《Bacterium》Chapter 5 Here comes the Wizza


He said with a sniffing tone


"So can you answer my previous question?">Eziol

"I'm sorry i don't remember..">Lorelion

I asked with a calm and relaxed voice

"It's ok. What i asked is whether i can absorb organelles from other cells">Eziol

"Mhn"He said and an image of agreed nodding flowed trough my head"It is easier if the cell is dead otherwise you have to poke it open and drag the oranels out">Lorelion

'Thought so'I said in my head"Thanks.So can you teach me magic?">Eziol

"Why do you need magic now?Later maybe but now wont it be kinda useless?">Lorelion

"Let me worry about that">Eziol

"Okay.Try to focus on the presence of the world around you you should at some point find something akin to a flow of water or a dust particle or something along those lines its

different for everyone.">Lorelion

"Putting aside that everything around me feels like water ill give it a go"-'i guess i'm underwater or something gotta ask him later'>Eziol

As i tried to close my current senses and focus on feeling something different, something off an idea came to me. He made me a core so from all the stories i read and from his reactions they are at least similar.So in what i read,the core can store mana, blue juice,sub atomic particle or whatever you want to call it all go with mana. So i focused my minds eye to myself,my core and started to feel and prod around it with my senses. As time went by i started to feel something muddy and heavy it was a bit disturbing to say the least.As i slowly started to drift back to reality i heard some mumbling at the back of my head as i focused on it

It was Lor with his pleading voice

"Ez...Ez do you have to ignore me.What did i do again">Lorelion

"Uh.oh sorry i got too focused.I found what you told me to look for buuut it was muddy and heavy.">Eziol

"Thats wrong.Where did you sense it?">Lorelion

"In my core.">Eziol

He answered with a panicked voice

"Uhhhhh...please don't be mad but i think i messed up the part of your core with the ability to uhm purify mana.">Lorelion

"Is it that bad? Can i at least use it for spells?">Eziol

"Well i don't know what i messed up so for now it will be stuck as it is.As for your mana it makes you feel sluggish because it is corrupted. This is an extremely unstable form of mana. So it is very dangerous to use and you can't cast spells with it due to its instability which results in random effect mainly it goes boom.I know only one person able to use it properly and he wont help">Lorelion


"Can new spells be made?">Eziol

"You need to be a very powerful wizard in order to make spells and even then they rarely work as intended and if you try with corrupted mana it will end up even worse">Lorelion

"Don't worry too much about it what i want to do is pretty simple.So let me worry about the consequences">Eziol

"You realy have no idea how to use magic and you want your first spell to be made by yourself with corrupted mana. Are you mad do you want to die after you promised to help me">Lorelion

"I got this , how hard can it be.Besides i rarely make promises and try to keep them so believe in me a little, if i succeed i will solve one major problem.">Eziol

He said with fear in his voice and i swear his worried face with a hint of regret just popped in my mind

"Ok ill tell you.You need to will the mana in the way you want and then engrave it in your soul.Most people have to learn them and use chants to activate the spell.Once i spell has been made the god of magic will judge its usefulness and if he finds it so he records it the words mana flow so that everyone who learns the chant can use it.If some one knows how the spell works he can use it without a chant and cast it instantaneously.">Lorelion

"Well thanks for the lecture on mana basics 101.Now let's do some magic">Eziol

I delved in my mind again to find the tar pit thats my mana and found it quite easily then i tried to take a tiny bit of it but it was very hard to do so.The mana resisted,

it pulled and pushed it didn't obey any of commands and if i tried any harder it started to shake. Figuring it won't work that way i tried to follow the natural movement of mana. It was quite chaotic and random.'I think i have seen something similar,what was it again? Ah right it was the gordian knot. Weird mana. Maybe if i...' As my thoughts flowed i decided to take a third approach. I treated the mana as a puzzle. Damn i always hated those but this time it's a must so i hawked on a part of mana that felt like a blob and began observations.The mana moved up and down left and right and my mind went blank.

