《The Shade of the Sun》Return to Calysso
“Well, I’m glad that Aquarius told me about your exploits before you actually needed our help.” Betty grins wide, her hands on her hips as she looks from Ren to Penny. “Well, how are our two Luminaries doing?”
“Great,” Penny says with a small smile. “We’re alive, after all.”
“Yeah, you are, and that’s something we should be thankful for.”
Alive. That word sounds almost surreal. How many times had Ren almost died during that lengthy battle? Either to the Cascasians, or the mermaids, or to Seth. He’s just surprised that he came out of that battle as unscathed as he is. Sure, he’s breathing a little funny, and he’s not sure he can keep solid foods down yet, but at least all his bones are still intact and his organs still functioning.
Betty’s ships managed to get to them in time, before the Devil’s Coffin submerged entirely. Now, they remain stationary on the sea, while Betty’s sent ships out to the Archipelago to fetch anyone from the other two ships who made it to shore. Although, from the viciousness of the mermaids…
“I wouldn’t keep my hopes up, about the others,” Betty says, her head turned towards the Archipelago, the small collection of islands a fair distance from them. “If the attack happened as you said, I doubt we’d find anyone.”
Penny lowers her gaze. “This whole thing… it’s my fault.”
Ren places a hand on her shoulder. “It’s not. You couldn’t have known.”
“Bart warned us, remember? That there are dangerous creatures in that area. But I didn’t think that they’d be this dangerous, or that they’d converge so fast… It was an underestimation—”
Betty sighs. “Stop blaming yourself, yeah? Lissa went along with your plan, even though she knew full well how much of a threat these things posed. I knew that the Archipelago was dangerous, but I didn’t try to stop you either. If you want to play the blaming game, then everyone’s going to get blamed.”
“There’s nothing you can do about it now,” Betty says, not angling her head towards the returning boats, mere specks in the sea. “You should focus on fulfilling your mission. That’s why you sailed all the way out here, right?”
Penny stares at the ground, fidgeting with a fraying strand of her shirt. Ren wishes he knew what to say to comfort her, but all he draws is a blank. He can only offer her an arm around her shoulder, and Penny leans in. Her whole body is still slumped, her gaze still on the floor.
The rescue fleet closes in—there are some survivors, apparently, but they’re not in very good shape. Orders stream from Betty’s mouth rapid-fire as she calls for medics to be sent to the ships immediately, and for their fleet to begin moving again before more hostile creatures decide to attack.
The ship jerks, and then the vessel starts to crawl ahead.
“So, where are we headed?” Betty asks.
“The, um…” Penny glances over at Ren. “I’m… not sure.”
“You’re not sure?”
“Yeah. We’re supposed to… go to the Horseman’s palace after settling the dispute between the Witches as the Cascasians, but…”
“Then to the Horseman’s palace we go,” Betty says.
“But what if we’re underprepared? What if that Horseman kills us?” Penny mumbles. “What if the mermaids—”
“Well, if it’s medicines and food you’re worried about, we’ve got a lot in stock.”
“Look, we try to prevent as many disasters as possible,” Betty interrupts. “Unfortunately, the only certainty, is uncertainty, and we can’t always predict what would happen. Ultimately, there are going to be some things that you can’t control, and the sooner you understand that, the better.”
Penny nods stiffly.
“So, what’s it going to be? Are we headed back to Calysso, or to the Horseman’s lair?”
“We’re…” Penny bites her lip, as if trying to find the right words. “We’re headed to Calysso.”
“And why’s that?” s
“Because even though some things are out of our grasp, that doesn’t mean that we can’t prepare for it as much as we can.” Penny lifts her head. Ren’s never seen such a fiery blaze in her eyes before. Betty meets her gaze just as intently. “And that includes rest. In our state now, we’re in no shape to face the Horseman. Besides, we still need to find a friend who can take us to the bottom of the ocean, like Aquarius said. There’s much to be done.”
