《Magic Barbarian》Chap 13: Papaya's Library Adventure
Papaya now had two companions in her adventure, the two academy professors Wiltoh of swordsmanship and Mivera of magic
as they were journeying across Alwyn's cobblestone street, Papaya took the time to thank the two for aiding her,
Mivera politely answered
"no thanks necessary Amazon, I was curious about this kingdom you seek anyway, imagine a land amongst the stars that would be quite
the sight"
Wiltoh offered his reasons
"I was meaning to go on a little trip outside as well, I haven't been on a quest for some time now and it seems the opportunity presented
the group then continued on walking towards the great library and Papaya was able to see the sights offered by the kingdom, first, they passed
by the bustling markets and saw the wares offered by the merchants, this new sight made Papaya excited as this was the first time she had
seen another land's place of selling, she had something similar as well in the amazon's lands, but the Amazon's way of selling was more
like bartering rather than using the curious looking items known as coins, to Papaya's eyes seeing coins was a rather novel way to acquire
goods and she was planning to try it out when she goes home after finishing her quest, Mivera had noticed the gleam in her excited eyes as she
observes a man in the act of purchasing goods, she then offered to demonstrate it by taking the Amazon and giving her 3 coppers for a loaf
of bread sold by a nearby baker, Papaya then took the coins and then slowly gave it to the vendor who gave her an especially large loaf
Wiltoh chuckled while Papaya nibbled on the loaf,
"so this is how you people trade goods?"
said the Amazon
"very interesting!"
Papaya's group then continued on their way and crossed over fron the markets to Alwyn's great piers, large ships of all
sizes could be seen but the interesting thing to see on this pier is that it was a hub that connects to the sea, to the land and even to the air sea-going ships, land-going ships and even airships could be seen floating above and this sight awed the Amazon, Wiltoh then explained,
The amount of ships that pass by here is staggering, this port is the reason why Alwyn is a country unlike any other, Papaya took in the
sights with Wiltoh and Mivera, the Amazon watched as porters loaded wooden carts and barrels full of goods as the port bustled on with its usual
activity, she watched as ferry passengers strode up on the gangplank with the intent to ride the boat to some exotic destination, the port was
large and vast, typical due to its status as a pier to hold all sorts of ships, up above she could see airships floating above Mireva took the
time to explain that the ships were enchanted with potent wind magic that made it float above the air, Wiltoh then explained that though there are
airships around the seagoing ship still are present because the magic required to make an airship float wears off after some time, that's was why
seagoing ships are more economical, as for land going ships the technology that makes vessels that can travel across the land was made possible due to
the machines invented by the technologically advanced Orodos. the kingdom of machines, Wiltoh then said
"I was able to travel there once.... the place was a marvel to see you could see mechanical things everywhere, perhaps you would go see it for yourself?"
the group then were now on the gates leading to the residences of the citadel and Papaya could see houses as far as the eye could see, the place
was decked with cottages and the streets were lined with cobblestones. trees were planted in an orderly fashion along the streets and living spaces and white
stone could be seen on the houses,
Mivera then took her turn explaining the area
"this area, the streets the trees and the houses were built using magic by the best craftsmen using spells that could shape stone, the king wanted
to build a beautiful centerpiece for his kingdom namely the residential district and tapped the finest craftsmen and planners to help him do it"
Wiltoh then pointed out the outer boundaries and then the party were able to locate the Library of Alwyn, the building was particularly immense
and was laden with white marble shaped by spells to form designs that impressed the eyes, Mivera then went first greeting the female librarian who
immediately recognized her and returned the gesture,
"ahh lady Mivera of the academy, here again to your usual?"
Mivera then courteously bowed and told the bespectacled librarian
"this visit is going to be something different Anea referring to the librarian"
"I'm here to find a special book that contains a certain curious information that my Amazon friend here is seeking"
Anea's eyes then slightly widened
"Oh my! an Amazon? I've only read about you in books"
she then looked Papaya in curiosity and asked curiously
"Is it true? that you amazons can fell an elephant in one strike with a spear? or shoot an arrow into the eye of a bird?"
Papaya then smiled and merely was silent, Mivera then had to interrupt
"We'd love to acquaint you with my friend here Anea, but we have a book to find"
Anea then turned to Mivera and then said
"yes of course... which book is lady Mivera looking for in particular?"
