with these curtains!” I said imitating my wife's voice.

“Now I must suck, because of that hard head! " I thought annoyed, the worst thing is that I'm the same.

"Today I was supposed to have a quiet day despite being Monday. Many people on the internet have entered the Unknown Dimension without too much trouble, but I enter this Club and the world is over!" I thought to myself.

I crawled to the back room, closed the door gently. Turn on the laptop and go to Timmy Chrome. With regret I discovered that it had no signs of the internet or to be more accurate there was no light and if there is no light there is no internet. I decided to text my wife to see if she was okay. I looked everywhere and then I found out, that my cellphone wasn't here. Then I began to think when it was the last time I used my cell phone and then I remembered the mechanical voice that spoke to me before seeing the deer explode. This one told me I'd raised a level. At the moment I thought it might be a joke of the girl or of the Unknown Dimension.

"If I really did win a level it could be that the Unknown Dimension became a video game dimension? So, if I have a level, I should have some features like in video games where I can see my status" I thought. Then I said:


"Status menu!" In front of me opened a blue window that said:

Name: Bunny Bogs Anderson.

Level: 1

Title: Hero.

Innate Skill lv1: Absorber.

Job: Security officer.

Fatigue: 0 %

Hp: 100.

Mp: 100.

Strength: 5 pts.

Agility: 7 pts.

Sense: 10 pts.

Vitality: 7 pts.

Intelligence 10 pts.

Exp: 1000 pts.

Next Level: 2000 pts.

Remaining Points: 3.

Dimensional box lv 1.

As I focus my attention on the hero title, a window appears that said:

"Hero (500% experience): Allows the holder of this title to learn or gain experience 5 times faster than normal people! "

"Woo!" I thought, everything I would have accomplished with a skill as magical as that when I started studying at the University. But then I focus my attention on the Innate skill a new window appears that said:

Innate Skill lv 1: Absorb: When touching a target, it can permanently absorb 1% of a chosen attribute, allowing you to understand how to create this attribute in your body and how to use it. Or increase the points of an existing one." Seeing this I wasn't sure what this would be like however I remembered Jack Kirby and Stan Lee's absorbing man Carl Crusher. However, the power of this subject was to take the form of any material he touched by absorbing the properties of that material, which if you think about it well is different from what it says here. Therefore, I would have to test this skill to see what it meant. Finally, I was curious to know how my work would influence my state this on said:

List of skills that is possessed by the Work security officer:

Adaptability: Be flexible and able to adapt to any situation. Versatility: ability to work in other areas and work on unusual schedules. Creativity: facilitates problem solving. Good fitness: You can run, jump and perform any other strenuous physics in any situation. Communicative Skills: the ability to communicate clearly and concisely with any living being. Observation Skills: ability to observe, perceive and analyze your environment. Combat Skills: Use and maintain any type of weapon. Cold head: The ability to conveniently direct activities, emotions and impulses


“ The first 3 skills made me feel very relatives to me or could say that they were directly related to my personality. The other skills on the list were things that during his time as a security officer, I had to pick up, for one reason or another.

Knowing that I really had a status menu with abilities or attributes, I decided that I should devise a plan to survive.

Then I went to the back yard and decided to try the fourth skill, I ran unheated from one side to the other as quickly as possible by jumping back and forth, so I discovered that I was in my most optimal condition.

I couldn't prove skill 5 right now.

Look everywhere to see if I could find something to inspire me, I pass my eyes on the deer antler, discover that these had a sharp side like the blade of a sword, which means that if I had grabbed it from that side, I would probably have cut off my hand, luckily I grabbed it in the safest part of the horn avoiding that it will cut me. So, I realized that my observational ability had improved.

Take the antlers of the deer is type was Gamo, which have the shape like a crown or equal to a very wide blade, shaped like the leaf or the Chinese sword Dadao,which have large blade usually between 60.96 and 91.44 centimeters long which is usually used to two handsand is usually used by troops corn little training or none. Deer antler velvet unlike Dadao these were the size needed to be handled as catana. Which meant I could use them as such, as I had trained myself with a foam katan, with YouTube videos as best as possible.

I have to admit that I would have liked to train more with a real sword, but there were 3 very important impediments, so as not to be able to continue with that route.

Number one: the recommendations of the internet indicaban that being this a weapon are not minutes to practice with them, since these are extremely sharp and an accident with them can be fatal and the price of bokken here in my country equals half my salary per fortnight.

Third my wife doesn't like me having guns in the house, so obviously I would have saved up to buy the real Katana with the respective care logically.

I looked at the last skill, and I realized that this one was in effect because if I think about it, I was very calm even though my world had become a fantasy world as stories I had seen on the internet.

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