
In a classroom, the noise of different students, who was doing their respective businesses, could be heard. It was a usual day in the school for them.

"Good Morning"

The voice came from a black-haired boy, Andre Crux, a 3rd year high school student. Even Though he was healthy male in his teen, many people have misunderstood him as a girl because of his girlish features. His black shiny hair and his long eyelashes were the most girl like features he have.

Compared to his peers, he looked like an elementary school kid with his height. He was only 4"5' and he was as thin as a beansprout. Some people call him "bansot" for being small and thin.

Andre entered the room in his usual smiling face when he stumbled down, colliding with the boy in front of him.

Harvi Mendoza, a spiky red haired with a fiery red eyes. The polar opposite of Andre, bad temper, easily irritated and hated weak people. They always in the wrong side of each other, Harvi as the bully and Andre as the bullied.

"Oh! It's the weakling, so you already have the guts, huh?!"

Harvi grabbed Andre's collar, lifting him up in the air without second thoughts.

"Of course not, why would I dare? You are too strong for me and I'm just weak"

Andre said calmly and returned a friendly smile. It was a normal occurence for Andre so he would just let it go and agree, avoiding unnecessary problem.

Harvi immediately lose his temper, seeing the smile in Andre's face.

"Damn you!"

Harvi readied his fist and attempted to throw a punch.

"What are you doing, Harvi? Stop immediately or else I'll report you!"

The punch stopped midair when the voice of a girl rung out. Reina Kirasaki glared at Harvi. She was the class president and the childhood friend of Andre. She was the gem of the class. Her lustrous golden hair waves around his perfectly made face which completely suits her snow-white skin and her perfectly fit body. Her red eyes were like gems shimmering in the sky. Her absolute beauty made every boy in class in awe and even idolized by the girls.

"tss! You're pretty lucky today!"

Harvi threw a glare, removing his hand on Andre then immediately leave for his sit.

"Calm as always, Andre-kun" Reina helped him to get up.

"Not really, sorry for the trouble Rei" He smiled and swept away the dust in his clothes.

Reina and Andre was still talking when a bright light engulfed the room.

"W-what's happening?!" the students cried in distressed.


Andre's POV

When the bright light disappears, people with strange clothing appeared in my line of sight.

I immediately checked my surrounding and found out that people with the same clothing as I am, are also here. These people were my classmates.

"OHHH…" voices filled with admiration disrupted the total silence.

"Where are we?" Everyone cried in panic.

All of my classmates looked like they were unable to digest the situation they are in and I, who was just a normal high school student, was also in the state of great shock.


I restlessly checked my surrounding and found out that this place looks very different to the environment I'm used to.

The walls were not made with concrete but instead made of bricks that were perfectly aligned and polished.

These set up was commonly seen in medieval movies.

Analyzing the situation, I pinched myself first to distinguish if this is reality and I immediately found that it was real.

I looked up to the unfamiliar ceiling and thought: if this is real then.

That's right. That's the only possibility.

We're summoned in another world.

But how in the earth that happen!!

My eyes began to search the surrounding looking for anybevidence to support my theory.

Below me, I found the concrete evidence to my assumption, various geometric patterns painted in fluorescent paint.

These symbols resembled those magic circles and summoning diagram in the illustrations I saw in the books I read.

'Looks like I was right' I thought.

Realizing that I'm the only one who grasped the situation, I immediately raised my voice and asked.

"Excuse me, Can you tell us where we are? You're the one who's responsible, right?"

I calmly asked the glamorous robed man who was the closest to us. Being calm was the best option right now. We needed to gather necessary information before we could act.

"h-hey Andre!"

Rei looked at me with worry but I quickly swept away her worries.

"It's okay Rei, I'm just asking no need to worry"

"Are you sure?"

She let go of my hand but I can still feel her anxiousness.

"Heroes! Please save this World!"

he didn't even answer my question. What the heck!


The class unanimously exclaimed.

"What do you mean by that?"

I was correct this was like those typical stories, like the end of the world schemes.

"Due to our difficult circumstances, we did our last resort which is summoning of the otherworldly heroes. We plead you all to help us save our lands."


"Are you kidding me!?" one of my classmate exclaimed.

The shocking revelation made my classmates more anxious but immediately died down when the robed man continued his story.

"The threat of the new Demon Lord is on the way and the minions of darkness continuously ravages the land. It is only a matter of time when the continent falls to the hand of the Demon Lord. Almighty heroes, please lend us your might!"

"C-can we still go back?"

"Do you intend us to fight?!"

"What do you mean by that?!"

