《Swords and a Shortage of Sorcery》Maintenance Call
Derik made his way back to the town square and walked back to the inn. He entered the inn and found Lina and Montag sitting at a corner table. Derik waved, then walked over and sat at the table.
"The prodigal solder finally makes his return!" Montag boomed as Derik scooted his chair closer to the table.
"Yes! Tell us what you found Derik!" Lina said excitedly.
"It was as Montag said," Derik responded, "There were a multitude of shops selling all sorts of wares. I have no doubt that we will be able to find what we need here."
Derik gazed across the table. He realized that this was the first time has seen the faces of Lina and Montag. Montag was showing his age. He had dirty, matted hair and a short beard that were beginning to show tinges of grey. Lina didn't look much different than Derik imagined. Her face itself was pretty unremarkable sans the various scars that made their home there.
"Now that the scouting is done and over with, let's get some grub, eh?" Montag waved over one of the waitresses that paced the floor.
One of the waitresses came over to the table. "My name is Tifa and I'll be serving you today. Have you decided on what you would like to order?"
Derik examined the hand-scrawled items that were listed on the coarse paper he had become accustomed to. "I'll take... the veal and potato," Derik stated as he handed the menu to the waitress.
"Porridge for me," Lina added.
Montag stated, "I'll have the dandelion soup and a mug of blue ale please."
"Sorry, we don't have any blue ale. We do offer navy blue ale though," the waitress bowed her head apologetically.
"Who drinks that watered-down drivel? I'll take a shot of Backbreaker then."
"We have Spine Realigner."
"What is that?"
"It's like Backbreaker with a stronger berry flavor."
"I don't care about the berry flavor! I'll just have a cup of water." Montag rubbed his temples as the waitress left the table. "Now I understand why I haven't been here in so long, discount regional drinks kill my mood."
With the waitress gone, the group began to converse amongst themselves again.
"Anyways Derik, I was getting rooms with Lina and she was going to pay 12 silver for a 3 silver room!" Montag laughed.
Lina also began to chuckle, "I guess my investment is already paying off".
Montag replied, "We also managed to find a job while you were out Derik.".
"Yes, our first job as a team, I'm so excited!" Lina said.
"Can't say I share your enthusiasm considering I'm salaried," Derik replied, "So what is it?"
"It's a dungeon conveniently located on the way to Palatine. We can deliver our after-action report to the guild in Palatine as well," Montag replied.
"Already getting sidetracked by side quests I see," Derik responded as the food arrived.
A trio of small wooden platters were arrayed on the table. The steam of freshly cooked food wafted from the meals.
"Let's dig in!" Lisa exclaimed. She wasted no time and began devouring large portions of porridge. "So good! You two are really missing out on this."
Derik saw Montag begin to drink his soup. He looked down, picking up a portion of veal and potato.
"I never realized how bland unseasoned food was. It tastes like I cooked this," he thought. "I guess they don't get as much material out here."
"Shall we turn in for the night, it's getting pretty dark," Montag mentioned. Derik looked out the window and could only just barely make out the cobble street underneath the torchlight. As he turned back he saw Lina already making her way up the stairs with Montag in close pursuit. Derik walked up to the front desk and checked the ledger.
"Montag Ackerman - 4/ Lina Bonnet - 5/ Derik Smith- 5"
"There we go, room 5." Derik thought as he ascended the stairs. He walked down the hall until he reached the door with a 5 beside it. He knocked on the door twice. On the third knock, the door abruptly swung open and Derik stumbled into the room.
"Jeez, could you give me any more time to change?" Lina was staring at Derik.
Derik got up and dusted himself off, "It's not my fault, you are the one who got us the same room."
"Well these rooms are quite spacious and it has two beds, no point in being wasteful. I don't see any problems with it."
"I wouldn't think someone so rich would care about things like that, and just so you know my last name isn't Smith it's Johnson."
"I think Smith suits you better."
"Smith is not my name though… and why isn't Montag here with you instead?"
"I just choose you. I didn't think you would mind."
"Anyways, it's going to be a big day tomorrow so I'm going to turn in for the night," Derik said.
"Good night!" Lina said as she launched herself onto one of the beds.
