《The StormBlades》Chapter 13 Prince John
“Queen Elspeth,” Prince John greeted, as he entered the barracks. He was met with two crossed spears from members of the Queen’s guard.
“Let him pass,” she ordered.
He walked up to her with a swagger, having already chosen the words carefully to gain her attention. “My father is rallying the remainder of the army to move against you.” Shock and anger passed through the barracks. Half the Queen’s guard immediately left to keep watch outside.
“Why? We just saved his city.” Her voice remained calm, but the rage in her eyes betrayed her. The very fire in her soul was burning, and she wanted to stop this tyrant once and for all.
“He saw the power your mages possessed and took it as a threat.”
“That ignorant fool!” she blurted out, before quickly composing herself and turning back to face the startled prince.
“Why tell us his plan?” Jason asked. He was standing just next to the Queen as always, his hand still firmly grasped on the hilt of his sword. “He is your father and your king.” He didn't trust anyone who would so quickly betray the wishes or commands of someone with a higher rank. He disagreed with his Queen from time to time, and so did many of the nobles, but they would always talk things over and sort it out. Not start a civil war.
“He would see our city burn to the ground before accepting any form of help. Half of our population is already dead, but your people have saved the other half that would have surely died. You have saved us, and he would repay that by killing you all.” He paused for a second, raising his chin and straightening his back. He stood taller than ever and spoke with authority and purpose, revealing his regal side. “It is time for a new king, a fair king. One that will do right by his people.”
The Queen stared at this man before him, was he ready? He looked prepared to face what lay ahead, but when she took over her own country, she found out that ruling was easier said than done. Although she was much younger than him when she became queen.
This could be the end of a feud that has lasted for three hundred years, peace in their time. Or it could be the start of a bloody war that saw her country destroyed, at a time where they needed every soldier they could get. Was it too good of an opportunity to pass by? she thought. The Queen looked around the room, her knights were far superior warriors to his men, but this was their home, they would be vastly outnumbered. The look on the faces of the men around her showed they were ready for this, they would take this city for their queen. If it was what she wanted.
“We do not have the numbers,” the Queen muttered, not wanting to risk the lives of her soldiers.
The prince smiled at her, a sly expression crossing his face. “That, your grace, is where you are wrong.” She watched him closely.
“The people are arming up and marching on the keep as we speak. Many of the soldiers have already abandoned their position. And numerous nobles support my claim, and will give their own men to me, if... If you will stand by us.” His voice became loud and wilful, full of power and confidence as he began walking around the barracks, speaking directly to the men. “We can end the war between our nations once and for all, let us live in a new age. An age of peace!”
Queen Elspeth couldn't help but smile, feeling hopeful. A few years as Queen and she will have managed to put a ceasefire to the bloodiest war in living memory. Even her father couldn't have foreseen this. If only he could see her now. The history books would finally have reason to remember her.
She looked at Jason wanting his council on the matter, he simply nodded his approval, the men were ready. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as it began to beat faster and louder. She trembled a little from the anxiety of what lay before her, but she felt that the time was right. She hated speeches and wasn't about to start now. She nodded back to Jason, giving the order.
Ten of the queen’s guard remained with her; the remainder of the force led by Jason marched out of the barracks. Through the other side of gate, leading to the keep, the King’s men were gathering and preparing to strike them first.
A rabble of noise came from the main city as thousands of peasants marched towards the keep armed with pitchforks, bats, pans, anything they could get their hands on. They trooped up the streets, brandishing their weapons or torches, shouting and ranting about the downfall of King Theradres.
Terandriell was still unconscious laying on a bed nearby. He had heard everything going on around him, in a coma-like state.
“You need to wake up,” the Elder ordered.
“But I'm too weak.”
“You are stronger than you know.” He paused. “What happens when we use magic?” he quizzed. Terandriell felt like he was back in school all those years ago, learning about the basics of magic and the world.
“We use our energy to cast it. The bigger the spell, the bigger the toll.” He replied half-heartedly.
“The spell you cast was immense, I can feel the power that was used from here. You used the power of the elves around you to make yourself stronger to cast it, did you not?” Where was this going, Terandriell thought.
