《Tales of Calamity (LitRPG)》Chapter 1: A Voice So Distant
Rhys! Wake up, you're late for work ---again!" Piercing his tranquil slumber, a voice that could only be described as harassment screeched out to him. Zuli, her smug grin just at the sight of his annoyance was enough to sum up her character.
Though they started off friends, after moving in together, they were more bitter enemies. In fact, she often looked for any chance to slight him. Unfortunately, she never did have to look that hard.
Rhys got up from bed and stretched. His long black dreads stretched down over his glasses. Normally in this city such an appearance would have him look intimidating, but even then, he failed to do even that. in contrast, his eyes were much too soft.
His eyebrows naturally arched upwards as if he was always sad. The absurdly thick glasses he had on were much too big for his head and covered a good portion of his face. Behind them, the soft dark brown gaze could not be mistaken for anger, even if he was.
He lacked any muscle or athletic capability. If he were to fit into any category, it would simply be summed up by the word "geek". However, that would surmise intelligence. In Rhys' case, his IQ was nowhere near remarkable.
So what does someone without any resolve for sports or academics do? The one thing he has talent in, is doing nothing at all.
He's had plenty of time to try and attain new hobbies or skills, but over the ages, he quietly resigned to a stagnant lifestyle.
Behind these walls of his room, everyone could forget his failures. Behind these walls, the expectations of others could not reach him. Behind these walls, he was fortified. This was his absolute domain.
That is until the loud mouthed demon breaks through those doors. He groaned and got up, shooting Zuli a glare that was very much reciprocated.
"Jesus, you could at least try to be a bit more ambitious. Our final tests just finished. We're pretty much done with school. You're legally an adult now. You should be thinking more about your future."
'Nag Nag Nag...fucken hell, that's all you do. Hop off my dick.'
Rhys yawned and stretched. "I know I know, my alarm should have woken me up."
"You can't keep making excuses for yourself, Rhys. Sooner or later your job will fire you as well. Then what? You're gonna leave all this burden on me?"
In this day and age with the cost of living as high as it is, it would mean be fairly impossible for them to live on their own. "Well..I gotta dash to work then. hm?" He got up and threw on some clothes very sloppily, before putting on his glasses. He didn't actually need them at all to see...
It was actually quite a long story of how he came to wear these. It was now a force of habit that he could not avoid regardless of it all.
Placing it on reminded him very much of the old days, when him and Zuli were close friends. It was just the three of them. Zuli, Rhys....- and...Kels.
It was odd. He sometimes felt it was his fault that tore them all apart. Though both Kels and Zuli would often tell him it was the wears of time. Their relationships had long dwindled to the point where they were only reminescing of the old days without any regard for the current them.
He dawned his uniform on. Black slacks, navy blue polo and got promptly left the house to work. Zuli never actually had to work oddly enough. For someone who constantly nags him, she was supported entirely by her parents. They payed for everything.
They pay her rent, her school supplies, tuition, and they even bought her a car outright. For someone that was so easily handed everything, he couldn't stand the amount of complaining she does about everyone elses lives.
Rhys on the other hand saved up for everything he had ever needed. It took him several years to save up for a car. Though the very next week after he got it, it was destroyed in an accident.
His tuition still had much left to pay off. For someone who literally does nothing, it was a wonder where all this money was going to.
He hurriedly ran along, narrowly dodging traffic through sheer luck. The city could only be described as cold. Skyscrapers covered the heavens. Lights illuminated every sector at all hours of the day. Everyone always seemed like they had somewhere to go and could not wait for others.
In this city, everyone was always rushing. There was always some place to be. Its frusterating, but it garnered it the name "City of Lonesome." With everyone always having some place to be, there was never time for interaction. Work, work, work, work.
For the outside world it seemed like the city was simply ravenous for work. However, Rhys always grew saddened by the streets he walked through. To him, he could see the loneliness behind their eyes. They couldn't really focus on interaction no matter how much they wanted.
