《Hazard Lands (Dropped)》Chapter 12 - Darkness


Hazard Lands Revenge

Chapter 12 – Darkness

Author’s Notes – I really did not expect my story to garner over a hundred average views, but here we are at 170 average, which is a pretty big achievement in my eyes. So thank you for all those who can endure my countless grammatical mistakes, loop holes and writing style.

Note to Self – Rewrites on chapter 3

Any similarities between this novel with the real world, other fiction and events are purely coincidental.


--* Mildr City, World Nations’ Central Army Base *--

“General, the subject has broken the seal, and I’m afraid that the Spirit Mystics in my Brigade are not able enough to fully repair it. Only the Grand Patriarch can fix the seal back to its original form,” an elderly man reported. In front of him sat a humongous man with rippling muscles. Though the elder had a fit physique, he simply could not compare to the monster in front of him, who radiated intense amounts of killing intent.

“Colonel Myers Brown… Tell me, how exactly did the break seal?” the monster General asked, his voice reverberated inside of the dark room, causing chills of fear to run down the colonel and the lieutenant colonel who beside him.

“General, a Stage Four Crimson Wolf tore down a part of the Headquarter’s wall and nearly killed the subject. Before it could do so however, a dense black aura surged from the subject’s body and annihilated the wolf,” the colonel replied with a respectful tone in his voice.

“You let a mere Stage Four almost kill him?” the monster yelled as his baleful aura increased, forcing the two already sweating men down to their knees. They could not reply due to fear, but they knew in their hearts that they would be punished for their irresponsibility.

“Hah… So, where is the subject now?” with a sigh, the General calmed down though his eyes were still gripped by restraint anger.

“We’ve assign the Brigade’s Head Scientist, Garret T. Loper to get the subject and two other recruits tested for Mysticism,” just as the words came out of the Lieutenant Colonel’s mouth, the three of them began to pale.

“YOU IDIOTS!” with a roar, the General reprimanded the two individuals in front of him, as he looked at the band on his wrist and pressed numerous buttons. He knew that it was already too late. Now all he could do was mitigate the damage that would occur.

--* ???, ??? *--

“Wrath, how is the plague?” a shadowy figure asked as he stared at the man who sat in front of him. The two individuals, one clad in a pitch black robe and one clad in red armor, sat around a large table. In front of them was a gigantic crystal ball. It would occasionally flash, showing scenes of death and despair.

“End, do not worry. Most of them have died due to their own people! Hahaha, let them wash their sins with the bloods of their kin!” the red armored man laughed disdainfully. He was the one responsible for the Blood Rain. In his heart, he simply wanted to watch anything die and suffer gruesome fates. Truly deserving of his name.


“These creatures are not to be underestimated, Wrath…” the cloaked figure hissed. She did not approve of the man’s simple actions. Even though she was the one to first suggest ridding their sandbox of the plague, End wanted a swift death. Only when she was sure that something had truly died instantaneously would she be able to relax. Watching the ants before her struggle did not coincide with her beliefs. She endured it however, as her tribulation would occur just after the man’s fun.

These beings did not truly despise humans, but instead actually doted on them quite a bit. Several members of the eight actually provided them powers to use. As for their reasons? Entertainment. Just like a depraved child, these lofty figures relied on their own creations to provide entertainment for themselves. However, as time passed, they found that the intelligent creatures they have continually doted and care for had become such boring slaves. Though their advancements in science did intrigue some Creators, they ultimately caused millions, perhaps even billions of deaths. Like choosing between stale bread and a freshly baked good, the Creators abandoned the boring humans and instead wanted to raise a new life form, to fulfill their boredom.

Even their so-called tribulations were all for the sake of entertainment. Wrath enjoyed watching them suffer and die, while End wanted to indulge in the suspense of her prey’s instant death. As for the others? Only time will tell.

--* Mildr City, World Nations’ Central Army Base *--

The brown haired boy slowly walked up towards the crystal, his eyes flashing with darkness and crimson. Though these changes would cause anyone to stare with curiosity and perhaps even terror, none of the other four individuals inside of the room had noticed the strange flashing.

Finally, the boy stopped in front of the oak table, which held the crystal. Inside of the magical object, clouds were already beginning to appear, wanting to hide the Fangs symbol* buried within. Garret had already recorded Hudsonn’s results as he watched Nik stare at the crystal ball intently. He could barely hold back his anticipation, as he examined the boy stand before the crystal, his brain quickly making guesses and predictions as to what the boy’s destiny would be.

(*If you haven’t seen my glossary, Fangs symbol is for Tiger Branch)

A thin film of energy covered Nik’s body as the boy closed his eyes and slowly reached for the crystal ball. Just as his hands made contact, thick tendrils of darkness suddenly erupted from his body. The barrier surrounding Nik immediately shattered as everything inside of the room was thrust into the night. Baleful cries and sorrowful wails shrieked throughout the whole room as Nik’s eyes shrunk from surprise. Before he could react, Nik found his consciousness shoved into a corner of his mind, unable to take control of his body.

