《Demon Hero》Chapter 3: Merlin


The maid opens the heavy wooden doors and guided me towards my chamber. The room was decorated with paintings and had a very glamorous feeling- peh, conspicuous consumption… never really understood why the humans were so obsessed with money. The room had a King sized bed in the middle with a desk next to it. To the left side is a gigantic window that illuminates the entire room. Next to the window is a desk that can be used. A rather common room, I would say – but there’s too many decorations, not enough practicality.

After analyzing this room, the maid bows and slowly leaves the chamber, leaving me alone. I slowly walk towards the window and look at the slight reflection of myself. I look… soft and feeble.

I have a slightly round face with big eyes and small nose and lips. Stray minotaurs would love eating this type of meat and giving it a few more years to grow would make this body excellent bait for roaming succubus. No wonder the guard acted up when he saw me say those big words. He probably thought I was a kid that didn’t know any better.

Well, he’s wrong.

For now I guess, there’s still nothing I know about this world, so I can’t exact my revenge. I remembered how one of our general tried to take over a small village when I was still a rookie, only to get surprised by a hidden martial clan that was secluded from this world. That was my first defeat. Those were some rather disappointing times.

But I shouldn’t think about the past, I must first test the limits of this body. I turned to head to my bed, but I stepped on myself and fell onto the floor.

“…” (Arthur)

Although it didn’t hurt, it sure did hit a blow into my pride. I really need to get used to this body. As I tried to stand up, I hit my head onto the desk.


“o-o-u-----“ (Arthur)

No... I must not… I must resist this pain. I haven’t tasted this type of pain for hundred of years…

“aaaaahhhhh” (Arthur)

I stand back up, albeit with shaking legs. As I walked back to the bed, what happened next exceeded my expectations.

Once upon a time, there was a long debate about what would happen if an immovable object collided with an unstoppable force. There were scholars in the community that tried to test out this theory, but they came to no conclusion. I think I have finally found the answer to this eternity-long debate… - Pain. Let me recount my story: I propelled my left leg forward, mustering all the strength that I had, but it was met with an immovable object, at the weakest part of my body, my toe. Let’s just say that the pain exceeded my death.

I wailed… loudly, whilst curled up into a ball and holding onto my leg and that was pathetic. How is it even possible for it to be this painful? I thought.

Until the pain started to fade. Is this… Healing magic? I have never felt healing magic before. We didn’t even need it because of our super regeneration. But this light feels very warm, almost like I was clad in light and sunk into lukewarm water.

“Ahhh… this feels good” (Arthur)

“I hear this wailing and I thought something happened, turned out it was just a child that shat himself” (Mysterious voice)

Wait… did I hear that correctly?

“Oh for the love of- do I really have to train this kid that can’t even walk properly?” (Mysterious voice)

I glared at the voice, repulsively. It was Merlin. Merlin was looking at me in disgust. I mean, I would. However the pale blue moonlight bounced off her crystal blue eyes. She was half lit, with her side bangs covering her right eye. Although her words were unpleasant, she is truly a beauty. If I were to compare, she’s like a pale blue flower on top of a hill. This clear flower struggles through the harsh winds, but stands majestically like it owns the plains, never faltering, forever fighting. – But it just has a slight hint of loneliness.


“What a glare – and to think that I healed you just now too” (Merlin)

“I don’t need your help” (Arthur)

“And you think I want to help you? Ungrateful kid, you’ll be eaten by demons one day. You know? The ugly, merciless and cruel ones.” (Merlin)

“I. Am. Not. A Kid.” (Arthur)

I said in a cold and calm demeanor. I can stand to be underestimated by a human, but not if they talk about demons. The room starts to turn icy cold, with shadows creeping slowly underneath my feet. I activate one of the magic I could use now, dark whip.

“Looks like the kid can throw rocks” (Merlin)

“Disappear” (Arthur)

The shadows beneath me jump towards Merlin like a whip, but Merlin teleports away. I close my eyes, tapping into the mana world to find where she has teleported to.

Behind me.

I reacted and directed my whip to my back, but not until I get lightly tapped.

A sudden gush of cold wind hits my face. I open my eyes, and I’m falling face first towards the ground. I recovered quickly and saw the environment I was teleported to. I’m surrounded with grass. No matter how far I look, all I see is grass.

“Great reaction to that kid. We can start learning here” (Merlin)

I hear Merlin’s voice behind me and I launch my dark whip towards her position.

“Learning? I don’t need to learn, I’ll kill you right now” (Arthur)

I look back, but the attack misses.

“It seems that it is true, you’re not a child, are you?” (Merlin)

I attack the location of the voice again, but it seems like none of the attacks are connecting with anything, even though I’m attacking the person, it’s almost like she vanished into thin air.

“Interesting, you’re magic is darkness, very unbefitting of a hero” (Merlin)

Could it be? Did I not get teleported?

“But let me tell you, your body can’t handle the magic you are using. If it weren’t for me, you would have collapsed already” (Merlin)

“I see, so I didn’t get teleported at all. You… Are a user of mind spells” (Arthur)

She is more dangerous that I thought she initially was. Her proficiency in mind spells could even strike terror in my country.

“Correct! Let today’s lesson be an introduction. I got to know some of you, and you got to know some of me. You’ve still got some ways to go, kid” (Merlin)

Merlin gives out a small devious smile as she appears in front of me, almost as if she were hiding something from me.

“Wai-“ (Arthur)

“Sweet dreams” (Merlin)

I black out.

-End of Chapter 3-

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