It was because they desperately needed to survive. This city, truly, it was a jungle.
As he was running he saw something up ahead that made him slow down immediately. An old lady carrying her groceries.
She had a small cart she was using to both hold herself up and push her food. One of the spokes on the weels had apparently loosened and fell off, tilted everything over. No matter how much strength she tried to muster, she could not really move the entire load.
Like always, the traffic did not stop for her either.
"Oi. Gramma, do you need some help?" He raised his hands over to her so she could see.
"O-oh.. you would help an old hag like me?" She lightly bowed as far as her hunchback could allow her. "You really are an honorable man. You remind me of my grands-on." She let her purse drop from her shoulders. "You see, there's a socket wrench somewhere in my purse there."
The purse dropped with a thud that almost made him jump! what the hell kind of super granny was this!? The noise was much too loud for just 5 pounds. It sounded most definitely like 40lbs.
He nodded and crouched down to look through her purse. Sure enough, he found himself pulling out rocks of various sizes. You can't be serious. How much rocks does a lady like this need?
"O-h those are just my rocks for safety. It is a dangerous city out here~" she said sheepishly.
'no lady...you're the dangerous one here...' he picked out a knife from the pile of rocks as well.
Finally, he managed to get deep enough to pick out the small pocket wrench that she hid in her purse. Though once he got to the wheel he couldn't help but look lost. He took off his glasses to better clear his vision. Yet, he definitely couldn't spot anything there.
"umu...excuse me miss, but isn't there supposed to be a screw here?" she looked down and gasped... "oh no....I must have lost it earlier on in my walk. This happens all the time you see." She sighed. "Ahh, if only I was much younger. I could have taken care of this myself."
Rhys sighed and got up. "Wait here, lady. I'll be back." He quickly ran off. If he remembers correctly, there should be a hardware store just 2 blocks back.
Gen's Hardware and Rocks.... "eh...odd coincidence, but okay.." He reluctantly stepped foot in the shop.
"Hello~~~ Welcome to Gen's Hardware and Rock Shop, how can I help you?"
He quickly explained the situation and asked for where the bolts and screws were. "Aisle 13"
He politely bowed and ran off to the aisle. Let's see... they were 10mm...
"ah here... but 25 bucks?!" he shuddered to think he'd have to spend 20 on such an item. They only came in a bulk pack of 30 bolts. Who in their right minds would need 30 10mm bolts?
Regardless, he brought the bolts to the front register and hashed out the last of his money for the week to pay for it. He sprinted back to the block and helped the lady repair her fallen wheel and even secured the other one to make sure it wouldn't fall.
"Oh- its refreshing to see that there are still fine young men like yourself around. Especially in this city... it gives me hope for our future." She planted a kiss on his cheek. Could you get more grandmotherish?
After helping her cross the street, she waved him off and he ran off to the his job. In truth, he had woken up late because it was a 30 walk there. If he had run, he probably could have made it in time.
After this instance though, he was most certainly late.
He burst through the doors of his work place and immediately ran to clock in. Unfortunately, right at the time clock, waiting for him, was his boss.
The middle aged man Hores was in his late 40's, balding on the side, and always seemed like a laid back kinda guy, but this time the look on his face was one that held a lot of sternness to it.
For sure he was going to get scolded again.
"Anything to say for yourself?"
"I had to help an old lady cross the street...?"
"Tch." He sighed. "Listen, Rhys. You can't keep coming up with these excuses."
He motioned him into the office.
"Look. I had wanted to keep you on at least until classes were over. That way you'd have a steady means of surviving your school year, but look at this."
Sat before him was a calander. A plethora of X's filled the page. "Do you care to elaborate on what you think these are?"
"...lates or absenses."
He nodded. "Mhm. And of course with all of these X's, I actually wrote down a list of excuses. On the 1st, it was to help a child crying. On the 4th, it was an accident that you were helped out."
He went down the list. "The 19th, you got mugged."
"21st, sick"
"22nd, Sick."
