《The Undead King’s Chronicle》Chapter 3B-3 : The Undead Demon Meets His Companions: The Seven Sins Of The Demon King
Chapter 3B-3 : The Undead Demon Meets His Companions: The Seven Sins Of The Demon King
Sin Of Wrath - Satan [ The Strength]
For the first time in a long while he felt at peace, he was sleeping, dreaming even. In his dreams were the days of happiness he experienced , the moments of bliss he had within his life, the heaven of his entire existence. He wanted to stay in it forever however the shadow of Baal looming over him as the dream begins to turn into a nightmare awakens him from his slumber in cold sweat.
“You’re awake it seems, welcome back to the world of the conscience”
“You have a fine way of saying good morning”
“Oh quiet you”
He was greeted by a beautiful woman he has never met before, the man he has met because this was the man who put him down in his rage state. She smiled gently at him as he began to feel at ease once more.
“You were rather unsightly when Alastor brought you here, wearing only a loincloth and he said you were fighting with a spiked club.”
“Well he was in Wrath mode, he was killing so beautifully though”
“If slaughtering people one sidedly and leaving nothing behind but blood and guts then you’re absolutely wrong”
“Not that you do not enjoy those type of scenes now Byleth”
“You’re right, I do enjoy such”
Now that since that been said by a beauty such as this it caused him to blush, however he had more important issues to deal with.
“Definitely strong”
“Hmm hmm”
“He needs a little more polish and he’ll be so scary it will make the humans shiver in the word of his name alone”
“What is your connection to the Heavenly King Baal”
“I fought him once in my days as the Hero, he was a rather brash but scheming guy. I thought he would come up with a plan to kill us all before we reached the Demon King but he didn’t do such.”
“So you’re a Hero, if so I can ai-”
The man called Alastor shook his head and merely stared back at him.
“I am no Hero, I am a former Hero turned Demon King. My name is Alastor Steppenwolf pleased to meet you Wrath”
“I am the former Saint turned Dark Priestess, Byleth Nightslain it is a honor to meet you Wrath”
“Yes you’re the Sin of Wrath, we call you such because we do not know your name”
“I have no name, I do not remember it nor my past only memories of happiness and me losing all of it. I have a question”
“Fire away”
“Ask and we shall answer”
“If I can, may I kill Baal?I want to make him suffer the pain I felt when he killed my family.”
“What if I said I killed him already and he is six feet under what then”
“Baal was a crafty bastard I have to give him that, he certainly knew how to hatch a plan however sometimes he didn’t think certain things through. Perhaps he actually thought he would win and wait for you to come kill him.”
“But is that so bad?”
“I said is that so bad?In the human world there are plenty of men who are the same type of demon as Baal, you could find them all and rid them from this world. Make them feel your anger, make them feel your suffering. Baal wasn’t just a demon, he is the personification of the evil traits of mankind. It is your destiny to kill such people, be it a noble, a general, a prime minister, hell even a king.”
“It is your fate to slaughter such people and give them pain and suffering”
He was convinced by their words, Baal wasn’t just a demon but a personification of something greater than his own life. He needed power and strength for all of that.
“If it is so, then I will gladly accept the challenge of ridding the world of all the Baals it has”
“That’s right, since you have no name how does the name Satan sound to you?”
“Is there a problem with that name?”
“No it sounds perfect”
Satan smiles as he looked at the pair who smiled back at him.
“What you told him was a half truth”
“Yeah I know but the world really does have its Baals, he just needs to find them and kill them all. It would certainly cause the required chaos and destruction that is needed for the Demon King’s Army”
“It will. He certainly shows promise”
“He does, I am going to let him be tutored under Belphegor using certain instructions on how he should be trained.”
“You want him to have Master Muramasa’s sword style”
“Even more Byleth, I want him to develop his own sword style that would create a vortex of utter doom for anyone it points at”
“How ambitious of you, I like that about the new you”
“It seems with Shemhaza’s help we’ve located several more Sin Candidates, I’ll be heading over to their locations”
“That was fast, Satan’s magic signature has been handed down to some of Marchosias’ top shelf students who have had it analyzed and surveyed as unique. Marchosias herself then used her magic expertise to create a spell that could help us pinpoint where such people might be”
“It seems you two were busy indeed”
“Not as busy as you”
“The Dark Goddesses’ churches need to be built, our followers have increased and we are intending to spread even further into the remote parts of the Demon Continent.”
