《A Journey Through The Realms》Chapter 2: The Journey
Honestly, after that crazy night, I was expecting to wake up with more insanity, reality-destabilizing shenanigans, and stuff like that.
Instead, when I woke up, everything felt startlingly… normal. Mom was cooking breakfast in the kitchen, Dad was hurrying off to work mining coal, and I was sitting around, because I had finished Mining School years ago, but was not old enough to legally mine coal yet.
I ate a delectable breakfast of pancakes and walked out of the apartment building I lived in to see… normality. Children were running around, as usual, younger children were being hurried to Mining School, as usual, and the fountain was malfunctioning, as usual.
I walked to the Merchant’s District, seeing a bunch of stalls buying coal, selling coal, buying coal futures, selling coal futures, and doing some weird “forex trading” or whatever. I was just walking past, on my way to the Forest to explore, when I saw a pair of rapiers labeled as “Training Rapiers”. They were five gold, which were a bit expensive: however, now I knew I had a future beyond staying here and mining coal, I bought it to try to gain the Basic Rapiers skill. I had plenty of gold, after all.
It took a week to get the Basic Rapiers skill, and it was another month before it got to level 20. It was when I was looking over my status for the hundredth time that I saw I had never spent my attribute points, and I was up to sixty-four unspent Points. I looked at my Class Requirements, and decided to put my points into Strength, Dexterity, and Agility equally since I didn’t know any Spells yet. Speaking of Spells,
“Hey Sarah, how do I get Spells?”
“Spellbooks are the only way.”
“How do I get those?”
“You can buy those. Tier-1 Spells are rare, but they’re not that rare. Tier-2 Spells are the real problem. Those cost about five hundred Silver Marks each.”
“What are Silver Marks?”
“Each one is one hundred Copper Marks.
“What are Copper Marks?” She was getting on my nerves now.
“One thousand Gold each.”
One thousand gold for a Copper Mark meant one hundred thousand gold per Silver Mark, so I needed fifty million gold. Suddenly, the hundred gold that I had did not seem so plentiful anymore.
Attributes (Unspent Points: 0)
Strength (Talent: Average)
Rank: Basic H-22
Dexterity (Talent: Excellent)
Rank: Basic H-92
Agility (Talent: Excellent)
Rank: Basic H-91
Constitution (Talent: Poor)
Rank: Basic H-01
Intelligence (Talent: Above Average)
Rank: Basic H-03
Wisdom (Talent: Above Average)
Rank: Basic H-03
Psych (LOCKED) (Talent: Excellent)
LOCKED: Proceed to Tier 8 to unlock
Meta (LOCKED) (Talent: Above Average)
LOCKED: Proceed to Tier 4 to unlock
I would need a lot more Attribute Points to get the Class. In fact, doing the calculation, I would need one thousand two hundred and fifty points, or a whopping six hundred and twenty five Levels. However, I had an idea that would at least solve the Gold problem.
“Sarah, how do I get Quests?”
“I can give you some if you want.”
New Quest Received!
Enroll in the Academy
Pass the Academy Entrance Exam in 09:20:10:30 and join the Academy
Reward: 100 Copper Marks, +20 Levels
Failure: -30 Levels
Accept? Yes/No
I clicked Yes, then frowned.
“Sarah, what’s the Academy?”
“It’s a school for magic users.”
“Where is it? I’ve never heard of such a thing in Capres Town before.”
“In Vartur. The entrance exam is there, as well. Here. I’ll give you another Quest.
New Quest Received!
Get to Vartur, Sayamn Plains, Dlamalar
Get to Vartur, a city in the Sayamn Plains within 09:20:09:46
Reward: 50 Copper Marks, +10 Levels
Failure: -20 Levels, -100 Gold
Accept? Yes/No
I clicked Yes to this one as well, then another notification popped up:
Quest Waypoint Found!
Set as Waypoint: (5/5 Remaining)
Vartur, Sayamn Plains, Dlamalar
“Sarah, what’s a Waypoint?”