Betty’s mouth creeps up in another grin. “All right then. As you wish, my Lady.”
She turns back to her crew. “Hard on the port side! We’re headed back to Calysso! Back to Calysso!” Betty salutes the Luminary duo. “Well, it’ll be about a three-day trip back to Calysso. You guys had better sit back and relax. It’s going to be a while.”
With that, she strides off, headed to where her crew are manning the sails, probably to bark more orders at them.
Ren glances over at Penny. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” Penny gazes out at the distance, where the ship is headed. “We gotta get rid of the Horseman, Ren. We just gotta.”
That, they will. To make sure a tragedy won’t ever happen again, to get home, they have to.
“So, this is where you and Lady Penny were taken after we were separated?” Vane asks, as he steps off the plank bridging the ship and the pier. Calysso has not changed much since the last time Ren was here, being all quiet despite the fact that it’s Betty’s ship that’s come back. Penny and Gridel walked ahead with Betty, probably heading over to the Marketplace. Meanwhile, Clemon and Isla are still aboard the ship, deep in conversation. Ren can only wonder what it is about.
Ren hums. “Uh-huh. This is Calysso. We met Betty here.”
“In any case, who is she?” Vane asks. “I’ve never heard of her till she came to save us.”
“The leader of the colony under this town, apparently. She’s really nice to us. At least, she didn’t try to attack us on sight. Oh, and she can communicate with Aquarius too.”
“Like Her Majesty the Queen?”
Ren frowns. Her Majesty… the… Oh, he must be referring to Queen Elvira. “Yeah, like her.”
Vane nods. “I assume that you and Lady Penny have both met with Aquarius as well?”
“We did.” All Ren can remember of the boisterous spirit is his obnoxious laughter. And He laughs every couple of seconds, which, Ren must admit, takes a painful toll on his poor eardrums.
“Could I…” Vane mutters, and he makes a constipated expression. “Could I meet Him?”
Ren blinks. “I think so. I don’t think He’ll mind.”
The gleam in Vane’s eyes has Ren chuckling. He’s never seen the man lose his cool, much less looking like a starstruck child on Christmas Day.
“Come on,” Ren says. “I think Penny and Gridel should be heading that way too.”
The Marketplace is no less bustling than before. Every day is a new day to make sales, and to find the goods with the best prices. A couple of stallholders wave to him as he passes, and Ren returns their greetings. No matter how many times he gets recognised, he doubts that he’d ever get used to it.
“That’s Aquarius,” Ren says, making a sweeping gesture at the silver statue at the far end of the Marketplace, at the grand sculpture that is the orca, its familiar necklace studded with aquamarine gleaming in the light. His eyes sparkle—which probably means that He is currently engaged in dialogue. “He was the one who summoned Betty and her fleet.”
“And He saved our lives. That fact is immutable,” Vane says. “Come. We must pay our respects immediately.”
Ren follows Vane closely, the duo weaving through the crowd and jostling past market-goers. There, already in front of the statue, is none other than Penny, Gridel and Betty. Betty’s hands are on her hip, and she glances over at Ren and Vane as they approach.
“Come a little closer,” Betty says, beckoning them with a come-hither motion. “Aquarius wants to talk to you guys.”
As soon as Ren steps nearer, Aquarius’ cackle booms in his ears. Ren flinches. There He goes again, another session of suffering for his auditory organs.
“It must have been a harrowing experience for you, dear Luminaries. I never did think that it would have ended the way it did,” Aquarius says. “Nevertheless, you made it back, safe and sound, and that’s all that matters.”
Penny smiles. “Thank you for your kindness, Aquarius.”
“Your bravery is commendable. Not only have you survived the skirmish between Lissa and Percival’s crews, but you have also torn away from the mermaids’ claws and even bested Captain Seth in battle.”
“We accept your praise with the utmost of thanks.”