“You are certainly becoming as influential as you dreamt about when we were human”
“I thank the Dark Goddess for giving me this opportunity, without her I would not be standing here today”
“We all wouldn’t, keep it up”
Sin of Greed - Mammon [The Fool]
Within the human realm there were all sorts of entertainment, they had built and given a culture that allowed them to do such. One of such enjoyments that mankind often enjoyed was the circus, this was something one could only see once in their life. It was that rather to sight this oddity within the entertainment industry. One of such circuses was the new Mammon’s Delight Fair Circus, the ring leader of the circus itself was a jester who was very serious about his role to the extent it was hard to spot him without his jester clothes and makeup. He was that devoted to his role, the city of Atrosia was blessed by his circus passing by. Mammon sat in his office counting the coins that he earned and put them in a small purse where they all vanished, despite their numbers they disappeared regardless. This was Mammon’s very own little ritual, his prayer to the god of money. The purse was of course an enormous item bag that could hold millions upon millions of one thing and him putting in the coins in rank of value was something of a disorder he did not want to admit to.
He finished counting and categorizing all of the coins and began to look at himself in the mirror, Mammon had glossy blue hair which was slicked back, on his handsome face were a pair of purple eyes which were tainted within black that’s right Mammon was not some human by any stretch, red eyeliner could be found on these abyss filled eyes. Next was the make up he had put on himself, it was white in color as the shape of the general card symbol deck (that is to say hearts, spades, clovers and diamonds) could be found here in a tear like form running down his face. His lips were bright green which were complimented by a grin which had easily displayed his pearly white teeth. He wore a finely tailored red tailcoat with a bright blue shirt inside and a waistcoat of a black color, his trousers were of the same color as the tailcoat, his formal shoes matched his waistcoat perfectly. He bought these for a hefty price from the local merchant but it was worth the price he certainly looked the part of being the ring leader of this high class circus.
Mammon began to move himself from his stage room that only he had access to, he locked the door and kept the key inside of his pocket. The door vanishes out of existence as if it wasn’t there in the first place. He hears the gasp of a child who had accidentally seen him leave his room and carefully puts his finger on his mouth.
The child was obedient and held his mouth before running off as Mammon tipped his top hat and headed to the stage where he was to entertain so many people.
Mammon’s Grand Circus of Dreams and Wonders was a name that many knew, all were invited to see the show. The poor, the rich, the common man and the noble. None were excluded from this spectacle, that said it wasn’t as simple as entering the show just to watch. All were invited to watching the day time segment of the show which was for free whilst the night time counterpart held even more of an exotic viewing of stranger and wholly bizarre event scene all together. In a world infested with monsters and demons those who have never adventured in their lives would come to see such captured creatures inside of the single viewing of the night segment of the show but that was not all. Freaks of nature found within humanity were also displayed in this very show, people with deformities that were rather peculiar to the normal person were given the spot light to shine. The Elephant Man! A man whose head was so misshapen it had taken the form of an elephant. The Boneless Lady! A woman who could contort her body in weird and gruesome ways yet would remain alive. The Elongated! A man who was able to grow taller within an instance and shorter in the next, able to stretch his limbs at will and fit inside of a small box with ease. These were but a few examples of the strange wonders that the circus displayed during the night time, in the day time it was usually time for them to display their more normal viewing which included acrobatics, general wild animal tamer tricks, and a fun time with the hilarious skits of the clowns. This is what spread the word of his circus through the general man, with the night time solidifying the bizarre reputation of the circus with the elite and those of nobility.
The inside of the tent was dark, so dark you would think that you had your eyes closed. The guests were all waiting for the sight that would see but it wasn’t coming and when they thought it was the right time to leave, a single focus of light broke out in the middle. The ring leader was at the middle with his posture being one of bowing.
