《Celestial Beings: Evolution》Stage 1: New World II (Chapter 2)


As I stared at the tree my vision became blurry. I've been staring at it for the past 2 hours. Nothing is happening. I don't understand - am I just inept? Probably.

I tried saying [Search] in my head - but nothing. I tried doing it multiple times - but nothing. This is pitiful.

I tried imagining a search window popping up like in a stereotypical manga.

[Search] was invoked.

[Elderwood Tree]: It's a tree.

I did it! Thank God.

Okay now what? I guess I should walk somewhere.

Eloxus continued to walk. He had no goals. No ambitions - he was just walking, aimlessly. Using [Search] at every chance he got.

[Search] was invoked.

[Search] was invoked.


[Search] was invoked.

[Search] Beginner - Level One -> Beginner - Level Two.

Oh nice! That's pretty cool I guess? But seriously - what do I do now? I have no skills other than [Search], and [Limitless Communication] isn't even usable.

What is that?

Eloxus saw something in the corner of his eyes. It was something he'd never seen before. A disgustingly large blob - but at a closer look, it was a ton of individual Lesser Beings, who seemed to be following someone.Their colours ranged from Red - Violet. There were no Magentas.

Holy shit - should I walk up to them? Theres so many of them, hopefully they're friendly.

As Eloxus walked up to them, they didn't really acknowledge his existence, if anything they were fixated on one thing. Amd that thing was the 'person' infront of them.

White, it was a white Lesser Being. Eloxus' thoughts went wild.

How lucky. Why couldn't I be them? I wish I was them. They even have swarms of followers following them - fuck this. I'm leaving, if I stay any longer I'll attempt to execute the bitch.


Eloxus tried to walk off, but as he did. Blobs with tiny eyes stared him down.

What? Did I offend your Princess or something? If I could speak I'd tear you a new arsehole.

Eloxus could only signal them with his tiny little limbs - he flicked them off. This didn't help at all. If anything, it made it so much worse. Especially since he offended a group of Green newborns and a few Orange ones. Eloxus sped up in his stride, but they were much faster - especially the Green newborns.

Leave me alone, I'm sorry ! Why do I do these things to myself? I shouldn't have left, or better still, I shouldn't have flicked them off.

Thankfully - the newborns left him is since they were straying further away from their 'Goddess'. However, an Orange newborn kept following him.

Although Eloxus wasn't the smartest person in the world, he wasn't that stupid. Eloxus slowly kept straying away from the crowd. The newborn following him even took a few swings when he walking slowly.

Eventually they were alone, in a desolated area. As soon as Eloxus turned, he ran towards the Orange newborn. Eloxus used his little limbs to attack him. His tiny fist landed, although it didn't look like it made much of an impact. The newborn was shocked, judging on how Eloxus acted, he thought he was an easy prey. But he assumed wrong.

Eloxus even went as far as using his head to smash against his body. This time, it looked like it hurt. Eloxus got jabbed in his 'belly' (he's a blob - he has no belly). The punch had that much force it put Eloxus on the floor.

He's strong, but I think I'm fine. Look at him. He's so worn out, he looks like he'll collapse any second. I'll just wait until he walks towards me and I'll headbutt him again.


Which is what Eloxus did - although the execution wasn't perfect.

Eloxus was able to headbutt him but his opponent got another swing before he evaporated.

[You killed someone!]

[30 Experience Points have been awarded]

I didn't even Level Up...

This system dislikes me for some reason.

I've been awake for around 9 hours and I'm not sleepy at all. Maybe I don't have to sleep since I'm a newborn and haven't got a proper species yet, and if that's the case, that's pretty cool.

He wandered and wandered, unti he came across a lone newborn, just like him - although this newborn was a red one - weak.

I feel bad, I'm just like them - alone. Maybe I should say Hello or something.

As Eloxus walked towards them, he tried to wave his limbs towards the blob.

I'm interested to see if [Search] does anything to alive things.

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