《Apocalypse Remnant`》The plan


After discussing the plan Jason took a frying pan, a huge metal spoon and a bottle of cooking oil he got from one of the shelves.

"Be ready in 10 minutes" Jason called out as he walked towards the escalator that was still working.

He also grabbed a set of chopping knives from one of the shelves and got on the escalator. As he moved up to the first floor he turned around and jammed one of the knives to the escalator which was meant to go down towards the ground floor causing it to come to a screeching halt.

He opened the bottle of oil and poured it all on the area in front of the escalators.

"Let's make it nice and slippery eh!" murmured under his breath with a wide smile on his face.

Jason tiptoed and moved up another floor, the topmost floor was filled with games and a movie theatre, there were only a few zombies there. He looked around and took out his mobile phone to check the time.

"Let's wait a few more minutes" He gazed at the gaming zone and found that in one of them a group of people were trapped and one of them was waving his arms around to get his attention. His gaze sharpened as he noticed that there were 6 people inside the zone and they had locked themselves inside the glass doors but the zombies were not making any move at them as if they could not see them. This reinforced his theory that these zombies could not see properly and only their sense of hearing was available to them.

The group of people also seemed to know this as they were not making any noise even when they could see him only the man was waving his hands.


Jason held up his hands and made a rolling over gesture hoping to indicate them that he would come for them afterwards.

"Its show time" Jason pulled out the pan and the spoon and.

*Doong *Doong

He hammered the spoon on the pan and ran towards the first floor with all the zombies from the first floor rushing after him. The group of people in the gaming zone were left open-jawed at the absurdity of his actions.

Various hungry growls echoed behind him as he ran for his life. He kept hammering the pan to attract all the zombies.

A zombie suddenly jumped at him as he reached the first floor.


He smashed the pan on the zombies head causing the pan to bend inwards and the zombie to fall sideways with its skull cracked open.

*Ding new skill learned

Pan smashing

Level max

"Wtf" Jason did not have the time to admire the system's awesome humour as he dodged another zombie and again smashed its skull open with the pan. All the zombies in the first floor were already waiting for him and he had to dodge and smash their heads to reach the escalator to the ground floor. The system kept notifying him of zombie kills as he smashed more and more zombie heads. His increased dexterity came into play as he dodged the zombies.

"Here goes nothing" Jason screamed as he jumped onto the railing connecting the two escalators avoiding the oil he had spread before. He slid to the bottom of the floor narrowly avoiding the steel wires that harry had tightly wound across both the escalator exits. Harry had poured oil over all the escalator stairs causing all the zombies to fall for their already ended lives. Some of them cut themselves against the steel wires and some cracked their skulls as they tumbled down but there were still 20 -30 of them who survived the fall and were trying to reach them with there hand but could not do so as the steel wires created a cage which stopped them from coming at them. Jason took his merry time killing each of them with headshots.


"So this is how we kill zombies with fashion," Harry said with a smirk.

"These zombies are quite weak and their only redeeming qualities are their fast running pace and the strong acid in their mouths," Jason said with a frown. He should be happy about it but the system had indicated before that the zombies would evolve and grow stronger as time goes on.

Pick up all that we need from these two floors, I'll go see the survivors on the second floor." Jason said as he walked towards the escalator filled with oily zombie corpses.

"What are you gonna do with them," Harry asked with a face full of worry. As the day went on Harry could not see past his best friend now. Him killing zombies without worry and being so skilled at using a gun freaked him out. He felt like he did not know him anymore.

"Nothing, I'll just ask them to take what they want from the mall and go to a safe place." Jason knew what was on Harry's mind but he would sort this problem after they are in a relatively safe place.

" Do pick up the portable stoves and large quantities of water," Jason said as he went upwards. He will first fill his inventory with the things he needs before going to the survivors.

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