“I did,” he answered bluntly.
“Well, when a soldier has battled and is tired, they regain their energy by eating.”
“Where is this going?” Terandriell could not see anything, just darkness with the Elder’s voice echoing around him. He noticed Terandriell's frustration and almost lack of interest.
“Pull your power from nature around you, from the animals, the trees, every living thing has a life force around it, you can pull the energy you need from it to recharge.” The Elder paused again. “She is coming back. You can choose three.”
Terandriell's mind flickered to Arianna, then to Kara and Felgourn. What for? he thought to himself, but it was too late, he had already chosen. The vision faded as he felt a burst of energy electrifying his body. He could hear Arianna and the Queen both talking clearly now.
“What is going on?” Arianna asked the Queen, as she ran into the room.
“Justice,” she replied.
“Justice? Thousands of people are going to die! That rabble out there is no match for trained warriors. And your five hundred men against what? Five thousand?”
Terandriell forced his eyes open and stood up, his vigour renewed. He jumped to his feet with the Elder’s energy coursing through his body. “Eldorai, we stand and fight as one.”
The golden sea of armour stood in unison and marched out of the barracks with not even a word uttered as they ran out to help Jason and the Queen’s forces.
“Arianna, find Kara and Felgourn, there is something we must attend to.” She ran off without a moment’s hesitation at hearing the urgency in his voice.
“Thank you,” the Queen said, before she too went outside to watch the outcome. Her small retinue following her closely, ready to remove her from the city in seconds.
Terandriell could feel the energy the Elder granted him rejuvenating his very core, it wouldn't be long until he was back to his full strength. Terandriell was the last to leave the barracks. The peasant population had already begun surrounding the castle, with Jason's forces and the elves standing at the gate, ready to attack. No one dared move. Every elf, soldier and peasant stood perfectly still. The Queen and her men stood at the edge of the courtyard, watching, waiting.
Terandriell thought this all looked a little odd as he turned. Seeing that Arianna, Kira and Felgourn had all frozen mid-run, looking at the courtyard towards Terandriell. He felt his own body begin to stiffen as he fought his hardest, trying to move. Every fibre of his being screaming out for freedom.
A laugh pierced the night sky as the black mass appeared above and smashed directly in the centre of the courtyard, causing the very ground to crumble. A young woman emerged from the dust that was thrown high into the air, she had curly auburn hair that fell down her shoulders and back. Her pale complexion was mirrored by her bright red lips. She wore a provocative white gown and was the epitome of pure beauty. She smiled so sweetly, and seductively it acted as a poison to the Queen’s guard. They could move again, but they didn't care. They stared at this strange being, love stricken.
“Strike her down,” the Queen ordered, only able to partially move her lips, nothing else. She saw what was standing in front of her, what they could not, the witch. Her soldiers didn't obey, they watched this beautiful woman walk towards their queen, entranced by her appearance. Some blackbirds danced around the witch’s feet, like what the Queen expected a witch to do around a cauldron.
“Men,” she said in her shrill voice. The word sent a shiver up the Queen’s spine although she still couldn't move, neither could anyone else in the city from what she could see. Her entire platoon of men standing, frozen at the city gates. She ran a single finger down the Queen’s cheek, her nail piercing the Queen’s face.
Although she couldn't move, the blood from her wound still ran red, down her face and dripping off her chin to form a small pool at her feet. She could feel the gash burning her very flesh. “What do you want with me?” she asked the Witch.
“You are a problem that needs to be...” The witch let out a deep sigh, “extinguished.” She proceeded to blow towards the Queen, like blowing out a candle. The smell of her breath was overpowering, it was carrion.
“You are the only one that can unite the humans against us. The darkness will fade once again. It is a small chance but a chance I will not take.” She leaned closer and closer to the queen, her lips practically placed against the Queen’s ear. She took a step back, withdrawing her green blade from amongst her white gown with those long-crooked fingers.
As she did, the Queen’s vision of her changed. She became a witch in appearance too, her pale, flawless, white skin became darker and flaky, her auburn hair changed to pure black which fell in strands knotted together.
