《WHIRLED》chapter 2 : Arch Mage
am i dreaming??
Even so...
Why I was in this dungeon holding cold bars... What is this world... What is this place... I can't understand even the language... Footsteps.. Guard approaching (rhufinyan speaking) the guard throw the food inside our cell then they laugh... It was a hard bread... and what is that... Is this edible it's like scorpion but there's no stingers... A man help me out from the next cell... He was more like human resemblance so we got along... Even though we can't understand each other... He draw a map... He gave me a pendant with a serious expressions... After analyzing his expression... And drawing with a stick family I realized this map and this pendant.. Maybe the location...of his family.. I better hide this he exclaimed by hand signal... Footsteps approaching... (Rhufinyan speaking) the guards shouted... Maybe... I don't understand them anyway... The guards maybe nothing to blame so he left... The guard while moving away shouting in the distance... (Rhufinyan speaking then eating) maybe he tries to say it was edible or rather be, how to eat it... I'm starving I'll try some... " Whooaaaaa it taste like shrimp oh my God this was so amazing can I have more" But not matter what i said .. my friend doesn't understand me.. A pathetic situation but seems we can communicate with each other even if we can't understand both sides language in different ways i guessed... the only friend i had in this dungeon next cell , talking but, I cannot understand... He hand wave... I wonder what he was trying to say.. I have no clue... It's too late... After i realized several guards next to my cell... "Please help me out here I want to go home please I'm begging you..." "please"... Honestly i was tired of my life... But i don't have courage to kill myself... One guard entered my cell... Thank God.. maybe you could help me out... But opposite to what supposedly as i was expecting... He punches me several times... I'm spitting blood... But it was only from the teeth of mine.. i accidentally bite my own tongue... I didn't felt anything... Even if i thought i would die from that... Probably i wasn't even hurt or something... Before i noticed the guard was out of the cell... Noo... This day of neverending shout i made... Suddenly i was tired... Tired of begging... Tired of living... Tired of pretending... It's just me... So i Left myself to nothingness and suddenly i felt tired... the carpet made of grass strands, very comfortable to relax for a while... i felt like my eyes also feeling tired maybe if i sleep and wake up again everything will be back to normal... My eyes closed as i felt the coldness of the grass blanket.. I was running away from so many unknown being they slaughtered everyone they passing on women children and the guards they're overun by numbers... then the monster appears in front of me.... and start waving a big branch of trees to me.... suddenly... (Rhufinyan speaking) cold water was poured over me... it was morning I guess but im relief that it was just a dream .... " What... ???" I realized were not on the dungeon anymore... We're traveling via carriage... Where travelling along this narrow road with this goatlooking horse... and this two people I get along in separated cold bars... And my friend was in another carriage in front of us... He was smiling while looking at me... Well.. We are riding carriage dragged by a goat looking horse and has also a wheel like on the medieval era without rubber so rides are kinda bumpy... Where am i???!!... All is like backwards in time.... but I can't understand why the horse look like a goat the people here looks just like the face of a cat.. Seriously??... They have no fur or hair, just like our skin, and with a very small horn they have... Their hands have only three fingers... and even their feet quite exactly the same... Am i the only one overthinking it.. this is wierd... Am I stuck in my other dream??... please somebody wake me up .... Ann please wake me up again... Though she's not reliable in any sort of situation.. I guessed i don't even needed her help... Even if i die today... (Rhufinyan guard speaking) the horse stop then my fellow prisoners getting down by the guards... (rhufinyan guard speaking ) they kneeled so I kneeled too... There is a tower on my left side and looks like i was in the middle of village or maybe this was a place for gatherings... (rhufinyan speaking) It seems the leader come in front... He was walking while talking... And stop where i was standing... I don't felt anything just why... I asked myself I dont understand a Single words he Said... Worst case scenario was about to happen... We are total of six prisoner's... Guards form us a line... Im last to the line.. there were too many crowd around cheerfully... Headsman was waiting... Guards