《Trapped in an Isekai with my best friend》Chapter 8 – A showdown between friends
Dorian ran outside, hastily looking around. He was searching for someone, to be more precise he was looking for Ruby. While he might have a date with Kristina in half an hour, talking to Ruby was way more important to him. He told her a lot of mean things yesterday in the hopes that she would leave them alone and have a fulfilling live far away from the constant madness revolving around him and Jamie, however now he knew that he made a mistake.
He wanted to-, no he needed to apologize to her first before she left this town and thus time was of the utmost importance. While thinking of places for Ruby to be, he found Jamie walking around with a bag filled to the brim with money.
“Hey, did you see Ruby?” Dorian asked out of breath. He came to a halt as Jamie looked at him as if he’d seen a ghost.
“Why the hell are you outside? And you’re running to top it off. I guess miracles really do happen…” Jamie laughed but when he realized Dorian was serious he stopped and began thinking about his friend’s question.
“No I don’t think I’ve seen her. I have been collecting money from those who owned us some, which meant I’ve been around every corner of the town, yet I didn’t see her- wait is she in some sort of trouble? What a great first workday for her that must be…” Jamie looked at Dorian who let out a heavy and worrying sigh hearing the bad news.
Dorian looked around once again, after all their town wasn’t that big, with a bit of luck he might be able to spot her. “No, it’s not that. I just have to speak with her. I said some things I shouldn’t have and I think she will leave if I don’t clear things up.”
“Then what about Scan? He always experiments with some crazy magic slash science thing. Maybe he has some spell to find her? Worth a shot I’d say.” With those last words Jamie left, probably collecting more money as if he were of the mafia.
“Man I really wish he wouldn’t make it look so sketchy…” Dorian scratched his head, realizing that giving that job to Jamie might not have been the best idea. Their tavern had a special policy for the inhabitants of this town, they could write it on their tap and when they have the money ready Jamie would collect it. But the way Jamie framed it, it sounded more like they were forcing innocent people to give them their money.
“Shit, I’ve got no time to think about that right now! Off to Scan I go!” he rushed to the tower of the founder of the town and flung open the door. Without any warnings he ran up the stairs but after a while he had to take a break.
“WHY ARE THERE SO MANY STAIRRRRRS!!!!!” Dorian cried out loud and finally Scan had noticed him. Apparently the place of Dorian’s breakdown was coincidently also the place Scan was currently working on.
“Dorian? What are you doing here?” Scan seemed surprised by the sudden visit. He stopped whatever experiment he was doing and walked up to Dorian trying to catch his breath.
“Pant It is Ruby pant do you pant know how to pant find her?” Scan thought about it for a bit, then he had an idea.
“Follow me.” He said and walked downstairs to another floor. After whispering some words the metal door opened without a touch and revealed a room filled to the brim with past contraptions and machines Scan had built over the years.
Astounded Dorian followed him inside. This room proved to him that Scan truly was a genius. Dorian had the privilege of possessing the knowledge from the modern world, and he was always pretty good when it came to chemistry physics or tinkering up simple machines. With his knowledge he was able to develop things far above the technology of this world, however some of the things in this room looked more advanced than technology of earth. And Scan was able to invent all this without any help.
Dorian was just some high school kid with a hobby that came in clutch while transferring to this world. He was a fraud, all he had achieved was stolen by a hard working person in his old life. But Scan on the other hand, he was the real deal. If he were born in Dorian’s and Jamie’s world, what amazing things would he be able to accomplish?
“What a waste…” He mumbled to himself as he followed Scan deeper inside. Finally they arrived at a bizarre machine. It was surrounded by wires and metal plates, all of whom seemed to be placed there at random. But Dorian was sure they had a specific purpose, so that wasn’t what struck him as bizarre. No, it was the crystal ball in the middle of all that technical stuff. He knew that magic excited in this world, as hard as it might be to believe, but fortune telling? That seemed like something a fraud would do. Still he was willing to give it a shot and followed Scan’s instructions of placing a hand on one of the metal plates.
