《The Knower》Chapter 10 - Leaving an Impression - Oli
Our carriage ride to the capital was uneventful. Riding a week in a bumpy carriage was the only thing we had to complain about. Merchants donated our clothes and food, there was always good conversation, and we had little to carry.
All of our belongings fit inside packs that were also donated to us except for the sword that was almost permanently stuck to my hip. I still could not use it but it was comforting to have around.
The best conversations were with the priest. He had overheard what my title was and we talked about the King and his guidance throughout history. The previous Knower was well recorded in history but I had information that he didn’t and I was grilled constantly about his life. It was only slightly annoying but it was still some of the most inspiring conversations that I have had with someone that wasn’t Ronik.
Speaking of the little big man, he had reached out to tell me that he would not be returning and would be spending some time with his wife before my next batch of training.
As we approached the walls, all of us from Vestwood were struck dumb by the size of the walls. The only large clearing in the great forest held a beautiful city that could only be described as indomitable. Rings of walls stretched for miles. Large trees filled gaps that were not filled with buildings and atop those trees sat guard stations where sentries watched over the city and beyond.
“I sight to see isn’t it?” Gillywoods slapped me on the back and when I didn’t move he stood there with an awkward face. “You are quite sturdy. Sometimes it takes me giving a little shove to the people who see the city for the first time to get them to snap back to reality.”
“It is quite beautiful but at the same time, it is sad. I guess I am realizing that I will not be returning home.” I was filled with emotions ranging from hope to sadness. It took a moment for my heart to calm but I could see Seri suffering from the same. I set my hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring look which she returned.
“I get that I guess. At the same time, welcome to your new home.” Gillywood came across as a little insensitive but he was right and it was a new start for Seri and me.
Getting through the walls took hours but eventually, we had broken off from the caravan to go into the inner rings. Akeinan had said goodbye to his family so that he could follow us to the academy.
Gillywood took us right to the gate, “Welcome to the biggest and greatest academy in Solom, aptly named The Great Solom Academy.”
We dismounted from the carriage and the guards helped us with our bags. The burliest of them just grunted when we tried to speak to him but eventually, we were guided to the Headmasters office to finish up the paperwork for our stay. They seemed to have everything prepared to take care of us and everyone was super organized.
We were led to the Headmasters’ office which took us across the massive campus. There were cathedrals and classrooms dedicated to many different subjects in between vast groves of trees where elves our age were studying. Some were reading and others were casting magic but overall the environment was serene and it made me want to read.
The headmaster’s building was in the main building on the grounds. The building housed 5 different classrooms and the top floor was dedicated to offices with the largest being the headmasters The door to the office was very ornate with a hand-carved artistic map of the city. Vines curled around pillars beside the door that made the room feel natural.
The guard walked away and soon enough an old but powerful voice called out to us. “You may come in.”
The door creaked open without us touching it. Inside was a man. He was well dressed. His face had a fluffy white beard. He held a gnarled wooden staff. Everything about him screamed ‘wise old man.’
“Welcome to the school young ones.” His voice was well aged and he talked slow enough to keep your attention without being boring. “We got notice that you would be arriving and usually we wouldn’t accept students in the middle of the year but all of you seem to be special cases. I am the Headmaster of this school. You can call me Dr. Goosewood, or just Headmaster.
“Firstly, it’s a pleasure to meet the new Knower, The previous knower was someone who did a lot of work for this academy and I look forward to your growth young man.
“Second, Seer’s are quite rare and you happen to be in luck that we have someone who can train you to use your vast abilities here at this academy.
Seri jumped when she heard this, “Really? I thought that dreams of the future are all my Title is when it comes to my powers.”
“I did tell you that.” I chided Seri a little bit.
“Yes, here at the academy we have many teachers which leads me to my last point. The young Beast Master has seemingly allowed his little beast to get quite ...large. We have some of the best trainers in the country to help you both get into shape and to show you that there is so much more to a Beast Master than just taming beasts.
“I will remind you all that there is a code of conduct here and that most of the reason that you are being allowed to attend is because of both your miserable experiences but also because each of you has excellent potential for growth.
“This school will not tolerate staying as you are now when most if not all of the teachers here want to draw out the best that is in each student. They will push you to be the best version of yourself and to help you grow into the roles that the King has given you. It is also unacceptable to look down on any student regardless of Class, Title, or Race at this university and there is a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to unsanctioned provocations or attacks on other students.
