《The StormBlades》Chapter 7 The Dinner
Persistent knocking on the door woke Terandriell up from his deep sleep. There had been an old elf infecting his dreams for the past couple weeks, saying nothing at all but his gaze made Terandriell's very soul burn.
“Get up already,” shouted Kira as she continued banging on the door.
“I'm awake, I'm awake. Stop that incessant noise,” he grunted. He was somewhat glad that he had woken, and that the ancient elf wasn’t staring at him any more. It was every night, appearing just before Terandriell woke up, and it was beginning to irritate him. He had never seen anyone look as ancient as the dream stalker.
“Well it's taken five minutes to wake you up, she's waiting for us.”
It had been the first time since he left his forge that he had been able to sleep in a proper bed. Between the ship journey and travelling around the countryside, they had never had a chance to properly rest in weeks. He wished he could just go back to sleep and catch up on all the rest that was missed, but he knew better than to keep the Queen waiting.
Should I take my weapons with me? he thought to himself. Deciding to leave most of them behind, he collected his two small daggers and hid them on his person.
“Hurry up already, I'm starving!” Felgourn shouted as the door in front of him opened inwards. He tapped his side to show that he had a weapon with him as well just in case things got out of hand. Kara and Kira both nodded to confirm the same.
“Ahh, finally awake, are we?” said the same young girl from earlier, “If you follow me, I will take you to the Queen’s dining room, it isn't far.”
“All I feel that I do in this place is walk,” grunted Felgourn, “but at least it’s for a good cause. My stomach.”
“It is the happiest I have heard you this entire journey.” Kira Laughed.
They walked down more of the corridors until they were led into a large dining room. Four large tables were running up the entire length on both sides, each table large enough to comfortably seat around a hundred people.
A table at the far end however only had five chairs around it, situated on a slightly raised platform. The Queen was sitting intently at the head of the table. The chair facing directly opposite her was the one that was removed so that she could be at the head, and the elves would all be within clear view.
It was the only table that had been made up. It was glistening with silverware, sparkling golden goblets, beautiful dining plates with the royal insignia etched in the centre, and a mountain of cutlery surrounding it. There were two vases of flowers resting on the table containing an assortment of flowers, some in bloom and some yet to prosper.
The chairs at the table all had white feathered cushions resting on them, unlike the rest of the room which was left bare. Guards were positioned throughout the room, never far from the sight of the queen.
“You're late,” she said.
“Fashionably,” responded Terandriell with a smirk. She let out a small smile herself in response.
They took their seats, Kara and Kira seated on the right-hand side of the queen, Felgourn and Terandriell on the left.
“Dinner will be served shortly,” said the queen. She was no longer in her armour but a vibrant purple dress, her crown still caressing her head. The others were still a little uneasy in her presence.
“So how long have you been queen?” Kira asked in a forced, elegant voice. Kara couldn’t help but contain her snigger.
“Since my father passed away, two years ago. Most people wanted the throne to pass over to my younger brother. However, my father made it clear it was I who was to take up his mantle. As you can imagine, it left a lot of people angry. Many have tried to convince my brother to take the throne, but he has no interest in ruling.”
“Well I think it’s amazing being where you are, this would never happen back home,” Kira responded.
Felgourn shot her a dirty look, still being displeased at the entire situation. “Watcher,” he pleaded, trying to get Terandriell to intervene, but he knew what was expected at this meal. Secrets were to be shared.
The servants started rushing into the room with platters of food. Wine, ale and water were placed on the table, fruit and vegetables were placed bountiful all over, covering sixty per cent of the surface. It was enough food to feed thirty people. Two servants came in carrying a large platter with roasted boar on top, an apple stuffed in its mouth.
They placed it in the centre of the table and left, not one of them failing to politely greet the Queen with a bow or curtsy. The elves stared at the boar in the middle of the table.
The Queen’s eyes flickering between them all, she knew something was wrong. A few moments had passed with no one saying a word before the Queen finally spoke up. “What is the matter?” she asked.
“Was the boar hunted?” Kira asked with distaste. “We seldom eat meat and only when the animal has passed naturally. Terandriell doesn't eat meat at all.”