The machine began to make loud noises and moved around, Dorian was thinking that it might break, but then the crystal ball revealed a clear picture. It was Ruby who appeared to be sitting in a corner of a room eating a… sandwich?
“Hey Scan, can you tell me where that is?” Scan tinkered around with the wires and suddenly the picture zoomed out to reveal Ruby’s location. It was Torgga’s place, that broke down place was instantly recognizable.
“Are you sure that is the girl you are searching for? I don’t know, you usually wouldn’t talk to the kind of women willing to go into our dear Torgga’s house…” Scan seemed as confused by the reveal of Ruby’s location as Dorian.
“Yes I am certain… Weird… Anyway thanks for the help, I appreciate it!” Dorian said patting Scan on his back.
“If you are this grateful, then just give me that damn recipe you use to make your famous beverage… You know how much it benefits me while experimenting…”
True, a lot of experiments involve alcohol… Wait, when saying ‘benefits me while experimenting’ he meant it that way right? It’s not like he is better while drunk, is he?!
Dorian caught himself getting carried away once again and quickly dismissed the thought.
“Maybe one day my friend, but for now I’ll need to go! Torgga isn’t a bad guy, but when he’s drunk and alone with an above average looking girl-... See you Scan!” He dashed outside the tower and quickly made his way towards Torgga’s place.
“Open up! It’s me Dorian!” He shouted while banging his fist against the door. While Torgga was a good friend of him, there was no saying what was happening to Ruby right now. He began to worry that he might be too late but then the door opened and someone Dorian couldn’t recognize stood before him.
It was a man wearing a nobleman’s clothes while having perfect composure and exuding an aura of authority. His hair was perfectly styled and once he opened the door, he bowed down to apologize.
“I am awfully sorry Mister Wright, but I have a guest at the moment so I won’t be able to exchange pleasantries with you. Please state your business and then leave.” He talked like a real noble and bit by bit Dorian understood that the stranger in front of him was none other than Torgga.
I have a bad feeling…
“Torgga?! What the hell happened?? Never mind that, I know that Ruby is in there, let me talk to her right this instant.” Dorian dismissed the odd appearance of Torgga and spoke in a threatening voice. He tried pushing his friend out of the way but Torgga didn’t budge a bit. Now Dorian was really suspicious about the situation. Just because Torgga had changed on the outside didn’t mean that his personality had changed. In his mind Ruby could still be in danger.
“Please lower your voice sir. I shall ask Lady Morgan what I should do, please wait a moment.” Torgga went back inside while Dorian waited outside.
Lady Morgan? Come to think of it, when she first introduced herself she said something like the Morgan family is supporting the heroes… I knew she was a noble, but what if I underestimated her influence? Morgan family… Somehow I know that name…
“I am terribly sorry, but Lady Morgan told me that she doesn’t wish for any visitors.” Torgga had returned with bad news. But Dorian wouldn’t accept a simple no.
“Let me in Torgga. I don’t want to fight you.”
“That feeling is mutual. However I will not go against the lady’s will.”
Torgga’s stand changed in a way so that he was ready to fight. Dorian copied his behaviour and grabbed a small device inside the pockets of his lab coat. He had never fought Torgga before but was aware that he had some serious magical powers.
If I want to win this, then I need to strike when he least expects it.
“Alright, now that we made this clear, let’s talk about-” Suddenly Dorian threw the prototype of a hand grenade inside his pocket straight at Torgga. He had to tinker a lot to get something that had the same effects as a real grenade, however in the end it was a toned down version of the real deal. Its destructive power would knock out Torgga but it wouldn’t actually kill him.
The explosion stirred up dirt and some stones flew through the air. Had he managed to win this fight before it had even begun?
“So you are playing dirty, fine by me!” Through the dust Torgga emerged without even a scratch on his body. Surrounding him was a yellow light blocking all the dust from touching him.
That’s right, Torgga’s magical ability was the power to control barriers. It was near impossible to break one and the better his mental stage was, the more barriers he could summon. Usually he only used them as small shields protecting him from punches or similar things, but this barrier was big enough to completely encase him.