“If you are being treated poorly for any reason, you may defend yourself or contact a professor. All professors are equipped with the magic to heal using the element that they have learned as well as make their own judgments about a situation.
“Next, we will be splitting you into classes and dorms. Ms. Seri, because you are the youngest, your teacher will be with the 1st year academics in the S-Class, required courses are history, magic, mathematics, and you will be required to choose a sport. You will also have the choice to study your title early because of your rare title.
“Mr. Oli, and Mr. Akeinan, You will be split amongst the 2nd Year students, Oli in the S-Class and Akeinan in the B-Class. You are required to take a class related to your Title, Mr. Akeinan, as well as a required sport, history, magic, and combat class. You will also have the choice between advanced math or a science course.
“The Knower is a one-of-a-kind Title and therefore you do not have a class, instead you have a one-hour self-study class every day. You can dedicate those hours to whatever you wish alongside all of the same previous classes. Just as a notice so that you do not have to worry about it in the future. Using your title is not considered cheating when it comes to tests of knowledge but I do encourage you to help your fellow students when they ask.
“I know that this is rather quick but classes will be starting in 20 minutes.” Headmaster Goosewood picked up a little bell and behind us, the door opened revealing the guard that guided us here. “This here is Mr. Runesilva. He will guide you to the restrooms to change into your uniforms.”
We were being ushered out the door but I still had one question. “Headmaster, may I have permission to carry my blade on campus?”
“Most of the students carry some sort of weapon on campus because many study a weapon in some form for their sport of choice so it’s not a problem at all.”
I gave him a bow and then the guard rushed us out of the office.
We barely had any time to talk as we were rushed from the Headmaster’s office to the restrooms.
We were handed uniforms that were a deep erudite blue with gold trimming on the sleeves. They were professional short-sleeve polo shirts as well as black slack pants that were remarkably comfortable. Seri was given a red shirt with the same trimming as well as a skirt with leggings instead.
Akeinan’s outfit only differed from mine in that the trimming on the sleeves was a bronze color instead of gold and was probably meant to represent the Class difference.
The guard showed us the Dorms as we passed them on our way to the classes. We were moving too quickly to really take in the details of the academy but the buildings were beautiful and easy to navigate. There weren’t any students in the halls either because most teachers required students to be at least 10 minutes early to class.
“This is the First Year S-Class Homeroom. Ms. Seri, this is your stop.” Mr. Runesilva was very professional. “Your teacher will open the door when she is ready to introduce you. Good luck Ms. Seri.”
Seri gave me a quick hug and turned seriously towards the door. Akeinan looked conflicted when she didn’t say anything to him but Runesilva pushed us along before he could get any words in.
The Second Year students were on the second floor. Akeinan was dropped off a few classes before mine. RuneSilva gave us all the same warning about the teacher inviting us in and then left rather promptly. He was definitely a professional when it came to his job.
I must have been standing outside the door for 5 minutes before I heard a shout from the other side of the door welcoming me in.
Once I opened the door, the smell of books and polished wood struck my nose. Each desk was a hand-carved masterpiece and on top of them were each student’s books for the semester.
Students sat in raised rows with stairs leading up to the highest desks in the back of the class making it easy for all students to see over each other.
“Well hurry in and introduce yourself, We don’t have all day Mr. Vestwood.”
“Of Course… Prof. Havenguard?”
“Yes, that’s correct, Prof. Havenguard. I will be your teacher for all of the S-Classes as well as your homeroom. But this isn’t about me.”
“Of course.” I turned towards the class. “My name is Oli Vestwood. My TItle is Knower. If there is anything you want to know, feel free to ask and I will try my best to help you learn what you want to learn. I would say that I look forward to meeting you all but I already know all your names so it feels a little weird.”
Most of the class had their jaws on the floor. It was safe to assume that they didn’t know that I would be in their class or would even be at the university. There were a few people with scowls on their faces but out of the class of 45 students, there were only a few that looked like they might be aggressive.
There were a few people in the room as well that looked indifferent but that wasn’t a problem. The person that stood out the most was the girl in the back sections of the class that had someone translating something for her into sign language.
“You can take a seat now Mr. Vestwood. Anywhere that isn’t taken.” He was the most composed person in the room. They really made sure that everyone working here was a professional.
