《Chidetan Odyssey》Chapter 7
A mess of ash, crawler guts, and skeletal limbs lay in front of the party as each of them checked each of their belongings. When he was finished, Durrus walked through the mess, his greaves squishing through the fluids scattered about, stopping right at door. With scutum and shield in hand, he clanged both of them together, allowing a metallic ring to echo throughout the facility. He paused for a few moments, waiting for the sound to die down completely, before turning back to the group.
“Looks like it’s all clear.”
While Cleo and Horrus followed suit not long after, Curi still stood at the edge
“Um… Cleo? Could you please carry me over?”
“Hm? Is something the issue?”
“Well… I don’t really want to get well… those bugs all over my boots.”
“Well, I guess that’s all right.”
She walked back, scooping up Curi in her arms to her delight.
She caught up to a cross-armed Durrus.
“You know, you can’t really pamper the kid like that out here.”
“There isn’t any harm in it, right? She’s still… How old are you Curi?”
“Still fairly young, it’d be unfair to treat her like the rest of us.”
“Well I’m sure whatever else is in the wastes will think the same thing, right? Cmon, nothing wrong with getting a bit dirty. When was the last time you had a bath anyways?”
She suddenly looked down at herself with disgust.
“O-oh no… I swear I’ll take one once we get back to our camp! And wash all of my clothes as well!”
“Don’t worry, we’ll have Caelos draw up a few baths. I’m pretty sure some of the buildings might have them. I could use one anyways as well.”
“Hey, I’m not saying to neglect personal hygiene. I’m more saying we kinda have more important things to focus on right now.”
Horrus stamped his boots into the ground.
“Can we get a move on now already?”
“The kid’s got a point anyways. We’re not done down here just yet. Everyone, still keep in formation just to be absolutely safe.”
The group returned to form with Horrus lugging the tool near the back. It didn’t take too long before they arrived back to the face of the Almu’ard. Durrus halted, holding up his hand, motioning the rest of the party to a halt. He clanged his sword and shield several times once more, receiving no response once more.
“All clear it seems. Caelos, before we find our way in, should there be anything else about these nests we should be aware of?”
“I’m afraid I cannot say. I do not think any Ya’Chosh has been this close to a Titan before.”
“Reassuring… Well, if they really didn’t want us in here, they’d have some other measure to keep us from getting this close right? Everyone, split up, try and find a way in.”
The group split off, Cleo, Curi, and Caelos moving along one side, Durrus scanning another, while Horrus tried to find ways to climb up some of its appendages. After a lengthy scouring of the beetle’s massive body, Durrus finally found a hole, yelling to the others. The rest of the party grouped around without much delay. The hole itself was three fourths the height of Durrus himself, wide enough to only fit one person at a time. It ran deep into the beetle, the surrounding layers of muscle colored a fleshy pink, with a somewhat slimy sheen. Durrus moved towards the entrance of the tunnel, turning towards the party.
“Our formation this time is going to be much more simple. I’m going to take the lead, Curi behind me, then Cleo, then Horrus. Cleo, keep that rifle of yours pointed at our rear, same thing with that tool of yours Horrus.”
“You know, we should call it something other than the ‘tool’ now. Just to make communication easier, right?”
Horrus frowned.
“I’m going to name it something later, don’t you bother calling it anything else, or I’m not listening.”
“Fine, just let me know what you want to call… the tool or whatever.”
Slinging his scutum over his back, he crouched down and took his first step into the tunnel. His greaves sunk into the ground, a clear residue sticking to them as he took his next step. The inside of the tunnel thankfully had no rotting stench, but still reeked strongly of a room full of raw meats. Noticing something off, he turned around, noticing Curi still standing at the entrance. She stared with disgust and hesitation with Cleo next to her, muttering something out of Durrus’s earshot.
“Come on, we aren’t going to find the central compound without getting a bit dirty, right?”