My classmates throw questionns one after the other. I could feel the increasing worries of my classmates.

The robed man stayed silent for a while maybe he was thinking of an appropriate answer to give.

"Before answering your entire questions, heroes, Let us go first to the throne room. His Majesty the King will explain every detail."

At the throne room, a luxurious red carpet was place in the center of the room. Guards with noble like armor were standing on both side of the room. in the farthest part of the throne sat a middle-aged man who suddenly rose up when we arrived.


The middle-aged man was smiling brightly as he welcome us.

For some reason, I felt like this person was a humble and kind person.

"First of all, I welcome you to Emperia Castle, heroes, and I am deeply sorry for giving you troubles, please forgive this old man."

The old man immediately bowed his head that made the guards and the robed man beside us in distress.

"Y-you Majesty! Why are you bowing? Y-you're the king of this country, if you bow like that your name will be tarnish!"

The robe man cried in panic.

"Don't mind it Marion, if we don't show our sincerity, how can we get the trust of these people? Not only that, but this kids are forcefully summoned so we owe them an apology."

So this is the king of this country, he is honest and kind. I think he will become a great king.

"Sorry for the late introduction, I am Leon Vivre Emperia IV, King of Emperia Empire. I think you already know why all of you were summoned, right? "

The king answered our entire questions and explained them in details.

To make the story short, we need to defeat the new demon lord. Because of the resurrection of the demon lord, minions of darkness were already on the move and already building up their forces in the north end of the continent. The neighboring country was already fallen from the demon's assault but they failed to take over the border connecting to Emperia Empire.

The Robe man named Marion el Rifalf, which was the court magician and the one responsible for the summoning, said that they don't have any means of returning us to earth but they give us the assurance that they will search for a way after the war ended.

Many of the students are in verged of despair but soon it relieved by the king's words.

"Don't worry heroes, I, as the king, will welcome you and never abandon you. I will not force you to fight but heroes I still beg you to save this world. I don't want to see this world fall into ruin. You all have tremendous power to save those, who needs to be saved."

The king once again bowed, but his bow was lower than before. He was sincerely asking for help.

"What do you think guys?" my classmate named Alfred de Leon asked the group. He was one of the strongest people in our year a complete muscle brain.

"If we really have that kind of power then I will gladly help."

"Me too"

"I-if we really don't have a way to go back yet then we don't have a choice but to fight"

"Yeah! We will still be involved even if we don't fight."

And we made our decision. The group will fight for this world because that is the only choice we have.

I'm already dragged with this mess so let's just go with the flow for now but I still needed to find a way to go back.

"I'm truly thankful to you brave heroes. I know you tired so I prepare a banquet and rooms for you, so at least enjoy this night."

"It's my first time in a banquet!"

"Me too!"

"Me three!"

The anxiety slowly diminished.

"Tomorrow morning you will meet with the instructor in the training ground for the test" the king said as we exit the throne room.

Late that night, I was in my room, digesting the situation we are in when a loud knock brought me back to my senses.

When I opened the door, a yellow-haired girl was waiting outside.

"Rei, do you need something?"

"C-can I come in Andre-kun? I can't sleep. I need someone to talk too."

She said with her face slightly rosy pink.

"Come in then"

"You can sit in the bed"


She just gave me a nod as she sat in the bed.

"What's the problem Rei?" I asked her. I bet she's scared to this unknown place. Even me, though I'm calm, I can't still accept this situation.

"I want to go back, mom and dad will get worried and Misa-chan too"

She said as tears slowly fell down to her lovely face.

"I want to go back as well. I still have mother and Misa, I cannot stay here forever."

Yes, i cant stay here forever my mother and little sister needs me. I need to go home.

I pat her head then she looked at me with a tinged of shyness the she gave a cute pout.

Patting a girl's head might be embarrassing to the latter.

"I'm really envious. You're still calm even we are in this unfamiliar place."

She suddenly placed her head in my lap making it a lap pillow. When we were kids, she usually did this but she suddenly stopped doing it when we are already in high school.

"Not really, Even though I looked calm I'm still panicking but I just want to think this through."

I continued to caress her silky smooth hair then she looked at me directly in the eyes.

"Even though you are ridiculously weak physically, Andre-kun is the most reliable person that I know."

"That hurts, though it's true."

I just laugh as I looked at starlit sky and the two beautifully aligned moons outside.

"Don't worry I'll try my best to look for a way, if I can't find a way then I will make one."

"Hmm" she just gave a nod and went deeply in sleep with a satisfied look in her face.

(A/N: If you read this, I will be happy if you give any comment or feedback to me in order for me to improve. thank you so much )

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