《A Master, 5 Students, and Revenge [AM5SR]》8 - °Divinity for 'Chosen Ones'°
"Gods' stones come in different variations, but mainly in hues of blue and red. They may be called stones, but they are more like crystals. These stones have an intriguing way of coming to us. From the knowledge passed down, and research from the University of Divinity, the stones sprout from our earth and they occupy the center of their carriers, and their carriers come in the form of flowers."
To say that Gin was excited, would be an understatement. Crude as the situation was, right at that moment, he, a farmer's boy, was being imparted with information that shouldn't have had anything to do with him. Yet, there he was. His eyes glistened, but his mind showed no mercy by how it was failing to comprehend what he was hearing.
Crystals that sprout as flowers? That must definitely be a sight to see. Gin had read and heard of strange phenomenons, but those were easy to be disentangled with. Although, when the strangeness starts knocking at your door, it becomes terribly hard to wrap one's mind around. And, University of Divinity? The level of obsession over this Art must indeed be great to have such a big establishment dedicated to it. Gin honestly never knew what to expect, and he was glad that he didn't.
"Once the stones are collected, they are then stored in special Vessels. The selection of candidates to gain the Divine Art used to be easy, essentially all Schools of Life would gather proper candidates, and those candidates would be taken to awaken their Divinity.
"Now, well, if you have the necessary funds, then you can acquire it. However, you need to have the right foundation for it. The Noble Ward has the easiest access to the Schools which teach 'potential' candidates the Foundation for the Divine Art. And, those Schools are the only ones that can build the said foundations."
Il San stopped his speech as he continued to walk with Gin. He knew he needed to give the boy some time to digest the information. It wasn't easy to process the unknown facts and the brittle twists of what he had thought were common knowledge. Gin would have thanked Il San profusely if he had known this, his mind was already buzzing and making nauseating movements.
Some of the information was light enough to digest and helped him correct the bits and missing pieces about the Divine Art, but most of it made little sense. The Art needed a catalyst, the candidates needed a foundation, the Noble Ward got all the good stuff heavily self-contained there. However… What did a proper candidate entail, especially on the part of the 'Foundation'? Were the Schools of Life different from the University or were they a branch of said University?
It was common for singular schools in various regions of Yerek, where official scholar candidates got their primary education, to exist separately from the higher education establishment like the Royal University. The only difference being, those with remarkable results from their letters sent to the First Principles Order—a facility in the Royal Capital founded in remembrance of Sir Keran the first principle of a local school dedicated for official scholar candidates—could easily enter the University for further developments. The official scholar candidates needn’t go to the University as the studies they received from the local schools were more than sufficient to snag a government post; provided, of course, that they top the ranks in the evaluation from the First Principles.
The one factor that made this work well for the candidates, was that they would get their studies from current official staff, but said officials held no weight to recommend the posts for the students as the First Principles did so and then followed by the appointment directly from the Palace. Therefore, even if a case of favoritism were to occur it wouldn’t take the current official or candidate far. Gin had wanted to try out this path, but he found that governance wasn’t his strongest suit, and the students rarely covered matters of literature or digests on peculiar matters or things of the Sado Era.
As for the former mentions, what were the vessels used to store such crystals like? Was holding the stones as they were dangerous? How was the flower 'collected', rather, as Gin believed this to be the right term, 'harvested'? On that note, was there a Divine Art Flower Farmer's Association in the myriad of things unknown to the common folk? Of course, Gin didn't have much time to ponder further as Il San went on.
"When the candidates are selected, they are taken to the University of Divinity and complete the Appointment Process by gaining the apprenticeship of a Priest. The Clergy are positioned at the beginning of the process of selection of the candidates, and the middle of Awakening the Divinity. Herein lies the crucial part," Il San stopped and turned his whole self to look at Gin.
Gin stumbled to a stop and fixed his gaze up at the old man. He had beyond half a dozen questions. So, the Schools of Life really didn't hold a candle to the University of Divinity, as they were for the preparation, whatever that was, of the students. However, Gin figured they were probably more than what he was being briefed about since something this big couldn't possibly hold so little. Also, additional personnel was involved other than Priests? So then, who were the Clergy? What position do the Priests play in the whole scenario, when disregarding what he previously knew? How come a lengthy process like the Divination of the Art, well, the Awakening of the Art, went unknown for so long? No, how about the other terms thrown at him, 'awakening', 'appointment process', and whatever else to come? Again, how come this wasn't known?!
"There are three opportunities for the Awakening of the Divine Art in people. These three times are important because that is when the Cosmic Flux events are more intense. These are showers of particular particles that fall to our Earth. They are the beginning and end of this world. They create and destroy. However, its destruction is obstructed by barriers that our gods had placed when the Second Descendants occurred for the creation of our very lives.
