《Chronicles of the Realms》The Running of the Bull 5 - The End of the Journey
He awoke much later feeling weak and sick, head reeling he attempted to stand and could not. It was completely dark so he reached for his magic to sharpen his sight and banish the gloom… it did not respond at all.
He felt the first stirrings of terror and tried again.
A rough and rumbling voice said, “No point trying, the spores have fully infested your body. You won’t be able to touch your magic until your system clears them and you’re not going to have enough time for that. Such a shame.”
Several glowing insects brightened enough to light the area. Showing Obbst that Albrecht (the Boarn) and Jayosh stood in the hollow of a large tree with him.
He tensed and tried to throw himself at the pair of mercenaries, he moved only fractionally and as he did lines of agony tore across his hide.
“Eh, wouldn’t do that if I were you. I mean it really doesn’t make any difference, you’re going to die screaming very soon anyway. We just want to be the reason not something mindless like the vines.” Albrecht shook his head and said, “You Bulls are so fucking stupid, so arrogant and caught up in your ‘honour’. How could you believe I was telling you the truth when I begged you to allow us to ‘regain our honour’. Total shit, honour pays for nothing but we were paid to make sure you never returned to Chelavis. Have to admit we did over do it a bit when we were celebrating but I mean who wouldn’t? Rayosh an’ me fully intended for you to have a fatal accident somewhere along the way for what you did and now someone was willing to pay us for that and pay us well? Of course we celebrated a bit too freely. As far as the rest will know you were carried off by something big and winged from the dead kings lands. She'll make an illusion that shows them so and then we'll complete the task in your 'honour', only because that loot is far too good to pass up. If we tried that sort of a sacking without your Herdkeeper’s cover we'd have the army after us. Not that it will matter to you because now it’s time for you to scream.”
After a long and agonising time, Obbst found himself on the verge of death and he had nothing left. But he had not given these honourless curs the satisfaction of a single grunt of pain, not a single cry, not even a moan. Albrecht said, “Dawn’s light brightens the sky, we need to be done. The others will awaken soon, the Nightmarten flowers only last during the dark of the night. Daylight withers them.”
Kicking Obbst, Jayosh angrily said, “This one was no fun, we might as well have been carving an already roasted joint of beef for all the notice he took. The centaur filly at least screamed when we carved her up. Heh! So you can still move. Yes we took the centaur filly from the warehouse, her herd will be contacted and have a ransom demanded of them. When it is paid she will be given to them in five separate bags and the best thing? Your herd will take the blame for it, Herdsprotector Obbst. I just wanted that to be the last thing you learned, to take with you into the Unmentioned’s frozen realm. You know what her herd will do. Your herd dies and you can do nothing, Herdsprotector. You've failed utterly.”
Reaching around his thick neck she opened the side of his throat with the wickedly glinting knife already heavily stained by his blood. He felt a coldness settle in his belly and his chest as his blood spread out around him in a pool.
The thirsty ground tried to soak it up but there was too much, so much… but then so little and finally no more.
He raged as he faded, this was not right, this was not as it should be, this was not JUST.
Then he was gone.
Trftdrwx ran along with his protected toward the caravan, the Royals had instructed him to aid Obbst in the attack on the Frenshiet Herd. He was being sent to ensure Obbst’s investment in the Iaernide’s help and friendship both himself personally and the race as a whole. Personally he found he quite liked Obbst, the Bull was a good person if a little rigid in his thinking but some time around Trftdrwx should impart a measure of flexibility. With no false modesty Trftdrwx was certain he could adjust the outlook of even so rigid a person as a legendarily stubborn Minotaur.
He looked forward to it. Knowledge was never wasted and it’s gathering was life.
There was the caravan ahead, a spell and his vision sharpened. Odd he couldn’t see the very recognisable outline of the huge Minotaur anywhere in the column… what had happened?
As he ran up one of the running Bulls stopped and waited for him.
The Bull said, “State your name and your business, Iaernide.”
Hd scuttled forward and said, “Noble Trftdrwx was contracted to provide support on this raid by the principle backer, our point of contact was the Bull known as Obbst.”