Mivera then explained
"that is what I'm hoping you would answer, I'm willing to surmise that you read most of the books of this library since you keep these books
in order?"
Anea then fixed her glasses in place and exclaimed
"yes that is correct....but...I've only read less than half of the books here and that is considerable since I've worked these halls for years
that is just how large this library is, I could ask the entire staff of librarians for any particular book you have in mind"
Mivera then
pressed Anea for her help narrating Papaya's travels and her encounter with Wiltoh and herself, the librarian then took off
her spectacles and wiped it with a cloth she procured from her pouch quite impressed with the story told by Mivera.
"that's quite the adventure you've had Amazon, alright I will seek the help of the others"
this made the three in the party pleased as they had gone all across the country merely to find a book and now were relieved that they were
at the end of their little mission,
Anea procured a messaging crystal and called forth all the librarians working at the colossal building, speaking on the
shining spell enchanted artifact she spoke and transmitted a summon to heed her call calling forth most of the staff nearby, a total of five
people came and stood there in line as Anea prepared them, Wiltoh then asked Anea
"well? not being rude but we do need to find that book immediately"
Anea then smiled "first though you have to pass a test"
"What test?"
asked Wiltoh
"we librarians consider ourselves guardians of knowledge and every once in a while we find adventurers looking for information in these halls
they need to show us that they are worthy to receive that knowledge"
Mivera then spoke
"what is the test then?"
Anea then explained
"the test is quite easy, you will have to locate and capture all six of us while we are hidden in the library
"a game of hide and seek and capture the target?"
asked Papaya
"that is correct!" said Ania excitedly
all six of the library staff including Ania then lined up as Anea explained the rules,
"we will be hidden all over the library but it won't end there, you will have to capture us one by one, we don't want to
make it too easy for you wouldn't we?"
Wiltoh and Mivera looked at each other and then went to Papaya
"don't worry Amazon we will be with you on this"
Anea then fixed her glasses and then beckoned to the five
are you three ready now?
Papaya, Wiltoh and Mivera then braced themselves in positions ready to
"let's start now!
as Papaya and her two companions burst into a sprint they immediately could tell that this won't be an easy task as the six
Librarians immediately scattered some doing backflips while others doing cartwheels all away from them, disappearing into the
vast network of bookshelves and in an instant Papaya's party found themselves alone in the hall of the great library,
all three of them then discussed their plans
Wiltoh going first
"we should be splitting up to find them one by one"
the two nodded and they went on their separate ways
Papaya sprinted through the library finding some Library visitors along the way but did not even see a flash of the robe of a librarian
Wiltoh ran and checked every corner he could see around the shelves but fared no better
"Blast! he cursed how can these book clerks be so good at hiding?"
on Mivera's end she looked around atop the bookshelves carefully surveying across the library but all she could find was a vast sea of
bookshelves and no Librarian in sight.
all three then dejectedly went back to the front of the hall and then huddled to discuss another better plan
Wiltoh turned to Mivera
"do you have any spells that remove or locate concealment?"
Mivera then answered
"In fact I do,"
Mivera then chanted and cast a spell that covered the entire library and
immediately they saw one of the librarians appearing in front of them
hiding behind a chair
"his concealment now undone he merely chuckled
"good work finding me! good luck taking me in!"
he then backflipped as Wiltoh attempted to capture him and then disappeared behind the shelves still nimbly flipping in the air
"well that's one of them we found..."
"at least we don't have to worry about finding them now"
said Mivera
Papaya the picked up her bow and arrow and notched the arrow ready to catch the hiding librarians, Wiltoh and Mivera catching up to her
Mivera readied her staff enchanting their weapons with electricity,
"with this, we'll be able to stun our targets and capture them easily"
Wiltoh swirled his sword the sparks flying all over and went ahead
as the three formed a triangular formation to anticipate their targets movements, the library visitors watching them as they search the
immense building for the library staff they are supposed to capture,
then one popped out of the shelves and showed herself, Papaya immediately on to her and loosed a lightning enchanted arrow with the point dulled
to hit the target, anticipating this the woman merely cartwheeled out of harm's way and nimbly ran off to the side with the three in hot pursuit
"Wait!!" said Witoh "she's so fast!" how can these book clerks be so agile?!?