“I welcome you all to my bizarre world. The world outside is dark and scary and at times you feel like escaping to a far away land where you can feel safe. But I have seen this world’s beauty, and I invite you all to the experience that only be felt by an adventurer. Be my guests into the surreal world of Mammon”
He smiled dashingly as the lights came on revealing exotic monsters: A tiger with two heads and two snake headed tails, a large scorpion like creature hidden inside of the sand of a glass container whose lure was a human frail woman who was thirsty and on the verge of death, a rare four winged Harpy, an enormous monster in chains with one hundred arms and one hundred eyes all over its body, a cackling skeleton that gave fruits and candy to the children. These were all sights that these sheltered nobles had never seen before it was more than exciting. It was exhilarating to see such monsters in full display and all of them were in perfect condition, they weren’t tortured or made to submit by force as seen in other circuses no Mammon was too much of an expert in his field for that. The smiling jester tipped his hat as he opened up the first segment of the show.
“Now then we have acquired rights to several death sentence prisoners so we are allowed to execute them at will, I hope you understand this pretty well and not think we are using innocent civilians in our shows. That said allow me to introduce the first creature, the chimera quite a fierce creature if I do say so myself. It has a ferocity that can destroy an entire city all alone but Mammon you ask, how did you acquire such a dangerous monster? It’s a secret darlings ♥︎”
And thus the show started with the death of a person being mauled by a chimera.
He lied, although he told the truth that he had rights to death sentence prisoners but he never used them. The poor saps being used were either nobles he wrung dry or children of nobles who ran off to join his circus so they could gain fame and head back with the title of having owning an extravagant circus but had nothing to show for it except money which he casually took from them and either gave them one of two fates: Becoming food or entertainment. That was all, the screaming voices of those people who were the earlier made his heart jump in joy, the latter would be used in the stages as freak shows of his own creation unable to escape the situation they found themselves. They cried tears of pain and suffering as the monsters tore through their flesh, he looked over to the disgusting nobles and elite who enjoyed all of this. They too would be victims being stared down by some wealthy scumbags or those with authority.
Money was a powerful thing, he learnt this in his days as a merchant before starting his circus. One had to learn that at some point, but money was also a feeble thing it could be overruled by power at times. There were instances were the wealthy could have everything exposed and their money could become useless. One after the other the nobles saw their own kind be killed and derived pleasure from it, of course there would be people who would become regulars and it would be those people who gain more and more exclusive rights to more exotic shows. The more exotic it was, the more degenerate it was, the more money was to be used. This was his way of wringing the wealth of these people dry, and when they had no money to pay they would become either food or entertainment. Forced into a position similar to being a slave solely because of the reason that they had signed a contract they couldn’t betray. This was how Mammon used one of the basic human desires of luxury. He kept on calling out more and more so they could be executed, then at the end of it he prompted them all that they could enjoy even more extravagant shows than this if they signed contracts with him.
“What a haul today, a lot of those people threw a lot of money”
“Excuse me”
“Come in dearest, you are welcome”
He heard the voice of a man at his door, he had to wear the sincere smile he always wore not this evil grin. He folded his hands as piles of money in sacks were located at his sides. There was a familiarity to the man, the woman at his side was his personal secretary. He had an air of a ruler, at the same time this man had a wild wind about him. He seemed oddly similar to himself. His pale white skin made him feel uneasy and there was a certain feeling that he couldn’t shake off from just seeing this man.
“You are Mammon right?”
“Yes I am, what do I have the honor of being the presence of my lord”
“I would like to conduct business”
“Ah I see, so you are signing a contract then”
Well this was a first, most would want to take advantage of the contract and want exclusive rights to the circus. The deals were made such that you would think you will become its owner if you paid high enough and you would be the one seeing all of those extravagant degenerate pleasures firsthand.
“Then what is it that you want?”
“I want you”
“…..Excuse me Milord but what?”
“I’ll say this again, I want you.”
What type of logic was this man running?How could he want the stupid clown who hosted the show?How could one think the jester was of any value except being a figurehead for the greater management of this circus show’s dealings?It didn’t make any sense but the man kept on pressing.