“I do apologize.” The Queen clapped her hands, and the boar was quickly removed from sight by the servants lurking in the shadows around them. They began helping themselves to the food on the table, or what was left of it. The Queen didn't look like she was going to enjoy the meal as much as she was a minute previously, but decided to change the subject as quickly as possible.
“Why don't one of you tell me a bit about your home?” The Queen smiled, her interest was sincere for she wanted to know as much as possible about them.
Terandriell leant closer to whisper to her. “There are too many servants around, do you mind if I block our conversation off from them?”
“Oh, yes, of course,” the Queen responded, completely forgetting the situation they were in. With a quick wave of his hand, a light shimmer appeared around them and vanished a second later.
“Is it done?” she asked.
Terandriell nodded.
A playful grin appeared on her face moments before she shouted at the top of her lungs. “GUARDS!” Nothing. No one responded. “That is truly amazing. It would take my mages ten times as long to make something just half as effective.” It was an impressive piece of trust so early in their meeting. Although Terandriell knew she would have had precautions in place regardless, she wasn’t stupid in the slightest.
Felgourn would have scoffed at them both but was to busy eating to care. The servants had mostly retreated to the corners of the room, waiting on further instructions and occasionally bringing wine or ale to the table.
“So, who wants to tell me a bit about your home first?” the Queen asked again.
Kira couldn't contain her excitement from the Queen and wanted to be the first to speak. “It's wonderful,” she said. The Queen was expecting an answer from Terandriell first but quickly turned her attention to Kira.
“We have the clearest, freshest springs and lakes in the world. Our forests are rich and full of life. The very air we breathe is pure and refreshing. Our city is one with the forest it resides in, not visible at all until you draw near, constructed out of the finest woods in the realm.”
“Where is your city?”
“It's North West of the city we landed at, I believe someone called it Tuless,” Kara said.
“There is nothing there, except for the pirate nation and cursed sea. The sailors say anyone who goes near it is never seen again. An endless storm of death and destruction.” The Queen was just as ecstatic as Kira.
“Our island is in the middle of that storm.”
“That's not possible...” The Queen trailed off, realizing who she was speaking to. Ancient magical beings that were capable of such things. She looked to be deep in thought, her eyes drifting from side to side, but all she could mutter was, “why?”
Kara turned her head towards her sister, then they both looked to Terandriell. He just shrugged permitting them to speak about it.
“Because of humans,” she said.
The sound of a chair being scraped across the floor echoed around them. “I've heard about enough of this,” Felgourn said abruptly as he stood up and left. Knocking the chair over and sending it flying as it crashed to the ground.
“Felgourn!” shouted Kira, but he was already outside the sound barrier, she got up to go after him but was stopped by Terandriell’s voice. “Just let him cool down a bit,” he said, “he will be fine.”
“Forgive me if I said something to offend you,” the Queen stated, her voice growing soft.
“It’s nothing you have done,” Terandriell replied, shaking his head. “He doesn’t particularly care for your race. A long time ago, before my time, there was a war much like the one that is coming. After we won fighting side by side, the humans betrayed us and slaughtered every elf on sight. We retreated to our home and sacrificed a lot to put that barrier in place. It has stood ever since. Or so I have heard.”
“I, I'm sorry,” the Queen replied, looking at the sombre elves. She knew from talking to them that they weren't old enough to witness or experience what happened, she wondered about their lifespan, would their grandparents even have been alive to see such a thing.
The dinner had raged on for over three hours. The guards that were positioned had been swapped out for fresher more alert men. The only thing that was changing steadily was new jugs of wine and water had been brought to the table, the food had all been cleared. They had discussed a lot about their homes and how they got where they were, they also spoke about the various factions and how their own countries were divided and governed.
“I can't believe your entire race is united as one.” The Queen sounded astonished.
“We have a few splinter groups that always try and cause trouble, but for the most part the elves are one people,” Kira said proudly.
“So, let me get this right,” she quizzed as she relaxed into the velvet cushions behind her. “You have a King that oversees everything and controls the council. The majority of the council agrees with him no matter the issue, but a small section supports this priestess. Sounds rather like tyranny to me… I can’t blame some of you for forming splinter groups, much like you all sitting here.”
They had never considered the fact that they were effectively rebels until now, but it was true. They had abandoned their home and went against their kings wishes to fight in a foreign war.
