《Werewolf Adventure》Crossing the Threshold
He takes another look at the Status Windows.
Title: Werewolf (Level 1)
Sanity: 10
{Skill: Appraisal level 1}
{Skill: Life}
{Skill: Speed recovery level 1}
{Skill: Sprint level 1}
{ Skill: Hyper leap level 1}
{Skill: Enhanced Senses level 1}
[Mana: 20 Life: 15
Speed: 30, Strength: 15,
Durability/defense: 20, Stamina:30]
Spell Slot: [Charm level 1: Costs 2 mana.]
[Illusion level 1: Costs 4 mana
Fireball level 1 : Costs 6 mana]
[Thunderbolt level 1: Costs 8 mana]
[Spells need to be chanted in this level]
(Werewolf form: All these are available.)
(Human form: Only Mana and Speed points are active. Only half portion of the speed is accessible in human form: 15)
Spells are all available in human form.)
(Appraisal, Temporary Sprint, life skill are available in human form. However, Sprint has some restrictions.)
[ Tools and weapons currently in possession:
- Blunderbuss
- Blowgun
- alchemist kit
- volatile mixture: 1
- reagent : 2]
'Sprint skill is now accessible in human form? When did that happen?"
[ More powers can be borrowed from the wolf in human form as the body adapts to the new abilities.]
"Fantastic! So what does sprint do?"
[ The skill sprint temporarily doubles the agility points]
'That is, without a doubt, a really useful skill. In werewolf form, my agility score is currently 30. That indicates I have 15 in my human form. It will be 30 if the sprint skill is engaged.'
Garvan calculates.
"What are the restrictions?"
[ Sprint level 1.
Duration: 40 seconds. Cool down time: 10 minute]
"Ah yes, cool down time. Very well, then."
He's attempting to damage as few innocent, honest or good individuals as possible. In a nutshell, no crime.
He won't implement any offensive spells, of course. Only the charm and illusion spells are available as passive spells. The use of a charm spell is out of the question. It would be excessively hazardous.
Out of all the spells accessible, the Illusion spell appears to be the most reasonable choice.
He considers two possibilities. He has the option of snatching the book from within the throng, saving mana points, or perform an illusion, costing mana. He wants to retain as many points as he can for potential threats in the future.
'I have strong agility numbers at my disposal. Despite the fact that it's only half of my werewolf form, it should be plenty for me to snare it and get away with it.'
He's dealing with McConnell, an A-rank soldier who is well beyond Garvan's reach. In full wolf form, the Werewolf might be able to hold off McConnell, but not in human form with restricted access to wolf-power. Snatching the book is a suicidal idea. Garvan sees McConnell as a menace who requires the usage of his mana.
'So, what exactly was I thinking? The stats of A-rank warriors are impressive. He'll be able to apprehend me if I am not judicious.'
Furthermore, there is a condition of not injuring them because they are fine men merely performing their duty. To achieve his objective, he must devise a creative strategy.
"I want to use illusion spell."
[Mana usage granted.]
[Mana consumed 4]
[ Mana: 20-4]
[ Current mana available 16; cool down time 1 day. A nap or sleep will quickly restore mana.]
'A lavish system indeed.' Garvan marvels.
[Experience level is too low.
Incantation chanting is required.]
[It is not necessary to use hand motions or signs.]
He might either create an illusion within himself to mimic someone, or he could create an illusion outside of himself—perhaps ahead of them to divert their attention away from the book like moths to a heavenly flame.
The illusion will not endure long, in either case.
Like a man possessed, he starts whispering the incantations while visualizing the effects he wants to achieve.
[ What kind of deception are you attempting to create?]
The computer-like voice appears in his consciousness again, mechanically asking the question from the back of his head.
He considers a number of possibilities.
Impersonate a guard, impersonate Omar, a double of himself, or gang of violent thugs.
Garvan makes his decision.
Who better to cast an illusion of than himself? And what would make a more convincing distraction to McConnell and Pobian than to have appear before their eyes the very man they're hunting for?