“I see, so you really are sober, never thought I’d see your full potential again!” Dorian was grinning but inside he began to panic. While it was impossible for him to die, his pain was real, what’s worse the resurrection was inflicting multiple times the pain of the actual death. And being crushed alive by a barrier was very painful.
“You want to see my full potential? Fine by me, I won’t hold back. After all you can’t die so it shouldn’t be a problem.” Torgga looked excited, maybe he was also rearing for a fight.
Dorian was reaching inside his pockets again for another weapon but Torgga was faster. He produced a barrier right behind himself and let it grow with rapid speed and Torgga was being pushed forward by it. In an instance he had managed to get Dorian down on the ground with a hand on his throat.
“Well that was quick. You surrender now Dorian?” Torgga had managed to end this fight within a few seconds. If Dorian would try to do anything fishy, he would die on the spot. But despite that dire situation he didn’t lose his grin of confidence.
“I never surrender. This fight isn’t over yet my friend!” He looked up at Torgga, who began crushing Dorian the moment he heard those words. Or at least he tried but he wasn’t able to move his body.
“Magnets sure come in handy if you know how to combine them with magic.” Torgga went flying through the air and an incredibly force was stopping him from protecting himself. He flew through the town and got closer and closer to the tavern where the magnet was set up.
“Damn you!” He shouted and with the help of a last second barrier he managed to get the metal piece of his body that Dorian had sneakily placed there before.
Dorian had followed Torgga and was slowly walking towards him. He knew that in a one on one fight his chances of winning were basically zero. But luckily they were fighting in a town which was filled to the brim with useful things Dorian could use to turn the odds in his favour.
“Not bad Dorian but what now? You used your trump card but instead of using the time you bought you walk back to me. Are you perhaps trying to insult me?” Torgga still hadn’t lost one bit of his fighting spirit. He was a bit roughed up but this was nothing compared to Dorian who’s throat had a red imprint of Torgga’s hand on it.
Using the same technique as before Torgga launched himself toward Dorian. But this time he expected for that to happen.
You didn’t seriously thought that I would go here without a plan, did you Torgga? This is all part of the plan. The moment you get too close the landmine I just activated will trigger and you will be knocked out.
Torgga came closer and closer and Dorian smiled knowing that he had won.
“Don’t get cocky with me Dorian!!!” Torgga had noticed something and immediately he created a barrier behind Dorian to push him closer. The two barriers were getting closer and closer until they both collapsed. Both Dorian and Torgga managed to land a hit on their opponent, then the land mine went off in a big explosion, sending the two friends and a lot of debris into the air.
Everything was turning around and Dorian’s ears were ringing. He slowly tried getting up and looked around spotting Torgga who had been hit by the explosion as well. Just like Dorian he had multiple abrasions covering his body and was covered in blood and dirt.
“You managed to use my trap against me, well played Torgga…” Dorian was impressed that this drunken bold managed to come up with such a smart move.
“Thanks, but this isn’t over yet!” Torgga got up and for the third time used a barrier to close the distance between Dorian and himself. However he didn’t use a barrier behind Dorian, maybe because he was too exhausted to summon a second one.
Dorian braced himself for the impact by using another one of his devices. This time it was a shield branching out from a small metal sphere. Truth be told this wasn’t an item he had created by one he bought from Scan. With this he would be able to tank a hit from Torgga despite the force created by his speed.
“That won’t work!” Torgga who had saved his second barrier up till now used it right under himself, to throw himself right over the shield, landing behind Dorian.
“I’ve got you now!” Torgga claimed, creating a small barrier around his fist to strengthen the impact of his punch.
The fight was over, this time Torgga had him pinned down and wouldn’t let go. He had won and Dorian knew that.
“We’ll see about that.” Again a massive force hit Torgga but this time it was pushing him away from Dorian.
“What the-!” Torgga was sure that Dorian hadn’t hit him and it couldn’t be the magnet, after all he was being pushed away from it. So what did he use?