“I hadn't thought of that.” Terandriell smiled.
“Long live the rebels!” Kara shouted. Everyone burst into laughter.
“Well, since we are on the topic,” the Queen started, “our land is split into four countries. We have the Petoriast Queendom, which is mine. I have two allied nations as well, one led by King Arbious, a close friend of my father, and we get on well. The other is King Foxon, who doesn't like me too much, we are more neutral than allied truth be told. The fourth ruler is King Theradres, we have always had issues, the feud has been running for generations. It was him I believed to have killed Barien.” She briefly paused, thinking about what she wanted to do next. The briefest spot of grief crossing her face.
“I feel I can trust you three. Yesterday I sent the royal army to one of my cities which is currently under siege from King Theradres. I have raised the banners of war, and I set this meeting in the hopes that you would help us in this war. But you are so few if your King will not intervene. Thousands of lives will be lost humans against humans, we need every man we can get if we are to keep these monsters at bay.”
“This war must end,” Kira ordered.
“How? You have no idea the rivalry between our factions, the countless skirmishes and wars, the numerous dead. They...” She softly shook her head. The weight of the entire world was pressing down against her. She had been sitting high and mighty on her chair the whole time, never lowering her chin, never slouching. She had now given up looking queenly, she relaxed back onto her chair.
“I had an older brother who was killed many years ago in a battlefield against them, and now I have ordered my only sibling left, my younger brother to war against them.” Her voice grew shaky. “He is all I have left... What have I done?”
Terandriell placed his hand atop hers on the table, his cool skin against her heated hand made her flinch as she looked up at him. Terandriell spoke again. “You did what you thought was right for your people. There is no harm in that. There is still time to stop this war from happening. Your army will have marched on foot, you have cavalry here, use them.”
“It won't work, you can’t possibly fathom the extent of the strife between our nations. They won’t stand down.”
“Let us come with you. We have managed to convince you of what is going on, let us do the same with this King,” Terandriell pleaded, still trying to console her. He hadn't realized that the guards moved much closer after seeing him so close to the queen. They were doing their duty well.
She lightly shrugged her shoulders. “My father always said there is no harm in trying.”
“None at all.” Terandriell smiled at her.
She was staring straight into the depth of his eyes, her brain was running over all the scenarios of what could happen and what would happen. Could they make it in time to stop the siege? It would be close. But she had to try, a sense of purpose began to overwhelm her, the queenly aura began to embellish her again. “I'm Queen Elspeth.” she smiled, “and I know what we need to do.” With that, she stormed off, her vigour renewed.
“Do we follow her or…” asked Kira.
“I don't know,” her sister replied.
The servants had instantly swarmed the table now that the Queen was gone. They cleared up the rest of the goblets and jugs quickly, some wiping the table down before the elves could even protest. The entire place was immaculate in a matter of minutes, then the servants dispersed back to their other duties. It wasn't long until the same girl that brought them here returned, skipping quietly down the dining room towards them.
“The Queen is expecting your presence at the stables. If you will follow me.”
“We need to go get our friend first. I imagine he is back at the room,” said Kira.
“Already taken care of, and your weapons and armour have been moved,” the young girl said as she began skipping out of the hall. They followed her, taking larger steps than usual due to the speed she was moving.
“So much for the locks on the doors,” Kara snapped.
“I can't wait to get out of this prison,” Terandriell said, the constant dark, gloomy walls felt like they were closing in on him the longer he spent in them. It took every ounce of his being to stop his mind from wandering to his parents. To Azriek...
He had lost all sense of where he was, the walls slowly seemed to disappear as did his view of the sisters. A sharp pain racked his mind, a familiar pain, and he gulped.
‘Hello Sweetie.’
“Not long now,” the girl replied, interrupting the thought. “It’s just up ahead.”
He suddenly felt awake again. He could see the light at the end of the tunnel. He was finally getting out of this place. They turned the corner and stepped into a large stone courtyard.
The Queen was being propped up by a couple of the servants; the castle appeared to be in no short supply of them. Her stallion was a thoroughbred, as were those of the hundred other knights, all sitting on their own gigantic beasts.
These knights were the Queen’s guard, most of them reaching the height of an elf. Their armour a dark silver with a golden etched outline, the country crest engraved in the middle of the chest piece. The other captains and leaders of the various units all had a sword ranking system on their cuirass, but these men had the primary crest only.