Curi shut her eyes and took a step forward, her boots becoming soaked by the viscous fluid that coated the tunnels. She visibly clenched her teeth, before rushing forward. Squinting her eyes open, she reached out using her free arm to hold onto Durrus’s scutum, before closing her eyes once more.
“Just knock it off already kid, it ain’t that bad.”
Once Cleo and Horrus took their positions, they all began making their way upwards further into the Almu’ard. The tunnels constantly turned and curved many branching off into different directions, which Durrus advised the party not to head down, but rather to stay to the more straight path. After traveling through several twists and turns for many minutes, Durrus halted the party at the sound of chewing. Not far out of eyesight, another large bug creature was busy eating away at the walls. It had a very bulbous body supported by six stilt-like legs. Its head had a reverse cone like mouth that seemed to vacuum away chunks of the wall at a time. It paused from the chewing, gyrating a bit before spraying a clear fluid all over the newly chewed wall. Durrus edged closer to the bug, giving it a quick poke. It didn’t even bother to deviated from its current job. He motioned for the rest of the party to follow, Cleo pausing once she reached creature. She whipped out her flask, chugging the last of her water, then scooping up a puddle of the creature’s liquid with her flask. She got back to her position, staring back at Horrus as he gave her a look of utter disgust. With nothing more than a quick ‘hmph’ the two continued on. they continued through the tunnels for several more minutes until they reached a massive chamber. It was several times their height, the walls looking horribly rough and jagged, marked by massive scratches. Several other similar tunnels dotted the walls around them at different heights. Curi’s stafflight reflected off of something that made Durrus and Caelos very happy about this excursion: A massive pile of various golden trinkets and decorations, along with a staff exactly like Curi’s wedged in the center of the pile.
“Would you look at all that!”
“A root staff!”
“Uh, Durrus…”
Cleo gave him a quick tap on the shoulders, snapping him out of his trance. She pointed upwards, showing off a massive crawler head staring down at the party. A quick glance around the room revealed that the massive creature practically encompassed the room as a whole. To the sides were two massive skeletal-like arms planted on the ground that extended upwards to the body of the thing. The body stretched further to the other end of the room, connecting to a pale green translucent stomach, which burrowed into the ground. Near the stomach were four more smaller appendages which were at rest near the stomach of it. The group quickly drew their weapons as the creature let out a room-shaking howl, forcing them to their knees as they covered their ears. The queen merely stared as they gripped tight onto their heads, still recovering from the assault on their ears. As they began to recover, the queen eyed the tunnels surrounding her. As everyone’s hearing returned to normal, Cleo broke the silence.
“Hold on… I don’t think it can actually attack us!” She pointed to its much longer arms. “It can’t support itself and strike at us at the same time!”
“Well that’s a damn relief… I saw my life flashing before my eyes there, I swear!”
Curi got up from her feet.
“Y-yeah… I mean, we still would have won or something, right?”
“Maybe with a few broken bones and a few lost limbs.”
“Durrus, please, will you quit speaking to her like that?”
“I’m just telling her how it is, ain’t nothing wrong with that!”
Caelos hovered close near Curi.
“Don’t worry now. Remember, I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.”
Horrus waltzed towards the creature, edging near the pile of treasure. The four smaller appendages suddenly lunged outward smashing right into his side, tumbling him over himself, slamming into the wall. He curled upward, and with a cough and a grunt, suddenly fell limp
“Kid, what the hell are you doing?”
With his shield pointed at the beast, Durrus charged over, grabbing him by the neck of his gambeson. The beast’s arms thrashed and flailed, trying all they could to reach him as he dragged Horrus back to safety. Curi charged forward, dropping to her knees over him as Cleo watched with concern painted on her face.
“Oh no… Horrus? Horrus please wake up! Please be okay! Please…-”
A few coughs escaped his mouth. He coughed and hacked much more, until his eyes slowly climbed open with the face of Curi in view.
“I thought you said that thing couldn’t attack us…”
Cleo’s concern turned to anger as she marched over.
“I didn’t mean that! That was no excuse for you to just stupidly walk up to it like that!”
