《The Ultimate Human》Chapter 06 : Cramming knowledge into the soul


Davis Graylock and Aldric Draalsar were back in the palace.

Sumptuous meals were everywhere and the vast majority had already been eaten.

Davis was taking in huge gulps of wine. He said: "You never know true thirst until you've drunk this nectar. I feel like I could become an immortal just by drinking it."

Aldric just laughed, "hahaha...did you know that what you're drinking, a drop of it, could kill a mortal? It's only because you have strong regenerative properties that you can drink it. You're even drunk now." He then shook his head and then added:" As for true immortality...in your case, I've heard of a strange rumor...it says that a True Phoenix, one that is completely immortal, has to reach the tenth rebirth...but no one has ever seen it. I wouldn't say that it's rare but it's like a myth because no Phoenix can go that far without being hunted down for its Sparks of laws."

Davis digested what he was hearing despite the drowsiness he felt and then asked," Did you know that you would produce the blood of a Phoenix after close to a million years back then?"

He was referring to when Aldric killed normal birds and then used the Undying Spell Matrix to cultivate a Phoenix bloodline.

Aldric showed a contemplating look and then answered," The ancestor of all birds...of course, I knew it. It was my own assumption but it was also backed by the System I created...all I needed to have was the patience to wait..."

"System?" The new word rendered Davis curious.

"Ah yes...the Operational System. A Spell Matrix that talks learns, teaches, calculates, predicts, and can simulate anything given enough knowledge." Aldric said with some mysteriousness. And with a proud face, he announced," I created it. It took me thousands of years at first to get a rough idea of what I wanted to create and after multiple tries I managed to give sentience to a spell thus discovering another path that Spell Matrixes can evolve into instead of evolving into Runes."


"Something like that can exist? Where is it? I want to see it." Davis' drowsiness immediately disappeared as he asked.

"Follow me." Aldric said as he put down his wine jug.

They went to an unremarkable corner of the room and then an opening appeared out of nowhere showing long circular stair that went underground for at least ten to fifteen stories.

The slowly descended the stairs with Aldric on the lead. The long descent lasted a full six minutes.

When they arrived at the deepest floor, a gigantic door opened and a big room appeared before them.

The room was filled with vials of different sizes filled with different colors of viscous blood.

In the middle of the room was a formless white shadow one and a half meter tall. It looked like a ball made of a translucent formless material. On both of its sides was a two-meter long tentacle.

So far Davis could only see its back.

As they approached, the formless entity seemed to turn around.

On its front was two gigantic human eyes looking at Davis with an amused look. It said using Soul Sense Resonance," hey newcomer, how is the Phoenix bloodline treating you?" Its voice was mechanic and lacked any human emotion like what one would imagine a puppet talking.

"Well, it's been a nightmare, for the most part. Now we're looking for a way to get human blood and cultivate it." Davis said.

"You're pitiful, you know that?... You've been given the power that any human of living being would kill for. You got a complete metamorphosis... there's nothing different between you and a real Phoenix. Even in all my calculations and predictions, I didn't even dream of you acquiring a Demon Soul...but all of that is trash in your eyes. You'd rather look more human than being a transcendent being...And did you know that there's a chance that the human bloodline, no matter how strong it is, won't work on you because you don't have a human soul? " The sentient Spell Matrix said.


Hearing that he may not be able to become human again, Davis looked at Aldric Who shrugged saying: "Don't look at me for answers. I didn't know."

Davis then looked at the giant white shadow pleadingly, "Are you sure that there's no other way?"

The sentient Spell Matrix then chuckled, "What if I made you see things my way? Don't worry it won't hurt...maybe a little bit."

The white shadow them retracted into a pea-sized white translucent ball and then flew directly into Davis Graylock's forehead.

Davis then felt unbearable pain assailing his head. He'd never felt so much pain before.

Along with the pain came bits and pieces of knowledge that imprinted itself in his mind.

It was like a puzzle of knowledge that made no sense at first, but as the transfer of knowledge was completed, Davis felt that he knew a lot more than he knew before the transfer.

A voice then sounded in his head, "It will take a few days for you to be able to access all the knowledge inside the Matrix core I just fused with your soul. After Aldric Draalsar, you're my secondary host. Aldric also has the same Matrix core as you do. A Matrix core's main function is to share the knowledge I have with the host in real-time. It can also help you access my other functions such as analyzing and comprehending a specific Rune, but that's just for humans, calculate and predict on the outcome of certain situations and experiments....and do remember that I can leave the Matrix core to explore the outside world for 100 kilometers around you, but through the core we can still communicate."

Davis was immersed in the vast sea of knowledge that he had been offered. After the pain had come a feeling of refreshment and fullness.

Davis learned the uses of Spell Matrixes from the rudimentary ones to the most advanced. He learned how to cast them as if he had been doing it forever, but since he was no longer human, it was useless to him.

He also found out that several Runes, three to be exact, were imprinted inside the Matrix core. Confused, Davis asked, " Mr. Logg why do I see the Water, Ice and Lightning Runes imprinted on the Matrix core? Does that mean I can use them?"

Logg was how the sentient Spell Matrix liked to be called.

"Don't call me Mr. Logg as I am neither man nor woman. Logg will suffice...and to answer your question...Yes, you can use them through me and if you can get more Spark of Laws, I can convert them into their corresponding Runes by researching them. It is an ability that only I possess. Unfortunately, I could only work with those three elements...there was no way to get more as we were imprisoned on this Island all this time. If you look deeper into the knowledge I gave you, you'll find out that 300,000 years ago I started studying a way to extract corresponding Sparks of Laws from just the blood of a Demon that had been brewed for a certain amount of time like the Phoenix blood you took. " Logg said.

Without even having to ask if Logg succeeded, Davis delved deeper into the knowledge he had to search for the answer.

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