《Sovereign of Creation》Chapter 17. Warrior Rank G.
Inside the Ghost Town, in one of the Elite Division's training grounds, everyone felt a certain fear caused by the young seventh prince, who, at only 6 years old, had already broken several historical records with a scary margin.
"Bastard!, I'll make you pay for this" Breaking the gloomy silence, everyone turned their gaze to Aldvid who was struggling to get up.
'Swosh-Swish' 'Swosh-Swish'
It still hadn't fully straightened out, but several foot sized wind blades were already surrounding Aldvid.
"That is one of the ancestral techniques of the Great Family Helm 'Stormy Blades', it increases the speed of the user at least twice, increases defenses and if used properly, it can even shoot wind blade attacks at the opponent" A smarty within the crowd of young people commented.
"Wait!, Isn't that a technique that only F-Rank Mages can control?" A human who had heard of this technique asked something surprised.
“Hehe, you may not know it, but, that is why young Aldvid is named one of the great talents of the kingdom, having achieved a minor achievement in the 'Storm Blades' technique, his speed and battle prowess are incredible, It is said that in the entire kingdom, there are no more than 5 people within his age category who have a chance against his speed” The same smarty commented, with an air of arrogance as if he were the one with such abilities.
"Even though the seventh prince is a G-Rank Mage Peak and has far superior strength, he won't even be able to touch young Aldvid" With a contemptuous smile, a young human Aldvid admirer commented.
When Aldvid had finished circulating his technique, he lunged at Asherit like a gust of wind and with a vicious gaze.
"Now you can only blame your arrogance brat" Leaving these words in the air, Aldvid came in front of Asherit and threw a blow covered by a wind blade towards his neck.
'Aldvid is so vicious, if that blade hits the kid, even if it doesn't kill him, it will leave him in bed for several months and his chances of passing his first mission will be lower' Kon Luan, one of the few who could keep up with the battle to come, felt somewhat tense as he caught up with Aldvid's methods.
And while those who could understand this far, thought that this was already too vicious, out of nowhere, a blade of wind that surrounded Aldvid, detached itself from him towards Asherit's ribs.
Seeing this move, the experts present were filled with horror and some pity for this young prince, they all shook their heads, thinking that he had already lost the battle that was just beginning.
Unexpectedly, the sound of attacks colliding with Asherit was never heard, instead, a slight sound of such attacks being incinerated was heard when trying to approach Asherit's body.
Then, as gently as if he were picking up the leaves that fall from a tree, Asherit took Aldvid's wrist without him being able to react in time.
It must be remembered that, although Aldvid was injured, 'Stormy Blades' had almost doubled in speed, yet he was still unable to avoid what appeared to be a slow grabbing motion from Asherit.
Then, silently Asherit began to move his foot in the same way towards Aldvid's chest whom, knowing what awaited him began to sweat full of panic.
A loud roar roused everyone from the terror in which they had been engulfed, and different thoughts flooded them as they watched a big abysmal charge from behind Asherit towards him.
However, the steps of this big abysmal stopped in their tracks when he saw Aldvid fly in the opposite direction from him.
'Tsk was thinking of ripping his arm off, but I don't want to cause too much of a stir' Previously, Asherit had grabbed Aldvid's arm while thinking of separating it from his body with a strong kick, however, it seems that the big abysmal that was watching him from the beginning, realized his plans and wanted to stop him.
He did not care about this big abysmal, he had long since measured his prowess as an E-Rank Mage and if Asherit wanted it, this big abysmal would not be able to stop his plans.
However, he would undoubtedly try to cause trouble for him and since he would also gain nothing from taking this human's arm, he only decided to break a few more ribs.
They all took a deep breath of cold air as they saw the cloud of dust that followed Aldvid's body as he continued to roll like a doll.
When he finally stopped, a dull sound was heard from his body as he planted himself on the ground of the training ground.
Everybody turned their gaze from Aldvid's motionless body to the big abysmal in front of Asherit.
"Tell me, why did you disobey an order from your superior and continue such a vicious attack?" The big abysmal began to question Asherit with a glare filled with fury as he displayed a silver plaque to show his identity.
He was a Lieutenant, his 4-star silver plate from the Elite Division gave him great prestige wherever he went, in any other Division and even in any other Great Army even soldiers with the same rank of Lieutenant would treat him with a lot of respect.