Curi offered Horrus a hand, helping him back up to his feet. The two hugged each other as a few tears streamed down Curi’s face. Horrus took the time to shoot a quick sneer at Cleo before returning his focus to Curi.
“Come on, ow, careful hugging me there… It’s gonna take a lot more than that for me to go down.”
The two broke off their hug.
“Now, how do I kill it?”
“You dirt-for-brained idiot! If you want to die that badly, there are many better ways!”
“Please Cleo, he has a point. We cannot rescue the Di’Chosh otherwise.”
“Well if it can’t hurt us over here, easy enough. I can easily shoot it a few times in the head and that will do the trick.”
“You really want to do it that easily now? No fun at all. We’re probably not going to have a fight this big in a long time, and you wanna ruin it all just like that?”
“I’m not looking to have fun, I’m looking to keep us all safe. Maybe you should think about safety for half a moment if your brain can actually process it.”
Horrus crossed his arms, letting out a ‘hmph’.
“Perhaps I could save you the effort. A few asteroids would deal with it easily.”
“Good point. Every extra bullet counts out here anyways.”
Caelos held her arm up, bringing forth an asteroid, and slammed it against the head of the beast. It let out another ear-splitting screech, bringing the party to its knees once more. As the screeching stopped and Caelos prepared another asteroid, a booming “STOP” reverberated throughout the room. The party quickly scrambled back to their feet, scanning the room. Suddenly, with an all too familiar bright flash, another ghostly figure appeared right in front of the other root staff. It was human in shape, but had six arms, having a similar form, carapace, and head to the compound crawlers. It spoke with a crackly yet booming voice.
“What do you think you are doing to my queen?”
Joy suddenly overtook Caelos’s face.
“It has been centuries… Please, I am another Di’Chosh, like you! My name is Caelos, and we are here to rescue you.”
“What now? More other than I? Nonetheless, my name is Genitos. Although, why have you traveled here and assailed my queen?”
“Queen? Well nevermind. More importantly, our time to finally reunite with humans is now. Many things have changed, but we can fit in, and bring them to even newer heights, together! They need us and we need them!”
He glided closer to Caelos, his enthusiasm completely gone from his face.
“Humans…” He glanced behind her noticing the rest of the party. “Why should I return to the very beings who destroyed everything I created?”
“What… What do you mean?”
“Where were you when Chidetah was scourged? I saw what happened with my last few loyal priests. Grasslands were turned to deserts in a mere matter of moments, hills reduced to dunes, hundreds of marble buildings swallowed by the earth, the very lake my people settled near evaporated in minutes from sudden scorching heat. All of my people fled from my haven due to the ensuing chaos, only very few giving up their lives to shield me from the ensuing chaos! The last I saw was an unholy jagged thing rising from the earth before they shut me in and abandoned me! After all this, and you dare say we must reunite?”
“Humans couldn’t have done that alone however! They had to have help from… other Di’Chosh…”
“Exactly. Humans as a whole are wily, irresponsible, and spineless when put to the test. Surely you should have noticed that with those… things who I assume brought you here?”
“Even if humans were like that, purpose do you serve down here with vermin?”
“These, ‘vermin’, as you like to call them, are my new children. Long after all the humans passed, they found me. Instead of the hostility I expected from them, they collected me. I was confused at first, but then I found where they had placed me: among the very treasures my previous followers had made for me, which was right below their queen. They chose me to be their god, don’t you understand? They continously bring me tribute without question, not caring if one doesn’t bring enough for me! They work without complaint or need for incentive, far stronger than them, loyal to only me and their queen, and unshakably faithful. They do not despise each other or fight among themselves. They’re far superior to humans, the ultimate followers!”
Horrus suddenly butted in.
“What do you mean superior? They really suck at thinking and fighting you know! We lured all of your stupid ‘followers’ into a trap and killed them all like the stupid bugs they were! How’s that for your ultimate followers?”
Cleo quickly yanked him back as Genitos’s face molded to one of pure rage.