He weaves his way through the dense crowd until he is close enough to make a dash for the book, while still blending into the crowd. Thanks to the new powers of the fancy system, he needn't see or use his hands under his cloak to trace the intricate patterns required of his spell.
McConnell shouts and Pobian gasps as they spot Garvan several paces ahead of them. His illusionary face is clear under the hood of a green cloak.
As Garvan had expected, McConnell charges after his fleeing illusion as Pobian, who is no good in a fight, stares after him.
Garvan, an experienced alchemist, can quickly create explosives from volatile mixtures as long as the supply lasts. He makes a smoke bomb using the leftover volatile mixture in his kit.
[ 1 Volatile mixture has been implemented.]
[ Remaining volatile mixtures: 0 ]
Garvan immediately wraps his hands around his smoke bomb before launching it into the middle of the gap between the two men.
The haze swirls and billows, obscuring the two men from sight and smell. McConnell is now briefly disconnected from Pobian.
He stomps and struggles against the haze, but is unable to see through it.
"Use the skill sprint." Garvan commands.
[Sprint level 1 has been activated.
Duration: 40 seconds.]
[ Cool down time: 10 minute]
Amidst the confusion, Garvan dashes up and snatches the book from Pobian and then grabs for the bag of his other belongings.
"TWO OF THEM!" Pobian screams.
McConnell rushes into the smoke, heading towards where he thinks Pobian is located. It's like running through a cloud.
Garvan pours one reagent into a dart.
[ 1 reagent has been implemented]
[ Remaining reagents : 1]
Garvan's got his blowgun, so he loads one of the darts into it. He takes a deep breath and blows it through the air as it shoots and flies. It manages to hit Pobian in the throat, forcing him to collapse like a poleaxed Guinie pig on the floor.
Pobian gags and hacks, however the dozing medication kicks in and he nods off rapidly. He won't awaken in the following three hours.
McConnell, sword drawn, sees Garvan. "STOP!" he shouts.
Seeing cold steel convinces Garvan to give up on the bag and just run despite the advantage.
McConnell shouts again and struggles through a throng of people to catch up, but Garvan has a good head start and, unlike McConnell , wears no armor.
It is not long before Garvan has lost him in the evening foot traffic.
As he hunches over, panting to catch his breath, he considers his next move.
[ Experience threshold has been reached.]
[Appraisal skill level 1 has now become level 2]
[ Appraisal level 1------> Appraisal level 2]
[Now, Appraising is possible on anyone with a sufficient affinity with you]
[ New stat has been unlocked. (Affinity)]
[New stat has been unlocked. (Wisdom)]
[Sprint level has reached level 1 to level 2]
[Restrictions on human form on the skill sprint has reduced.]
[ Sprint cool down time has reduced to 6 minutes from 10 minutes (in human form)]
[ Speed stat has increased from 30 to 40.]
'Does this imply the agility stat in human form is 20 now?'
'This is terrific! This thing is fun! I suppose I don't entirely regret for following my curiosity. Hah!'
It will not take them long to realize what just happened, if they have not already. At least by denying Pobian the Seer his most dear possession, it will take him longer to find him.
Moreover, he won't be getting up within three hours; nevertheless, he will still eventually locate Garvan's soul's energy. Pobian still has the rest of his possessions, and although Garvan's soul's imprint on those items is more dispersed than on his spellbook, Pobian will still have enough to eventually track him.
'I am not the only fugitive in this city... There
must be a way to thwart the seers,' he thinks.
Although known as reckless at times, he has always been more-or-less law-abiding. He knows little about how the underground of Dawn Wheel Kingdom functions. Perhaps now would be a good time to learn more. There's only one person he knows who might help him. A girl he grew up with, named Margaret.
She is a woman now, working in a brothel in one of the seediest districts of the country. She is no criminal, herself; however, as a girl she was always inquisitive and talkative. Given the reputation of her neighborhood, he is certain she will know an outlaw or two.
Another option is to go back and try to kill Pobian. But he is guarded and murdering someone of importance in broad daylight, even in this dodgy neighborhood, is beyond dangerous.
