《❤️ LOVE APART ❤️》Chapter 2 ✨FIRST FRIEND ✨


{ Scene changes to school }

[ Aiden to Hana ]

Run........ Hana ! We are already vey late for school ,

[ Hana to Aiden ]

I am running fast as possible , if u want us to reach school

On time why don't you pick me up in yor arms , that will be

So romantic .

[ Aiden to Hana ]

Don't talk nonsense! I am not going to pick u up like , just

run fast.

{ After some time they reaches school on time }

[ Aiden to Hana ]

Let's see .....

In which class are we in .

You go there Hana and check for you class .

In the mean time I will check mine .

[ Hana to Aiden ]

Ok ! as you wish .

[ Aiden to Himself ]

Ooh ...i see i am class 1-2 now i have to ensure Hana

Will not be in same class as me ,if she will be in same clas i

will be doomed .

{ A voice comes from behind for Aiden }

Yo.... Man , i think you are new here same as me and i also

Saw you were talking to a girl is she your girlfriend or

Something like that .

[ Aiden to that boy ]

No she is just my neighbour and child hood friend we grew

Up together from toddlers to this age , and sorry i don't

want to sound like a rude but could you tell me your name

please .

[ Boy to Aiden ]

Sorry ...sorry...... It was was my fault in the first

place , i didn't intoroduced my self to you my name is

YAZUKA AKITO but you all can call me AKITO , okay !!

[ Aiden to Akito ]

Is it okay for me to call you by yor first name ?

[Akito to Aiden ]

Yeah it's totaly fine for me , let's be friend from today


onwards from the very first day of our highschool to

the end of our high school .

[ Aiden to Akito (in a confused state) ]

I never had friends till day even in my middle school

None of my classmate talk to me they all look at me like

I am a monster or some thing , i don't know why they all

Look at me like that . But when i graduated from my

Middle school i thought my highschool life will be as same

as my middle school life , but now that I think , things from

now on will change .

[ Hana calling Aiden in a lovely voice ]

Aiden .......... See i am in same class as you , you are in

class 1-2 and i am also in class 1-2 , ...............

Hmmmmm and who is this guy

behind you , i never saw him before .

[Aiden to Hana ]

See ...... Hana , i just meet him when i was checking

classes . Let me introduce him to you his name is

YAZUKA AKITO but he said we can call him just Akito

It's fine for him .

[ Akito to Hana ]

Let me introduce myself to you again , my name is

YAKUZA AKITO but you can call me only Akito , and

I am willing to become both of guys friend if u don't mind.

[ Hana to Akito ]

It's nice to meet you ʘ‿ʘ.........

My name is HANA ,and i am Akito's childhood friend

And i am also his neighbour , i am happy that you are his

guy friend , until the middle school he was very lonely .


[ After a very long talk , all the three became friends , after that

They all heads towards their class room , ]

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