She smiled at the queen, revealing her razor-sharp pointed teeth. “You can see me,” she said excitedly. Tilting her head at the queen, she ran her tongue across her own lips like she was preparing for her next meal. The men around the Queen still stared at the witch wholly consumed by lust.
The Queen fingers twitched, she was slowly gaining control of her body, the magic slowly wearing off. She gripped the hilt of her sword but still struggled to move the rest of her arm or body.
“Too little too late.” The witch cackled as she pressed the point of the blade on the Queen’s chest. The blade pierced her skin ever so slightly. The blood dripping down her armour to join the puddle of blood already at her feet.
“I bet your blood tastes sweet.” The witch withdrew the blade from the queen, and ran her tongue over it, writhing around it to get as much red liquid as it could. She closed her eyes, savouring every moment as the Queen’s blood coursed through her body. She licked her lips again and opened her eyes. She had blue eyes before, but now they appeared red, her true form was becoming more apparent to the queen, but she was still so helpless.
The witch raised her blade above her head and forced it downwards towards the tip of the Queen’s head, hoping to cleave her in two with a single blow. The sword was stopped mere inches from her head.
“Not today, Witch,” Terandriell said, forcing her weapon back with his own and pushing her backwards with magic.
“Impossible.” she screeched, retreating to the centre of the courtyard. She hissed at him, sending the crows that were around her feet forward to attack.
They flew at him with alarming speed. He shot a jolt of fire at one, but the flame was merely absorbed by the bird’s skin. Realizing that magic was not going to help, he drew a dagger from his side and stood with both his blades ready to attack. The first crow he cut in half with his sword and the second met a similar fate as the dagger pierced its chest.
The colour drained from his face. This was against his nature. He was supposed to protect the animals in the world, not butcher them. It made him feel sick to his very core. The three remaining crows pecked and bit him. One of them managed to knock the dagger out of his hand, but he managed to catch the bird with his hand in front of him and snapped its neck. It fell dead to the floor.
He gagged. It was horrible. Killing them with his sword was bad enough, but to feel them die by his own hands.
A thick mist started forming at his feet. He managed to catch one of the last two birds with his blade, as he turned to face the final bird. All he saw was a black image as Its beak pierced through his eye. He quickly broke its neck and pulled it out of his face, letting out a scream. His blood spurting from the gap in his face. Terandriell placed his hand over his eye and healed his wound in a few seconds like it was nothing major. The Elder's power coursed through him had mended it a hundred times faster than he could have.
The witch laughed. “Foolish mortals,” she hissed.
“I am no mortal,” he laughed back, trying to intimidate the witch.
“There is great power in you. A darkness.” she sniffed the air. “I can s-s-sense it. I can taste it.” Her tongue dashed out of her mouth as she tasted the air around her. “I can teach you to control your power, teach you to s-s-savour it.” Her body and head were tilting and twisting, still baring her pointed teeth as a threat to him.
“I can control it,” he answered stubbornly.
Her answering laughed pierced the night sky again. “You cannot control it; you don't even realize how powerful you are. Join me. We can rule this land together.” The fog had grown steadily since it began and now engulfed his entire lower body.
“You s-s-seek power to heal and better nature, to make it the one thing that will last throughout the ages. I can grant it to you, just come with me.” She outstretched her hand. Her nails were just as sharp as her teeth but three inches long and as black as her hair. She hissed again.
“Terandriell D...” The witch silenced the Queen with a flick of her wrist, not breaking eye contact with Terandriell.
He had dreamt of the power to save nature, but this evil being was rooted deep in his mind, she knew just that. He had only just realized that he hadn't blinked the entire time. He was staring at her with every fibre of his body was stiff as a statue.
Could she somehow read his thoughts from that? Terandriell strained and finally forced himself to blink with his entire might. As soon as his eyes closed the connection was broken. She hissed once more, this time it was louder and more of a shriek, as she cursed in some dark forgotten language.
The ground below him began to tremble, stones were thrown up from the ground. A horrible grinding and breaking sound was coming from all around him. A hand stretched out of the earth, followed by a body as a dead man raised itself and stood up. The same was happening all over the courtyard around the witch, some, corpses rising, others were just skeletons. Their eyes were the same red the Witch had.