I moved towards the back of the class. I was a few rows from the back and pretty close to the deaf girl. Now that I could see her face better, I knew her name and Title.
Junia Elester Isa, Queen.
“What a burden that title must be,” I whispered as I took my seat. I knew that my title was a burden that I was called to carry and if she hasn’t had training as I have, then the pressure would be crushing.
The class progressed and after an hour, broke for Title training.I had chosen to meditate but I had only been seated for a few moments when almost half the class surrounded me.
A human boy, with pale skin and red hair, took the lead. “You’re The Knower, right? Would you mind sparring with me and giving me a few pointers? Oops, my name is Jae Wright, Titled Ambassador. Pretty rare right? I have countries all over the world looking to take me on. I also am a water mage so I am a hot topic on the market.” Jae spoke incredibly quickly and it was really hard to keep up with him.
“I guess I don’t mind exchanging pointers. Just a magic duel right?” This could be a good opportunity for me to meet my classmates and at least stop them from putting me on a pedestal.
However, I didn’t expect the entire class to follow us out the door to the fields. There were even some teachers there. I had never had so many eyes on me. My stomach turned at the thought of fighting in front of what was now a crowd of multiple classes and over 200 students.
“Mr. Vestwood, I didn’t expect you to have a duel on your first day.” The Headmaster walked into the ring. “The school looks excited to see you fight, I’ll officiate the match then.”
Everything was rapidly becoming bigger than I expected. Any control I had over the situation was now gone and I just resigned myself to fighting.
Jae stood across from me in the amphitheater. His breathing settled before he took a combat stance.
This was just another fight, just like with Ronik. I calmed my breathing and took my normal stance.
“You may begin.” The headmaster bonked his staff on the ground before quickly backing up.
Jae was quick on his feet and drew some water out of his flask on his hip. I chose to wait for his attack to gauge his strength and it wasn’t long until he had an orb of water surrounding his body.
His stance changed from one that focused on his casting into a martial stance. I readied for a charge but instead of a charge, he struck his fist against the inside of his bubble, and an icicle launched towards me.
I dove to the left and caught myself with the earth, uprighting myself. This was the last breath of calm that I got before his fists struck the bubble more rapidly as he got comfortable.
Each spear of ice was the size of my arm and yet he didn’t seem to be struggling to materialize the water or to freeze it.
As I ran around to avoid the spears, I dodged spears with little leeway to reduce movements just as Ronik had taught me. Put nothing to waste.
Each movement wasn’t just for a dodge but to build power as well. I let essence spill out of me before launching a stomp into the dirt. Strength left me as a wall of hardened stone rocketed out of the earth.
We had lost vision of each other but it wasn’t hard for me to keep track of him. I used magic vision to track his flow of magic which glowed like a beacon with the huge ball of water rushing around him.
Quickly, the projectiles stopped pounding into the stone wall as they did nothing. And then my turn began. If we are shooting projectiles then it’s my turn.
My fist connected with the wall in front of me and I forced my essence into a large area to break up the rocks as well as form them into missiles. Each missile was small but that was on purpose as well as hundreds of tiny stones launched towards him.
His response was quick just as his attacks had been. He expanded the barrier slightly to catch each missile as I continued to launch them at him. He didn’t have to take one step but slowly his barrier began to take on a muddy color as I forced the stones to mix with the water.
This was all I needed. I reached for more essence and took control of the now muddy barrier and squeezed. I didn’t want to hurt him but I had to trap him.
I heard him gasp as his control left him and before he could get another word out, his body was gripped and pinned down by the compressed mud.
“Stop there Oli.’ The Headmaster boomed as he ended the match. “The Winner is Oli Vestwood.”
The amphitheater burst into cheers and I caught Seri grinning at me from the stands. Next to her were some of her female classmates and they were shaking Seri.
“Y’know, I have never lost a fight on campus, and on your first day you beat me.” Jae threw his arm around my shoulder. “You left quite an impression on them Oli.” He slapped me on the back and turned to leave and wash up as I had covered him in mud.
I found Akeinan in the stands as well and he looked a little shell-shocked. I could practically hear Ronik’s warning running through his head.
Lastly, I found Junia talking with her maid in sign language that I couldn’t make out from here but I could probably understand it if I took a moment to research it in my library.
The crowd continued to boom as people shuffled out of the theater. I really hope this doesn’t make things harder for me.
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