“And once again, you humans have attempted to rip my purpose for existing! Is that not why you are all here? To cause me more torment?”
His voice caused ringing in everyone’s ears.
“Caelos, you are no worse, bringing these vermin to me! You horrid, horrid…”
He glared at the party, beginning to motion his hands around. Suddenly, the floor around the party slowly began to dissolve. Cleo was the first to notice, but by then it was too late, as it suddenly collapsed beneath them. They fell deep into a pit, staring upwards as the floor began reconstructing itself from where they fell. They continued falling until they crashed into a pit full of a dull, green, viscous fluid, thankfully mostly breaking their fall. Curi rose from the goop first, flailing her hands about, constantly spitting. Horrus was the second, holding onto the side of him that was struck, coughing a bit, followed by Cleo. Durrus rose last, struggling as the fluids weighed down on him. The entire party was completely soaked from head to toe with the substance as it slowly dripped off of all of them.
“Quite the friendly welcome we got there Caelos! Anything else you wanna tell us about the friendly, human-loving Di’Chosh?”
“I am sorry Durrus, I do not understand what happened…”
“BLEGH. Let’s just get out of this goop before we talk anymore!”
Cleo looked around the room, finding but it was a very small, round-roofed chamber with several mole-sized holes in the wall, and a large tunnel connecting straight back to where they once were.
“I’m with Curi, I don’t feel too comfortable at all either-YEOW!”
Everyone jolted over and stared as Cleo lept into the air.
“Something beneath here is biting me!”
“Dear lord… He’s trying to use us as food ain’t he!”
Horrus glanced around a bit before picking up his tool. He placed the end against the wall, and pressed the switch, blasting away a massive chunk of flesh and muscle. Everyone flinched again, staring over at a small part of land Horrus had blown out. He cranked the tool again and climbed out of the pit. The others followed, cramming themselves all into the small portion of dry land. As Cleo climbed out, a leech-like creature was violently biting and thrashing at her leg. She drew her kilij and carefully stabbed it, causing it released its grip as its life passed, plopping back into the pit below.
“Um… Cleo, you’re bleeding a bit.”
Curi pointed at little bits of blood staining her pants.
“Don’t worry, it’ll heal up in due time.”
She smiled at her, patting the scratch. Durrus plopped himself down against the wall.
“I had a good feeling other Di’Chosh weren’t going to return all willy nilly.”
“I am sorry this happened everyone. I do not understand what happened to him.”
“I’ll tell ya what happened. He’s an ass who probably got pissy that people valued self-preservation over him.”
“Please, there has to be more to it than just that! You don’t know how horrid it is to be abandoned, rooted to a place unable to move or do anything.”
“I’ve seen his type. I’m willing to bet he didn’t treat his followers as well as you did Caelos. They probably didn’t do exactly as he wanted them to do, and now he has a grudge against humanity over it.”
“You have no right to say that!”
Horrus walked between the two.
“You’re missing the more important part. How do I kill it?”
Both of them fell silent for a few moments, before Caelos piped up a bit.
“I refuse to kill him. Di’Chosh are already far too sparse, and it would haunt me to no end knowing what I would thrust him into.”
“I don’t see any issue. He’s in our way, he needs to go, simple enough.”
“It isn’t simple enough. Di’Chosh can’t die. When our staffs are powered off or shattered, we enter only what humans can describe hell. He would be forced back into the plane we once resided in: An endless expanse of nothingness. We would have lost all of our minds if the Ya’Chosh didn’t create the root staffs to save us.”
Durrus spoke up as well.
“I have to agree with ya, not because I don’t want the bastard dead, but because I don’t think any of us would stand a chance against him. You saw him dissolve the floor like that and reform it. I’d hate for him to fuse me with the wall.”
“Um, Caelos?”
She turned to find Curi staring longingly into her eyes.
“If he’s a bad Di’Chosh, we have to make sure he meets justice, right? I’m sure we can find nicer one out there, right?”
Cleo finished tying a scrap of clothing around her cut.
