《WHIRLED》chapter 8.5
" don't worry jorgin all of them will never interfere, may I taste of your immortal heart... Hahahaha" mexie dash to jorgin so fast... " Be my guest " jorgin replied even she lost his right arm jorgin still can coupe to mexie's movements, dodging every single attack...but mexie is futile.. " Whoops sorry... Is that all you got.. you became weak jorgin..." Mexie holding jorgin's left arm and blood is dripping... jorgin have survived many battle of life and death a cut arm will never be her weakness... " What happened to jaghur thrive was my fault but if I didn't do that many innocent people will die in their hands, as a defendant of Justice I act quickly..." Jorgins explaining while fighting... On the distant morgul start gathering every mages he has... And they started casting destruction spell... Target their trajectory directly to where mexie and jorgin's location... " Now both of my nightmares will begone.. realesed now full attack...hahaha" morgul ordered then the mages released the spell.. the sky became slightly bright inverting red color... Jorgin while talking to mexie, she saw a magic spell towards them... it was so fast that mexie didn't realize that she's been hit by fire spell she's burning lightly she rolled on the ground... When she saw another was coming to many of spell she just close her eyes, but she didn't hit by anything... She was confused so she open her eyes.. she was surprised jorgin was in front of her blocking every spell... " don't worry i am immune to fire damage projectiles..." " ahh i see.." mexie replied felt ashamed as the projectiles continue more and more casualties on enemeis side Every soldiers wether incenirate nor evading the spell... " hey boss were not enemy..." "arrggghhh" the soldiers pained on agony.. on the distant morguls location... " die, die die,, hahahaha" murgol was so happy while the barrage of destruction fire magic meteor minimum " I took your arms why helping me..." Mexie felt something.. " I know there was still kindness left in your soul... When I investigate farmers thrive I saw a freshly dug grave... What I saw was the same person pick you at gallant pass... It's Gideon was just stab but his heart was intact... So I realized when you first want to kill me why just taking my arms instead and not directly to my heart?" Jorgin was waiting for mexie's explanation... Then the poor mexie felt she was missing her father... Tears running down her eyes... After jorgin saw mexie's face she suddenly realized that what happened was discrimination to mexie's true origin... It was a peaceful day I was walking to the store... While sir landro was waiting for the ingredients I buy around the city... " Did you buy blueberry?" Landro smiled... " Yes here it is..." Railee replied.. " Oh... Thanks a lot, I got easy on work's with you..." Sadness registered on landro's face .. " Why sad sir landro?" Railee ask.. " If I will be gone someday can you promised to smile and pursue ur dream..? " Landro was using mortar and pestle " Okay I will smile and going back to my world that I truly lived.." " Well then I have no regrets that I will leave you anytime..." Landro continuing separating the ingredients... " So sir...." Railee stop from speaking when she noticed that it was getting bright like hell and it was getting hotter and hotter... "Need something" as landro speaks she scenery begin collapsing and a fire was covering the entire place and a ball of light crashing towards him... " Whaaaaaat.... ???? " It smashed railee and " Too hot arrggghhhh... Too hoooooottttttt..... " His clothes partially burning while dodging ever single ball of fire.... " Hahahaha burn to hell idiot mexie and jorgin... Hahaha" morgul laughing to his excitement as usual, when the attacking was stop... " Hey hey why stop?? " " Sire our Mana is depleted... The spell we cast cost a lot of Mana... We cant continue further..." The mage replied ... "Nooooo.... This can't be.... Continue the attack..." Morgul command but a voice from behind ask... " What a rush didn't you hear what the mage told you or your deaf!!! " It was badjork... " Sa.. sa.. ..sire jorgin appeared defending the scout... I left no choice to use countermeasures... " Morgul explained... " I see how this place turns to ruins... As we investigating another unidentified being has been sighted together with the corpse... I needed answers... So I must ask jorgin's the traditional way then kill her... So where's mexie?" "I a I ask her to kill jorgin..." Morgul frightened... " Whaaaaaat... I must go there quickly..." Badjork rushing towards jorgin's location... After seeing railee running on fire jorgin and mexie can't stop themselves to laugh... the attack has stopped... Jorgin felt her tiredness from losing so much blood.. her vision started to blur... Mexie pick her arms and put it back to jorgins... Mexie felt relieved... After everything happened... Mexie realize that they were both victims of situations... Railee noticed jorgin was laughing... She was so cute I cannot ignore such beauty... She was an angel... But