《Master of the Multiverse》More walls of text ? More action ?
I awoke slowly at first then as my memories started to come back. I jumped up in panic looked around and observed my surrounding my vision is still a little blurry all I could see was I was in a white room completely flat on every side, not a single blemish. My vision came into focus as I turned around and looked at an old man with his feet propped up on a desk. He had on a blue wizard hat and robes. Very similar to the wizards from a game I played called runescape. He was had in his hand a very elaborate glass pipe with glowing lines covering. He went to inhale on the pipe and the lines glowed a shade brighter and he exhaled a thick white smoke in several Rings. He made his pipe disappear into his blue robes. Then swiveled around planted his feet and stood. He looked like a human but very tall nearing what seems to me close to 9ft tall.
"Welcome young traveler I see your still on alert. No need, no harm can come to you here. You are still asleep on the sofa in my living room. I've come here in a netrual space. To welcome you and guide you should you have any questions soon you will see some text appear in front look it over read it and ask any questions. Feel free to take your time I am in no rush."
He spoke in a much higher voice then anticipated especially considering the size of the gargantuan man. Not only that his mustache moved in a very odd manner it wriggled across his top lip from left to right between each syllable as if it had a mind of his own. *Ding*. A wall of text appeared in front of me.
[Welcome traveler Ricky Gervy to pocket universe #999 also know as universe zulu. Thank you for accepting the challenge of our competion. Below is some information we wish you to verify, you may change it now but once completed you cannot change it. Well not easily. - Thanks for your cooperation administration of the creator]
Name- Ricky L Gervy
Birthday- 10/28/1992
Height- 5'11"
Weight- 225
Hair color- blonde
Eye color- blue
Race- Human(Earth)
This menu looks just like a character sheet hmm wonder if there will be some characteristics from DnD. There's a drop down menu for race and editable text boxes for every field but birthday. I should ask Mr.Gandalf here how this affects me in the world. If there's characteristics for races. "Excuse me sir?" He put down his pipe with a couple loud coughs." Yes yes how can I help you. Btw my name is Monty I don't think I introduced myself. Getting a bit senile in my old age I used to be a traveler like you many many moons ago when I could count the number of Universes with sentient life. You wouldn't believe some of the journeys I've been on. Turning monsters as big as some worlds in to sheep Hahaha" after he finished his rambling I had almost forgot my question." Yes there's options here for me to change some of personal information such as race for example. You wouldn't know if this effects my attributes in game. Would you ?". He thought for a moment then gave me a confused look " I see I see. So you're asking me if by choose for example a 300lb orc if you'd be stronger then you are now? Well young one I'd hope so it wouldn't make much sense the other way haha. But as for as actual stats. Well that changes so even I do not know that. I currently reside as a npc so I don't get to participate and see the world through a players eyes. Any other questions young one ?" "Ah yes one more Mr Monty, sir under race next the word human in paranthesis it says the word (earth) my home planet what significance does that have". "Ahh now that one I can answer as a earthling human you can never surpass the limits of the body you were born with regardless of how many stats or how strong you can get. Nor can you cultivate mana or chi or any of the wordly energies if those on your planet couldn't."
Hmm that's alot to think about, I couldn't imagine even the strongest earth human being able to take on planet sized monsters. I have heard of some monks that could cultivate chi or at least believed they could but never mana. I always assumed that was just fantasy talk."One last question are there any other types of humans that are exceptional at cultivating chi and Mana or any/all wordly energies." "Of course what a smart young man. You must be one of the smart ones on your planet who studied the multiverse theory. there's nearly an infinite number of Universes some with drastic and some with only slight differences. Of course the creator moderates all these things. There is no race who is the best at all. Remember this; with strength comes weakness. For example races with the strongest Mana affinity are typically more fragile and have less muscle mass. The races with the strongest chi affinity usually don't have much toughness in other words they can't take a punch. As for the last part there are many more energies then I know, and I'd be here for the next century naming the ones I do know. So I answer your question with another. What is it do you want to do ? Also bare in mind young one race isn't everything just because you are a high elf doesn't make you the best high mage alive it just makes the path a little easier."
Hmm this is so much information and it's so generic! This is good but its also bad. This is how things are but not really. Man this is getting old I'll be so glad just to get the in the game no more questions. Seems like I just need to figure it out. Trial by fire. There's respawns... Right ? Hmm what kind of fighting style do I want though that's a good question "How about a martial artist who has power of earth and incorporates that into there martial arts ?" I've always wanted to be a earth Bender haha.
The old man looks at me with a very questionable face takes a few puffs of his pipe then looks up and says, "Hmm what a very specific request. There is a race that's sorta human like that has good earth affinity and can cultivate, what translates to geothermal chi very unique even though the race is capable I here it's a very volatile and hard to control energy. The race is called zealotian from the planet e3476. Yes that's what it's called. It was renamed to that after they begain habiting other planets, a very common practice. Anyway if you go through with the race change it is recommend changing your height between 6'5" and 9' and your weight to about 400-500. They have naturally dense muscle. anyway enough you'll see."
Tired of the bs I went ahead and changed my height to 6'5" and weight to 450lbs and when the drop down menu appeared when I focused on the race he mentioned it highlighted then I mentally selected it
[Are you sure you want to chose this race
[ Caution you bodily will drastically change this could take several hours]
Yessss I don't care
Soon I thought this I was out again instantly.
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