They wore a white cloak over their back, giving them a more elegant finish. The helms were created in the shape of a dragon’s head with the bottom jaw missing allowing them to see clearly but look formidable at the same time. Even the horses were heavily armoured, but those sturdy beasts looked like could run for days without tiring, even with the immense weight they were carrying.
This was an army bred for one purpose. To kill anyone that was a threat to their queen. Every one of these men was adorned with the same two weapons. A simple broadsword rested on their left hip, and a spear was held in each of their hands. The shaft of the spear was the length of a man with a foot-long blade on either side. Like the helmet, a dragon’s head connected both weapons to the pole. A third of the horses had no rider, and instead were laden with provisions for the journey ahead.
“Your horses and armour are just over here,” the girl said, leading them to a small stable at the edge of the compound. They quickly put their armour on, and mounted up, shrinking in comparison to these brutes they were travelling with.
“Ahh, you are prepared,” the Queen stated. “Let us be off.” She spurred her horse forward as the guards surrounded her, leading her out of the courtyard.
“We should let the others know how this went. Use the stones Arianna gave you.”
“Good idea Felgourn,” Terandriell took the small gemstone out of his pocket and clenched it in his fist. He closed his eyes, trying to focus better, but nothing happened. “I don't think it works.” Just as he muttered the last word, the gem began to heat up in his hand, and he could hear Arianna's voice.
“Hello,” she said.
Terandriell shut his eyes and tightened his grip on the gem again. “Oh, this is odd. I can see you clearly, and your surroundings.”
“They are old repurposed scrying stone that have been in my family for quite some time. I can see you all look well and are standing outside a castle. Did everything go according to plan?”
“Not exactly, we are heading out to a city called Delphirn. We will need you to meet us on the road.” He had missed Arianna the few days they were apart. He was glad to see her again, even if it was merely a projection.
“I can track the stone. We are only around eight hours ride from the city anyway according to the villagers we have asked, so we should be able to meet up on the way.” With that, she cut the conversation short and the vision of her faded. He was back in the courtyard. The stone quickly grew cold, but he could still feel the power emanating from it as Arianna began to track it.
“That was weird, I feel rather dizzy now.” He placed his now warm hand on his forehead, trying to relieve the pressure building in his head.
“We should get going,” Kara said as she pointed at the knights already halfway down the street ahead. With that, the four of them nudged their mounts in the direction of the knights. They headed through the city to a different gate than the one they entered through, which Kira was more than happy to indulge, as she got to explore more of this wonderful city.
Everyone paid their respects to the Queen as she passed. The knights surrounding her were an impenetrable barrier keeping the masses at bay. It was a more beautiful part of the city with grand buildings, library's, monuments to fallen kings and churches as tall as the castle itself.
“I could get used to living here,” Kira said. She was just as cheerful as the moment she arrived.
“I couldn't,” Terandriell snorted.
“Me neither,” agreed Felgourn.
“Why not? It is a beautiful place, there is so much culture and history all around us, generations have past and the entire city has grown and flourished. From the beautiful masonry work in the grand buildings to the people all going around their daily lives. The sheer vastness of it all, it is a sight to behold.”
They couldn't disagree with her. The city was beautifully constructed in this area, it was purposely built for the rich and the nobles. Everyone dressed in the finest garments, wearing jewellery brighter than the night sky and overall having a look that was polished to perfection. There were very few guards stationed around this area. They expected little trouble so were only stationed at the entrances to this district.
“It may be a lovely city, but what about all the poor people barely getting by when these people steal all the wealth in the city?” Terandriell said disapprovingly.
“I didn't think of that,” Kira said. “I don't condone it, I was just admiring the atmosphere here, if the whole city was like this, it would be amazing to live here.”
“I will still pass.” Terandriell shivered, thinking about being stuck in a place like this. A place that has all but destroyed the natural world around it.
“Only because you prefer time to yourself and your freedom, friend,” Kara interjected.
He smiled at her, she knew him the best out of everyone and could always tell what he felt, even though he hid it exceptionally well from most people. The two sisters, on the other hand, loved mixing with new people and getting to know them, this city would have been fantastic for it.