Watching carefully Trftdrwx saw surprise cross the bestial face of the Bull before he said, “Hrrm, Kellei will need to talk to you. Wait here.”
Nodding his assent he watched the Bull race up the column before quickly returning with a Fae woman. She said, “Noble, I am Mercenary Captain Kellei of Black’s Watchers. I was unaware Iaernide support had been requested.”
This was not the time for games, it would be best to have this be as clear as possible so instead of communicating through Hd he said, “There was no need for you to know, the contract was with the backer of this raid and my point of contact was Nrkka Driv Obbst.”
The Fae woman grimaced and said, “Ah, that presents a difficulty. The Nrkka Driv was carried off by something two nights ago and I have assumed command of the raid. How do you wish to proceed?”
“I will fulfil my contract with the raid’s backer and support as I was hired to do, in order to facilitate that I place myself under your command for the duration of the contract. The Nrkka Driv knew the details, I will have Hd provide you with a copy of the contract as well.”
He saw the Fae woman relax slightly, her body language telling him she knew nothing of what had taken Obbst. She said, “That works. There will be a briefing tonight about tomorrow afternoon’s raid. I can expect your attendance?”
He nodded and said, “Certainly. I will be interested to learn your plans.”
As he joined the caravan he saw a ripple of notice run through the mercenaries. Most it was just the usual interest in a new person but two of the mercs stood out, a Boarn man who regarded him with almost hostility and an unkept Minotaur who regarded him with naked hostility. They would bear watching.
The next afternoon Trftdrwx took his assigned place. The battle plan was simple, extremely simple, but he was also certain it would be brutally effective. The target herd had only three combat worthy Bulls and nine levies of fifty slaves each, they had another six badly injured Bulls but they shouldn’t be a factor in this fight. Indeed his task was to make certain they weren’t.
His task because none of the mercs wanted to be the ones attacking warriors in their sick beds, he however didn’t have that particular hangup. They were targets and would be neutralised.
A thunderclap from Kellei who had Air as one of her Realms, he and his protected rushed through the grounds toward the medical building of the large Herd compound. It was more of a small city than a simple farm this far from anything resembling civilisation.
No guards at the doors, as expected because the guards were inside in the beds.
He signed to Je and Hn to split and cover the outside as he and Gx went in through the front.
A beastman woman with lizard like features sat at a small station just inside froze as he burst through the doors, eyes scared and limbs already trembling. He snapped at her, “Stay still and you won’t get hurt.”
The room was dorm-like with four large stable-like pens along the sides and beds in clusters of four all down the middle. Some of the beds had been shoved aside to make room for a couple of makeshift stalls because there were more injured Bulls than there were rooms for them.
Unslinging his borrowed rifle he shouted across the room, “That goes for all of you! This is a raid! If you comply with my directions you will not be hurt! Resist and you die!”
Bellows of rage came from one of the Bulls on the floor of the room and two of the private rooms, the other Bull he could see didn’t even twitch.
Two Bulls rushed out and the other pushed himself to his feet.
They were a sorry looking lot, covered in bandages and visibly trembling under the strain of just standing. This Herd must be in worse trouble than he’d thought. He’d expected six Bulls merely suffering the malaise of heal-shock which would have been a fairly easy fight because having your body put back together after a severe injury was almost as traumatising as the injury itself but they hadn’t even been healed. This was not even going to be a fight.
Shouldering the rifle as Gx charged at one of the Bulls he put two shots into each of the others.
The bullets didn’t do much more than get their attention, a rifle like this might at most leave a bruise on any Minotaur worthy of the name. Once they were looking at him his hand lit in purple flames and he said, “The next shot won’t be as easy to ignore, down on your knees!”
Gx had his Bull wrapped up tightly in a grapple, that one was out.
He saw them look at each other then slump and carefully lower themselves to the floor, all four legs folding up neatly underneath them.
“Good, I’m glad we understand each other. Now we’re going to sit in here nice and quiet, then when we’re done we’ll leave you in peace. Don’t worry none will be harmed unless they resist, we’re here for loot not destruction or slaves.”
The floored Bulls slumped even further, they knew they’d been beaten even before the attack.