drag along one of prisoner's... it was my friend from the cell.. Hewas forced to put his head on the stone that his head... I realized his situation was dire... But i am purge by myself though.. His head was overlapping the stone... Without warning the headsman lifted the giant axe... I saw it... My heart pumps... Head of other prisoner's rolling... Is this how the way i die... Was the struggle worth... Me and my friend on the other cell??.. Was that obstacle meaningful?? Or i am just thinking things that doesn't belong... As my only friend on the cell was beheaded... I was looking at him till he was beheaded.. But to think he has no regrets at all.. Cause he doesn't worry because of the map and the pendant he handover me... What if i died here too.. I may ratherly failure to his expectations... I realized someone was watching me from the crowds... My eyes wandered... But fail to find this fellow... Heads rolling i saw his head rolling in front of me... Second prisoner was beheaded.. Is that fast???... But I'm busy by myself... I didn't focused on my current situation... I'm trying to locate the person with such feeling he was looking at me from afar... I wonder how i felt it but it's rather surprising... (rhufinyan speaking shouting) The guard stops and grab me in my back and start dragging me. What i noticed and realized.. all of my co cellmates are all beheaded... Im sorry folks.. guessed I'll be joining you once this was all over... It was my turn i guessed... I was looking at the headsman... But no facial expressions... I wonder how he felt beheading someone... Nahhh.... As my head put over the stone of death... I have no worries... I also wanted this!!! seriously??... Right im serious... Don't be problematic... Your just reading right... Right... I felt the blood on my cheek... Blood of my only friend on the cell... Im sorry.. I can't make it... As i was waiting for my head to roll... Several seconds i closed my eyes... I was waiting for the axes edges to put me in my miserable condition... I was still waiting... Im patiently waiting... But death never comes... Huh??!! I opened my eyes... Headsman was struck... Struck???!! I turned my head... Still on the stone of death but... He was stopped by a light covering the headsman's entire body... " oh my god im save..." Am i happy or what... Rather my situation was all i ever wanted but why halted?? The one in the robe talking but i can't understand it... The man in the robe scruffed him with his bare hands... I don't understand what happens next but... (this rhufinyan was not a guard, speaking loudly but i cant understand) the person I think was my savior.. He musn't save me though... he looks like a lion with human skin and long ears and have horns... He's closing .. Guess dealing with the headsman was an easy task for him.. Maybe he has much authority than the previous talker... That he can do what he wanted... As i realized he was in front of me.. Im not paying attention... (rhufinyan speaking encantation) then... I felt something cold in my neck through my head... What's this?? I feel kinda strange!!! " Now I ask you first and maybe your last .. who are you?" (Rhufinyan) "r ra rai railee go.. sir...!!" " Where did you came from??" " From the beautiful country of the Philippines the southern pearls .. " the rhufinyan looking at me like he was examining me... " Never heard of it,but as you can see.. i save you and with the ability that i have blessed you.. guessed you understand me now... So will you answer me one last time !!?? truthfully??!!" " Yes sir anything I know even when I saw Ann's underwear I swear I didn't mean that and when I mistakenly hold Angela's door to heaven it's not intentionally believe me..." ( Why i was Panicking??) " that's not what I'm asking.. do you know the person name badjork?..." " Badjork???? Nope I hope he's not an artist.. well I don't know please I really don't know..." " Okay you may leave., Released him " rhufinyan was leaving, but railee followed him... " well sir I don't know where am I!! can I ask you sir I don't know where to go back " rhufinyan stop walking... " your free to leave mr railee.." " no, please sir.. you dont understand my situation sir" " what is your babbling about? i have released you already" " please ill do anything im begging you, please, i really needed help" Guessed he didn't waste that opportunity.. I'd rather died that way... " anything you say? " " anything sir and.. " " well then mr railee,follow me" Sigh... I'm closer to what i want and you ruined it... Were walking now climbing the stairs encircle up to the tower... there is no window but feels like there is one every step "sir may I know your name.?!" The rhufinyan stop .. " I'm landro " then resume his walking the stair... we reach the top of the stairs.. Landro open the door " come in" " thank you so much sir landro " " no need for formality.. may I know what is your status mr. Railee?. " Status?? I asking for myself what status? " Sir I a don't know what are you implying... Status for or in a !!??.." landro is looking at me then he try to hit me by throwing a apple.. and he hit me.. " agility check" " im sorry sir if i make you mad" he attack me surprisingly and I can't Dodge he put me down "break free railee" but i dont have a will to break free " Strength and endurance check.. okay mr. Railee get over here we're almost done... "sir what are we doing?" landro form an attack stance with some light covering his entire body... Then the light burst over his body towards railee... "sir no wait im sorry so please, maybe its just misunderstanding" the magic lance hit me.... " Agghhh..." Yes thank you... But?? Wait??? I'm alive... Suck... I cover my head with my arms... Then i felt that was nothing but air... " What happened??" So i asked... " I. I dunno" landro answered!!!! ("Just who is this guy seems he's willpower and magic resistance is high enough where did he train! He lack of agility strength endurance but in defense,magic resistance and will power are too insane... it can't be... There's no way a guy like him can easily withstand my magic that I perfected for decade's... ) "Very well mister railee you can be my guest here at my laboratory, and everything that i crafted will be sold in that store at the bottom of this tower..you can freely live here anytime you wanted..." (" I must get him to close before anyone else find out his status..") " amh sir can I ask some questions sir landro?" "Anything Mr railee.. ask anything you want ..." " why i was sent to cell? and just why you stop them from beheaded me sir?" landro startled at me.. Why stopping them...?? " as you can see they brought you here for execution like the five prisoner... They toss you to that cell because your not rhufinyan and outsiders prohibited to enter rhufinya as of yesterday, isn't it outstanding... " " outsanding..But why you did not help them too" " ahh sorry my bad when I saw you, there's no trace of greed and rebel what I saw was an innocent child being prosecuted so as a head of merchant I told them that you are my nephew..and bestow you your ability to communicate with us... And those five are rebels... did you see the mark in their neck?? A tatoo of centipede in lower right ear those five have it but yours are clean..." Tatoo of centipede??? " I really appreciate that you save me back then but I don't understand everything here specially what you look like... And this might be a dream, I could wake up any moment..." Appreciated huh.. Landro stared at me .. then laugh... " Hahaha dream? O okay.. I've been here for a long time. before you got here a moment ago, then proclaim that this world is just a dream!!! Common kid hahaha... You are dillusional maybe... But let me tell you one thing.. YOUR NOT DREAMINGGG!!! period.. if you got amnesia where you came from just leave it for a moment we got a work to carry on from now on, you will be my assistant " Me assistant?? Im not signing either.. but i guess i have no choice... (" sigh maybe I can't understand it but I must lived for now.. there's no point on my nuisance... ") Why i can never say whatever i wanted... " Okay sir..." " Very well Mr railee " the next thing was landro teaching me how and where to buy materials, ingredients for his shop it was one whole week pass since the day that i met him... now I realized if this is reality or not... I must find a way to get home... You know end my life with the world i know... Landro tell me everything about this world of them... Im at a world can weild Swords and magic... The world they call Aurora it has 4 continent but mostly 80 % of water and 20% land it has no large vessel or airplanes travel across every country or continent, they travel through portals made by their great ancestors and these portals have guarded in the center of every city.. sounds like I'm inside of MMORPG or magical anime but no this is so real, maybe?.. somehow i assume i was inside of it.. Landro also told me that every person here can level up through killing monster or civilians.. but there's other way to gain experience, when a monster or civilian transfer their status to you by not killing them,,.. eventually the monster or civilian cannot gain any exp or if they killed the killer won't also gain experience from them.. everything you will do here can gain experience based on your daily work or your calling... If you want to become adventurers yourself.. come and stop by the adventurers guild if you wanted... Adventurer's classification.. E ranked D ranked C ranked B ranked A ranked S ranked SS ranked I'm a newbie so I'll start at E ranked if i wanted.. I don't want to take that