after some walking Wiltoh then notices one in hiding and told the other two secretly not letting himself act in a way the target would know
then in a quiet tone, he told the other two, "I found one, behind the stairs"
the three then huddled in a circle and then discussed their plans
"Mivera you go to the left, I will go to the right and flush him out then you can use the stun arrows Papaya"
the two nodded and then went off, Papaya then stood some spans away (meters) and waited like a huntress that she was, she remembers her time
hunting among the jungles of her home and this was no different from what she was accustomed to, Wiltoh then cried out
"NOW!" and charged into the stairs with Mivera to his left the librarian then having been found out jumped out and ran towards Papaya who was hiding
behind a table and shot her arrow stunning the oncoming book clerk,
"that's one down!" said Mivera as they huddled to the still limp body of the clerk, then promptly helped up by Wiltoh
the clerk then stood up still stinging with the stun arrow and dusted himself off
"well done! you have five more to go, adventurers"
Papaya then went off with her companions to locate the other five
it did not take long before they spotted another one who was jumping and stepping over the bookshelves at breakneck speed,
there's one! said Mivera as they broke off into hot pursuit once more. Mivera then cast a slow spell to impede the fleeing target chanting
under her breath and flinging the spell hitting the librarian, Wiltoh then acted fast and flew his sword swinging with a swing that could only
be skillfully done by a master swordsman and arced his lightning enchanted sword disabling the target and scoring them a second librarian,
"that was not fair! said the lady librarian on the ground still immobile except for her parting lips
"Mivera then countered"
"Oh yes it was, don't be so cross for your part you didn't make it easy for us"
the lady librarian then slowly stood up and then returned to where the still waiting the last librarian was but not before saying to the party
"Humph! you have four more to go! be wary of the twins they're tricky!"
Wiltoh then uttered "Twins?"
"I did recall that there were two identical looking ladies among the library staff," said Mivera, though I wonder what she meant by tricky"
Papaya then readied her bow and checked her arrows earlier enchanted by Mivera and then led the two forward beckoning them to go forward and
locate the last four,
it took some hours of searching but they had finally found another of their target hiding in a pile of unsorted books and true enough through the luck
of the gods they were twins
"the twins then formed themselves synchronously and then were waiting for the three to capture them,
Wiltoh was cautious " it can't be this easy can it?"
Mivera dismissed him "they're there all we have to do now is to immobilize them, gesturing to Papaya to use her arrows which the Amazon did
but as the Amazon loosed her arrows Wiltoh turned out to be right as the two targets parted and flipped in quick succession, their movements
too fast and as the two backflipped and somersaulted Papaya could not make heads or tails on how to aim much less shoot another arrow, the
two twins were just too nimble and fast.
Mivera tried casting a slow spell to mitigate the two but her spell simply could not hit their mark, after spinning around the
party the twins then each of them blew a kiss towards the party and then disappeared into the library, leaving the party dumbfounded
Mivera was at a loss of words, looking at her two companions while Wiltoh was still dizzy with confusion, Papaya recovered and then
said "What just happened? twins made me confused"
Mivera then noticed and explained to her two companions, it's a confusion spell. they cast it on us when they were running away.....
one was distracting us while the other was casting it.
"so that was what happened....how do we counter it?" asked Wiltoh"
Mivera grabbed a small spellbook from her pouch and explained, "I shall cast a spell of unbinding and disrupt them so you two must act as my shields
while I cast it. In all likelihood they would notice and try to interrupt me, fortunately, I have you two to prevent that"
the three then tried once more looking for the twins among the narrow paths among the bookshelves and found them once more standing in one place
giggling, then dashing once more but this time Papaya and the others were ready as they moved in to intercept them, Wiltoh and Papaya immediately
felt the effects of the confusion spell as their senses dulled once again but still held adamant, their sight spinning and almost making them
blackout then in an instant their seeing cleared up as Mivera finished her counterspell, surprising the two twins, Papaya then promptly struck out her
spear also enchanted with the lightning element the same with Wiltoh's sword and struck their targets down easily, now they had four and only two were
left, clapping could be heard from the top of the bookshelves prompting them to look at their audience seeing the last two Ania and an elderly gentleman
beside her
"you have done splendidly Mivera's group! you captured four of us, and within a very short time to add to that too, so I'm changing the task
instead of finding us you will have to beat me and Liomos here in a free for all battle, Mivera protested "that was not what we agreed upon!"