“Necromancy,” he spat.
She smiled as he said the word, “you are alone, elf.”
‘You can choose three.’ The Elder's voice echoed in his head as he looked towards Arianna, Kara and Felgourn. I have chosen, he thought to himself. The life began to return to the three elves. First, they could move their hands, then they could move their feet slightly and a few seconds later had smashed into the side of the Witch’s summoned warriors. She hissed, sending her small legion against the elves.
“You can still join me, sweetie.”
Fear glistened in his eyes at the last word. Was she the creature from the cave all along? He could feel his strength building up, a final shot at revenge. “Let's dance.”
The witch hissed as she glided towards him and swung her left hand. The speed at which she moved was unparalleled. She managed to slice two of her nails through his cheek before retreating. Terandriell had been stabbed and pierced with a sword before but nothing this painful. He placed his hand on his cheek and tried to heal the wound quickly, but it wouldn't stop bleeding. The witch laughed again.
“You understand so little of this world elf. You think I am the evil one? You are being controlled and guided by someone much worse than I.”
“I don't know what you mean,” Terandriell said as he threw a dagger towards her, it landed in her shoulder, but she didn't appear to notice.
“The Elder.” she laughed. “At least I am what I am. He leads you on fals-s-sely.”
Terandriell threw two more small daggers at her, both landing on her, but she didn't notice those either.
“He will consume you before the end.” He was lost in thought for a second, trying to work out what she meant by it. The witch took the moment of doubt to strike, she flew towards Arianna to take her out. Terandriell regained control and put up an invisible barrier, as she crashed into it, her hissing sound once again pierced the sound of the battle.
“Your fight is with me, Witch.”
A few of the Queen’s guard had managed to break through her magic on them. Terandriell realized that the more spells she maintained, the weaker each individual piece of magic was becoming. The knights ran towards the never-ending army of dead to help the elves. The zombie creatures were quickly killed. The skeletons, on the other hand, she protected with magic. They could stab and cut, but they wouldn't fall. Those that did, would reconstruct themselves to strike again.
“How do we kill what is already dead?” Arianna shouted above it, slicing a zombie creature in half with her sword.
“Cut off the head of the snake and the rest withers,” Felgourn replied, loud enough for Terandriell to hear as he bashed another's skull in with his staff. He knew he needed to kill this witch quickly.
She whirled around him, clawing and scratching. His armour withstood the attacks from her, and he could tell she was getting agitated. He had his sword and a large dagger out, one in each hand, but only managed to strike her three times. Like the other attacks, she didn't appear to notice such minor assaults on her person.
She transformed into a thick dark mist between him and Queen Elspeth. He pierced his sword into it, and it was ripped from his hands. The fog faded and there she was standing, her silver hair falling straight downwards, her pointed ears, her piercing blue eyes and her pale face.
“Oh, my sweet, sweet boy,” the Witch said.
“Mother?” He dropped his dagger to the ground and fell to his knees.
“Yes, T, I'm here for you.” The Witch was still talking in her hoarse voice, but he couldn't hear it. He refused to listen to it.
“But you're gone,” he managed to say. The tears welling up in his eyes, as he narrowed his eyebrows. It was only a few weeks ago he had been tormented by images of killing his mother. The beast in the cave, or whatever it was had shown him, had forced him too, and now here she was.
“I'm back for you, come with me.” She outstretched her hand. “We can go find your father and return home.” He stared at this image of his mother, after all these years, he slowly lifted his hand up to grab hers.
“That's it, take my hand.” His hand was a few inches away, her own never moved, she couldn't be the one to grab him, he had to come willingly.
“Almost there, keep...” She chocked, as a sword appeared through her mouth. Dark green blood began spouting from the gap in her face when the Queen removed her sword from the Witches throat. She kicked her back, and the witch crashed face-first onto the floor. The Queen looked towards the ground where the Witch lay. Her lifeless form aged dramatically, like a thousand years had passed within an instant.