“I told you so, Magnets are useful. All I did was change its direction of force and just like that I can push you away from me.” Right before the explosion of the landmine, during the punch Dorian had put down another metal plate on Torgga.
“Impressive, but to quote you, ‘This fight isn’t over yet’.” Both of them were smiling and despite this being a serious fight, they both had the time of their lives. But before they could continue with their showdown, a voice grabbed their attention.
Before they could do any more harm to each other, Ruby stopped the fight by stepping outside and shouting at them. Both of them had blood and bruises all over their bodies and where exhausted from fighting.
“I though the two of you are friends! How could you injure each other in such a way?!” Ruby seemed genuinely upset with them as she rushed toward Torgga with his torn up clothes and used some sort of blue light to heal him up. She then did the same to Dorian who had fallen down on the ground due to his exhaustion.
Wow, healing magic is quite something… I mean my wounds heal on their own, but the pain stays way longer… But with this blue light, even the pain disappears! I need to look further into this.
“Thanks…” Dorian said. He wanted to say more but Ruby began scolding them again.
“How could you use such a dangerous device on Torgga?! It could have killed him and then what?! You are a real idiot for not thinking ahead you know that? And you! You didn’t go easy on Dorian either, despite knowing that he has no magic backing him up! Just look at the poor guy, you even shredded all his clothes except his underwear and coat!” Ruby sounded really angry. Dorian thought he should keep the fact that he simply forgot to change into prober clothing after reading the letter to himself for now.
Torgga and Dorian hung their heads in shame as Ruby went on for a bit, then Dorian remembered why he was here in the first place.
“Ruby! Are you okay? Did Torgga do anything to you? You can tell me!” Dorian sounded worried which surprised Ruby a bit.
“Of course he didn’t. If a simple noble like him would cause harm to the Morgan family, well then execution would be the last of his concerns.” She wasn’t joking while saying that and slowly Dorian realized something.
The current King had sent a knight to this place a few weeks ago, ordering a large number of alcohol for royal banquets etcetera. And the name of the current King was…
“… King Morgan the third… But that means that you are part of the royal family?!! Oh man and here I thought you were just some nobleman’s daughter…” Dorian was angry with himself for not noticing earlier. These things are something he usually doesn’t overlook so easily.
“Yes, but what about it? I thought you knew, when we first talked you said you could read me like an open book.” Ruby spoke so casually with him despite being blue blooded. Could it really be that he underestimated her this much?
“Now I understand Torgga’s behaviour at least… As a noble he is under you and must follow your every order. That must also be the reason why he changed his whole look.” Dorian’s conclusions were spot on.
“Ruby Morgan, I came here to apologise. I said things I shouldn’t have said and for that I am truly sorry. I know that you plan on leaving the town because of me, but please reconsider and ignore my previous statements.” He kneeled down before her, after all she was actual royalty.
Ruby looked confused. “I never planned on leaving this town in the first place. Also please stop kneeling down and talking so formal. Please don’t change your behaviour because of me.”
“Huh? Come again? You didn’t plan on leaving the town?!” Dorian had dropped the formal act instantly.
“No, why would I? Just because you told me so? I am the eldest daughter of the Morgan family, my pride forbids me from leaving without fulfilling my mission. Any that mission is to get you and Jamie to defeat the Demon Lord. I am sorry but it looks like you won’t get rid of me that easily.” She smiled and for a second Dorian’s heart began beating faster. This girl was really something else and one thing was for certain she was way more determined than what Dorian initially thought. Then he remembered that he had fought with a good friend and stood a gorgeous girl up all for nothing.
“FUCK! Argh, how long did this take?! How much time do I have?! I need to go, but this isn’t over Ruby!” He sprinted off, thinking how due to the constant running he would have sore muscles tomorrow morning.
His thoughts were written all over his face as Torgga and Ruby looked after him.
“I mean I said he should refrain from changing his behaviour, but he could at least try to be more polite…” Ruby mumbled watching Dorian running away.
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