“It’s a marker that tells you where something is.”
“Should I set one for this Quest?”
“Yes. How else are you going to know where Vartur is?”
I clicked Yes. Suddenly, a blue circle appeared in my vision. A screen popped up before I could get a good look at it.
Waypoint 1 Route:
Sub-Waypoint 1: Txald, El’Gurrod Forest, Dlamalar (Estimated Arrival in 7h 23m)
Sub-Waypoint 2: Vams, El’Gurrod Forest, Dlamalar
Sub-Waypoint 3: Slais, El’Gurrod Forest, Dlamalar
Sub-Waypoint 4: Wem, El’Gurrod Forest, Dlamalar
Sub-Waypoint 5: Apled, El’Gurrod Forest, Dlamalar
Sub-Waypoint 6: Gamei, Sayamn Plains, Dlamalar
Hidden(+3 More)
Was I really going to do this? Was I really going to abandon everything I’d known for the unknown? Head to this Vartur and go into magic?
Yes. Yes I was. Ever since I’d graduated Mining School, I’d known I’d have no place here, where half the population were mining coal.
Time to head out towards the unknown.
The first part of the journey was pretty uneventful.
I bought some supplies, and started walking towards the first sub-waypoint, Txald. About an hour in, I realized how surprisingly easy this was. I realized this was probably my Agility near G-Rank. I didn’t want to waste time, so I tried to pick up and level Dual Wielding by swinging both of my rapiers at the same time. I got the Skill around hour 7, and by the time we got to Txald, it was already Level 3.
Txald was a small village, famed for its lumberjacks and lumber, and visited from faraway places for the aformentioned lumber was what the pamphlet said. The reality was about the same, if you replaced famed with kind of well known for, faraway places with about a 5-mile radius, and small village with three huts and an inn.
Nevertheless, it was a place to stay at.
The next five villages had me appreciating how unique Capres Town was, not just for its size and prosperity, but also for its profession. Up until the border between the Forest and the Plains, every single village had been a lumberjacking one. Even Gamei, the border town, has half its economy dedicated to lumber and lumber-related products.
The most interesting thing that happened those five days was that Dual Wielding got up to Level 8, which netted me 8 levels and 16 attribute points. I chose to save them for later.
In Gamei, however, there was a stall selling Fireball and Thunder Shock. Those were tier-1 spells, which cost 50 Copper Marks each.
Luckily, I asked Sarah for some side quests, and she gladly complied, leaving me with an additional 20 levels and 10 Copper Marks, which was enough to apply for a loan of 100 Copper Marks, with a promise to pay a guy in Vartur 120 Marks when I arrived.
I bought the two spells, and learned the spells to a flood of Notifications.
System Function Unlocked! - Spells
Reward: New Status Tab
Congratulations! You learned the Tier 1 Spell Fireball!
Attunement: Fire
Rarity: Common
Requirements: 20 Mana
Attack Type: Single Target
Cast Time: Medium
Fire Damage: 15-24 x Intelligence
Inflicts Burn
Congratulations! By learning the Fire-attuned Tier 1 Spell Fireball, you gained the Skill Fire Magic!
Reward: Knowledge
Type: Unlock
Sub-Type: Skills Tutorial
Note: Since you learned this skill via an indirect method, this skill cannot improve past Level 1 without further guidance
Congratulations! You learned the Tier 1 Spell Thunder Shock!
Attunement: Lightning
Rarity: Uncommon
Requirements: 50 Mana
Attack Type: Area of Effect
Radius: 20-30 feet directly in front of caster
Cast Time: Very Long
Thunder Damage: 15-25 x Intelligence
True Damage: 0-3
30% chance to inflict Stun
20% chance to bypass Defense
5% chance to bypass all magical shielding
Congratulations! By learning the Thunder-attuned Tier 1 spell Thunder Shock, you gained the Skill Thunder Magic!