The mist had quickly vanished as she looked towards the others, the skeleton warriors that were attacking had crumbled onto the floor in heaps of bone. Two of her guards lay slain in the pile of dark bones they had tried their best to destroy. The loss hit her more than she had expected. She had known them both men for many years, Eric and David, they had both served her faithfully.
A sound of metal clashing on stone drew her attention to the army behind her. Many of the King’s men had thrown their weapons to the ground and given up. They might not have been able to move for the last several minutes, but they still saw everything that happened. The Queen noticed the sheer look of shock and fear on the faces of all the men looking her way.
She would have been terrified too if she didn't know this type of thing existed. At least she had met the elves first, instead of a creature like this. She was glad of that.
“My Queen.” Prince John said as he approached her, looking as confident as ever. He was wearing his own crown which was not as grand as his father’s, but still regal in appearance. “We have taken the city. Would you care to join me in the throne room?”
She looked towards Terandriell, he was still kneeling on the ground in front of the rotting remains of the Witch. He seemed angrier rather than upset, but the Queen didn't want to risk infuriating him or upsetting him any further.
“Go, we have this,” Kira said blandly towards the queen. The Queen had a skip in her step as she followed the Prince. Prince or King, what should I call him now? She thought, smiling to herself. Even Aredd couldn't have foreseen this outcome.
They continued walking through the army of peasants who were all cheering, and then through her own men and the elves. Jason had organized a small patrol around her before she even realized what was happening. Jason was at her side as her men pushed through the mass of people ahead. Together, they cleared her way to the looming doors of the castle, which opened inwards just in time for them arriving.
The room was filled with hundreds of nobles, the Queen wondered where they had been hiding for so long. The women all wore an array of the most exquisite jewelled necklaces and bracelets. Everyone's hands were adorned in the most beautiful rings fashioned from gold or silver and embedded with a multitude of colourful gems.
She hadn't seen nobles anywhere near the castle, and now hundreds of them littered the room in front of her. Maybe they all wanted a slice of the cake, so to speak. Waiting on the best opportunity to strike and take whatever they wanted. Or perhaps, Theradres, had promised them a show for her own execution if he won.
They all had their eyes fixated on the Queen and their new king. None of them could control their surprise at the situation, never having expected anything like this to happen. Theradres always seemed to have control over everything, unbeatable and now he was disposed of.
“Now is when you decide what kind of King you want to be.” The Queen said in a lowered voice, her eyes still grazing over the onlookers around her.
“I will be fair and kind, unlike my father.” His voice trembled ever so slightly. It was no small feat to become ruler over an entire country, especially when it was his older brother that would have been trained for it. The thought of it all began to settle in his mind.
“Fair and kind yes, but always remain strong. My father told me to keep my guard up when I became queen. For the vultures circling us now will come for that crown of yours. Surround yourself with those you trust implicitly but be extra vigilant in your early days.” They were almost at the other end of the hall, King Theradres was kneeling at the bottom of the platform where the throne rested. His hands were bound, and a look of rage smothered his face.
“Traitor child,” his father spat on the ground in front of them. His older brother was nowhere to be seen.
“Take him away,” John ordered. The guards lifted him onto his feet and dragged him out of sight, with some struggling on the ex-king’s part. They both stood staring at the throne, the Queen could see the nerves choking her new ally.
“You will be fine. Just walk up those steps.” She smiled at him, renewing his sense of duty as he climbed up the three steps in front of him and turned to face the masses. The room was as silent as a crypt, everyone was frozen in place like they were still under the Witch’s thrall.
“We have all suffered under the rule of the tyrant, King Theradres.” He began, his confidence growing. “Henceforth, this shall be a land of peace and prosperity under my rule. Drastic changes are needed to heal and rejuvenate our country, and my first act as King is to abolish slavery.” Gasps emanated from many of the high born and nobles in the room before him. Many of the servants were looking up, reinvigorated. They were being given a chance to finally live.
“Throw down your chains and live anew. Half of our city has been destroyed by the Witch that has plagued us. If it weren’t for Queen Elspeth and her brave warriors and mages, we would have all perished. We owe her our gratitude.” He outstretched his hand to point in her direction.