No matter what, he feels he must do something to keep hidden. What should he do?
It disturbs Garvan that the thought of murdering Pobian even crossed his mind. He is merely carrying out his duty. Not only would such a move make Garvan a conscious murderer, the killing would be senseless.
After all, they would only hire another seer
to find him. Likely, a more powerful one!
Unfortunately, conversing with Margaret will be a difficult endeavor as well. He'll have to get through the barrier that separates the Middle Wheel (where he is presently) and Margaret's brothel on the Outer Wheel.
Now might be a good time to explain a bit more about the place Garvan grew up in.
Dawn Wheel Kingdom is so named because it consists of three circular walls inside one another; Circular like the wheels. The name Dawn is for the symbol of hope.
The first wall, the Inner Wheel, was built when the nation was born. Back then, the country-a city, really-
was commonly known as Hell's Gate. The wall was built to defend her residents from the brutal Giants of Nidvas, who lived in the forest and mountains nearby.
As the kingdom population grew and the wall could no longer contain the residents, another wall circling the previous one was built.
In the next century, yet another wall was built outside the second one, as the giants were driven away and replaced with the savage northern barbarians who, in turn, were replaced by the voracious goblin hordes.
The two inner walls, besides providing additional layers of protection, also divides the country into three distinct social strata.
The inner circle, the smallest by far, is reserved for nobility and their servants. The second circle, or the “Middle Wheel," as it is called, is where the well-to-do commoners live, along with successful merchants, guild masters, wealthy craftsman, and the like.
Finally, the outer circle, the largest of the three, is for the rest. Many of the men in the Outer Circle are miners who toil in the gold and silver mines of nearby mountains.
To ensure that citizens do not frequent wheel outside their status without good cause, all the inner walls have gates which are monitored by guards.
Fortunately, he is passing from the Second Wheel to the Outer Wheel, which is to say that he is going from a better neighborhood to a lesser one, so the wall guards are not likely to scrutinize him too much. After all, they can presume he is a good citizen to have
come from the Second Wheel and if he wants to slum about in the Outer Wheel, that's his business.
Still, he is a wanted man and he cannot use his illusions or charms to pass through because every gate has an anti-magic field around it to prevent such
Although it takes a great deal of walking, he goes ahead and scouts out all three gates.
Each has a single guard. He knows all of them.
Omar was once a guard himself, so through him he knows most city guards, at least by reputation.
The first gate is manned by Funsen, an honest and dedicated man who is an old friend of Garvan.
The second is manned by Maurian. Omar hated Maurian because he believed he was dishonest and corrupt.
On the other hand, Maurian might be someone Garvan could bribe.
The third gate is manned by Meek, who is neither noble nor corrupt, but merely incompetent.
Which guard should he try to get past?
Funsen the honest friend, Maurian the corrupt, or Meek the incompetent?
Funsen is brutally honest, which puts Garvan in jeopardy. He is well acquainted with him. Omar was the same way. Omar, on the other hand, was a close buddy who could be trusted. Unlike Omar, he is hesitant to place his trust in Funsen.
Garvan might have claimed to be an honest man if he hadn't been in such a circumstance. However, time and circumstances have pushed him to a point where he will have to adapt.
'Now that I'm a criminal, I have no choice but to take refuge in my falsehoods. This is a fact of life that must be accepted. There is no way to go back now. No looking back.'
Maurian is a cunning fox with many tricks in his sleeve. He's far too astute to take a chance. Both money and freedom are on the line.
What if he apprehends him after taking his money?
Garvan decides to take his chances on the incompetent one.
From the shadows of the narrow alley, he watches the gate that Meek is guarding.
The short, muscular man watches and smiles at passers-by.
Garvan observes this conduct for a few moments before giggling to himself as he learns Meek's primary focus is on young women.
When a young woman walks by, he gives her a foolish smile and bows without looking around.
He has an idea. He can go through gate with a woman.
So what should he do? Should he go through gate with a woman, or keep some distance?
He waits in the shadows for a while before noticing a group of three young women conversing and going briskly toward the entrance.