But this little recruit who didn't even have a copper plate, had just disobeyed him in front of many more recruits, so he wouldn't let it go so easy.
"It is done, disobeying the orders of a superior in the army is severely punished" Someone from the crowd mentioned, with a gleeful tone.
"It is true, even if he is the seventh prince, by the tradition of the royal family his status is lost when enlisting precisely so that these things are not left unpunished" Another abysmal young man commented, as if reminding the Lieutenant that he should not go soft with this young prince.
'Mh, trying to edge to be severe with him, as I supposed everyone here hates you boy so no one will say anything if I punish you severely' it seemed that from the beginning the intention of this Lieutenant was not good, and when he felt the environment he wanted to be look harder when questioned again.
"RECRUIT!, Aren't you listening?"
"I listened clearly, but I was quite surprised by your question" With a cold and calm face, Asherit commented while carefully observing this Lieutenant, who when being observed began to feel somewhat uncomfortable.
"What do you mean by that?" Not knowing why, the look of this little boy made him feel somewhat tense, but being a Lieutenant of the Elite Division, his skills were not scarce and he did not lose his cool when questioning.
"Well, you mentioned that I had made a vicious attack just by giving it a simple kick, right?" While commenting, Asherit flapped his leg kicking the wind at random.
"A simple kick? I can't even guess how many broken ribs Aldvid has right now"
"You're right, I think if he had continued to hold his arm he would have made a hole in his chest or ripped his arm off" Some young people in the crowd began to argue thinking that Asherit only wanted to cover up his faults.
"But… It's true that it seemed like a simple kick, right?, He didn't infuse his leg with mana, neither he didn't use any magic techniques, and even that kick seemed quite slow, right?" A young elf among the new recruits commented full of doubts, causing the others to also begin to question the veracity of what was happening.
"So what? You think young Aldvid acted together with the Lieutenant to punish that prince?" An abysmal youth questioned the young elf.
"No no, young Aldvid is quite arrogant and he would never accept that, but maybe ... maybe for the seventh prince it was really just a random kick?" After these new recruits heard this comment, everyone felt the cold metal of a dagger resting on their necks for no apparent reason.
"Hmph, a simple kick?" All these recruits turned their gazes towards the Lieutenant who began to formulate.
"Did you think that I wouldn't realize that apart from being a G-Rank Mage Peak, you're also a G-Rank Warrior Peak at least?" Declaring this, the Lieutenant stood closer to Asherit in a dismissive manner while smiling.
"Whaat? A Peak G-Rank Warrior? Does that mean that even without mana, the seventh prince has the ability to fight against a Peak G-Rank Mage?" One of the young human admirers of Aldvid, enunciated full of doubts.
"No, this is more absurd than that, while Mages accumulate and cultivate mana, Body Cultivators also known as Warriors refine and cultivate their bodies" A young abysmal began to explain.
"Magicians are capable of using mana to cast spells or perform magic techniques, even reinforcing their bodies with mana is possible, but they would never equal a Warrior of the same rank in terms of body power",
"And although Magicians can perform much more powerful attacks thanks to high grade magic techniques, it is still necessary that they take a few moments to gather the necessary mana for it, for which, if they don’t have enough combat experience, a Warrior of the same rank will end up defeating him by executing faster attacks because body energy can accumulate much faster than mana”
"What?, That's a little absurd, weren't the Mages always the greatest existences of all beings?" The same human girl interrupted the abysmal youth without much belief.
"You are wrong, this world is full of mysteries and one can never say that it is the highest mountain when it has not even moved far from the valley" The abysmal youth commented with a wise tone as everyone began to think more deeply.
"Also, with this I am not trying to imply that a Mage is weaker than a Warrior, in the same rank, the victory of one of them will depend on their experience, cunning, techniques and other factors",
“But what I was going to explain is that the difficulty of becoming a ranked Warrior is much higher than that of becoming a Mage, perhaps for every hundred G-Rank Mages there is just one G-Rank Warrior, and the comparison becomes more absurd in high ranks” The girl and many other young people who were unaware of this information were somewhat shocked, a few minutes ago someone had called this young seventh prince a monster when they learned that at 6 years of age he was already a Peak G-Rank Mage.
And now everything indicated that he was more than a monster, for he was not only a Magic Cultivator but also a Body Cultivator.