She stood brimming with pride staring at the masses. The sound of the chains hitting the floor overpowered the King’s Speech, accompanied with the chatter from the nobles in the room. John stopped his speech, and silence once again fell over the castle.
Elspeth took a single step forward to gain the attention of everyone in the room. “Long live the King!” she shouted, loud enough for her voice to carry to the other end of the throne room.
“Long live the king,” the chant was repeated back.
The room broke into small talk as many of the peasants and nobles alike began to depart, digesting everything they had just witnessed.
“My Queen,” Jason spoke in a hushed tone beside her.
“What's wrong?”
“Prince Arthur was seen galloping out of the city, heading west with all of the city’s horses and half the army.” The Queen had suspected this outcome, but it troubled here all the same.
“What do we do?” she asked, knowing full well there wasn't anything they could do.
“Nothing, let’s just cement his reign a little before we leave.”
“We lost two of our men today. Make sure the bodies are taken care of, and do it out of sight. They frown upon cremation here.” Most of the people had departed, leaving them alone in the golden room. John slouched in his chair for a moment, allowing relief to spread over him, he had taken the city peacefully without bloodshed. He had only ever hoped for it to go so well.
“Queen Elspeth, words cannot describe my gratitude. Thanks to you, my people have a future. But unlike my father, I know you didn't travel all this way just to be disrespected. Why did you come?”
She smiled at him. He was becoming kinglier already. “I would much rather speak with you alongside our…” She paused for a brief second. “Other foreign friends.” A speculative expression crossed the King’s face, he had seen no banners from the other houses or kingdoms present.
“Jason can you fetch Terandriell and Arianna please.”
“Unusual names.” The King smiled. His face was extremely curious as Jason travelled outside. Elspeth was now standing with a few of her guards but otherwise alone with the Kin. The silence was a little unsettling to her, so she decided to start the conversation early.
“You saw the Witch and what it was capable of?”
“I would never have believed it if I hadn't seen her with my own eyes.”
“There is much worse out there, coming for us all.” John looked at her wide-eyed, tapping the fingers of his left hand against his throne. Thirty minutes ago, he wouldn't have believed anything like this was possible, but who was he to decide the realms of possibility any more.
“This Witch obliterated thousands of my people, and you are saying there is worse out there?”
“Yes. I wish I could tell you otherwise.” She began walking up the three steps to the throne to stand beside him. Her bright blonde hair blending in with the golden background of the room.
“I wish I could tell you that everything was over, but this is just the beginning.” Still slouching on his throne, a sombre look overpowered his curiosity. He didn't want to risk any more of his people's lives. A new King and already ordering his people to their deaths would never end well. Footsteps began to echo from behind them as Jason strode in with two elves close behind.
“How did you get the order of mages to fight for you? I didn't realize they were so heavily armoured though, or as proficient in the use of magic, what they did out there was outstanding.”
“Oh.” Elspeth paused as she looked off to the far side of the throne room. “I forgot about them,” she said, almost not believing herself. She made a note to request an audience with them soon. They had always been above the summons of Kings or Queens and usually denied any answers, but the situation was dire enough that they would have to listen.
“What?” John raised his eyebrow, staring at the Queen, then at the people before him. These elegant, tall people, in their strange armour with the unusual symbols. They bore weapons of an odd colour, and even the way they walked was strange.
“May I present the elven race.” The Queen smirked as she looked at John to see his eyes and mouth widen.
“I was just as stricken as you when I first met them.”
“Where are you from? How many of you are there? Why have you not been seen in so long?”
The Queen began giggling at having been through the exact same thing only a few weeks ago. The elves simply smiled at him, waiting for his tongue to catch up with his thoughts.
The King had settled down. “This explains the magic I witnessed at least. Remarkable.” He stood up and beckoned them to follow him. “This way, let us talk in the great hall, you all look dreadful and could do with a seat.” They dreaded seeing the state of the room they were being led to. If it was anything like the rest of the castle, it wasn't going to be pleasant.
When they arrived and the King swung the double doors inwards, he unveiled a stunning hall almost as grand as the throne room. Rows of tables and chairs graced the floor with massive candlelit chandeliers hanging from the thirty-foot-high ceiling. Enormous windows adorned the right-hand side of the room, and a beautiful red embroidered rug ran the length of the room, from the doors at this side to the doors at the other.