Note: Since you learned this skill via an indirect method, this skill cannot improve past Level 1 without further guidance
I first looked at my Status. After pondering upon what I wanted to put points into, I decided to raise Dexterity and Agility to G-Rank, then level Intelligence and Wisdom with my remaining Points.
HP: 10/10 (0.1/min)
SP: 2030/2030 (20.3/sec)
DEF: 2
MP: 170/170 (1.5/sec)
Rank: Bronze
Advancement 0 Stage 0 Tier 0 Level 42
Attributes (Unspent Points: 0)
Strength (Talent: Average)
Rank: Basic H-22
Dexterity (Talent: Excellent)
Rank: Basic G-00
Agility (Talent: Excellent)
Rank: Basic G-03
Constitution (Talent: Poor)
Rank: Basic H-01
Intelligence (Talent: Above Average)
Rank: Basic H-17
Wisdom (Talent: Above Average)
Rank: Basic H-15
Psych (LOCKED) (Talent: Excellent)
LOCKED: Proceed to Tier 8 to unlock
Meta (LOCKED) (Talent: Above Average)
LOCKED: Proceed to Tier 4 to unlock
Dual Wielding
Uncommon II
Level 15
Basic Rapiers
Common IV
Level 20
Common IV
Level 3
Common III
Level 1
Fire Magic
Common II
Level 1
Thunder Magic
Common II
Level 1
Level 10
The Legacy Of The Eviolodons(Locked)
Unlock Quest: “The Legacy of the Eviolodons”
Advance to Tier 11 (Level 12/1000)
Get to Vartur, Sayamn Plains, Dlamalar
Get to Vartur
Enroll in the Academy
Pass the Academy Entrance Exam in 03:14:20:32
Macro: Subspace - Aggressive Realities - Tier 12 - Instance #434
Micro: A’dreya - Dlamalar - Sayamn Plains - Gamei
A waypoint can be set anywhere within the current Macro Location (Waypoints Active: 1/5)
Unknown Location - Chaos White Items:
The Guide To Ascending(Quest Item)(Locked)
Uncommon Items:
Multi-Use Analyze Skillbook(Uses: 4/5)
Multi-Use Inspect Skillbook(Uses: 4/5)
Common Items:
Water Bottle (780/1000 mL filled)
Storage Backpack(7/8 slots filled)
Unranked Items:
(Hidden. Show Unranked Items?)
Affinities Unlocked:
Fire, Thunder
Potential Affinities Dormant:
Water, Air, Earth, Life, Death, Light, Dark, Wood, Metal, Nature, Spirit
Affinities with No Potential:
Thunder Shock
Tier 1
Tier 1
3 more tabs locked - Gain something that modifies those tabs to view them
12 more tabs locked - Advance System to a higher Level to view them
I felt the difference, alright. My arms and legs felt a lot more… mine. It’s hard to describe the sensation, but think about it as when you wake up lying on your arm all night, then you get up. That was what it felt like, only ten times more intense.
After two more disappointing tiny little villages, I finally arrived at Vartur.
The towering bronze gates with dual-headed dragons was not what drew my eye. Nor was it the system notification that popped up when I used Inspect on it, informing me it was of Unique rarity. What did draw my attention, however, was the huge towering 20-storey castle that twisted and turned, making up at least ninety percent of the actual town. Five more percent of that was a huge obstacle course, that stretched as far as the eye could see, featuring a rock wall almost the height of the castle and jets of fire that you had to jump over as they rotated periodically. The other five percent were actually normal houses and inns and shops and everything that a town needed in order to survive.
The Level 306 Iron Knight guarding the gate let me pass when I said I was going to go to the Entrance Exam, with a rather ominous message of, “Good Luck”.
What exactly needed luck, I didn’t know. It turned out pretty much everything.
Signing up to the Exam was no simple affair. I had to put my hand on this machine that averages out your talent for everything, and I got White, the second highest grade.
That was when the whispers started happening.
At first, it was no big deal. Just an occasional glance at my direction, and some whispering covertly between friends.