Aquarius chortles. “Indeed. It appears that you would have no problems dispatching the Horseman of War after all. Perhaps it’s time for you to continue with the next part of your journey.”
“You mean, to the Horseman’s lair?” Penny asks.
“Exactly that. You have been given the coordinates, have you not? Now, all you are missing is a way down to the bottom of the ocean.”
“You did say that they had to get some friends. A creature of the sea, is that right?” Betty asks.
A creature of the sea… if Ren thinks about it… he did hitch a ride on someone of that nature rather recently. But Isla is just one person—she wouldn’t be able to ferry all of them, especially not when they are doing battle with the Horseman.
Still, it wouldn’t hurt to ask. There might be other sea creatures they can count on, or Isla may introduce them to her Selkie friends.
“I already have someone in mind. And we will set off once we have sorted out the details with them.”
Aquarius hums. “Of course. Resourceful as ever, aren’t you, Luminary?”
Penny grins.
“Now, perhaps it is time you prepare. Time and tide wait for no man.”
Penny salutes Him, and Aquarius’ eyes lose their glow. She turns to her team.
Gridel folds her arms. “Who was the creature of the sea that you mentioned, and why do we need them?”
“According to Aquarius, the Horseman’s palace lies at the bottom of the sea, so we need to be accompanied by a creature of the sea so we don’t drown,” Penny says, holding up a finger. “Isla’s a Selkie, who just got her skin back, too. I think she might be willing to help, before she returns to the sea once more.”
“I’m on board with asking Isla,” Ren says.
“Even if she doesn’t want to help us, we’d just find another way to make it to the seafloor,” Vane says. “Cling onto a hippocampus, or wrangle a few Kelpies.”
Betty bursts out laughing. “Ooh, I’d very much like to see that. I’d even lend my assistance. How does that sound?”
Ren holds his hands up. “Let’s go and ask Isla first, before we jump to any funny ideas. Where is she, by the way?”
“I don’t think they remained by the pier. She and Clemon,” Vane says. “The last I saw of them, they were still on Calysso’s Soul.” Calysso’s Soul being Betty’s main ship.
“Maybe they’re still on the surface,” Penny says. “I can’t imagine that they’d like the smell of the sewers much.”
Ren can attest to its stench, and he dreads having to go back out there, just to leave for the surface. Do people actually come and go from the Marketplace from aboveground Calysso? How do they stand the smell?
Penny is the first to march off, Gridel by her side. Ren and Vane exchange glances, before making after the girls.
“Hey! Clemon! Isla!”
Clemon and Isla are still standing by the pier when Penny calls out to them. Clemon responds to the voice, turning, and he waves to them. Isla’s lips curl upwards into a small smile, her hair billowing around her face in the sea gale. It’s so strong that Ren can hardly hear himself over its whoosh and the squawk of gulls.
“Where did you go?” Clemon asks.
“The colony of Ilecthia,” Gridel says. “There’s an underground Marketplace where the statue of Aquarius is located.”
Clemon gapes. “Really? Did you see Aquarius Himself?”
“That’s right,” Penny says. “And you could have seen Him too if you came with us.”
Clemon frowns, pursing his lips. “Well, Isla needed to talk to me about something. It’s very important.”
“Yes, and it is something that I would like to speak to you four about as well,” Isla cuts in, her voice as serene as ever. “As you understand, we Selkie do not live alone. We live in tribes.”
Penny tilts her head. “Yeah?”
“It had been a long time ago when my tribe was hunted by the crew of the Devil’s Coffin,” Isla says. Venom drips from her voice at the mention of that name. “I was separated from them and captured by Seth, who tried to make me his bride.”
“Like Captain Percival did?”
“In the same vein.” Isla gives a wry smile. “Seth had not kept my skin in a secure location, so I managed to find it easily.”
“Captain Percival locked everything up in chains,” Vane supplies.
Isla nods. “Yes. And because of the culture aboard that accursed ship, I could not wander as freely as I would have liked. But enough of that.” Her expression turns even more serious, as if she’s glaring daggers at the lot of them. “I would like to ask you to accompany me to find my people.”