for now... He mentioned Elements and magic... Witch Sorcerer Mage Arch mages So landro said he was an archmage before... And... Elements... Earth Fire Water Dark Light Life Void Time Eight vast elements consisting Aurora's world... But time and void elements are hard to control... Once weild... The weilder died... The stronger the caster mana heart the more power the elements outcome ... Somehow... If you want to shortcut... Ability masteral can obtain.. Status ability transfer... you can become an instant master if they transfer their status... But with a price you see... Some here at rhufinyan, status selling is at stakes almost every citizens here sell their status for better living... if the elders guards will be nearly to their deaths they will transfer status to their heir.. or selling it to make their family can live a fortune... Selling status??? Were at rhufinya... Most secured places.. 60,000 in population... A very crowded city... Monster are long inherit this world... Actually before demi humans and humans live along this world... Monster already exists... But limited their actions to plague the land... You know... Monster lairs... Has 10th blocked monster.. Monsters dramatically can't escaped their lairs... If you manage to conquer 10th blocked monster lairs... You'll be guaranteed An SS ranked... If not defeating monster on any level quest will be your timeline... As i walking down the narrow corridor a shortcut i guessed... Although I've never walked this corridor before... I think it was a shortcut I've seen people enter right then appears in the other side so i guessed it's a shortcut.. As i walked carefree... Two mercenaries like adventurers standing right the corner... As im about to pass by and completely ignore them... He crossed his sword to where i passed... It's a narrow corridor so i was certain he doesn't want me to pass... I was stunned... What was their deal... " Your the Archmage apprentice right.." The second mercenary said not the one who blocked my path... " Yes... Sir..." " Ohho.. so your the walking moneybag then... " I sense something was wrong after he mentioned moneybag... This guys the villain citizens have rumors all over the city about the gang extortionist... I've never crossed their path before but now quite a problem im into... " Hey kiddo just hand over the moneybag and I'll promise we won't hurt you ahihihi..." The one with the sword is really silence compared to this one... Maybe he was forced to play his role... Or what.. Shit.. Im trying to figure out how to get away with this situation... " Hand me over before i lost my patience... Look at this guy he was an SS ranked... Just a piece of advice... if you want to live give me that damn money bag... You shrimp..." This talkative guy words without meaning spitting from his trash mouth... Well sir landro said i may haven't blessed by natural talent but im imvincible in defense... And it's already proven.. 8 days of training with him.. i can deal with this guy or not.. it's worth a try.. afterall my death has been postponed... " Just a piece of advice if you want to live don't look down on others..." Now i said it... About the SS ranked said by this talkative moron smiled halfway... And intimidated by my words... I just sense it... an Intent to kill... " Hahahaha you got balls for an apprentice... Grook teach this apprentice a bitter way to die..." Grook I'll remember your name... Bitter way to die huh... " Be my guest..." Were looking at each other after he pose an stance with his sword... Me... I was emmiting aura like landro had told me before.. It was a forced from innert mana heart... The force was accumulating magicules... around the area... Magicules are consist of energy around the area... For a commoner the Aura and it's presence was impossible to see... So if this SS guy was a real deal then he can see through it already... 5 minutes had passed but he wasn't moving at all.. Huh??!!... As expected the talkative man lost his consciousness while my force energy was active... Pak... My concentration fails so the emmiting forced embroiled so has stopped... Who hit me..!! It was sir landro... " We need to get out of here now..." He's eye looking around if there was anyone See's us... " But hes on the way..." " No he's not..." "Huh" i was observing the said SS ranked but... He was unconscious... " As you can see using your force can actually killed them if you want... Thanks to less magicules in this area your energy force unsustained.." If they die!! I might ended up in the dungeon again... Nope... What he meant for that exactly... We rush together like landro told me... And hide ourselves on his tower... He began observing the outside... What i did was out of hands... But what happened to those folks...??
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