However, as the Exam neared, I heard whispers of “Fraud”, “Cheat”, and, worst of all, “Blank”. Wherever I walked, people started whispering and falling back, muttering about how “being near him when he inevitably gets kicked out” was “bad luck”.
It was time for the Exam. I lined up, ready for the first elimination stage, which was the obstacle course.
I first had to balance on a narrow balance beam with pendulums swinging around me. Then, I had to duck and dodge fireballs that were coming at me from four directions at once. Afterwards, I had to climb an extremely high wall while boulders were falling down at me from above, then jump down into water, and swim while magical fire was swirling around. Finally, I had to run as fast as I can through a mile of hurdles. Needless to say, I passed that round with flying scores.
Then came the pain tolerance test. That one I miserably failed at.
With my measly one point of constitution, the first test - the ice water one - broke me. While watching other people swim in a sea of fire like it was nothing, I wondered not for the first time what people in the highest Tier would be like. If somebody with Basic attributes was like this, what would a person with Bronze, Silver, Gold, or even Platinum attributes be like?
After the torture came the physical/magical combat test, where we were to fight against waves of progressively stronger dummies using no magic and only magic respectively. I got to the fifth wave in the physical test and the fourth in the combat test.
In the breaks between tests, I again heard whispers of “Contraband”, “Cheat”, and “Impossible”. Slowly, however, the crowd was turning in my favor.
The last test was something called a “Mixed Cooperative Environmental Combat Test”. Basically, you and four other people had to kill progressively stronger waves of monsters in a simulation.
I waited with bated breath to see who my teammates were. Displayed on the screen on bright blue letters were, “Team: Everlon, Francine, Chad, Waras, Hary”. I had no idea who any of them were; however, I hoped that they would turn out to be good teammates.
I was the first to stand in the glowing blue circle that said “Team Everlon”. Just as I thought my teammates had all given up on the exam, a short, chubby red-headed man who had the face of a boy strode in.
“Hello, I’m Chad. Nice to meet you.”
“Hello. Nice to meet you too. I’m Everlon.” I used Analyze on him.
Chad Riding
Level 24 Fighter
Reputation: Neutral (200 to Inclined, -200 to Disliked)
Temporary Attribute - Team: Friendly
Level up Analyze to see more
Seems like a nice guy.
The next person that walked in was another fat guy; this time, he appeared Asian in nature, and he was a stereotypical Asian slouch, fat, slow, and with glasses.
“Hello. I’m the leader of this team now, I’ve decided.”
“Why?” Chad asked.
“Because I’m the strongest one here, “ he puffed.
I used Analyze on him as well.
Hary Chew
Level 36 Classless
Reputation: Animosity (500 to Disliked, -1000 to Hated)
Temporary Attribute - Team: Friendly
Level up Analyze to see more
Okay, not so nice a guy.
First of all, how was I already at animosity? We had literally met thirty seconds ago. Secondly, he did not seem like a nice guy to have around.
So, politely, of course, I told him to “get out of here or I’ll shove a pencil up your butt“.
He started muttering about “Underappreciated Talents”.
Your reputation with Hary Chew dropped by 200 points.
Your reputation with Chad Riding grew by 200 points.
Your reputation with Chad Riding is now Inclined.
At this moment, a fourth person walked into the room, followed by a fifth person.
The fourth person was clutching desperately onto the arm of the fifth person, whining.
“Why won’t you be my girlfriend! Please!”
“Stop stalking me, you pervert!”
The fourth person sniveled, then spotted us and said: “Guys! Help! I’m trying to-“
What exactly he was trying to do was unknown, as Hary threw herself at the girl and said: “M’lady, may I-“
“First of all, my name is Beatrice, not ‘M’lady’. Secondly, NO, and thirdly, will everybody stop stalking me!” Beatrice snapped.
“Lady Beatrice, I will protect you from this-“
“STOP!” I bellowed. Everybody instantly paused. “Chad, good job. Hary, weirdo-“
“Actually, my name is Waras.”
“Hary and Waras, stop being creepy,” I continued.