“What about you, Felgourn?” Kira smiled, “I can never read you. Do you like this city much, or would you prefer to stay in the forest like Watcher here.”
“You know my hatred of the humans, but if this city was inhabited with elves. Well, I hate to admit, but I think even I could enjoy this.”
The group of elves continued following the knights out of the city. The knights had begun to pass under the giant gates of the exterior walls. The sound of giant hammers and the rabble of hundreds of workers caught their attention as they neared the end of the row of houses. They paused as they stared at what was happening on their left. Large siege machines were being created and assembled, catapults, battering rams, trebuchets and siege towers. The sheer number of workers in the area was overwhelming. Constructing this equipment at an incredible speed.
From the city streets, everything looked calm and quiet, but if you looked closely, this was a city planning for a large-scale war. They presumed the preparations were for war with King Theradres, although the Queen seemed to have other plans now. A trumpet noise from their left sounded, which drew their attention to the opposite side.
“War elephants!” Felgourn shouted. “How did they tame such beautiful beasts?”
“You mean, why would they contain such beautiful creatures?” Terandriell sighed. This wasn't the time to get involved in human affairs, they needed them for now. The Queen spotted them staring and tried to slow her horse to the back of the column, but her knights all slowed in exact precision to her movements.
“Ma'am, we cannot stop if we are to reach Delphirn in time.”
“She's waiting for us, we should get moving,” Kira ordered, after spotting the commotion ahead. They pushed forward towards the knights who began moving onwards with the queen, not letting the elves get near her.
Now that they were outside the city, the elves could genuinely see what these horses were capable of. The speed at which they rode at was unmatched, they never faltered or wavered. The only reason they could keep up with the knights in front was because of much lighter load, meaning their horses didn't have to put as much effort in to keep up.
“Why are they with us ma'am?” came the same voice from before.
“Because we need them. There are things I cannot disclose yet, but can you trust in me as always.”
Terandriell could just hear them over the sound of the crashing hooves ahead, if it wasn't for his keen hearing, he would have had no chance at all.
“I trust you, ma'am, I just don't see how four people, two of which are girls, can help us that much.”
“Excuse me?” the Queen snapped. “What do you mean by two girls?”
“I meant no offence, my Lady, it’s, it’s just, uhmm…”
“It’s just, uhmm, what?” she mocked. The knight fell silent, his head slouched as the colour drained from his face. “I expected better of you. Besides, these two women would be more than a match for any of you.” The knights began to laugh but quickly fell silent when they realized she wasn't joking around. Terandriell smiled at the situation, he turned to see Kira smiling too.
“Well she isn't wrong; I could beat any of these men in a dual.”
“No doubt,” smirked Felgourn, “especially if they call you a girl again.”
“Let’s go challenge them right now,” Kara said as she turned to her sister.
“Now, now. You can beat them up later, we don't want our new allies upset with us so soon.” Terandriell laughed.
They had travelled for hours over the rough countryside, ignoring the roads and pathways as to save time. The sun had disappeared entirely behind the edges of the world, nothing but the moon and stars lit their path ahead.
“We should set up camp ahead,” the Queen ordered, weary from travel.
“Yes, ma'am,” Jason ordered the other men to begin the setup. The elves figured he must have been captain of this unit or maybe even a close friend of the queens, but they weren't sure. He always rode close to the queen, and the other soldiers listened to him with no quarrel.
The knights split up without instruction into ten groups of four to explore the surrounding area, making sure no threats were lurking nearby as the rest of the men quickly erected the camp. The tents were assembled, a beautiful mix of yellow and purple with numerous fires around the area. The horses were hitched to one side of the camp as the rest of the soldiers began returning from scouting the area.
The stone grew hot in Terandriell's pocket again, he withdrew it and held it in his closed fist.
“Why have you stopped, is everything okay?” Arianna asked.
“Just setting up camp, why do you ask?”
“We are only about two hours out, but something just doesn't feel right. I cannot decide what it is, but something unnerves me.”
“I will inform the Queen you will be joining us soon, let me know If anything happens.” He quickly put the stone back in his pocket, cutting her off sharply this time. He momentarily felt proud, but this quickly changed to guilt after realizing what he had just done. Setting off in the direction of the Queen’s tent, he was stopped by some of her guards.