"24th, Old Lady."
"25th, Sick."
"26th, A fight brokedown in Central."
"27th...School Exam"
"31st, Old Lady...again."
"Look, I get it. School is hard on young impressionable teens such as yourself. However, I had thought this behaviour would stop once you had finally completed your courses."
"It was my mistake for letting it go on this long. So in Conclusion Rhys, you're terminated."
Terminated. He knew such a word was inevitable. Some day it would come to this.
Silently, he exited the room. "Ah..I wonder what Zuli's gonna say about this. I can just imagine her nagging now."
'You're practically useless'
'why do you still keep on trying?'
'Is there anything you're good at?'
'You know, if you actually tried to do things, it may work out differently. You gotta stop worrying about others.'
'Y'know, I actually haven't ever met someone as untalented as you. It's remarkable really.'
These were words he's heard all too much. Not just from Zuli, but the words manage to follow him everywhere. Subtle inputs from acquaintances, friends, bullies, etc.
As he walked a stern voice disrupted his train of thought. "Out of the way, Nerd." Kels, the once long ago friend of his. His varsity coat rested over his shoulder. The progress of time was one that was impossible to stop.
What was then a small tiny kid, fearful of every agressive encounter was now a tall 6'5ft mountain of muscle. He seemed easily agitatable at all times. Those eyes of his could only look towards the future and pierce whatever is in his way.
Everything about him seemed immovable. Even his short spikes of hair refused to relent under the wind. He casually brushed Rhys aside with his shoulder and kept walking. Not even sparing a glance back.
He was clearly upset about something. "It's understandable. The school life is over now. There's no more reason to play anymore."
Kels stopped. "That's what I should be saying to you, Rhys."
This was the first time they had spoken in years. It had cought him completely off gaurd. Kels sighed. "Why do you still wear those glasses?"
"huh...what are you going on about? My vision is horrid."
He clenched his teeth and grimaced. "Do you even know why I'm coming from this direction? I live on the opposite side of town."
Rhys had a confused look on his face. The conversation was not making sense at all. "I just talked with Zuli.... Hey... is it true? Those glasses.. you've been pretending to be blind all along?"
"It wasn't until that day that you began wearing them."
"Huh.." Rhys sighed. It was a day so long ago. It almost seemed as if they weren't the same people....
"....RHYS! I NEED YOUR HELP!" Zuli ran frantically calling for him as he was playing with several of his friends.
"Ehhh? Whats'up Zuli cooley?"
She panted heavily. She clearly had run all the way here. "Kels!...They're picking on him!"
Rhys stopped his swing and hopped off running to the soccer fields frantically. Kels was not strong at all. He had a health problem that heavily stunted his growth due to his malnutrition. He was much smaller than all the other kids.
When he got there, it was much too late. Kels had lay there bleeding from his lip and covered in dirt and tears. He was too late. He couldn't always be where Kels was. There was no way he could keep saving him.
But that was the same with the bullies... they couldn't always be where Kels was. Besides, it wasn't like he could fight against them anyways. He was unremarkable as well.
That day his vision began to worsen and with the new overnight concerns his parents bought him glasses. They were the most obtrusive pair of bifocals one could possibly pick out. He chose it and insisted it be the ones he wanted.
The thick glasses looked like giant panels that could even deflect bullets. His eyes were magnified exponentially. Since that day, he'd always wear it to school and the bullies would instead pick on him. How could they not? He was rediculous to look at.
That, coupled with the fact that he slowly became less and less skilled in almost everything, there was no way he wouldn't be picked on.
His school days since then on had been nothing but being targeted. It wasn't anything he couldn't handle though.
"Say...Rhys. You can actually see can't you?"
"Kels...I honestly don't know what you're getting on ab-"
With swiftness that he couldn't even follow, Rhys found himself lying on the ground facing up to the sky.
His glasses had been knocked over and this sharp burning pain manifested in his left cheek. He got up hazily, spitting out the little amount of blood that had drawn.