Hary snorted. “What makes you able to order me around?”
“Actually, nothing. You can go, if you wish.”
Knowing that he’ll never actually leave, he continued sulking in a corner. Waras started sulking in an opposite corner.
Suddenly, a large number appeared on a wall. It read five. Then four. Then three. As it ticked down to one, my surroundings began to fade to black.
- In Serial32 Chapters
I Got A Rock
Before enrollment in magic academy, a young mage must purchase or acquire a familiar to provide protection, assistance, and companionship. The rich are able to afford such beasts as dragons, griffons, feathered serpents, and more. Isak is not rich. Isak’s parents got him a rock. “It will work or your money back!” the local mad mage said when he sold the 'pet rock' to his mother. And while the young human from the Western Wastes was still coming to terms with that new reality he was on his way to Black Reef Institute for his first year of learning everything a young mage could need to become a mage of legend!Vital rituals! Astronomy! A wide variety of spells! Survival in a hostile land! Potions! Bonding with your familiar to take full advantage of their unique abilities! A familiar that was, once again, a rock. But as Isak soon discovers that rock is so much more than any could have dreamed of, he’ll need the help of his newfound friends to discover the rock’s untold secrets and still have time for that brutal test on Core Spells! (Updates at days and times.) (Wiki found here, it's a work in progress.) (Cover art by Lmarief)
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Labyrinthia's Maze
I had always found the idea of “Other Worlds” stupid. Magic wasn’t real. Even if it was the chance of someone spiriting away someone form a world without magic to a world with seemed utterly stupid. After all, what good would a tech geek do in a world of Dungeons and Dragons. Well, jokes on me, I guess. As I was about to log out of the NVR game I have been obsessing over for over 8 years, I blacked out. Next thing I know I am now living as my in game avatar in another world. Only I am now back to scratch, no more giant 200 floor dungeon, no more army of minions and traps, just me and a small room in the ground. Luckily, I have all I need to slowly rebuild my dungeon, I only hope I live long enough to do so. Who sent me here, what do they want from me, and can I ever return home? There better be answers to these questions because, while being my avatar is awesome, I also want to go home… I think.
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On Green Pastures
A century after the start of great migration when the second son of the Chief Mieshko took half the folk and moved east Yarosh is leading his 100 cavalrymen at the flank of Volynian army facing the imperial tagmata.The land beyond is green and crossed with rivers, should they gain victory it shall be theirs by right of conquest, should they be defeated on Volynian head will be the Thebasian yoke.Unseen by mortal eyes Hysminos God of war and his daughter Ahra Goddess of combat are planning to intervene. Little do they know who their actions will create. Hey guys this is my first attempt at writing something hopefully I will be able to keep somewhat stable releases.The story is not set in stone so if you have ideas or suggestions please comment them they would help a lot.Also comment if you have some critique about action scenes I'm trying to make them as realistic as possible.
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Cultivation Game: Players vs NPCs
As the only cultivator left on earth while he was already 1500 years old, there weren't many things that caught his interest. Even the recently trending virtual reality games could only entertain him for a while before he got bored again. How could he possibly feel the sensation when the supernatural powers that could be used in those games weren't as strong as his in the real world. He was only interested again when his neighbor told him of a new game called World of Cultivation. This game has 7 worlds each of which is a thousand times bigger than the earth where every place can be visited. An old man in that game world destroyed countless mountains with just a single snort. "The world I dreamed of and a power that's more than mine? I have to feel the sensation even if it's just a game," he said. While the game's description attracted him to play it, once he arrived in the game world, he was filled with disbelief as he looked at the status window. - Pangu Splits Heaven and Earth - Zues the King of All Lightning - Athens' Laws of War - Nuwa's Laws of Creation and Life - King Arthur's Holy Light Etc. - Light Erases Darkness - Infinite Sword Domain - Kun-Peng's Wings - Rain of a Thousand Spears Etc. All the merit laws and techniques in his memory, which he had inherited from the ancient gods had also entered the game world.
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