《Demon Hero》Chapter 1: Name


“Welcome Hero” (court priest)

First thought: Where am I?

I am crouching down with my face facing the floor. The memory of my defeat and the cries of my subjects are still fresh in my mind. But this is not my castle, and this is not me...?

I look up at the court priest and look at my surroundings. There are around 30 soldiers stationed in the courtroom, with 10 on each side of the wall and 5 stationed on the left and right wing of the courtroom. The court magician stands on the right side of the king and beside her is a middle-aged man with a nasty looking scar. One can see that he has ventured countless battlefields. On the left side of the king is another male with glasses on in a hood. He attentively stares at me with a book in his hand.

Second thought: Something is wrong with me.

I stand up and brush off the dust on my shin. I look at my clothing and realized that I’m wearing the mantle that I wore when I died. It’s red and cladded with gold ornaments used as buttons. Buttons sewn by my loyal subjects, and cloth made by our best wool… All of this was los-


But I really just wore this cause my marriage councillor told me to “jazz it up” to find a wife….

Wait a moment.

Third thought: Why am I having such casual thoughts? Why am I so calm?

Well, let’s focus on the situation here right now. I pointed at the man sitting on the throne.

“And you are?” (Demon lord)

The soldier’s immediately reacted to my tone and stepped forward.

“You insole-“ (One of the soldiers)

The man waves his hand to stop the commotion and the soldiers unwillingly retract to their positions.


“I am the King of Camelot, King Uther, the ruler of the 7 seas and everything underneath the sun.” (King Uther)

As the King tries to assert dominance, he lets the court magician continue the speech.

“O’great hero, we have summoned you for a disaster will strike us in the future” (Court Magician)

“My foresight has told me that there would be a disaster that will happen in the near future, we would like to ask for your powerful existence to aid us in quelling these unfortunate lands. Please lend us your aid for our kingdom…” (Court Magician)

What a bunch of bullshit, these guys just want me to clean their mess. People like them should burn un-


My anger is subsiding again, this is weird. I need to investigate this.

The court magicians continues on for another 10 minutes, talking about their big history, about what I get from this. While she was talking, I finally found the cause of my anger subsiding.

There’s a mechanism in my body. Hah, they never even gave these “heroes” a choice to rebel did they? Inside my spiritual body I can feel shackles. Almost like a valve, whenever I try to harm the humans with a hostile intention, I would be stopped. My magic power or physical power won’t come out. Even to the point where my blood thirst just evaporates into thin air.

Quite the device, it can even stop my never-ending hate for them. I pour in more of my magical power in order to break the valve by force, but it won’t budge. Just what is this foreign magic?

The one who did this must be quite talented. To be able to plant it when I was summoned requires a high level of skill. Looking into it, he must’ve planted the substance in the bridge connecting my magical power and my soul, so I can’t use any power at all.


To explain, magical power comes from the power of the soul, the soul replenishes it’s magical power but in order for the body to actually use “magic”, it needs a gateway that leads to the soul. This valve stops the gateway and destroys the bridge, so my magical power instantly becomes 0. Oh well, I’ll at least find the culprit to this device.

I poured in an even greater surge of magic power directed to the king in an attempt to break the valve by force, and viola. The glasses guy reacted.

So it’s this guy. Interesting…

I accidently let out a mischievous smile as I stare at him. The glasses guy looked at me with suspicious eyes.

As much as I want to kill –


Hm, nevermind. Looks like I have to play along in order to get this device off of me.

“I am very sorry for my rude behavior. If I only knew you were the great king, I would not have been so insolent.” (Demon lord)

I quickly crouch down.

“It is my honor –


no, my duty to serve a king as wise and dominant as you.


I offer you my power to you, I would do my best to serve this kingdom and defend it from harm. I shall swear upon my name…” (Demon lord)


I stopped. This is too much. I need to direct my anger to this name. This name shall be my vengeance, it shall taint the name of the person that took my everything – The person that was the hero, that followed the divine church, and wielded the magnificent blade. Only one person’s name comes out. As much as I hate him… What was his name again.

“Your name?” (Court magician)

Silence fills the courtroom as I try to remember his name. Ah, yes, I remember now…. The hero’s name was…

“I swear upon my name Arthur, Arthur Pendragon” (Arthur)

As I crouch down and swear my pledge to the king.

Thus, my story to rule humanity begins.

-end of chapter 1-

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