“I don’t think we have much of a choice in this matter. That tool of Horrus’s can dig us out of here, but we only know of one room we can tunnel to.”
Cleo pointed above.
“That is, unless we want to pick a random direction and tunnel for god knows how long out of this place?”
Durrus sighed.
“Fight with a former god or tunnel for eternity?”
“I say we fight! Kill the thing!”
“Yeah, he’s gonna pay for hurting you all!”
Caelos stayed silent as Cleo smiled at the two.
“I also got a plan for once, if you’ll allow me to Durrus?”
“Go right on ahead.”
“We first have to work our way slowly tunneling below the thing, and once we surface, we need to split up as fast as possible. I doubt he can focus on all four of us at once. If we can keep him distracted long enough, I’ll try and hit the staff with my rifle. One of those bullets should make the top of the thing history. Sounds good?”
“As long as I get to kill the queen after!”
“If we kill Genitos first, then I’ll let that be your reward then Horrus. But don’t come crying to me if you break a bone trying.”
“Hah, as if!”
He brought the tool up diagonally towards the wall, firing it off.
“As long as you get that shot off quickly, I’m fine with it. I’m feeling exhausted enough.”
Curi leapt up and down, buzzing with joy.
“That sounds great Cleo! He’s gonna get what’s coming to him!”
The tunnel coiled up higher and higher continuously into the flesh of the Almu’ard. A small cave was dug out near the top of the ever expanding tunnel upwards, where Horrus, Cleo, and Curi all rested, as Durrus was at the top, waiting for the tool to finish charging up. Horrus was lying down, slowly breathing, while Cleo was leaning back against the wall, her gloves off and hands read, sweat still fresh on her face.
“Come oooon, how much longer do we have to dig! I’m gonna pass out before we even reach them!”
Durrus gave the tool another crank, it whirring up again.
“Sooner than it’d take to randomly dig out of here.”
A few moments passed and the red light lit up again, as Durrus pressed the tool against the roof. He fired it off, but this time a mess of gold and flesh poured over him and into the tunnel below.
“Crap, everybody hurry on up, we literally tunneled right below him!”
He dropped the tool, letting it tumble down the passage as he vaulted up and out, meeting face to face with Genitos’s face boiling with anger.
“Back again? Killed my next generation of followers as well I bet?” Durrus leapt out of the way as he made more motions with his hand, ripping a chunk of flesh out of the wall and launching it directly at him. It made contact, thankfully not breaking the armor, but still sending him flying back. As he regained his footing, Cleo soon leapt her way out of the hole with her rifle drawn, making a break for the back of the room. Genitos noticed and yanked out another chunk of flesh from the wall, launching it towards her back. Before it could reach her, Durrus sprinted over. He quickly yanked his scutum from his back, shielding it in front of him as he intercepted the piece of wall. His shield absorbed most of the impact, shoving him back a few inches. Cleo suddenly spun around, noticing Durrus kneeling there, looking back at her.
“Hurry up and get set up, he ain’t gonna give us a break!”
Curi struggled a bit, trying to climb out of the hole staff-first. Genitos re-set his sights on her, slowly forcing the hole to shrink. Curi found herself trapped as the hole slowly grew smaller and smaller. She noticed, and began screaming for help as panic settled in. Tears slowly began to stream down her eyes as she cried more and more desperately.
“Is she your purpose for existing Caelos? Perhaps you would like to know how it feels to have that ripped away from you.”
Caelos flew from below Curi with anger burning unlike anything he had seen in his entire lifetime. With a swift movement, she summoned an asteroid, launching it straight at the tip of his staff. The blow knocked the staff into a spin, sending it flying all the way across the room into one of the tunnels, suddenly jerking him away with it. The queen stared down at Caelos, letting out another ear-splitting screech. With fury still burning in her eyes, she held up her arm for several seconds, slowly bringing out a massive asteroid. She eyed the queen’s head, and then its stomach, before launching the boulder-sized object straight into it. As it collided, a sickening fleshy smack was heard through the room, the viscous juices splattering all over the room as the rock split the queen in half, embedding itself in the wall behind her.. The queen shrieked louder and louder, nearly threatening to shatter the eardrums of the party. It finally stopped, its two front large legs buckling, crashing her down. Curi was still sniffling and sobbing as Caelos approached.