“I was expecting...” Elspeth trailed off, not wanting to offend her host.
“A disaster.” John finished the Queen’s sentence laughing. “Trust me, I will have this place grand again in no time.” He chose a small table on the outskirts of the room so they could all sit closer together. It was much dimmer here than anywhere else in the room. The King whistled and had a few servants, not slaves any more, bring them some candles.
They probably hadn’t heard the news yet if they were still around the castle and not home with their families. But the two of them seemed much more comfortable in this King’s presence than they ever did around Theradres.
They spoke for some time about what had happened so far on their journey. John apologized for the assault on Delphirn and offered the town and lands of the long-disputed territory of Melorn to the Queen as repayment. She shook her head at first, but he overruled anything she had to say on the matter. The land had been seized from them around sixty years ago under King Leopaul, King John's grandfather, when tensions had intensified again. Thus, beginning the longest concurrent war that the two kingdoms had known.
The people of Melorn had always wanted to return to their rightful rulers and had been punished for it time and time again. Theradres had the boys conscripted and half the food taken as a tribute to his reign. One topic moved to the next for hours after that, most of which was irrelevant. The two elves had remained mostly quiet talking amongst themselves. Jason lay half asleep, the top half of his body sprawled over the table.
“May I be blunt?” the Queen asked. She was planning to be anyway but thought it was polite to ask.
The prince looked over at her, relaxing back on his chair slightly. “Of course,” he said.
“Your country is in disarray. You need to rebuild and strengthen it. However,” her face grew stern, and instantly appeared queenlier. “We will need you and your men when the beasts from hell come marching.” This seemed to perk Arianna and Terandriell's interest in the conversation as they both watched him waiting for an answer. Jason let out a loud snore, oblivious to the situation. The Queen kicked his foot while keeping her eye contact with the King.
“You shall have it.” His voice echoed in the same royal fashion as her own. “What of the elves?” He asked, turning to face them.
“We are few in number, and our King wants nothing to do with this,” Arianna said with heavy eyes. These two ancient enemies banding together before her eyes, yet her own people, the protectors of nature and life itself, would abandon them.
“I have a plan to change that,” Terandriell said, grabbing a golden-green apple from the platters of food the servants had brought to the table earlier.
“You do?” Elspeth asked, looking at him with surprise. Arianna also looked on a little startled.
“I do,” he said, crunching into the apple. Not willing to answer any more on the subject. The lights had dimmed down further, and the King had ordered one of the servants to fetch some more candles.
“Jason,” the Queen said, kicking him lightly, “go get some rest in the barracks. Send one of your men here if you must.”
“I cannot leave you.”
“You've been asleep for the past two hours. Besides, I have Arianna and Terandriell here with me. I will be fine.” He was too tired to argue with her, and it was more of an order than an ask. He politely excused himself and left the room, leaving the four of them alone.
“How did it feel John?”
He looked over to Terandriell, scrunching his eyebrows together. “How did what feel?”
“Ceasing control. Taking back your Kingdom from a tyrant. How did that make you feel?”
“It was...difficult. I suppose it is different when it is your own blood you are betraying.” Terandriell was baffled by the statement.
“Your own family.” The Queen assisted.
“Ahh, yes. Well, that makes sense. What else?”
“I guess it felt right, I think. Don't get me wrong, I have no idea what I'm going to do about my father. He resides in a cell for the moment, but this is what the Kingdom needed. To be set free from age-old brutality and ancient traditions.” He looked confident in his opinion, but there was a degree of sadness and regret for what he put his father through alongside with what he would go through soon enough.
“Good. I guess that will help with what's to come.”
“You can't mean it.” Arianna stood, raising her voice after realizing what Terandriell intended. “He will kill you as soon as you step foot on our island.”
“We have no choice. How else are we going to do what we need too?” he responded, his voice much calmer than her.
“No. There must be another way? This is all for nought if we lose you.”
“We can speak about this later Arianna.”
“You’re an idiot,” she sighed, before storming out of the room.
The Queen looked at him. “What just happened?”