“Halt! The Queen is not to be disturbed.”
“Well I have news I need to speak to her about, and you didn't let us near her on the road.” He began to shout, nearing the end of his sentence.
“Nor shall we,” he sneered.
“It is important.”
“What part of you won't see her, don't you understand, now piss off.”
Terandriell clenched his fist, feeling his blood boil. He stared at the man for a moment, he could take him. Deciding to be the better one he walked off.
“What's wrong?” Kara asked, seeing his flushed cheeks and flared nostrils.
“Humans. That's what's wrong. Humans!” he shouted.
“Don't let them get to you, Watcher. It’s not worth it.” She moved closer to hug him, but he just stormed off to sit next to a solitary tree up ahead, quickly falling asleep. The soldiers that were out scouting all returned gradually to the camp, they finished setting things up and had a patrol around the area in case of any surprises.
Most of the encampment were fast asleep, including the Queen who was in her tent. A guard had been stationed at the front and back. The elves were happy to sleep on the soft ground and sleep under the stars. The guards were keeping them out of the campsite altogether, even their horses were left to graze in a different area.
Terandriell was in a deep sleep, he experienced the usual dreams of his home, great creatures and animals and of his family. He was sitting staring at a gigantic white tiger, it was the same height as him, staring directly into his eyes. Its face was the size of his chest.
It pounced towards him, jumping one hundred feet through the air and landing directly in front of him. Its golden eyes were the size of his fist, its pearl white fangs protruded from its lower lips. This animal could kill anything in its path, but it looked happy, it looked playful. He stretched his hand out to run it through the animal’s thick white fur, but his vision blurred and the old elf appeared again. He looked the same as always, his ancient eyes burning deep into Terandriell's soul. It felt like minutes had passed this time. Usually, the dream had only lasted a few moments, but for the first time, the elf spoke.
“Come home, Terandriell,” the deep voice ordered. He felt compelled to go back to Athaldris but was quickly awoken by the sound of riders approaching. He opened his eyes to see the patrol riding towards the camp fast. The encampment was on full alert. Every guard marched out of their tents with their spears and shields forming an impenetrable wall at the front of the camp, while four guards stayed behind at the Queen’s tent. They ushered her towards the horses to escape whatever was approaching.
Time past slowly with nothing happening until the stammer of hundreds of horses approached. The knights looked sturdy, prepared for what was approaching. Terandriell felt a warm nip in his pocket and pulled the stone out.
“We are almost here,” Arianna said, “I think we startled some of the guards, they rode away quickly when they spotted us.”
“I did try and warn them. Just approach and scare them a little, they have no bows.”
“What? Why?”
“They wouldn't let us near the Queen to say that you were coming.”
“That is a little petty, Terandriell,” Arianna said disapprovingly.
“Well, They have been rude and treated us like outcasts since we left.”
There was a slight pause before Arianna spoke again. “Time for a show then.” She sounded stern as she ceased contact with Terandriell. Kara, Kira and Felgourn had run out with their weapons ready to fight, they ran past Terandriell before stopping.
“Why aren't you coming?”
“It's Arianna.” They all looked at each other confused.
“They wouldn't let me tell the Queen she was almost here; that's why I was angry earlier. It should be amusing.” He smirked. A line of cavalry was approaching at speed, still quite far in the distance but outnumbering the knights by two elves for every human.
The Queen was already mounted by this point with a few guards on their own steeds around her, her escape plan. She spurred her horse forward but stopped as she saw the elves sitting by and watching what was happening, they were smiling and laughing.
She headed towards them with much protest from her guard. “Why are you all so relaxed, you should be mounted and leaving camp with me.”
“Well, there is no need to worry,” Terandriell said.
“A horde of cavalry that is no more than three minutes out is nothing to worry about?” The Queen was bewildered but knew there was more to it than she was led to believe.
“Not when they belong to me.” Terandriell and the other elves laughed.
Her eyes narrowed in anger. “You think this is funny?” she said, raising her voice.
“We did try and warn you. Ever since we left your castle, we have not been allowed anywhere near you and have been treated like outcasts. I cannot warn you if I cannot get near you.” She cast her mind back over the journey so far, they were right. She couldn't argue against that, she put it down to her guards just protecting her but could see why the elves were mad.