Only seeing Kels pose did he realize he must've been punched. "Wow.. you're as strong as ever, Kels." He got up and grabbed his glasses.
"STOP MESSING AROUND!" He stomped on the glasses before Rhys could reach them.
"You can see even better without those can't you."
"Say Rhys... why did you let those years of torment go on? Constantly trying to help others at the expense of yourself?"
"All of this time...do you think you're being a hero or something?"
"What the hell do you get from this?!"
He sighed. It's not possible to lie in this instance.
"I just didn't want to see you or Zuli suffering... you guys are my friends."
Kels leg rose up from the ground, kicking Rhys back along with his glasses. "You're always going around, shouldering everything on yourself. Every. Single. Time."
Blank. Sheer cold darkness. He was utterly unconcious.
"If you had just been truthful, went through everything with us, perhaps we would have still been..."
"I call upon you... you who holds no bearings. You who knows no future. I call upon you."
"..huh, who's there?"
"From this world to the next, the grasps of Shiredin shall not falter. The souls of the unworthy shan't hear. The souls of the unfamiliar shan't recognize. In this mortal realm of ours, only sins determine -"
"What are you taling about...?"
"By the divine power invested within us beings. There lies no authority greater than the seal. No God or Diety can interfere, for here now lies your enlistment. You need only accept."
"What is this voice.... its so...odd."
In this void, of black, he felt only warmth. The voice continued to talk, not to him, but at him. It's words seemed to borrow their way into his mind so even if he wanted to not pay attention, he could not.
He found his consciousness being drawn forward towards this voice. But behind him, a different voice rung out. This one much more tearful and saddened. It was the voice of a woman, far too familiar with the sands of time.
"Come... Hero. Time is slowly running out. Come.... save me."
"ah...why do you sound so sad...? Where are you?"
The rain started to pick up.
The coldness interrupted the warmth he had just felt within himself and he slowly drifted back into consciousness. He found himself laying against the sidewalk with his glasses clutched tightly in his hand.
"I see...it started to rain."
"Heh...I've seen these things in novels and movies all the time. Why does such a cliche weather have to hit now..."
He got up. Judging by how wet he was, he must have been out for at least 20 minutes. His clothes were soaked. His body ached in several places as he got up and placed his glasses on.
The rain covered the lenses to the point where they seemed like foggy windows, embraced by showers of rain. He walked slowly back home and took off his shoes. He silently went to head to bed, but instead, Zuli was sitting up watching the TV in the living room.
She turned around the moment the door unlocked. "Oh... you're home early?"
She then cought sight of him and her voice slowly trailed off... "What happened?"
He looked tattered. Clothes entirely soaked, Blood still trailed from his chin.
Rhys ignored everything and walked to his room, tuning out her words entirely. He was focused on something else entirely.
He changed his clothes and hopped into bed. For whatever reason a voice still lingered in his head. He couldn't quite figure out what it was, but the voice sounded so sad...so so sad... who was it?
Zuli knocked on his door shortly after.
"Oi. Rhys. You talked to Kels didn't you?"
"Truth is,Rhys...your attitude pisses me off."
"We were supposed to help each other."
"I couldn't believe how blind I was to everything, but once I started living with you I realized it. You try to shoulder everything on yourself."
"No matter what it costs you."
"I tried to keep silent...but seeing you destroy yourself...seeing you destroy your future wasn't getting any easier."
"I was hoping it would be over once school stopped. But... you never change huh."
"If you think you're helping any of us by suffering you're wrong. In much the same way- It hurts each and every one of us to see you like this."
"You haven't helped anything at all!"
Her words sounded faint from outside his door. For whatever reason, he couldn't focus on anything she was saying. The world around him seemed lucid. The four walls that were his sanctuary seemed as if they were fluctuating.
I haven't helped anything at all, huh...
I guess even now, I'm still really useless..
"You were supposed to help us because we were your friends right? How could we as your friends sit and watch you deteriorate like that.."