Soon they had all the bulls, even the unconscious ones, gathered in the main room.
His head buzzed and Je’s voice came over their communicator, “Noble, a Minotaur approaches. It is the mercenary Sleekiy. Orders?”
What was he doing here? He’d been assigned to covering one of the rear entrances, a long way from the medical building.
“Remain hidden, do not intercept. I will handle him.”
Aloud he said, “Gx, stand ready we have a potential hostile incoming.”
Very soon after the Unkept Minotaur walked in.
Trftdrwx said, “Sleekiy, what are you doing here?”
As he ignited in opalescent tipped flames he said, “Removing you.”
Swapping forms he charged.
In a purple flash Trftdrwx teleported out of the way and as he skidded to a halt scarring the polished floor Gx blurred into a run throwing itself at the confused Minotaur.
It hit with the sound of metal slapping flesh.
With a bellow of rage the Bull bucked, trying to throw it off. When he couldn’t he burst into a flatout sprint, straight at the wall.
They smashed through the masonry, stones flying and scattering across the grass outside.
Trftdrwx strolled over and watched Gx wrestling with the huge bull.
Changing forms the Minotaur twisted free and jumped to his feet, opalescent Chaos magic blasted out from his body before Gx could respond.
Trftdrwx wasn’t as slow though even surprised as he was and the Chaos funnelled into a purple edged rift he opened, stopping it from affecting the world.
He had to intervene, he hadn’t expected a Minotaur to have any casting capability.
One moment he was standing inside the room looking out through the shattered wall, the next he had a hand resting lightly on the Minotaur’s shoulder.
Purple light flowed over the Minotaur’s body and solidified into shell conforming exactly to the shape of his body.
A small exercise of skill and the Minotaur's magic was blocked.
Trftdrwx said, “Now, before I do something permanent, why did you attack me?”
“I’ll tell you nothing pawn of the Keepers.”
Surprised Trftdrwx said, “Pawn of the Keepers? What?”
The Minotaur remained silent.
“Either you can talk to me or you can have your mind stripped by a Royal if we go that way you know just how that ends. Seriously just answer me I want to know why you think I’m a pawn of the Keepers.”
The Minotaur remained silent.
“Fine, the Royals it is.”
He was hit in the back by a charging Bull and flung into the grass.
Rolling, he came to his feet and a purple lance of solid seeming light cut through the Bull’s body shredding his organs and leaving a shattered hulk leaking blood and other fluids behind.
He shouted, “I warned you! Resist, you die!”
Stalking back inside he left Sleekiy in his purple shell behind.
When he was inside a spray of purple lances flashed out and tore through the beaten Bulls.
Coming back outside he said, “Now I’m irritated. You need to talk or I’ll strip your mind myself and I’m not as skilled at it as a Royal. You’ll scream.”
Reaching out his hand glowed brightly purple and he saw the moment Sleekiy broke.
“No! Stop! I’ll talk, I’ll talk.”
Tapping his foot he said, “Hurry up then.”
“Your kind support the Keepers, support the ones who attack and harass my people constantly. Killing us, taking our young to warp them into their creatures. Then hiding in your Warrens far from our vengeance.”
“Oh. Well. In that case this is a different conversation. We do not support them any longer our policy has changed, you can believe me or not but if you choose a liaison will be sent to the unkept herds. We would welcome your support in destroying the Keepers.”
The Bulls voice was loud and very surprised, “What?!”
“Things change over time and our needs have changed, the Keepers are no longer able to meet them.”
“How am I supposed to believe you?”
“Simple, I’ll set you free and another Noble will meet with you at a time and place of your choosing.”
The Minotaur grunted and said, “That’s insane.”
“No merely logical. You dislike a group we now find obstructive, destruction of our common enemy is a worthy goal. Do you agree?”
Shaking his head in a low voice Sleekiy said, “Er… yes?”
Unblocking his magic and freeing him form the shell Trfdrwx said, “Excellent, one of our Nobles will be in touch to organise the meeting.”
Dazed the Unkept Minotaur just shook his head and turning walked away.
Trftdrwx went back inside, the raid was almost done.
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