"When the shower happens, the candidates will be taken to the Palace where the Night of Immersion will be held. The candidates will each be given a gods' stone, and crash it. A fog-like substance will flow from the stone, we simply call it gods' dust, and be absorbed into the bodies of the candidates. The Flux particles that will be gathered in the area of the Night of Immersion will assist in the ease of absorption of the gods' dust. This will then start the process of the mutation, if you will, and the body's Divinity Properties will be awakened for the candidate to use the Divine Art. Common folks know this the 'Divination of the Art', if I'm not mistaken. However, the Divination comes as a separate process, altogether."
Il San paused again and stared at Gin. Gin had his mouth shut, the overflowing data frying his brain like a nice meat skewer. When Il San didn't continue to speak, he thought it was time for him to ask questions, however, Il San didn't give him the chance as he went on to share his last piece of knowledge for the time.
"The change isn't large or painful. No, in fact, it is filling. A missing part of you gets to finally be found and slowly accepted by the body. At most, you will feel a tingling sensation throughout the change which is then followed by comfort. When this is done, the candidates take a week for the completion of adjustments that the dust will make, and also the purification that the dust does for the body. Then, the Divinity will be fully awakened. Those who are in the School of Martial Arts will gain doubled strengths and some senses heightened.
"Those in the School of Thought will have their mental capabilities, such as increased information processing or power of memorization, raised to be twice that of their previous self. Those with crafting arts in the School of Crafts will have different creative abilities, and one of the said abilities is to reinforce their Vision back to the Earth. Say, if a Crafter wants a rose, they can draw it on a fine piece of paper, or bring it back to life—conjure it, as the School puts it—as another living species along with us. But, there are several imperfections with this, however, it's nonetheless miraculous. The Divine Art is impressive and much more than being compared to Gods, for us humans at least.
"Remember, these abilities may be great to our standards, but nowhere near what our gods can do. It's just a small smudge along the road of Divinity. But, that's just my thoughts on the matter."
With that, Il San suddenly pointed a finger to Gin's side. Gin followed the outstretched finger and with knitted brows, he saw a flower. He was confused at first, but when he finally registered the abnormality of the flower, his eyes widened.
'...the stones sprout from our earth and they occupy the center of their carriers, and their carriers come in the form of flowers.'
And, it was true. A beautiful flower was idly rooted there. At its center, it lacked a disc, stamen, or pistil, but had a crystal embedded in it. It's outstretched petals seeming to curve outwards to show its belly towards the sun. The sun's glow helped extend the magnificence of the crystal's color and the flower itself. Gin could have sworn the colors of the petals were changing.
"Is it..." Gin wanted to ask but stopped midway since what he was seeing was definitely real.
"Yes," Il San graciously offered, "the petals change colors following the time of day. Blue in the dawn and through the morning, yellow in the noon to dusk, and black under the night's sky."
The color had changed to a gentle blue. It was a lovely sight. To Gin's disappointment, however, the stem remained a regular green, meaning if no one was paying the flower any heed it would have been easily missed. Completely disregarded.
"Well, let's head back. We still need to do one more thing before you retire for the day."
Without waiting for him, Il San turned and made his way back to the estate. Gin was baffled, to say the least. The man did whatever he wanted! Return? Return where? How?! There was an earth-shattering flower there, at least give the boy a minute and a day to accept it!
If a second could be taken, he believed he had every right to ask some questions. He just got the answers to the Schools, their names, and possible meaning to the term 'Foundations', but some clarification would have been great! He also needed more detail about the Awakening of the Divinity. If he was going to be subjected to it, did that mean he was to be sent to the Palace? He highly doubted it. No, he hoped the high heavens he wouldn't. If the five were anything to go by, that meant that the chances of this were slim to none. Next key thing he really, greatly, needed to know, how was the flower 'harvested'? And, would he use the red or blue crystal, no, stone as his catalyst to divination? With this, what exactly was the difference between the two colored stones?!
Old fogey!
As if all the information he had just received was air, it flew out of Gin's mind as he fumed while following behind his Master. Putui! This vengeful old man! See if I'll get anywhere near your vicinity when we are done with all this!
"Master," Gin began with a humble tone not matching his true feelings, "I have several questions."
"Of course, you do. It would be rather strange if you didn't," Il San declared as they neared the estate.
Gaping at the response, Gin swallowed his indignation and went on, "Firstly, what does a proper candidate entail? From the Schools you mentioned—"
"Young Gin, all things in due time. I believe it would be beneficial if you take some time to study the materials I will provide for you. This way, you will get the answers you need, and will then be able to provide more challenging questions than those you have now," Il San not only interrupted but dismissed Gin's curiosity.