"While it is true that we abysmal have very good aptitudes for body cultivation, I had never heard of a G-Rank Warrior under the age of 13" Kon Luan and Hukru Batfall among the crowd no longer even saw Asherit as someone of the same level or who they could reach and they both had thoughts of not messing with this boy personally.
"It's true, I'm also a body cultivator" Asherit declared, breaking up the bustle of the conversation the young recruits were generating.
"However, as I said before that was just a random kick, instead, I wonder that the Lieutenant classified that slight kick as a vicious move, but he did not mention anything about the attack of the other subject" Asherit's tone turned a little colder while enunciating this, and seeing that everyone turned their gaze towards him, the Lieutenant answered something doubtful.
"The attack of the other recruit?, I only saw that you were holding the wrist of that young man and you were about to launch a kick with a fairly deep technique so I intervened and since you ignored the order of your superior, I will have to punish you according to the Martial Law” Trying to make himself look fair, the Lieutenant had a cold look on his face, however, his face lost some color when Asherit later commented.
"Ooh I’m surprised that a Lieutenant from the Elite Division has such poor eyesight" and listening to Asherit, everyone thought he was acting recklessly, but no one else made a comment waiting for the strong response from the Lieutenant.
"Wh-what do you mean recruit?" Unexpectedly, everyone felt quite strange to hear how the Lieutenant lowered his tone and asked stutteringly.
"When I arrived with Thyriel at the training ground, casually I saw that the lieutenant was already watching us" Listening up to here, a series of murmurs broke out from the crowd, all with a focal point, that it was impossible for a Lieutenant not to notice who had started this fight and who had launched much more vicious attacks.
If so, since he hadn't stopped the fight before, it would be unfair to punish Asherit who was only defending himself against Aldvid.
"Bullshit!, You're just making excuses not to be punished" Shouted the Lieutenant, with a face full of fury.
"Sir, if you don't take my word for it, I doubt you'll believe Thyriel's, but ... what if the other Lieutenants whom I luckily managed to see watching us since I arrived help us verify this" While saying this, Asherit threw his gaze at various parts of the training ground, and seeing this, the Lieutenant lost all the color that his face still retained.
'Swoosh' 'Swish'
From the places where Asherit had cast his gaze, various shadows came out and upon seeing them well, they all wore 4-star silver plates from the Elite Division.
The series of events since Asherit appeared, had left the young recruits dazed, and even the most cunning like Kon Luan did not have a clear mind at this time.
"Jojojo, certainly the new generations will surpass us" commented an abysmal plump that looked quite friendly.
"Lieutenant Sean, first of all, take the injured recruit to the infirmary"
"Yes Sir" After receiving the order from the abysmal plump, the agile Lieutenant Sean approached Aldvid who had long since been forgotten from the general scene.
'Upon receiving that kick, he only lasted a few moments conscious before fainting, he has at least 7 broken ribs and some of his organs are injured, I’m an E-Rank Mage and F-Rank Warrior, but I couldn't even fully understand that kick' As he lifted Aldvid, Lieutenant Sean's mind filled with these kinds of thoughts.
"Okay, since no one died and we are going through murky events, let's forget this matter and focus the time on our preparation, do you agree?" Expressing this, the plump abysmal looked at Asherit and the big abysmal questioning them.
"I agree sir" In a casual tone, Asherit commented lightly on this and instead began to think, 'This man is the only Peak E-Rank Mage among the Lieutenants, he seems to be quite respected too'.
"I agree Lieutenant Hun" The big abysmal replied.
"Mm, Lieutenant Cron, the Colonel will entrust you with a new mission, so we will take care of the training of these young soldiers" Upon hearing this from Lieutenant Hun, the big abysmal that had the name of Cron, understood that they were helping him.
"Thank you Lieutenant Hun, then I will depart now" With a slight bow in appreciation, Lieutenant Cron left, knowing that he had lost his face since the other Lieutenants showed themselves, and training these young men would only bring him more embarrassment.
"Okay, I am the Lieutenant Hun, my mission is to coordinate all your training and now that Lieutenant Cron has been reassigned to another mission, I will also serve as a team coach" The plump Lieutenant Hun began to explain, as everyone leaned closer to listen the content of his following indications.
"In total there are 20 soldiers, 4 of you have requested a mission to obtain a one-star silver plate and 1 has requested a mission to obtain a two-star silver plate" The young soldiers cast their gaze among these young people who already were ranked Mages with different feelings as Lieutenant Hun mentioned.