“But… do you know where your people are?” Gridel asks. “The sea is vast. If we were to attempt to search for your tribe, then—”
“Selkie tribes are territorial, like mermaids,” Isla says. “After they fled that attack by the Devil’s Coffin, I’m certain they bid their time, and returned to our territory when it was safe again. If we go there, I’m sure we’ll find them.”
“I don’t think this is a bad investment at all, honestly,” Ren says. “If anything, we’ll need Isla’s tribe’s help.”
Isla bows her head. “If we manage to find my people, I will do everything in my power to provide you whatever service you may require.”
“Great.” Penny claps her hands together. “Where are we headed?”
“The Triclaw Isles,” Isla says. “It is in the other direction of the Archipelago. It is quite a distance, and by the speed of the ship, we should be able to reach it in about a week.”
A week out at sea. At this point, Ren’s getting rather used to it, the whole sailing thing. He might even miss it once they finish their extermination job here.
“Alright, then,” Penny says. “We’ll get everything we need and settled and then we’ll head out tomorrow, okay? Does anyone have any objections?”
None whatsoever. Penny, Gridel, Ren and Vane head back to the Marketplace to stock up on supplies, whilst Clemon and Isla decide to check out the bayfront stores.
Tomorrow, they’re going to face the storms of the sea again. To the Triclaw Isles, they will go.
Ren has never slept on solid ground ever since setting out into Ilecthian waters. To actually have a bed that does not rock with the waves is something that he should probably treasure before they’re thrown into the expanse of the ocean again. This time, they’re heading out to find Isla’s homeland, and to defeat the Horseman of War once and for all.
Stifling a yawn, Ren knocks on the door, answers with “No password”, and stumbles in. The soldier at the door asks whether he’s fine, to which Ren responds with a reassuring wave.
The Marketplace is rather quiet at this time of the day. It is doubtless that the stallholders have returned to their abodes to get some sleep. Even in this sun-less world, people still have routines. Ren saunters through the empty streets, only a couple of stallholders left packing their wares up for the night.
Betty offered them a place to sleep in her mansion, which just so happens to be carved into the wall, behind Aquarius’ statue, and Ren makes for that. He’s never actually been in Betty’s house—he’s been busy buying medicines and trying on armour the whole day. Just what is it like inside?
Its exterior is relatively grand, compared to the other houses in this Marketplace. There are windows, though with no panes, cut into the dark wood that makes up the front of the house. The door is heavyset and wooden, framed with gleaming metal. Ren does the polite thing and knocks on the door with its bronze knocker. A voice calls from within, and it is soon opened, by Betty, to let Ren in.
“Hey. We were just waiting for you,” Betty says. “Come on. We’ve got some grilled Grindylow tonight, and some giant squid.”
Grindylow? Are they actually mystical creatures? Ren thought it only existed in the realm of Harry Potter. Betty grabs his wrist and pulls him in, and she kicks the door shut behind her. Humming a jolly tune, she drags Ren down dusty corridors. The whole place looks like a noble’s house straight out from a history book, with framed portraits and decorative ornaments hung on every single nook and corner that Ren can see.
Eventually, they come to a door at the far end of the corridor, and lively conversation floats from within. Through the doorway is a small dining room. Not as big as the banquet hall back in Gravelle’s castle, but it is still impressive, nonetheless. Already seated are Penny, Gridel, Vane, Clemon and Isla, and the table is decked out in plates of food, delicious aromas wafting from the variety of dishes. There are only two seats left, one that is between Vane and Penny, and Ren gladly takes that.
“Iss everyone here?” Betty says, scanning the table. “Let’s say our prayers, and eat.”
And so, dinner passes with nothing but merriment. They talk about anything and everything under the sun over the delicious food that’s been prepared for them. Today is a day of rest, and nothing more, nothing less.
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