Scowling at the response this time, Gin had to say he was truly and utterly done! Over and finished! Sure, they were making fast progress towards wherever, but that didn't mean they didn't have time for some questions, oh mighty one! Why invite him to the land of the shoddiest of Arts and not provide proper education?! He was just a poor boy, with poorer questions, but still!
With all the emotions of being wronged, Gin saw himself being led to a secluded part of the Distant Jade. He then got to see an expanse of space filled with mats and various weapons lining its walls; the Training Hall. The whole floor could have fit his current room three times over. There were large lengthy windows at the opposite wall of them, and the hall held a brand new vibrance coming from it. Especially due to its spotless state. From the weapons he stared at, Gin bet that the wooden materials were made of the same Ash Wood that Spear talked of, and the metal had the same shine Flower and Kiri's weapons had.
"This will be a very simple test. I need to know what your current strength is." Il San announced as they walked into the hall.
Feeling an uneasy tingle, Gin put aside his renewed dissatisfaction with the Master and asked, "Master… From what you've taught me, and speaking of testing... Will I be venturing in the School of Martial Arts?" Yes, it was a useless question since he had known that this would be the outcome one way or another. But! it can't be denied that his eyes were opened to newer and broader horizons. There may be a singular possibility that he would, maybe could, delve into other Schools. Did he know what the Schools, as fascinating as they sounded, aside from the glaringly obvious School of Martial Arts entailed? Of course not, but Gin would be damned if he didn't voice it at this point!
True to his nature, Il San didn't say anything. He just threw a withering look at Gin, intending to say nothing.
"With all due respect, Master... I just thought that the, uh, School of Thought may be most suitable for me. I have no prior experience in Martial Arts, and I do believe that prior exposure to the Fighting Arts is essential, yes? So, it would be better to focus on what interests me for speedy development, wouldn't you say?" Gin smiled sweetly, sickeningly sweetly, as he tried to butter up to his Master. Grievances, like most negative emotions, should be put aside wholeheartedly in times of comradeship.
Il San all but ignored him as he went to the left side of the Training Hall. From Il San's small push at one of the spaced-out rows of wood, a small gap was revealed, and he lightly slid aside an obscure screen door open to reveal a larger collection of weapons packed neatly. From the gap where Gin could see the little he could, the hidden room extended to the length of the wall and width of a quarter of the Training Hall, which was still impressively large.
Gin saw weapons were placed in display cases, others leaning in elaborately decorated wooden racks different from the racks in the space he stood in. From where the door stopped, Gin could see a full warrior's armor he had seen only in paintings; it was polished and magnificent. Compared to the leather leg and arm guards that the border soldiers wore, the armor he ogled was too great and most definitely way, way, above their pay rank.
Seeing that, Gin stuffed his bitterness elsewhere and settled to look on at the room's craftsmanship instead. He wondered if all the walls were like the one Il San opened, and if so, he had to praise the exquisite design. However, why were those weapons hidden from view unlike the ones adorning the room? A good question, but he would first focus on letting go of all the wrongs in this world, and forgive with a clean and pure heart. The chantings for the aid of the gods of mercy and cleansing were reverberating in Gin's bitter, bitter, heart.
Il San stepped into the hidden room and soon after came back holding a total of four daggers. Leaving the space open, Il San made his way towards Gin. Seeing the daggers as the old man came closer, Gin had to admit that they were a fine piece of work. Unlike Flower's daggers which were ragged and worn with use, these were new and clearly untouched. Up close, Gin was able to see the vegetation carvings on the dagger. New, clear, and… definitely expensive!
How could they not be? They had to be hidden in a room of their own, so obviously, they had to fetch for something great. Gin quickly did some approximated math at how much they would cost. His starting price came from the most expensive thing he had ever seen costing 10 Jade Slips, a bloody enhanced growth seed from Farmer's- damned-to-the-blessed-underworld Galore. He added in Il San's name, the five legends, factoring in that the metal may as well be special… Yes, very expensive. So expensive in fact, he had to wonder how many months, if not years, the amount would feed him and another five, if not a hundred of him. The variable being, a single Jade Slip could feed a family of three for a good month; whereas gold for two weeks.
As if pricked, Gin looked at Il San who had on a deeper disdain filled gaze meant for him alone. Gin bet the old fogey had clearly seen the unsuccessful calculative expression on his face. Deciding to be as shameless as his Master, Gin pretended as if nothing had happened. Because honestly, what did happen?
Suddenly, four daggers were thrown on the ground with off-putting precision. A one-meter gap from each other. This was done with a simple toss from Il San, and the daggers lined up like good little soldiers. Gin had to rein in his sweat pores and reminded himself to be as unaffected as possible, even by sheer force, by every little thing gods knew he would faint from over excitement.
"Pick them up," a command from the old man wiggled it's way to Gin's ears unhindered.
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