“Don’t worry Curi, we’ll get you out soon. Durrus, get over here right now!”
“We got a Di’Chosh to kill first! Come on Cleo, he’s down here-”
As Durrus peered down the hole, he saw Genitos’s face, now tainted with despair. He didn’t move at all, just stared longingly back into the queen’s chamber.
“You… You are all beyond sick, beyond worth! This world is beyond redemption!”
He looked like he attempted to cry, but his form could produce no tears.
“All you foul beasts do is strip us of our purpose! There’s no hope here at all!”
He moved his arms around again, causing Durrus to run back, yanking Cleo with him, diving to the ground for cover. Nothing happened except for a loud snap emanating from the tunnel. He turned around, peering carefully at the hole before the two approached again. They peered in, seeing nothing left other than a now-shattered root staff.
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Humans in the Holy realm are a fallen race, they are discriminated against, enslaved and are over all, looked down upon. And some of their race, mostly the royalty and nobility, are exiled long ago, to the great void, never to be seen again. But when a transmission from across the great void reaches the ears of the Elven queen, because of her curiosity, she decides to respond to it and invites the ones that are transmitting the signals, to the Elven realm. The transmitters are enthusiastic as they’ve been searching for life outside their galaxy, and with the technology capable of travelling between galaxies recently became possible, they accepted the invitation. A first contact made outside the Milkdromeda galaxy, by the Terran republic, and the Elven realm.
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A man, a martyr, sacrificed for the good of humanity, is now confronted with the lack of body. someone not calling themselves a god in any way decides that the only way is reincarnation, whether the man likes it or not. :3 ah, yes, the classic reincarnated as a monster trope in a fantasy world of magic and stuff. funsie funs. I'm not gonna come and say I've turned it on its head or anything, I'm just gonna say that the main character is a rabbit, he does not have any knowledge of any o these types of novels, the "god" character is not a god in any way, the evolution process is gradual and there are no screens telling him all the usual information like "what is that" in summary, don't expect anything great, but I hope you'll be along for the ride. :^))
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we got reincarnated to be parents
a great disaster occurs and the world is changed forever, it is swarmed by monsters and strange beings.but luckily the gods have given the humans a chance to fight back but this chance comes at a price, this story follows a couple that has been together since they were 16 years old having chosen the power to fight they paid a price that seems insignificant to others but has had a great impact on their lives
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Broken(13 Reasons Why)
"Don't go for him" She told me"Why not?" I asked"He's um, a little broken I guess you could say" Was her answerI simply nodded, my eyes following his body///The thing is, aren't we all a little broken? Wouldn't that mean that no one should go for anyone? I guess what really drew me to him, was the fact that he was broken in every way possible.///What happens when Althia befriends the one person everyone warned her about? What happens when one falls for the other? Will friendships break? Will relationships be ruined? Will Althia fall for Broken without even knowing? //***DISCLAIMER: I do not any of the 13 reasons why cast, however, I do own Althia Knight and her storylines. I do not any media content that will be used in this story. This story will not follow the whole plot of 13 reasons why, as I have made changes to certain characters and their storylines. Not all of the 13 reasons why characters will be in this book and I might add characters as well. Course language and mature content may be used in certain chapters***|Social media chapters included|Highest rankings:{#2 in #brandonflynn}{#1 in #Foley}{#5 in #justinfoley}{#2 in #flynn}{#25 in #justin}{#11 in #13ReasonsWhy}{#1 in #ross}{#1 in #monthomerydelacruz}{#1 in #clayjenson}{#10 in #jeff}{#1 in #atkins}{#1 in #alexstandall}{#13 in #hannahbaker}
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