“You see, I know that you entertain the nobles using nobles. They are foolish people who only want the worldly pleasures of this world and will stop at nothing to gain it, thus they are perfect for your little scams”
“But I am not here to condemn you, no. You have done well as a businessman, all I want is your skills”
“You’ve made a contract with an entity that you do not know of, a contract that has blessed you thus so far. You are gaining large amounts of money because of it aren’t you Neil Silverstone”
Mammon’s face froze as his real name, the name he discarded long ago resurfaced here. This man was weird more than that he was a threat to his wealth.
“I’ve come with a deal, become my subordinate and you will gain the wealth of nations”
“Look at the symbol that gave you wealth and you’ll know”
The man’s red eyes were dyed in jet black as Mammon began to remove his gloves and pulling up the sleeve of his shirt with the black symbol of a smiling clown located at his forearm reacting to this man’s gaze. It was then he understood why he was uneasy in front of this man, this was such a man whose power would make money useless.
“What are you?”
“Do you remember the man called David?”
“The hero?Yes I do, I used to…..ah I see, you are the new Demon King”
That would explain the familiarity he had with the man, this was the former hero he had dealings with back when he was a well known merchant. His nervousness began to crumble into joy, if his words were true he would make even more people suffer. He would make play out of them and make them look like laughing stocks and more will join in on this whirlpool of an endless circle of greed and debauchery.
“There you go, you look far more beautiful when you grin.”
“I am a fool, I am very devoted to my craft and if what you say is true then I can execute my craft on even bigger scale”
“That’s the intention of it Sin of Greed, Mammon.”
Mammon’s worldly and selfish dreams were going to be realized if he had such a power backing him. He grinned even more at the thought of royal families turning into entertainment for the whole world to enjoy. Pirates, thugs, assassins, other noble families, even nations would be his show’s entertainment sets.
☆ Sin of Pride, Lucifer [The Emperor]
The golden sands weaved their place into time as the wind blew them with a light breeze. One might have thought to want to live here forever if this was the type of weather they would be greeted with by the desert located in the Demon Continent. The nights were not too cold but rather blissful to sleep in, the daytime was accompanied by a light breeze and the sun wasn’t too harsh to the skin. But it was mainly the thing that dwelled here that made the weather such, that’s right the presence of that thing made this desert feel far more different than other deserts. If the pyramids were any indication of anything this was the home of the Pharaoh Ra the Fifth. He lived in these lands, his ability alone made the land flourish. The waters of the land could be freely accessible because all of the rivers passed through his capital city, thus the people of the land made an effort to shift their cities and villages close to his capital city. They prayed to him daily and offered ritual offerings to him which he took wholeheartedly and blessed the people even more. This in turn made the people of the land want to build more pyramids and objects of worship of him.
They invaded nearby small states which ended up dissolving solely because they took everyone from them and left very few. These slaves would build his great city, his great monuments, his great temples and most importantly adding more to the royal palace which he stayed in. Ra was god around here, to those who were hard working he would bless well it didn’t matter whether they were slave or citizen. Thus his influence would corrode the minds of those who had become slaves into believing he was their savior. His words had power now, if he wanted an eternal night it would happen. He was far greater than the fathers before him and his nation was more glorious because he was alive.
This was the information that was given to Alastor by Shemhaza who had recently gained the location of the next Sin candidate, he seemed to fit the description for Pride. Normally he would disguise himself to go unnoticed but this was a special case he needed to be a king talking to another king. The demons prepared an extravagant carriage that was pulled by undead wyvern horses, the theme for the carriage’s design was the moonlight shining down in a starless sky and blessing the world with its light, it was decorated with the Lunavil flowers that were known for only opening up when the moon’s light fell on them. His flag had the symbol of a cracked skull with a sword thrusted deep into its centre, with thorns spread from the jaw of the skull and unto the sword itself. Such was prepared for the new king of the demons, if he were to be disgraced they would be disgraced as well. Thus at vantage points from within the city were stationed guards, knights as well as trumpeters who would teleport into the city to welcome the great arrival of the Demon King.