They had trusted her with their secrets and identity, and she had pushed them away unintentionally. The cavalry was mere seconds away from the knights who were all bracing, ready to defend the Queen. Just before the cavalry crashed into the knights, they stopped dead in their tracks, a few meters away from them. The men grew quiet and anxious.
Terandriell shouted out over from behind them. “Ahh, Arianna, you’ve arrived!”
“Of course we have. Didn't you tell them we were coming?” she shouted back so that everyone could hear them. The men looked at each other, not sure whether to lower their guard or not. The Queen looked at them, trying her best to conceal her own smirk at the show before her.
“I did try to tell them, but they wouldn't let me.” He shrugged as he walked through the middle of the Queen’s knights and up towards Arianna.
“Well that was actually fun,” Arianna whispered, giggling the whole time.
“It will probably get better when the Queen shouts at whoever didn't let me speak to her. I am glad you are all here,” he said. Terandriell was glad they were all here, but he really meant just her. They had only been apart a few days, but he had missed her company.
“Greetings your grace,” Arianna performed a quick curtsy to the queen.
“The pleasure is all mine,” she retorted. She thought her guards looked formidable but seeing a retinue of the elves, all armoured up and ready for battle was a sight to behold. They all wore the same golden plate armour and matched each other perfectly, and they all had such flawless skin and beauty that they could have all been related for all she knew.
She noticed there were three others in the group with white leather armour the same as Kara, Kira and Felgourn and assumed they were part of an elite unit or commanders.
“Come, set up camp and get some rest. We will be riding out again in a couple hours,” the Queen ordered. She turned around to head back to her men and camp, she watched as her own knights feel like the outcasts now, being outnumbered by a force as terrifying as the elves. Even if they still believed the elves were mere mercenaries. Terandriell wasn’t sure how long that rouse would hold, because he doubted any mercenary group alive would look as grand and fight as well as they do.
The Queen thought about how different things would have been if they had met one of the other kings instead of her, war with an army of elves would have been her legacy and her downfall. She dismounted and headed into her tent to sleep. The elves didn't set up any camp they all seemed well-rested so just sat in groups chatting. Terandriell was rather weary so went to sleep himself.
“Come home, Terandriell, you must,” the voice echoed in his head. He forced himself to wake up, sick of whatever this was.
The camp was a hustle of activity as the sun began to rise, it didn't take them long for the humans to tear all the tents down and mount up ready to depart. The elves were already prepared and waiting on the signal to leave.
“Arianna, can I have a word with you please, in private.” She looked concerned but nodded as they walked away from the camp and out of earshot.
“What is wrong?” She asked, following him closely.
“I don't know how to explain this so I will be blunt.” He was still caressing his head with his index finger, the voice felt like it was vibrating deep throughout his skull.
“When we first arrived here, I had a dream of an old elf, way older than any I've ever seen and covered in wrinkles. It was annoying at first. He appears every time I am about to wake up. But now he is telling me to go home, back to Athaldris. It’s becoming unbearable. The pain its causing, I do not know what it is.” He flinched as there was another sharp spike of pain through his head.
“You should take over command,” he finished.
“Not a chance, I will not take over from you. I will tell you if it is affecting your judgement, but you are still looking out for everyone, and you are best leading us, this is your campaign. As for the elf, the only elf that I know of that is covered in wrinkles is the Elder.”
“The Elder?” he asked.
“Yes, he advises the King occasionally, but rarely interferes in our endeavours. It is rumoured that he is over three thousand years old and converses with the gods themselves. Most know of the rumours of him, but none really know if he exists or not.” She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Seems like the most logical explanation.”
“Three thousand?” he gasped. The oldest elf he knew of was King Urgost who was just over twelve hundred. Of course, he had heard the rumours of the Elder, everyone had, but no one really believed in them.
“If this is real and he is contacting you, then you should consider returning home.”
“I cannot abandon the humans.”
“Then don't, the Elder contacts you when you are waking up, try meditation to contact him, you will be lucid enough to speak back hopefully. Kind of like the seeing stones I have.”
He hadn't thought of that but would give it a try soon. Everyone in the camp had already mounted up and were patiently waiting on them, so they hurried back. The elves and humans were mixed into groups, they weren't segregated like they had been before. He imagined this was the queens doing.