Derik reached down and took off his boots. He pulled up the sheets and settled into his bed. He was tired from walking around and frankly couldn't be bothered to change. So far being a mercenary seems like a good gig. Good pay, ample free time, and job security. If you could get past the mortal peril and blatant work safety violations that is.
Derik awoke to the feeling of Lina violently shaking his shoulder.
"Rise and shine sleepyhead! It's time to get going."
Derik stood up and looked to the window by his side. There were only faint rays of sunlight visible above the horizon.
"Why are we getting up already, the contract isn't time-sensitive is it?"
"The early worm gets the bird and all that, plus I'm your boss in case you've forgotten."
"Yeah, yeah let's get moving then."
I guess irregular hours were also a downside.
The two of them stepped outside. Lina approached the door labeled with a four.
"Montag!" she yelled.
"Can you keep it down, other normal people are probably trying to sleep!"
"Montag!" she aggressively whispered and pounded on the door. The sound of heavy boots could be heard beyond the door. A few seconds later Montag was standing in the outstretched doorway.
"Are we going?" he asked.
"I am surprised you got ready so quickly," Derik remarked.
"Justice never sleeps," Montag said with conviction.
"I hope that you actually did get some sleep though,"
Lina led the two down the stairs. She walked up to the counter and put down a few coins emblazoned with the image of an old man. She walked back to Montag and Derik motioned to the door. Derik opened the door and stepped out into the street. Montag grasped the door and held it. He waited for Lina to pass, then fell in behind her. The three of them walked down the street. Lina took sidelong glances at the various shops while Montag fumbled around with something in his bag. Lina pointed at one of the general stores on the opposite of the street.
"I got to go get the supplies we need so just go look around a bit and meet me at the front gate, ok?" She said as she began to speed walk across the street masterfully dodging various pedestrians.
Derik had a feeling this would take a while, so he decided to take her advice and check out one of the stores. He began concentrating on each of the names of the shops lining the streets. Derik took one glance at the image of a hammer and anvil, turning to face Montag.
"What do you think about that?" he asked.
"Ah yes, a blacksmith, brilliant idea Derik."
The duo walked into the smithy. Derik immediately began examining the various weapons while Montag offered the owner a friendly wave. There were all manner of weapons from daggers to spears to axes as well as some farm implements, metal construction materials, and armor pieces. Derik picked up a set of plate armor and hauled it over to the counter. The set contained a sallet with a visor that came down over the face, two pieces of plate with a bevor that wrapped around the chest, leggings, and full-length arm protection. Derik saw how it was listed at the price of 25 gold coins.
"I got paid less than a quarter of that in a whole year working as a guard," he thought. "She wasn't lying about the wealth at least."
He briefly considered if this new equipment would really be worth it. He weighed his options, save money, or get stabbed. He jostled through the bag Lina had given him. There was a sea of shining golden coins, but after he counted out 25 he found that the bag was about half empty. He inspected some of the other items around and picked up a dagger and triangular shield. "In for a penny, in for a pound.". He brought the items up to the desk and unceremoniously dropped them down on the wooden surface. He handed the blacksmith a fistful of coins. After everything was said and done Derik counted about 10 coins left in the bag.
The blacksmith looked over at Derik and said, "Follow me to the back.". Derik followed the smith as he opened the back door, after a quick motion to his apprentice to take over the front counter he led Derik inside. The heat from the forge immediately buffeted Derik's face.
Derik stepped further into the room and faced the smith. "Why did you bring me here?" he asked.
"To finish fitting the armor of course." the smith gave Derik a long stare. He waved his hand, "Turn around."
Derik turned his back and the smith placed the chest plate against his back. He examined the sides of the chest plate taking it and laying it on the anvil. He worked the piece in the forge hammering the armor into the desired shape. He repeated the process with the other pieces of the plate. Derik tapped his foot as the smith molded the various plates to fit his form. After an extended period of just the sound of a hammer banging on metal, the smith placed all of the plates on Derik and admired his work. He began fastening various straps to secure the armor to Derik and combine the different plates together. Derik was impressed with how he managed to attach the straps so quickly. Derik took the belt that held two bags and a waterskin and fastened the newly purchased dagger to its backside. He tucked the scabbard of his sword into the left side of the belt. It had been quite some time so he stepped back out into the front of the shop equipped in his new set of armor to check how Montag was doing.
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