"Although certain incidents had not been contemplated, the teams had already been formed and there will be no changes, therefore, one of the teams will have to work without its leader until he recovers" Hearing this, the Aldvid fans directed hostile glances towards Asherit, while some young men yearned not to be on a team that would not have a leader for a few weeks.
"I will begin to enlist the teams and their members" After interrupting everyone's thoughts, Lieutenant Hun continued.
"Team 1 will be made up of Grund Maw, Mariel Robewind, Findra Goldlips, Ransar Moorhell, Malduin Plainsmight and its leader will be Aldvid Helm"
"Team 2 will be made up of Enri Flamebow, Thaldor Blueday, Jan Garnier, Nicolas Diaz, Akari Myers and Kon Luan will lead them"
"Hey hey, isn't that supposed to be 5 teams, each led by a soldier requesting a silver plaque?" As he began to see the distribution of people, several soldiers began to whisper in doubt.
"Be quiet!, Before you start to question, always first listen to what the other part is saying" A Lieutenant with open horns with a body so large that it resembled a buffalo commented, causing everyone to shut up.
"Team 3 will have as members Atrhan Morales, Joey Jones, Erandi Xochime, Rakfo Warmazetree, Lucas Koner and Hukru Batfall will be its leader" After hearing this, everyone turned their gaze to Asherit and Thyriel who were the only soldiers left without a team.
"Each of these three teams will be trained by a Lieutenant over a month, then your will be entrusted with a mission and after completing it, your next jobs will depend on the task to know if it is a solo mission or with a team"
“As for Asherit Empyreal Ignis and Thyriel Fairui'Glad both requested a mission to obtain a silver plate, but also, they both requested to register a team of only two people called Fairui'Fuin, their request was accepted and today I announce that the team Fairui'Fuin is officially registered "
"Whaaat?, Regularly one registers an official team when they already know how its members work and trust exists between all of them since, although they can obtain more benefits, the missions for an official team are a bit more difficult" A young man soldier express.
"Also, I heard that the rules of an official team are too rigid, one will never be able to change teams in their life and in some cases even more members will not be able to register" Hearing this, everyone looked with strange looks at both young people who remained impassive before the multitude of murmurs.
"Lieutenant Sean will be in charge of Team 1, Lieutenant Usfen of Team 2, Lieutenant Carol of Team 3 and I will be in charge of coordinating the training sessions and training the Fairui'Fuin team" Lieutenant Hun declared, without space for discussions.
"Soldiers, I’m Lieutenant Usfen, follow me" The lieutenant with a body like a buffalo and open horns began to walk towards another training ground, and the young men assigned to him had no choice but to follow him.
"How are you guys, I'm Lieutenant Carol, I'll start treating you today so follow me" An abysmal mature woman, with a voluptuously sexy body, walked slowly and seductively towards another training ground.
"Lieutenant Hun Sir, what about our team? Our leader the young nobleman Aldvid and our instructor Lieutenant Sean are absent" Asked with a shy face the young human named Findra.
And instead of answering her question, Lieutenant Hun turned his gaze to a certain place, curiously realizing that Asherit and Thyriel had also glanced in this direction.
'These children have a Spiritual Sense as developed as any Lieutenant, I begin to understand why the Great Elder accepted that they form an official team when they have not even carried out a mission'.
Breaking Lieutenant Hun's thoughts, Lieutenant Sean stepped in front of them and commented.
"Sir, the Mages from the medical group stated that they only need a week to heal the recruit Aldvid".
"Mm, these young men are eager to train, so let's get started" Nodding at Lieutenant Hun's words, Lieutenant Sean led Team 1 to a different training ground.
"Well guys, my name is Hun Oakwar, I will be training you for the next month so, ask all you want I will try to teach you the best for you can to face your next missions with competence" Introducing himself formally, Lieutenant Hun began to observe these two young men more carefully.
'Oakwar, one of the best Great Families, according to the records, is one of the 13 most important families which has followed the royalty of the abysmals since their founding' After a moment's thought, Asherit commented.
"My name is Asherit Empyreal Ignis, I will be in the hands of the Lieutenant"
"My name is Thyriel Fairui'Glad, I will be in the Lieutenant's hands, please take care of us" After they introduced themselves, they began to walk towards a deeper training ground, to start their training that would last a month.
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