No...- you're wrong...
She was sobbing outside of his door. Huh...its odd. She was starting to sound more and more like her old self.
"Tell me."
I didn't do this just because we were friends..
"All of this time acting like you were inneficient at everything. What was all of that for?"
Truth is, I never pretended about all of that. I have no talents... no skills.
He could hear her words but for whatever reason, his couldn't leave his own mind. The walls around him now shined immensley. Engulfing his entire presence in a warm light. So bright was such a light, that he couldn't see anything. He couldn't even feel his own limbs.
"Selection complete... Verifying agreement?"
If there was only one thing I'm good at... its shouldering everyone elses' pain. That's why I try so hard to help others. That's why I take away from everyone elses misfortunes. I can at least do that much...
Verifying Agreement
This voice was overpowering. So powerful yet melancholy.
"Do you accept?"
Yes...of course...
There were clearly 2 conversations now going on within him. The answer for both could only be concluded with that statement, yes...of course.
If he didn't think it the best choice, he would have never done it.
Yes... of course. If there is ever someone that saddened needing his help, he cannot help but aid them.
Configuration. Agreement is set in place. Welcome to the New World. Hero.
His room began to glow unbearably hot. The white light began to pulse and the walls breathed louder and louder. Pulsing inwards and outwards...in and out...in and out. and out. and out. and out. His eyes were now captivated by the sight before him. He couldn't blink. His breath cought in his throat.
The walls around him shifted like a living organism. The light was so powerful it pierced through his body and reflected on the other side. His entire room was a hot glowing white caucophany. The sound of blades and wind, chirping, screaming, howls and various indescernible noises filled his head.
Two of them in particular stood out among them all.
"WHATS GOING ON?! RHYS ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" It was Zuli. Pounding on the door as hard as she could. The white light could be clearly seen from under the door.
For her however, it felt so cold. As if his room was a freezer.
Then he heard the other voice. So silently yet so clearly, sobbing. It was the pain of hundreds of years. There's no way a human could reach this level of sadness over night... Between the both of those, he could tune out everything else.
Drifting in and out of consciousness at the same rate as the pulsing walls, he finally fell into pure warmth, black, and silence..
"Welcome, Hero. You've crossed plains intact."
"You may now open your eyes."
Little by little everything came into view. There he was, staring at skies so blue that they seemed almost dreamlike. The sounds of the wind caressing the trees comforted him. Grass swept from underneath his skin.
I could've sworn I was just in my room earlier. Where am I now.
He got up and looked around. That's when he realized. It wasn't just him there. There were dozens of others. Many of them looking equally confused.
Some have already awoken and been standing for several minutes, others were still asleep not breathing. As he observed the bodies, as if life was suddenly given to them, their chests began to rise up and down. Some bodies however, didn't move one bit.
All in all...there were so many of them. How many...60..80..no there was well over 100 if you include the ones who had not yet awakened.
"What is this place?" He asked.
Some of the others asked questions out of confusion as well, but it was clear noone knew what was going on or where they were.
- In Serial98 Chapters
Unending War
In a secluded forest, Avalel, twelve years of age, was completely oblivious to the torment of the war. His backward village was a hidden safe haven, self sufficient on its own limited resources. Although there were occasionally contact from the "Outside", as they called it, the village remained its own world, isolated and in peace. Until he stumbled upon a girl, broken by the war, hardened by its cruelty. Four years later, the Outside comes to him. Witnessing the horrors around him, his fantasies shattered by the abhorrent ruthlessness of this orderless world, he only has a single goal: to protect the ones he considers his closest in the war. A mysterious sword accompanies him, a relic of the past strangely interested in his development. A kind friend supports him, looking out for each other. A leader pursues him, obsessed with his identity. A journey of life, of death; of friendship, of enmity; of courage, of cowardice; of loyalty, of betrayal; of power, of corruption in this eternal, unending war. Cover edited at Canva, using a photo taken by myself.
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amarys the wizard of control
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