The people were confused as suddenly and out of nowhere strangers appeared in their land, it was the arrival of another king but his presence could be felt inside of their city. He was far more greater than their own god, the trumpets were blasted accompanied by grand music that was playing from somewhere, the carriage itself was a sight to behold. They all marveled at the arrival of this king into their land. The carriage stops at the royal palace of the Great Ra, the carriage’s door was opened by a high class attendant dressed in wear that one would fit to be rather pleasant to look at. The man who walked out of the carriage walked out of it with a sense of pride and glory, he was well dressed in a black armor with golden lines that seemed to shine brightly in the sunshine, jewels of the rare kind were set in place to hold his red velvet cape. Within a rust red scabbard is his sword which exudes an aura of death as the king walks up the stairs several more people appear at the sides throwing the red petals of the rose before him. Then he vanishes within the confines of the palace of Ra.
Instant clapping is heard as soon as the door opens to Ra’s throne room. Ra can be seen sitting on his throne with a smile on his face, he was rather impressed by the level of service that this king came with whilst visiting him.
“I have to admit this is true service, not even I would have thought of such. To have your attendants personally show off your glory by having them teleported at key points of the city. I say when did you plan this?Never mind you have my clear respect in that regard!Fuhahahahahaha!”
The Pharaoh of the Abydos kingdom, Ra opened up his arms in pure glee. His skin was the representation of the blessings of the sun itself, it was golden brown in color. He had dark brown colored hair which was decorated with gold and jewel accessories, his upper body had a golden colored neck collar with an assortment of colors, several platinum arm bracelets, and a pendant with the face of a eagle descending down onto a pyramid with his face on it, there were ten rings on his fingers all of different magic composition and monetary value: gold, quicksilver, mithril, orichalcum, celenegil, prometheum, adamantine, the extremely rare hihi’irokane, sky gold, and cold iron. His shendyt shines in the sunlight as it was finely weaved from celenegil which made it firm and light. His sandals were of a golden bronze color, Ra smiled as he welcomed Alastor into his throne room.
“What is it that you seek fellow king”
“I seek only one thing from this kingdom.”
“Speak and I will grant it”
“I wish to have you Ra the Fifth”
“Oh?I believe I am very busy, building my monuments and statues and living the best life I can. Why would I in your help fellow king”
“Ra, I’ll be honest. You are a great king”
“Yes I am”
“But nothing special”
“You are not special, you had your fathers build the throne for you and all you had to do was add more achievements than them.”
“But no one except the demons located near the region know who you are. I am not offering much but imagine for a second, your name spread around the world, the people worshipping your name because of their fear of you. You won’t just leave a throne behind, you’ll leave a mark in history so deep that your descendants will find a hard time to get out of the shadow of your great actions, not that you will not live a long life as is.”
“Who are you?Why do you have the confidence that you will accomplish this?I cannot be followed by words of some other king”
“I am the king of the demons, Alastor Steppenwolf. I plan to invade humanity and drive them off the cliff of extinction, you’ll have wholly entire nations dedicated to your name alone. What do you say?”
“……You are certainly an interesting fellow, I will arrive at your palace on-”
“The day of my coronation”
“I will bring gifts fit for a king”
“Much appreciated. And good to have a fellow king such as yourself to aid us in our conquest”
“I strive to be more than a king”
“You strive to be a god king, and your wish shall be granted”
The symbol of a crown with a serpent which was on Ra’s chest shined as Ra and Alastor smiled together.
- In Serial29 Chapters
Cultivating Earth [Hiatus]
[This fiction is on indefinite hiatus. I'm currently acting as a 24-hour caregiver for my step-father who had a massive heart attack. I apologize for disappearing so quickly, but sometimes that's just life. I'll return as soon as possible. Sorry everyone!] Zhao Gang, after hundreds of thousands of years cultivating, has finally reached the penultimate threshold. He is ready to ascend to the level of True Immortal. Driven by the need for a place his enemies won't find him, Zhao Gang puts together an audacious plan. He has developed a revolutionary new formation which will allow him to ascend while on even the lowest planes. To avoid drawing attention, he has to choose a plane that is relatively desolate, however. He chooses Earth. Fast forward three thousand years. Zhao Gang discovers what his work has wrought - a cultivation-free culture that has delved the deep mysteries of creation - he can't help but think how this tiny little planet devoid of natural energy could affect the course of all creation. There's only one problem. For that to happen, he has to succeed in cultivating Earth. Notes: Chinese names should be ignored in the social context - they don't mean anything. Sorry for slaughtering such a beautiful tradition. This novel starts off slower than most. If the slow-roll isn't your thing, you might want to give this a pass. If it's not for you, I understand. Also, releases may be broken up into smaller chunks. The goal is 5k words, but definitely more than 4k. If you see a short release, be aware that more is probably coming. I'll be honest and say that I'm struggling with each new scene, if only because I want to balance the scope of vision with good pacing. I hope the work I put into it is worthwhile.
