《Amulet of Infinity》14 [Runaways] A new journey


In the end, nothing was settled about the incomplete engagements and the two kings stepped in. Before a decision could be reached, the girls and their caravan (fully staffed by ex-soldier maids, mind you). Skipped town before any royal decrees from either country could be handed over to them. Jote and the guys were left holding the bag, litterally in this case, of decrees and maps. It wasn't unexpected at all.... to the girls who were all fuming over the underhanded (in their opinion) tactics of the guys. Two days later, they were stopped at a river.

Daisy, the bloodhound chimeran, was tasked with staying out of sight until they left both Ahnek and Tumal. This was just fine with the ex-prince who's life was nothing more than humiliation upon humiliation since his men drugged him and forced a dog on him at that brothel. If he'd only been a better leader and more aware of the avarice of his men, it would have been a different story. Because of that, his chance at the living goddesses they now served had been cut short before he even knew they existed. But now, although transformed, she maintained her wind magic and used it to control the maids with an iron will. Not one of them had a chance as they would more often than not pass out within moments of attempting anything that was approved of by Lady Mara.

Daisy sent her second in command to the bridge to deal with the delay. This maid realized with her that there were only two options for their lives at this point: a royal pardon or a husband and both had given up on the pardon. After a bit, the maid reported back to the main carriage (Daisy was using a version of wind whisper to ensure honesty) that the bridge was out. The girls exited the carriageas a group and put their skills to the test. The water was diverted, wind blades chopped trees and shadow and fire were used to essentially build a dam with the trees. Because there was no mortar in the construction, water flowed through it, albeit slowly. In this way, the story of the runaway harem began to circulate amongst the guards of Ahnek.

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