“Hahaha! Stupid pests! I have to thank you for releasing me from that god forsaken seal!” a terrifying voice came out of the young man’s mouth. Instead of Nik’s usual soft-spoken voice, the sounds that came out of his mouth sounded like those of a terrifying beast. The possessed body stood in a dignified manner, a domineering sneer was plastered onto his mouth. It was as if he had been transformed into another person.



“Attention all Military personnel, as per the order of the General of the Armies, you are to surround the Aptitude Testing Building #34 and apprehend the demon lurking inside. Weaponry and Mysticism are permitted as long as the demon is not fatally injured,” a loud blare pierced the air as an announcement was made.

Though most soldiers felt a bit surprised, multitudes of men and women moved to surround the building, which was now clad in a dark misty substance. Agonized sounds came from the tendrils of black, as if souls were sealed deep within, waiting for a chance to escape. Most of the soldiers and Mystics gathered outside felt a bone chilling shiver make its way up their spine, yet none of them decided to back off. Though the announcement did not state it directly, many wanted to complete the General’s orders to gain reputation within the upper echelons of the military, which most of them could only dream of joining.

Being a higher ranked member in the military would present more responsibilities for the individual, but the trouble would be completely nullified by the large amounts of benefits brought by the position. It would give someone access to advanced technology not available for the general populous, access to large amounts of skilled troops from all branches and even their own headquarters as a base. Being a high ranking officer or being noticed by one is just too much of a fortunate window of opportunity for the soldiers to pass up.

Despite all of these benefits, none of these battle-hardened soldiers dared to make a move and enter the hellish building. They have seen death, ample amounts of gore and pools of blood, yet the baleful aura emitting from the dark tendrils proved too much for their nerves. For now, all they can do was wait for the demon to exit the building and face it along with hundreds of other soldiers. It was a competition, but none of them were dumb enough to risk their own lives for a small chance of being promoted into an officer.


Another roar sounded off, forcing some individuals to cup their hands over their ears. With an explosion, four figures flew out of the massive building, the colorless barrier surrounding it broken into shards of solidified energy.

“Everyone, run away, you can’t defeat that monster! Wait for a Colonel or higher ranked officer to personally take care of it!” a loud voice warned, yet the source did not stop to face the surprised soldiers. Instead, the source and three other individuals immediately shot off into the distance.


Before anyone else could react, another figure flew from the building, creating another hole on the wall. Before hundreds of soldiers stood a demon. No. It wasn’t a simple demon. It was the Devil Incarnate. With piercing red eyes and flaming hair, it looked as if it belonged deep within the netherworld. Surrounding the pale skinned being were black tendrils that would emit terrifying and anguished cries. Plastered on its face was a cheeky grin. A grin that put deep fear within hundreds of soldiers. A grin that signaled death.


Of Gods and Demons (pt 1)

This idea would be considered heresy by the Absolute Faith Church, who have assimilated all the other religions that used to exist within the lands. Christianity, Buddhism, Scientology, Shinto and many other beliefs have already been terminated by the powerful organization or heavily altered to fit the Church’s beliefs.

The Absolute Faith Church believes in only one God and nothing else. No angels, no Satan, no demons, no Hell nor Heaven. Just a single God. What their Scriptures require members to have is complete belief in that God and nothing else. Of course they have codes and moral laws, but those are minor points.

“Of Gods and Demons” is a book that would be considered heresy and would immediately be burned, along with the death of its author. I have risked my whole life and all of my family’s lives in order to write this book, so I hope that even if the Absolute Faith Church does find the existence of the book and executes me and all of my relatives, that those who have read this work would be able to solve the parables of the universe.

Through my careful research of the Scroll of Larac, like many other researchers and able-minded individuals, I have realized that the Scroll is not a simple piece of writing, but a prediction of the future. From the Descent of 2020 to the Third World War to the Blood Rain, the Scroll had accurately described these events prior of their occurrence. Now, most people in the Absolute Faith Church would argue that the Scroll of Larac was given to us humans by their single God, but was it truly?

After reading the original Scroll of Larac, I have deduced that the writings do not correspond with a single style of writing. Many have missed these facts or simply chose to ignore them, but the Scroll was riddled with We’s, They’s, Us’ and other whatnot. It might seem a little bit of a stretch, but I am for certain that the original Scroll was not written by the Absolute Faith Church’s “God”, but a whole article of supernatural beings. Now, most would find that the words I have mentioned do not appear on their copy of the Scroll of Larac, but who said that the copies held inside the numerous schools and establishments were word for word accurate?

- End Part One -

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