《The FINAL Dungeon》Ch 2: RIP Normalcy
To work...
Once it had set its mind to it, another few bursts of Ether was all it took for the little gem to continue expanding its domain. Carving a tunnel westward, it was not long before it had created a long winding cavern.
Interestingly, the Core had little knowledge of cardinal directions. Thus, its "tunnel that way" ended up more complex than one might expect from a newly sentient rock. Quickly swooping northward, the Dungeon grew rapidly.
Rapidly enough, in fact, that it also grew increasingly uncomfortable. At this point, the small green gem was simply resting on the floor of its large core room. As its home expanded, this fact began to shift from the discomfort of a weak itch to-
Oh! OH! Oh... Umm... Hide!
Thus did the young Core fling itself away from its tunnel, manipulating the old core room's lingering Ether to produce a suddenly rising column of stone. When it reached the wall another burst of power let the terrified gem burrow its way into a much smaller space. A few desperate moments later and it was now inlaid into the back wall of a new room.
Oh! Good. Good...
That was horrifying.
A more appropriate core room established, and newfound agoraphobia appeased, the Dungeon was just about to continue building its tunnel. But then:
It stopped in its metaphorical tracks. With only a third of its environmental Ether remaining, it was instinctively hesitant to continue tunneling. It wasn't too eager to build any further rooms, either. And yet, it knew it needed more. A defensive layer with a single room was doable... but it felt...
Wrong. It feels wrong... But I need more for the entrance...
Oh well. It will be fine. Yes... Fine...
Already its Etheric abilities had become much greater than when it first awoke. As carefully as it could, taking great care to use as little Ether as possible, it flooded two points in its new tunnel, expanding the areas just enough to qualify as rooms.
Giants will need plenty of space...
It was close, but successful.
Plenty of Ether left. Hopefully. Definitely... Probably...
Next came the fun part.
OGRILLONS are the product of Orc and Ogre breeding. Natural OGRILLON rarely inherit the physical attributes of their Ogre parentage.
Dungeon-Born OGRILLON all hold an Ogre's strength, barely contained in an Orcish body.
OGRES are huge, savage humanoids. Their incredibly muscular frame and great size make them dangerous enough on their own, and deadly as a group.
OGRES are often underestimated by the truly mighty. This is often their last mistake.
Locked! What if I... Nope. Maybe... Nope. Fine, Locked...
Which one, which one... Hmm... One of each to start?
Upon making its decision, a subtle ripple of Ether ripped out against the core room. Two jagged black slashes tore across the previously unmarked walls, an echo of ethereal light slowly leaking into the room.
Each portal seeped its own energy. They were obviously different... and yet the Core could not determine why. They appeared the same, escaped from similar darkness, and yet... the Dungeon knew exactly which was which.
As both glittering fogs moved further and further from their respective entrances, they became yet more and more material. From subtle light, to glittering fog, until finally falling to the ground with a plop!
The opaque white masses squirmed their way into the ground, with the walls healing behind them.
Well. Um... That happened.
I'm in an empty core room, down a third of my creature Ether!
I want a refund-
A light grinding noise echoed throughout the Dungeon as a pair of stalagmites rose around the Core. One stopped at about six feet tall, whilst the other grew up to nearly ten! Both shattered at the same time, each revealing a different humanoid.
The smaller of the two wore scraps of what could politely be called hide armor. It rested upon ridiculous musculature, appearing to just barely be contained by its gray-green skin, even taking a deep breath seemed to require great care. Two tusks rose upwards from an overwhelming underbite, curling towards its strangely intelligent eyes.
The huge one was wearing even less, somehow. A pair of pelts were all that protected the world from the creature's indecency, barely hanging on beneath an excessively distended gut. Its massive hands ended in sharpened nails, or possibly claws. It was hard to tell.
The off-yellow thing licked its lips, having to curl its massive tongue around a number of sharpened teeth. Its beady white eyes stared down at the Ogrillon, already reaching for its first snack-
Both creatures flinched away at the Core's declaration. The smaller sibling recovered first, and the Core was quick to direct it out of the core room when it began to reach for the Ogre. It ended up in the room furthest down the tunnel.
When the Ogre finally came to its senses it immediately began searching for its runaway snack. Although not appearing particularly quick-witted, having circled the empty core room multiple times, it eventually began clawing at the exit.
Luckily the Ogre's massive belly prevented it from chasing down the Ogrillon. The Core was not sure exactly what would happen were his creatures to consume each other, but it did not want to risk losing its newly spent Ether.
As the Ogre clawed in vain at the inadequately sized tunnel, the Core set about attempting to remedy the issue. Could it stop them from eating each other...?
Ogres hold a natural affinity for Earth Mana.
NOVICE Ogres have an undeveloped affinity. If fueled by an infusion of Earth Mana, it could result in remarkable abilities.
Ogres are not well-known for their craftsmen. Yet when an Ogre manages to outfit itself with more than a sapling, it can become a force to be reckoned with.
NOVICE Ogres are unable to utilize complex weapons or armors without significant penalties.
Ogres normally procure a variety of resources for their own use. Provided some of those resources, unnatural Ogres will find their own use for them.
NOVICE Ogres struggle to modify resources, often using them in the most basic fashion.
Perfect. I'll just- What!?
Before it could make its selection, the Core noticed something. Or rather, a lack of something.
All that remained in the core room was a few scraps of flesh and a significant amount of blood...
Blood which marked a clear trail, all the way to the first tunnel-room. The one directly next to the Ogrillon's, and the one which contained an Ogre clutching its shredded gut to its torso.
An Ogre which was slowly crawling its way into the next room...
If having a single brain was limiting to an Elder Goddess, having a semblance of consciousness housed in a puny array which itself had to be housed in a pinky... Well.
Needless to say the backup plan was working flawlessly.
Mystiq had already wasted twice the amount of reagents, and near triple the amount of Ether which was required. Luckily, the foresight of the truly ancient is vast. She had packed this fold of space to the brim in order to-
Another failed activation. Another reset. Another series of wiggles and taps in order to activate her emergency protocols.
And again.
And again.
And many agains.
On her fifth-to-last attempt, she finally got it.
Should have gotten it before the 31415926th try... getting rusty...
Uh oh...
WHAT! Thousands of universes, quintillions of mortals, and my literal millions of priests ALL GONE?!
And only 10 Constructs?! What's holding back the Further Beyond?! What's preventing Mana stagnation!? What HAPPENED TO ALL MY BEAUTIFUL CREATIONS!?!
I Never Run Out Of Mana
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