He decides to impersonate an old blind man. Back when he was a young and mischievous lad, he used to poke fun at Omar's crotchety old grandfather by mimicking the man's stooped and limping gait. "Fetch me a biscuit, boy!" he'd command Omar, using his grandfather's gravelly voice. Omar would laugh and then punch him.
Such memories are bittersweet now, but at least he has practice in what he is about to do.
[Minor Illusion spell is activated.]
[Mana 2 has been deducted.]
[Current mana is 14]
As he pushes forward, Garvan begins chanting. Minor illusion is a subtype of illusion that requires different chanting incantations. It necessitates fewer mana.
He limps along with one hand out as though to be sure not to run into something and cut in front of the women's path. "Ah, young lass, could you spare an old man your hand? I cannot seem to find the gate
to the Outer Wheel?" he croaks.
He's wearing a basic illusion that wrinkles his hands and the lower portion of his face. To hide the remainder, he uses his hood.
"It is but only a stone's throw away," one of the women says.
"My eyes are like that of a burrowing rodent," Garvan says.
One of the women giggles at this.
"Could you but hold a bit of my cloak and lead me?" he asks.
Only their legs are visible because of his adopted position. One of them walks in front of the others to the gate, sidestepping him. Then comes the third. For a brief moment, he is afraid they would abandon him, but then he feels a gentle tug on his sleeve.
He peeps out from under his hood to view the kind woman's face from the side. She is stunning! He hastily returns his gaze to the ground as she turns.
The wrinkles on his hand suddenly vanish as he is led along. In the sphere of anti-magic!
'I must be getting close.' He quickly tucks his hands beneath his cloak.
He hears what must be Meek greeting the women enthusiastically. He asks each to lower their hoods, as is typical when going through the gate. They must have complied, for Meek's compliments each in turn.
"Sir, please lower your hood," comes the guard's voice.
Garvan pretends not to hear him as Garvan trembles and sway as though he might topple over at any moment.
"Sir?" Garvan sees his feet moving toward him and Garvan lurches back. "I will catch my death in this weather!" Garvan bellows.
"There, now Meek, why not let this man be? We will ensure he behaves himself in the Outer Wheel," says the woman holding a handful of Garvan's cloak.
There is a sigh and he sees Meek's hand wave him on. "It is a good day to be an old man," the guard says with a chuckle.
'God! That was a good act, wasn’t it? Haha!' Garvan barely suppress his joy. He's proud of his successful trick.
After passing past the gate, he expresses gratitude to the women and asserts that he can find his way from here.
Despite the fact that the women have left, he proceeds to limp along like an old man, albeit at a slower pace.
[Experience threshold has been met]
[You have achieved the title 'Master of Tricks']
[ Due to the title effect a new skill will be activated:
[ Due to the effectiveness of the composure skill, it will be easier for you to lie]
'Well, well, well. Take a look! Is it now going to help me deceive people? Aren't you my companion in crime?'
Whatever it is, Garvan is pleased to obtain such gift right when he needs it the most.
Finally, he enters the "New Gate" neighborhood, a shorter and more pleasant name for "New Hell's Gate."
Margaret's brothel can be found here. Be that as it may, on the grounds that this is an enormous region, Garvan is uncertain of the brothel's actual location.
Here, he loses the old man routine, which would only make him a target. Instead, he quickens his pace
and leans forward like a charging bull.
He takes care not to look up at anyone and, fortunately, the hood concealing his face is perfectly normal here. Even during the daytime in New Gate, it's safest to travel with a gang. Alone, the best he can do is move quickly and with purpose.
People in this place are often wary of anyone who isn't one of their friends.
'I need to make friends with the locals here in order to find out where the brothel is.' Garvan considers.
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hm yes more kiyokei fan fiction. why read this one in particular? juicy proper grammar in the story, unlike in this description. also i am a rookie writer in 8th grade, so if i make dumb mistakes, blame the skyrim i've been playing.Classroom of the Elite is written by Syougo Kinugasa. All characters in this fan fiction are written and owned by him. This is merely a fan fiction a writing of my own based on his plot and characters.
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