something is moving in his head... She was like like like... "Angela..." He said with low voice... Railee remembered the world he came from and... " Someday I will go home sir landro I promised..." He looked up at the blue sky... When he look back to jorgin, he saw a man rushing towards her... And he saw how the body of jorgin's too fragile.. she was cut again but this time look fatal... Mexie saw how she was cut in half... " Hey mexie I thought you have killed her, how an awful sight.. long time no see mate... Hahaha your too soft but your body will regenerate anyway..." Badjork smilingly looking at jorgin's body in half... Jorgin can't say a word she is in deep body stressed... " I I can't kill her anymore..." Mexie reply " Oh common a heart eater was beginning to softee... And a.." badjork stop what he was saying when an unknown person suddenly attack him... He block railees attack with his great sword ,railee using only his barehands, but badjork thrown down a distant by blocking.. he felt he's knees tremble " Just who the hell are you...??" Badjork back to he's composure.. mexie was shocked... jorgin noticed railee.. " watch mexie.. don't take your eyes off of that young man, you will see..!!" jorgin slightly smiled out of pain... then mexie didn't even blink an eye.. " However your a worthy opponent, this will be your" before badjork will say a thing railee didn't stop he thrown again so many punches, but every punches blocked... By this moment mexie connect the body of jorgin... then the right arm " what am i doing.." mexie was confused about her actions " Hah is that all you got kid... I was definitely feeling bored..." While blocking he saw mexie's action... " The hell are you doing mexie? Your out of your goddamn mind" he can't focus on blocking because he was distracted by mexie... A clean hit on his cheeks " Arrggghhhh..." And followed by additional rapid punch... When looking at badjork faces, railee suddenly stopped... " Ooopps... Sorry I didn't mean to... " Railee stop his laugh by covering his mouth... The face of badjork looks awfully ugly by punches... And got knocked oUt... K.O. The soldier's that spectating start to gather round followed by rushing towards railee... One soldier is busy picking his blade... "( Why this so heavy... )" Soldier 1 "Hey why this so heavy...? It won't move" soldier 2 " Oi... Stand back I'll do the lifting... ",.. big soldier can't lift it either... Mexie was looking at trio while confused... Then he saw railee towards the trio... Mexie to her surprised when the trio she knows was undefeated powerfull next to badjork being thrown by punches so easily.. "(What's happening first he knocked up badjork then that power so unreal...)" Mexie stuck in the position for a moment... " Are you surprised? I will explain it later but first we must get out of here quickly..." Jorgin was standing recovered slightly... " Very well... explain to me later, i need to go with you for now.. cause badjork will hunt me down for what iv'e done today..." Mexie start running while holding jorgin... So many soldier's on their back following them... " We can fight if you want...!!" Mexie said " Nahhh... Maybe next time I'm tired... Just let them lived.. we will surely need their help someday..." Jorgins frightened reactions, much more confused mexie... " I see we must hurry so that you can explained everything" mexie looking at her front surprised by railee lifting the blades... " Hey you.. don't just stand there... We need to get away from here..." Mexie was shouting to railee.. railee just now looking at the woman... Holding jorgin's hand while running away from soldiers chasing them... Railee starting to take pose with his blade focusing his aura that landro thought him... But... " Didn't you hear me we must hurry away from here.. now go.." mexie raised her voice, they pass.. railee then followed... " Why stopping me?" Railee ask and still confused jorgin replied before mexie open her mouth and start listening on what will forgins says " they are not our enemy... Remember the demons corpse near the ancient portal??" " Yes, but what about those demon? Are they our enemy?" Railee replied " Exactly... I'll explain later... For now hold my arms we need to lost them..." Jorgin asking railee to hold her arm... But railee felt shy on that moment.. " Are you deaf? I said hold my arm.." jorgin was irritated " O okay.." when railee hold jorgin's arm he felt the softness of her flesh... He gulp his saliva... While looking at his hand, touching jorgins arm.. jorgins face was really really cute " Ability teleportation" jorgin cast spell then the scenery has changed... Railee lost his balance he drop to water puddle... " Hatsing.. the water was cold..." He now begin to explore his eyes... All of the sudden they transport to galagarth holds forest... "( I didn't know a person on the legend that can teleport anywhere was jorgins)" mexie was surprised about jorgins ability... " Where are we? Where are those chasing us and how did this trees came from " railee don't know what happened " It's a skill only