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The Far Away Dream
The possessor priesthood drew the perfect bodies. They pulled them from pictures and brought them to life. One of them drew his vision of the perfect world. A world where only beauty bodies and good feelings are allowed to exist. However, his plans to take the souls needed to fuel this insanity failed and the priesthood's existence became a myth. Now the world and cultures of Neolys must face their ancient past. A story of suffering, the intimacy it creates, and the will to fight against those who try to redraw the place you call home. The many characters in Neolys must unite and struggle against The Far Away Dream. Is a world of suffering worth fighting for? Is it insanity to fight for what hurts you? (I am in the process of rewriting/refurbishing this long story from one I wrote long ago and saved on my computer, into first person. I abandoned it many years ago. It will take time to figure everything out again and make the right changes. The Prologue/first chapter is supposed to be in third person)
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At last, the dreaded night of the Red Moon is dawning for Prince Cyrus and his misfit band of adventurers. If they don’t reach the stronghold of the Everblood vampires by nightfall, the fiends will dine on Trinity Toccatta, the princess Cyrus swore to protect, and remain their youthful, demonic selves for another 666 years. What stands in the way for Cyrus is an icy tundra, a village of insane cultists and army of demons sent from the Dark Realm itself. Will he and his friends be able to brave these treacherous dangers and make it to the Forbidden Fortress in time? And even if they do, will they be able to defeat four of the most powerful Everbloods in all of the Dark Realm? Find out in this exciting last installment of The Fat Prince.
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Amaryllis and Iris
A certain businesswoman was reborn into a world of battles, war, and child soldiers. Well, one thing's for sure, she certainly doesn't get any break. Also available in fanfiction, and ao3. This story was rewritten and major plot devices were changed. Release schedule: 3 chapters a week.
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The Nonpareil of Resh
Gwyn Black finds himself in an alien world unlike his own after a portal transports him to a planet on the edge of the cosmos. Strange denizens inhabit the world: a people that resemble a treasury of gemstones, a group who all have bony crowns adorning their heads, a tribe ruled by beastly giantesses, and an advanced nation of reptilian folk. The strange world, known as Resh, is full of advanced science and groundbreaking technology. Magic of the past has become rare and the practitioner’s taboo. Towering cities fill the skies, and impressive machines help terraform barren land. Armed with a mechanical creature that can graft to his arm to grant powers, Gwyn must navigate the world as conspiracies, and long-awaited plots begin to unfold and reveal themselves. Whether he will be consumed by a dark curse or embrace the path of a hero is something only time will tell. Notes:The release schedule is three chapters per week minimum. Occasionally “legends” or “excerpts” are released that are considered a bonus and skippable if desired. Typically chapter releases fall on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday, with the bonus chapters falling on days in between.
8 363 - In Serial14 Chapters
What can a Wisp do?
An unknown guy was gifted by his friends a Virtual Reality console on his birthday, lacking on cash he purchases the least expensive game, or rather got it for free. Through his journey into the RPG Virtual Reality game, he ""MANAGE"" to kill the Demon Lord and by chance was transported into the game world. However, the ""Hero of the Game"" was unfortunate, directly after he was transported into the new world, he was killed. As a wondering soul lost in endlessness,by one means or another got another opportunity and was reborn, but not as a Hero, but rather a monster, one of the weakest creature in the game, a simple Wisp.?I'm not a good writer or a ""Professional"" one, or good at making sentence, or sometimes my grammar will be bad, and have a lot of mistakes and misspelled words or typo. But I would like to continue writing, for fun, and to pass some time. As some of the reader and writers say ""Escaping from Reality"".??But please enjoy and thank you for reading, and wasting your precious time??I'm just writing this on my empty time, sorry if the further chapters will be posted late or super late as I'm occupied. (or just lazy, or tired)?
8 180