Papaya took note of Mivera's hesitance to accept the challenge" Wiltoh also had reservations which made the Amazon ask "what's wrong?, they only two
while we are three, we have the advantage!"
Mivera then said "the librarians are very adept at spellcasting I would not take them likely" Wiltoh then grabbed her on the shoulder and said
"we can take them! now let's get this done" and then went forward Mivera then asked Papaya "What do we do now Amazon?"
Papaya then decisively stamped her foot down and went forward beside Wiltoh "we do this!"
Mivera encouraged by the two then cried out to the two remaining librarians then also went forward yelling to the two above
"WE ACCEPT!" all three then readied themselves for battle, the other captured librarians were now on the scene watching intently the ensuing battle,
Papaya was the first to charge as she leaped on top of the bookshelves to engage the two opponents brandishing her spear she then went forward and saw
the two librarians concentrating on casting their spells, Wiltoh and Mivera down below also leaped onto the top of the bookshelves and ran towards the
chanting spellcasters, aiming to intercept them before they could cast their spells, Papaya was first to come near them but as she was ready to engage
a large construct appeared before her, twice the size it was an amalgam of books formed into a humanoid form, Ania then cried out saying
"you did not think it would be that easy did you Amazon?"
Papaya struck her spear into the large humanoid puppet made of books and parchment but found it not even flinching one bit from the stab of her spear
jumping upwards she stabbed into its head but no matter how skillfully her strikes were her opponent was not of flesh and blood, Wiltoh and Mivera
arrived at the scene to help out the beleaguered Amazon and lent their sword and magic to her
Wiltoh slamming his sword on the construct's torso to no effect, Mivera cried out to both
"swords and spears are of no use here! only magic!" then cast a fireball spell towards the hulking pile of paper and books intending to
burn it Mivera was then surprised as the creature simple brushed off the flames engulfing it and lumbered on towards them,
"Wiltoh looked at the two librarians and saw that they were now chanting spells augmenting the formidable creature they had summoned against them
and looked to Mivera "take down the source!" gesturing to the two spellcasters, Papaya saw the wisdom in this and then flanked the creature intending
to take down the still chanting librarians the creature spread its arms wide to protect its masters but it was only alone and could not guard against
flanking opponents eventually despite the creatures protecting the two, Papaya was able to get through and attacked Ania, only to be deterred by a
magic barrier protecting the mage, Mivera saw this and immediately cast a spell of dispelling to remove Ania's protection only to be countered in
turn by Ania's partner who simply recast another barrier spell to replace the lost one, the old man chuckled
seeing the barrier that the other mage had cast Papaya then leaped back to safety away from the swiping arms of the summoned creature
protecting the two librarians readying her spear she prepared to defend from the attacks of the giant construct in front of her Wiltow also retreats
to regroup with Papaya and Mivera, meanwhile, Ania changed her chanting to cast a different spell Ania cast several
fireballs towards Papaya and her companions blowing up the bookshelves as Papaya and her group scramble to dodge the projectiles,
Mivera then cried out
"aren't you worried about destroying your library?!"
Ania simply said
"Oh don't worry a quick tidying spell will undo all the damage!"
then continued casting her spells towards them
Wiltoh then noticed
something and mentioned it to his compatriots.
"one of them is casting the spell that's holding up that pesky creature!" pointing to the giant humanoid pile of books and parchment
"If we interrupt the casting we'll get a free shot in," Wiltoh said as he prepared his sword for a charge,
Papaya and Mivera then understood his intentions and then went along with him,
one of them must distract the creature while the others charge in,
"Wiltoh then charged in and swung his sword towards the creature and slashed it keeping it distracted
Papaya and Mivera then ran towards the two mages Papaya readying her spear to strike while Mivera closed her eyes concentrating on the spell
she was casting,
Ania seeing them then cast a firewall separating the Amazon from her and the old man. Mivera then released her spell, another dispelling spell
to counter the binding spell that the old-man had cast on the creature all Papaya, Wiltoh and Mivera all then saw the spell holding up the
creature weakening as the creature struggled to remain material, it's parts slowly becoming undone and falling apart, Ania's partner struggled to
keep the creature material but this was prevented by Papaya who now jumped across the firewall and then attacked both mages with a technique
double strike, striking both mages with her lightning enchanted spear both felled down disabled by the electric shock, Mivera and Wiltoh rejoiced
their task now done as all four librarians captured and the last two defeated.
