《The Demon King》Chapter 10


The chariot flew through the sky at very high speed and it only confirmed Shirou's suspicion. The copies had similar powers to the counterparts in his world, maybe even had the same noble phantasms.

During the war he had fought against Archer and Gilgamesh but both of them hadn't fought him seriously. He was new to most things at that point of time but now he should be stronger than most servants in a one on one fight.

He had been fighting against Hercules, Medusa and Artoria everyday so his fighting experience was very high.

He couldn't win against Artoria at the moment or Hercules at the moment but with his progress it shouldn't take long for him to arrive at their level.

Achilles was a rider with a spear that could pierce anything and a shield that was like a world itself, meaning it could block very powerful attacks.

Shirou couldn't see the shield Akhilleus Kosmos but it wouldn't be strange to see it since the chariot was already here and the spear gave off a mystical feeling.

It was most likely blessed by Immortal beings not mortals.

This experience helped him understand what to expect of this world, the servants were strong but the apostles were supposed to be stronger. They were the avatars of the White Lord so their strength should be similar to the great servants.

He could only theorize their powers at the moment and only real experience would make understand where they stood.

"Lord Achilles, can I ask a question? I hope you won't take offence." Shirou asked as they neared the palace after having a round of the whole city.

"Go ahead, I don't mind." Achilles was a chill person so it was rare for him to take offence even when people looked down on him or cursed him.

"How strong are you in comparison to the weakest Apostle of the White Lord?"

It wasn't a question that he had never heard before but it was a serious question. People always avoided this kind of topic as it could get them in trouble.

But Achilles was someone interested in growing and measuring his prowess so he didn't mind.

From the question he could tell that Shirou wasn't aware of the levels of the Apostles nor had info on who was the weakest.

"Don't ask such questions from others. Now for your question, I can fight against the weakest of them just fine. The battle will end in my defeat so a power of difference of 20% to 30%."


"They are really strong, I wonder if I could see them."

"You can meet them sooner or later." Achilles responded as they flew towards the grounds of the Palace and landed without a hitch.

They didn't hang around outside as Achilles led them directly to William, personally. He told them to behave and keep in mind people's positions as not everyone was as easy going as him.


While the duo went towards William, Semiramis was meeting up with the Princess of the Holy Empire and the woman who was known as the Jewel of the Emperor, Salome. She was one of the most beautiful women on the continent but her beauty couldn't be compared Semiramis who reigned supreme.

Salome had a very curvaceous body with just the right form, long light green hair and purple eyes. She wore a black dress with gold designs.

Her clothes were form fitting and show cased her beauty to mesmerize the viewer but she was someone none could touch.

She was a kind princess that had been taught to govern and act her position since a young age. She was a master of the dark magic and enjoyed dancing.

But she was prone to fits of jealousy and didn't like it when someone was better than hers. She was the type of person that got what they wanted or destroyed it so that none could have it.

Two of the most beautiful women sitting together inside a luxurious room, made the scene enchanting but none was there to witness it.

Both of them had known each other from the Magic Tower and from the formal functions.

"Welcome Salome, I have missed your presence." Semiramis greeted without being too formal as they were acquaintances.

"Thank you for the welcome, Semiramis. I know you have been busy but I wished to have talk." Salome hugged her as a greeting as she was touchy with the people that were close to her heart.

'I would love to tear your face off, if you weren't so useful.'

"I will always have time for you." Semiramis smiled as she led her to the refreshments as this was a private talk and none of the servants were allowed inside.

'Filthy whore thinks she is someone special. I can see your intentions to get rid of me from miles away.' Both of them were courteous and helped each other out but their intentions towards each other were anything but kind.

Semiramis had gotten close to her get the advantages of royalty since she didn't like the Crown Prince, who was smarter and much more difficult.


Salome wished to become the Empress instead of her brother taking the throne and Semiramis was someone that was part of her faction, though Semi planned to kill off Salome and take the throne.

On the other hand, Salome also intended to kill Semiramis because of her jealousy. She disliked the fact that Semiramis was smarter and more beautiful than her, along with the fact that Semi was too resourceful.

"You are the best friend everyone should have." Salome followed her and took some sweets along with tea.

She wasn't worried about Semiramis killing her off or anything since that would be too stupid for her friend. People already knew she was here and her guards were in the Palace, both of them were stronger than anyone serving Semiramis.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" The Duchess asked as they took their seats, she was curious what the princess brought her this time.

Salome smiled, "The exploration of Pandora is going to start soon and I have heard, my brother might make a visit."

Semi smiled at those words, she understood the message. Her brother will make a visit away from the continent and it will be the best time to take care of him.

"I hope he has an enjoyable journey, what about you?"

"I am unsure but maybe… I will send Sigurd to collect something unique from there. I have heard that Pandora has vast forests of magical origin as Fairies are supposed to be living in those regions. I might even get a dragon like my brother. How about you, are you going to visit personally like the other nobles?" Salome replied in a playful manner as she took smile bites from her cake.

She was sharing her intentions with Semiramis and seeing what was the reaction. Just like how much she believed in Semiramis's abilities, Salome distrusted her as much.

'She will do great being part of my undead army.'

"I believe it is an opportunity for my territory to grow, as such I will be joining the expedition. On the way, I will help your knight collect items of interest."

'I will make sure he dies like a hero.'

"Wonderful, you are an excellent leader so it just reasonable. I look forward to the transformation you can bring." Salome clapped, positively excited about the idea.

'Let's see how we can bury you along with my brother.'

"Your words fill me with delight, Salome. I will make sure to create a territory, you can be proud off."

'Hopefully, you will be buried under it someday.'

"I look forward to it. So, how was your experience with Arthur?" Salome asked curiously as she knew about the man personally as well and he was such a delightful character, a man of principals and a hero like his forefathers.

"An excellent King, that makes me strive harder to achieve better results. Is princess interested? He has dashing looks, character, background and power, so he should be a perfect match."

"Agreed, but somehow, I didn't feel the spark. It doesn't feel like he likes me either. What about you, have you found anyone?" Salome said with a thoughtful look as she remembered their meeting and the man's sharp eyes. It was just unfortunate but the man was already wed and had children.

Though this wasn't something she cared about, as she would have taken him regardless of them if she liked him.

But with how things were going in her life, he might the one she would choose.

'Mistress, the young men have accepted the offer.' Semiramis got the confirmation from William as the duo arrived in the Palace.

'Handle them for now, I will meet them soon.' Semiramis replied through the communication runes carved on her earrings.

"I haven't found the opportunity for such an activity, maybe when things have settled down."

"You should consider it my friend, life might be better with a partner by your side."

"Maybe when you find one, I will find one as well."

"Hmm, I wonder what kind of person you like. Semiramis, show me around. I wish to meet your servants." Salome said as she got up in a manner that gave off a beautiful vibe, her every movement was meant to mesmerize and it was part of her charm magic.

Semiramis understood that she wanted to check on her servants to see their condition, strength or weakness.

"Of course, please follow me." Semiramis couldn't decline such a thing as they were supposed to be close friends. She was going to show her Achilles and William like usual while Jacky was a secret along with the assassin squad and the monster she had been raring in her secret fortress.


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