I bestowed by empress.. she said it to me clearly..." (" You have the cursed of the undead... And your soul that tainted was purified... You will become the defendant of this world and I will bestow you this skill of mine.. come closer my dear")(" once I transfer this skill I can no longer used it, for it is forbidden to have teleportation ability.. only a chosen being is allowed to used it... Be careful on what is coming.. if that day will come can you promise to protect the balance of this world..") ("yes my empress") " and so she transfer her ability... " " So the empress already know what is coming right!? Oh by the way you owe me explanation... About what is coming and who is this young man... I can smell the delicate chunky heart..." Mexie looking at young man railee.. Railee was fascinated by the scenery, butterfly flying, rays of sunlight, and different kind of trees, plants and insect's... Jorgin explained when he first meet railee and what happened in vashna ruins and with landro... On how he killed the minotaur that frightened, slaughtered people for decade's .. " But in your story, you didn't mentioned where that young man railee came from..." Mexie waiting for answers " He mentioned that he was transported here from another world... That's all I know.. the rest is blank.." " A world that exist!!! From another world!!!" Mexie was thinking over and over... " Nahhh maybe I'll just leave it... What about the coming you mentioned??" Mexie asking jorgin Jorgin told mexie about the offerings she made... About the unidentified beings that looked like demons in the ancient tablets and sculptures incrypt... "I thought they were annihilated thousand years ago, well it's according to analysis made by the historians... And around the world they couldn't be found... And the question is how and why they cameback...??? And on what purpose??? And why vashna destroyed??" " I don't know either... All I know is somehow connected to this stranger and that's the reason why I'm keeping him up my sleeves.." jorgin was looking at railee... " So this stranger is that man.. oh well according to what you said about him, maybe we can find answers keeping an eye on him..." " Exactly... Just look at him, he's actually don't know anything about our world... He's completely no idea on how that leaves look like by understanding his actions by deeper thought's..." J orgin explaining while looking at railee while holding a different kind of leaves... " Hey you what are you doing?" " Jorgin I'm just curious about this leaves that's all and I wonder why this doesn't look like from our planet..." " So you really don't know what kind of trees has that..." " I have no idea... Maybe you could help me out..." " Another time..." " Why not now we're just right here talking, so maybe..." " No not now.. we have important things to do..." " Then that is that actually...?" Jorgin has paused for a moment when she heard a dry tree branch broke nearby... " Who's there... If I were you, better show yourself or I'll snatch your breathe before you can run away .." " Hey calm down jorgin... I know exactly the location of her... I can smell her aroma, her heartbeat that seems being nervous hahhaa.. No one can hide from me... she's already out there while we were talking about the teleportation skill you mentioned early... Your dead already come out I won't bite you... Or...." Before mexie finish what she was saying... A woman with a glamorous chestplate and a writings on her forehead... Jorgins eye became bigger after... railee startled the lady in glamorous clothing's.. " Why you have that tatoo in your forehead?? Explained yourself.. before I'll turn you to bits..." " I'm Mila, I'm empress companion... Forgive me lady jorgin and who is this lady and a young man!!! " " This lady is mexie from jaghur thrive, and by the looks you must be the daughter of regnald II .." " Just call me mix for short, nice meeting you empress..." Mexie smiled when she saw a imprint writings in her forehead... " Yes exactly... I am the 9th daughter of regnald XXII" " hahaha... You exactly look just like him... but twenty generations had pass.. hehehe... And that young man was railee from another world...!!" "N n nice me meeting you empress..." " Nice meeting you too railee... I heard that this young man was from another world not planet..." " It's planet or world is just the same... In a world that I live... They had a huge telescopes For space observations... And spaceships for space exploration... Our planet was trying to reach out every other planet..." Jorgin: ?????? Mexie:?????? Mila:?????? " And what is that exactly???" The two duet except empress Mila... " Uh hahaha ..." Railee don't know how or what to explain the world he came from... " I'll try to understand it some other time, care to explained it later... But first I must introduce you to everyone... Come follow me..." The empress was calm and very generous... While walking mexie was thinking of telescope... Is that a powerful weapon or it is rare item??...
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