Ania slowly rose to her feet and congratulated the three,
"Well done adventurers, your task is complete, though I do say it was done a little too roughly...."
Mivera and Wiltoh let out a slight smile while looking at Papaya who merely smirked,
Wiltoh now then asked "so now can we use your help in locating that book?
Ania with all five of the librarians then listened intently to Papaya's request
"Papaya is looking for a book that shows where a kingdom among the stars is located"
all five then took their turns in telling what they know, the first one Ania spoke first
"hmmm, I'm afraid I can't help you there, I'm stumped I've read a lot of books and this is the first time I've heard of that request.
the second one spoke and then was also the same
"I've read logs of flying airships like the ones found in the great pier flying a little higher than they have should but not of anything else...."
the twin also returned the same
"We've not read anything about that.....we read castles held aloft by a giant balloon up in the skies but not of anything else.....
the fifth one also proved fruitless
"I've only read something about flying mountains up in the sky....."
Papaya was then beginning to feel distraught seeing that their trip was for naught when she heard the oldest librarian speak
"yes, of course, I've read about something called a land amongst the stars, it was a very long long time ago when I was still a young man..."
Wiltoh then pressed some more out of the old man
"could you elaborate on that? it might be what we've been looking for"
the old-man then sat and spoke
"the book is very old even more than me, it was an old musty tome I had found here when I was still new to this place"
Mivera took her turn asking the elderly man
"could you tell more about what you can recall?"
the old man then stroked his chin trying to recall what he had remembered about the story
"It was about an adventurer who managed to reach a peculiar land.....according to the story
he was lifted high above the highest clouds and when he stood aloft he could see the entire continents
below him and the things he brought with him would float mysteriously even without the aid of magic"
Papaya was eager to know more,
"Tell more old-man, about story"
the old-man then paused some more trying to recall
"he reached a floating land that was wreathed in metals and that the air itself was non-existent that he had to
use a special artifact to breathe properly....that is all that I can recall... you'll have to find the book to know more
it is somewhere around here in the great library"
Mivera then looked at the great expanse of the ocean of books that they must wade through to just find the book in question
the lady professor then voiced her fears
"that could take us months to just find"
Ania then added
"yes you are right I'm afraid....even with the book organization system we use to find certain tomes, not all books are documented
here it is just that vast"
Papaya was now distraught feeling that she reached a dead-end the old man then offered a solution,
"I do know of a way to find it, it is a special spell that finds a certain tome and returns it to
the caster, but I have to be the one to cast it since I am the only one who knows the story....
the spell works by using the memory stored in my mind and then locates and sifts the same
words in the library"
Mivera then recognized the spell
"from what I've heard that spell must be written and used in parchment for it to work....."
"very astute of you lady Mivera..." said the old man
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Galactic Garbage Station
Su Jing, after the graduation, run up against the wall, discouraged, he returned to his home to adjust the mood. Then he discover that his own backyard had become the Galactic Garbage Station. Every day lots of trash appears, some are from Tomb of God, Battle Through the Heavens, Coiling Dragon, One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, X-Men, Captain America, Iron Man, and other novels, animes, and Marvel universes. As the garbage station owner, Su Jing has to process these trash duty. From the beginning, he thought it’s a hard and unprofitable task, afterwards, he discovered that’s his whole life found the most beautiful cushy job.Thank you for reading novel Galactic Garbage Station @ ReadWebNovels.net
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“Father, are we there yet?” asked the child, “Yes very near” They arrived at an abandoned cabin about the size of a shack, with no windows and only a single bolted door, “Go on have a peek your presents there” egged his father, The child hurriedly peeked on the key hole, but What greeted the child was not a present but an empty cabin, full of molds with the smell of wet wood permeating the air. Confused, the child decided to turn back but was pushed inside instead. “Father?” Asked the child, who feel on his buttocks, a hint of fear, obvious in his wide open eyes. “I’ll be giving your present now” his father replied, unbuckling his belt, grinning at the horrified expression of his son. A Silent Protest
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Ph. D. In Sorcery