Terandriell had almost forgotten they were both still in the room. He rested his palm on his face, exasperated. He wanted to leave and go after Arianna but wouldn’t abandon the Queen to be alone with John. As luck had it, two of the Queen’s guard entered the room at Jason's command. He simply smiled, excused himself, and left the room to follow Arianna.
The castle seemed much different at night. The scarcely lit hallways confused him, but he remembered the way from earlier. It wasn't as difficult to traverse as the castle at Saskinar. He walked outside the throne room into the darkened street and headed towards the courtyard. Most of the men were in the barracks, but a few had stood guard outside.
He saw Kira sparring with three of the humans, using only her left hand and was easily keeping the three of them at bay. He rushed over towards Kara, who was watching her sister spar.
“Have you seen Arianna?” he shouted. She jumped not expecting anyone to be nearby.
“She walked down the streets, I'm not sure where she has gone. What's wrong, Watcher?”
“I said something that would have gotten me killed had the wrong ears heard. She is rather upset.”
“What did you say?”
“Effectively about overthrowing Urgost,” he shrugged.
“Shhh! Not here.” She shot him a dirty look and walked closer to him so that they were practically touching. The wind began howling through the night sky as if issuing its own warning to him. “Not around anyone. Keep those thoughts to yourself,” she whispered. “Remember where half our force came from, his own guards. I don't doubt their loyalty, but you never know.”
“You're right Kara, but it has to be done.”
“Human kingdoms and an ocean now lay between us and our home. Then you have our own fleet and our entire army plus his personal guard. Not to mention he is probably one of the most skilled elven warriors and mages to ever live.”
Terandriell smirked at her, “One problem at a time.”
She simply shook her head and withdrew her blades. Not in the mood to get into an argument with him, she marched over to where her sister was sparring to join in and show the humans the speed and ferocity of the elves. The two of them fought for hours. The gathering of the humans around them was immense; not one of them could best the two sisters, although many of the men tried and failed in that regard wanting to prove their skills to their fellow comrades.
“I'm sorry.”
Terandriell turned around to see Arianna sitting on the wall next to him. He simply smiled at her in kind.
“You are right, you know. If we are going to survive this, we need the full might of our people.” He didn't know what to say, so sat patiently watching the sparring ahead of him.
“Just like the humans here, it is time for a new leader. I think it should be you, Terandriell. You are the only one who has seen sense in all of this and will defend elven kind until your dying breath. You already have the support of the StormBlades, and I will also back you.” She withdrew her two-handed sword from its sheath as she stood up and walked over.
He looked up at her, her armour glistening in what was left of the daylight as she knelt on one knee with her sword outstretched on both her hands. The sound of the soldiers training vanished quickly as they all turned to look at what was going on. Arianna was still kneeling on the ground as Terandriell began to blush.
“Get up Arianna, I am no king. I don't have the titles or the claim to it.”
“Who cares about titles? You are a blacksmith at trade, but your parents were nobles even with that trade. Many of us will support you in this.” She refused to move from her position.
“Fine, we can discuss this later. Just get up, everyone is staring,” he blushed.
“Good,” she muttered, looking up with a grin.
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Systemic Revolution
The world has been experiencing strange phenomenon for the past half a year. Massive hurricanes, erupting volcanoes, and earthquakes all on a scale and in times of the year never before seen. Strange sightings and disappearances have become common in the news. However, for the majority of the world's populace these events are just a new headline to discuss over their morning coffee. This all changes on the day of July 8th, 2050 which will become known as the "Systemic Revolution". The world is plunged into chaos as Earth is brought into a larger system known as The Conglomerate. The Conglomerate introduces worlds to its system when it deems said worlds on the route to self destruction. Seizing the opportunity to both save the planet and its population, while simoultaneously providing eresources to the rest of it’s system residents. Carter is your everyday brown haired, blue eyed 26 year old addicted to caffeine and devoted to his family. Living in a one of the many cities in the United States' Appalachian Mountain chain. The world has gone through a fundamental change. Can Carter manage to build a stronghold for both humanity and his family.
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Road Trip. | ✓ | [ e d i t i n g ]
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