《Worldship Avalon》Prologue


The Worldship Avalon is the first and last of its design. Originally designed before the invention of FTL as a generation ship to colonize the stars. However, with the discovery of FTL, the design was shelved. It was unearthed once again nearly a century later as a novelty for history buffs to ogle over.

Two centuries after its first conception, a ship designer began iterating upon the original design modernizing it in his spare time. Utilizing the latest and greatest that he could, he put everything into the design, bringing it into the modern day. He dubbed it a ‘World Class’ ship, designed to house 10 billion sapients. The new design, while at its core was the same, had Quintupled its tonnage and utilized materials far in advance of the original creators’ conceptions.

Upon finishing his work, the designer put up the design for auction. It sold for a modest sum to a shipyard near the fringe of the galaxy and human territory. The shipyard disappeared a few years later, and no thought was given to it. The World-Class ship’s design, while novel, hadn’t been a popular idea at the time. Most considered it to be an ‘extravagant waste of resources.’ Especially when projects such as the Dyson Swarms would have more significant dividends.

Sixty-seven years after the auctioning of the ‘World Class’ ship designs, humanity found itself on the losing side of an Interstellar war. It had begun waging war against a parasite race that invaded the nervous system of other creatures and bent them to their will.

Humanity was generally speaking resistant to this invasion of their minds. There were exceptions, and some humans found themselves taken captive, prisoners within their own minds and bodies as an alien piloted them about like some sort of fleshy vehicle. However, these were indeed the exception, and due to this resistance, the parasites deemed Humanity an unacceptable risk to their supremacy and began a war of annihilation.


After ten years, Humanity was losing ground. Planet by planet, system by system, the parasites sought the total destruction of every human. And then rumors began to abound of a ship the size of some planets. It was escorted by an advanced fleet of warships, mobile shipyards, and other support vessels. It was going from world to world and evacuating them, sparing them from the slaughter.

And where this ship and its escorts found the parasite’s fleets and armies, it left nothing behind. Fleets turned to scrap and slag before being fed into the processing plants of the mobile shipyards that swarmed about the Worldship as they spat out new ships to join the ranks that guarded humanity’s newest home. Named for the island of myth, it wandered the stars saving all it could. Wreaking vengeance where it was possible.

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