Follow Anastasia, the unlucky physicist turned wizard, as her reality gets turned upside down and she is plunged into a world of gods, magic, swords, and adventure. Short and sweet description, anything more would be a spoiler and I detest those. Now, what you can expect from reading: This is my first time writing, or better said allowing someone else to read that mess so don’t raise your expectations too much. Still, I will try to keep the story flowing, while also devoting as much time as I can to editing. In my opinion, the story is written at a faster pace than normal with time skips here and there. I will do my best to not allow the faster pace to ruin the story by using those time skips to raise the skill of the main character. I am mainly looking for feedback while I test myself in new and unexplored waters. I did put a lot of thought into worldbuilding and the magic system, it is something that has been mulling inside my head for years before I sat down to write anything down. First and foremost I am an engineer and not a writer. I will try to do my utmost to make the world logical and consistent, but sometimes I might not express that in a way that’s clearly understood. I have a rough outline with several possible endings, but the story will change and evolve as I do. But in case I have to stop for whatever reason, the story will get an ending. It will be done even if I have to send coded messages from a bunker. I am a big fan of the Dresden Files so you can be certain that everything mentioned will in most cases be used, with a few red herrings sprinkled in the mix. But that also means I will enjoy putting the main character through the meat grinder while I eat popcorn and laugh from my evil lair. Physics, and to be more precise electromagnetism, quantum field theory, general and special relativity are very interesting topics for me that I research in my spare time. That means that the premise of the story will be using that research to bring logic to magic. Stupid I know, magic is magic, but to me, there is no reason why there shouldn’t be a concrete set of rules there. But it is still magic and that allows me to play with some things that shouldn’t normally be possible. I will focus on evolving the main character and having her react as anyone normal would, from my perspective. There will be scenes of battle, gore, and sexy times, but I will not go into too many details, counting on your imagination to fill the gaps. There will be plenty of combat, even battles ranging from a few dozen, a hundred, and thousands of participants. I could go on but there isn’t much to say that would convince anyone to read, either you thought the title was cool or you liked the poster. Or not, but after several days in photoshop, that’s the best I could do. And the title was originally Sorceress with a Ph.D. The new one makes a little less sense but I like the ring of it more for some reason. I just hope someone enjoys what I write as much as I do. In the end that is the reason, I am doing this, because I enjoy putting my thoughts on paper and seeing the outcome. Credit for the art: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/e0o8nw
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The Tower of Opportunity - Rewrite
Criminals from around the world are summoned by a mysterious being who informs them that they only have 3 months left to live unless they climb the mysterious tower that lies before them, through which they can gain another two weeks added to their lifespan for every floor conquered. They soon discover that they can harness powers that have been granted to them by this mysterious being to not only achieve victory against the enemies that they will face in the tower, but also attain their deepest and darkest desires as well. Watch our protagonist's journey through the tower as he struggles to endure the curse he bears, one which damns him to ever-repeat his climb to the top of the tower, until he succeeds. *** This is a rewrite of a story I started writing about 3 months ago which was written in the third person, and this rewrite shifts the story perspective to the first person. There will be occasional user polls to decide how the story progresses, interspersed throughout the story, and the polls that were done in the original version will still apply to the current version. Also if you have any suggestions for story ideas that you would like to see incorporated, leave a comment about it, and they might show up in the future. Lastly, I hope you enjoy the story, and thanks for reading. P.S. Thanks to gej302 for the cover art.
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A Destructive Incarnation
Hey there... It's me.The narrator of this story. I'm here to convince you to read this. Why you ask? Because it has Allen. Who is Allen?What is Allen? Why is Allen?Where is Allen?When is Allen?...Is there any other question words left.Ah yes ... How is Allen?That's important as well. Well,all these questions will be answered if you read it.Intrested yet? No? What if I say this is an isekai? It is one, Definitely.*wink wink Still no?What if I say there is a harem?All of them have happy endings as well... Definitely *wink wink Wait... Don't go yet. I don't want to be lonely. I have OP MC, cute girls, Really bad villains who gets trashed by the MC,the classic system and level ups and the RPG stuffs well.Read this story and we will be friends beyond the fourth wall. That's pretty much it.(This is fucking embarrassing) If you still decide not to read this story.I guess I can only say that I couldn't manage to change my fate. Authors Note : Thank you Fuyu Dust for the cover. Here is the link if you want to go check his thread.
8 120 - In Serial23 Chapters
Coming Soon | Jam Festival
A new festival is in the works. Please stay tuned.Writing a novel alone can be difficult, even for seasoned writers. Jam Festival is designed to help you track your progress, set milestones, connect with other writers in a vast community, and participate in an event that is designed to help you finish your novel.
8 156