“Shall we be off, Terry?” she said, looking at him from atop her horse.
He had shared a lot with her over the last day, and she had shared just as much back. He couldn’t lie further. “My name's not actually Terry, its Terandriell.”
“I know. Let us leave, Terry,” she joked. He smiled back at her as they rode out of the valley towards the city of Delphirn, hoping to make it in time.
- In Serial67 Chapters
Wander West, in Shadow
BOOK 1 COMPLETED A young wizard journeys west, through dark forests and dangerous lands, searching for something. Accompanied by a wild witch who has secrets of her own, they come across terrible creatures, hauntings, cursed villages, and memories from their past. Who else will they meet along their journey, and to find what he is looking for, how far will the wizard have to wander west? NOTE: The above synopsis is intentionally written to be as spoiler-free as possible. If you would like a more in-detail synopsis, one that contains minor spoilers, please check out the "Synopsis" chapter at the beginning of this fiction. If you read and enjoy, please leave a rating or review! FORMERLY TITLED: THE GLIMMERLING This story was formerly titled "The Glimmerling", because the first part was a short story of that title; it has since been expanded upon, thus the title change. Chapters 1-8 (30k words) are the first 'arc', if you want to get a feel for the story. To give some context on the setting: Magic is a bit weaker in this story than you might be used to, and we start off following some relatively new magic users. For some perspective, being able to light a campfire with magic is considered relatively advanced for someone who is the age of the main character. Magic can become very powerful - and there are some examples of powerful wizards within this story - but it's not where the main characters are yet. Part of the story is about following them as they learn more about magic. Enemies are also very dangerous, and running, hiding, or trying to talk their way out of a dangerous situation is often a better choice than fighting for the characters. While I have added tags for traumatizing content, sexuality, violence, swearing, etc. I try to avoid super-explicit descriptions of these things. But they are part of the story.
8 232 - In Serial7 Chapters
The Benefits of Hearing Voices
Darius never liked the voices, so he decided to try to silence them. But did it work? Hey guys! Hope you like this story!
8 156 - In Serial15 Chapters
Mistakes Lead To Success
Mistakes were made and it led to the death of Natalie Freemen. Her soul was captured and cared for by an young god but such protection come with a cost. Instead of taking the original offer she decided to make a deal. She would rome the multiverse and steal the essence that thrives them. In return she could become a demigod. Updates at random Romance is not the focus but a major plot point. I will take suggestions and corrective criticism. *Important Note* This makes for sense as you read along. This story is created by the viewer but there is a twist. Some chapters are static, meaning that it is to propel the plot. Others have polls that will affect other chapters but without a question. This means you don't know what it effects or in which chapter. I wanted to added this effect to create a suspense, something I didn't feel as much in other reader interactive stories. Your vote could create fortune or misfortune for the main character. I know what it will effect because have a chart that tells me the possible routes. You just have to wait and see what your choice have done. I'll even write which poll effects the chapter in the authors note. Characters could die in the story and they won't be leads anymore. In comments you can ask for a detail chart for each poll but it will only be for one answer per poll. I will chose the most requested answer. I do not own the photo.
8 170 - In Serial65 Chapters
Rebirth As a Fatuous And Self-indulgent Ruler
After rebirth, Long Xiaoyuan went into raptures because he was in poor health in his previous life. However, he suddenly found that his soul was in the body of a fatuous and self-indulgent emperor. This fatuous emperor put sycophants in important positions while executed the faithful and the upright! This merciless emperor married the son of a general and kept torturing him! How could he be reborn as such a person? The empress was pretty handsome and smart. Since the former soul of the emperor didn’t cherish such an excellent man, Long Xiaoyuan would love the guy and save himself by the way! Welcome to read all of the updated chapters of "Rebirth As a Fatuous And Self-indulgent Ruler" on Flying Lines.
8 125 - In Serial10 Chapters
8 Steps to Help You Stop Overthinking Everything
8 Steps to Help You Stop Overthinking Everything
8 164 - In Serial13 Chapters
Karan ki jaan
just peep into know more only focus on moran but also include sidsa koezi and other academy members and our Aneesh the neech insane it's short story of 2,3 parts cover credit goes to my dear friend @theawwnkhi
8 76