'I got nothing. Hmmmm...maybe i need view the bigger picture here?'So my final approach was similar to my previous one i followed the a different blob of my mana this time i watched as it interacted with others like it.It was pure chaos.You know that sport where people drive junk cars and try to bash each other into scrap well thats what im seeing now.The mana is uniform to a point then it gets mainly aggressive when it interacts with other blobs.Sometimes when two blobs connect the don't react violently instead they just orbit each other for a bit and them separate. I came to one conclusion this mana is crazy complex as a f***.With a satisfactory answer a tried again.This time i took very little manna even less than before just about the size of a blob as i dragged it out of the core.It hovered just outside of it i guess thats step one.


"huaaaa...be careful"Lor sounded very worried"careful don't move it too much">Lorelion

"You are worried over nothing.By the way how much time did it take me?">Eziol

"A day or two?I didn't pay time much attention i was more worried">Lorelion

"So any tips on making it into a spell?">Eziol

"You need to give it commands and then memorize them sense it is a spell you just made and it will be recorded in your soul to cat it you just need to think of its name or purpose. As for magnitude you just need to increase the mana output but i'm not so sure for corrupt mana">Lorelion

"Ok here goes nothing">Eziol

Slowly willing the mana to move in a direction proved difficult. The blob didn't have a uniform form and it only moved in the direction of its longest part , kinda like a dart always flies with the tip forward. I guess since it isn't inside my mana pit(you like it huh,its a tar pit so mana pit.Pool is for mana thats, well not corrupted) it cant keep a relative form, so with that in mind i returned the blob an took another one, more stable(as stable as it can be).This time i dragged it very slowly and tried to input commands.Something simple like 'Go straight.If hit return.Report distance' I'm not sure about the last one but i hope the first two will be fine.As the blob left the core it shot straight as an arrow and impacted my membrane,as it did it rapidly collapsed on itself and exploded. The would be explosion was sent towards my core and instead of a radial one it's supposed to it shot in a straight line like a laser.The beam did't do any damage to my core instead on the place it hit glowed for a moment and the part thats on the inside secreted a blob of corupt mana.

"That was frigging dangerous good thing it worked.What do you think">Eziol

"......"I didn't get an answer instead it felt like he was trembling for some reason"That was...AWESOME. You just made a corrupt spell in less than 3 days">Lorelion

I guess i realy get absorbed in anything i find interesting so time sure does fly.Any way whats with his 180 mood swings..gotta be a god thing.I guess it will be something along the lines of immortals do not need to sob for centuries or something

"So how do i memorize it.And can i change it after that">Eziol

"Just think of putting it deep within yourself.And yes you should be able to.Just think of wanting to change the spell while doing some other variation of it and it will be saved and if you think of just saving the variation with another name you would make entirely new spell">Lorelion

"Ok time to get back to work">Eziol

Focusing again i repeated the spell and memorized it under the name "Radar".Now i relaxed and used the spell by just thinking of it.As the blob detonated i could feel its impact point

with quite a bit of precision and a question popped up.'Is the mana intelligent? Obviously the spell should have exploded when it collided and instead it just collapsed on itself and used the energy from the collapse to relay the exact position of the explosion in minimal time .Weird , well i wont look a gift nuke in the mouth'.Now it came time to finish the spell for now it was equivalent to a laser pointer and don't have any missiles....yet.So i repeated the spell manually but this time i made a lot of blobs leave the surface and gave them the command to intertwine with each other betting on the would be intellect of mana. To my delight it did just as i hoped it started to dance on the surface of my core.Two blobs intertwine for a bit the separate and intertwine with another two.When you put most of the blobs together it makes quite the view.A monster core protected by a layer of corrupted mana .Ha that would be akin to reactive armor if we don't take in the fact that if something hit my core not only would it be blown to bits(at least from what Lorelion told me that will happen and i don't have any wish to find out)but also my core.Now that the mana is stable i decided to try another gamble i input the commands:go out of the core,intertwine,separate,ignore master,if hit return,else return before losing cohesion,report distance.I memorized it just in case it works overriding the "Radar" spell.Then i activated it and prayed.Once the spell activated i observed what the mana will do. Every blob shook violently and imploded releasing streams of mana so fast i couldn't even follow them once.As i expected i got the pings and unexpectedly blacked out.

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