《Bite Mark》3. "It’s funny to think evil has a code of ethics."
Cold Open.
“Truth or dare?” Blonde Boy asked.
“Errrr… truth,” Curly Haired Boy decided, whispering his answer with nervous glee. It was Blonde Boy’s ninth birthday and he had his three friends round for a camping sleepover in the back garden. So far, they had managed to stay awake until half past eleven, fuelled on sugary Haribo sweets and cookies.
They were all sat up in their sleeping bags with head torches on, the snacks piled in the middle of them.
“Ok… so is it true that you fancy Charlotte in Miss Wingfield’s class?” Blonde Boy asked.
Curly Haired Boy blushed, but in the minimal lighting the other boys didn’t notice. “No. No I used to... But I now kinda fancy Scott in Miss Gibson’s class!” he said and they all laughed.
“I knew you did!” the Red Haired friend said. “That was a good truth.”
“It’s your turn now,” Curly Haired Boy said to Red Haired Boy.
“Dare!” he said excitedly.
Spikey Black Haired Boy came up with his friend’s dare. “Go outside the tent and do the True Heart dance!”
“But I’m just in my pants!” the boy protested.
“That’s what will make it funnier! You have to do it! It’s the dare! He had to pour a drink over his head earlier,” Spikey Black Haired Boy said, pointing to Curly Haired Boy.
“Okay fiiine,” he said, getting out of his sleeping bag and unzipping the tent flap. Red Haired Boy crawled out and ran out on tip toes across the grass. He faced his friends who had climbed over each other to watch.
He hummed the tune of the dance he was doing as he started it, his friends giggling as they looked on at their friend out there in nothing but his boxers and socks.
Suddenly, from the other side of the garden wall, three dark figures jumped over, landing into the garden itself. All four boys jumped, and the one dancing flinched in fear.
“Yummy, little snacks,” one of the invaders cried out menacingly. They ran over at the boys, the Dancing Red Haired Boy being swooped up by the closest and being savagely bitten right there and then in the neck. Being small, the boy didn’t put up much of a fight as his blood was drained down the vampire’s throat.
The friends in the tent screamed out in horror and instinctively retreated into the tent, but the two other vampuras were quick to react. One crawled through the open flap and the other started tearing at the flimsy canvas. Their blood curling screams didn’t last long as they too found themselves silenced in death before they were quickly ravished by the vampuras.
The main lights from in the house came on and a man charged out onto the patio in his dressing gown, the screams clearly having woken him up.
“What the-” he managed to say before he realised the boys were being drained by vampuras. The first one dropped the body of Red Haired Boy and stared at the father, licking his fangs.
“There’s nothing quite like the taste of the blood of little ones,” he taunted, walking closer to the stunned father. The other two vampuras came out from the collapsed tent, with the blood of the three boys dribbling down their chins.
A panic stricken mother appeared by the father’s side and she shrieked out when she realised what had happened.
“Let’s go boys,” the first vampura said, and in the same way as they entered, the three vampuras hurdled the wall, leaving the parents to survey the bloodshed in their garden on their son’s ninth, and last birthday.
Chapter Three.
“I just want to assure everyone that whilst an attack of this kind is rare, we are doing everything we can to make everyone feel safe. We are increasing our patrols across Tarmsworth St Jude, as are the Neighbourhood Ancillary Stakers Corp. Please follow Government advice on vampuras about protecting yourselves if you or someone you know could be vulnerable. I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to take any questions right now, goodbye,” said the man, Oscar Gordon the Chief Constable, on the news holding a conference.
“Increasing patrols? Each division only has about eight members!” Mark grumbled as he twirled the pasta around his fork.
“Honey, can we turn that off please? It just makes me so sad to think of those kids and the families,” Mark’s mum said as she walked across the kitchen, where Mark was sat at the island eating his dinner… well, breakfast really.
“Fine, it’s finished now anyway.”
“When you’ve finished your food, can you check on Henry please? Maybe take something up for him to eat too, if you’ve not eaten it all already. I’m just worried about him and I don’t want him to think I’m fussing.”
“You probably are just fussing though Mum.”
She sighed and crossed her arms. “Well so would you be if your son came home having seen all that,” she said, gesturing at the now turned off telly, referring to the news.
Whilst Mark and Lana were in the Town Centre helping them dust the vampuras at the multi storey carpark, the rest of Pin Corner had gone to the Kirstall Lodge area when the call came through at the home where four young boys were bitten whilst camping in the garden.
Mark gulped down a mouthful of Bolognese and picked up a bit of garlic bread. “Sure thing Mum.”
“And remind him that if he doesn’t feel like going out tonight, then he shouldn’t.”
“Sure thing Mum,” Mark repeated.
“And can you just text me when you’re out tonight so I know that you’re safe?”
“Sure thing Mum.”
True to his word, after Mark finished eating, he went up to his brother’s room. The twins had shared a room until they were seventeen, at which point their older sister moved to Bristol for university. As much as they loved each other and were inseparable as brothers, the empty room their sister left behind was just too tempting to just let Mum turn it into a crafting room.
“Knock knock,” Mark said, not actually knocking and entering the room anyway. There was nothing that would surprise either brother at this point in their lives. “I’ve brought what Bolognese I couldn’t eat. How are you doing?”
Henry was sat on his bed in just a vest and pants playing video games. The curtains weren’t open and the only light came from the TV.
“Henry?” Mark said, standing in front of the TV to get his brother’s attention.
“Go away Mark, you’re making me lose!”
“Food.” Mark thrust the bowl in Henry’s face.
“Fine,” Henry grumbled, pausing the game and tossing the controller on the bed behind him. He took the bowl.
“Is everything alright?”
“Are you sure? Was it last night? The kids?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Henry took another mouthful.
“So it is then.”
“Yes… yes it is. But I still don’t want to talk about it.”
“Are you going to go out tonight? I’m leaving soon, you’ll need to get ready if you are.”
Henry looked up at his brother. “I dunno.”
“It might help to keep your mind off things.”
“Well shooting zombies on the game was doing a good job of that before you stood in the way.”
“C’mon. Let’s go tonight. You know mum is only going to fuss over you and diagnose you with PTSD from the internet.” Henry nodded as if he could see that happening. “Plus,” Mark continued, “Seeing David might cheer you up…” Mark wiggled his eyebrows playfully.
“Oi!” Henry said dropping the fork back in the bowl, with a look on his face like he was trying not to laugh. “What do you mean by that? Actually, forget I asked. I know exactly what you mean, and you’re way off.”
“Lana says he fancies you.”
Henry blushed. “Ummm, he’s straight.”
“Has he told you that?”
“Not exactly…”
“Well Lana says-”
“Oooooh… ‘Lana says’, ‘Lana says’. Oh does she? Sounds like you fancy Lana.”
Mark let out a big laugh. “Changing the subject I see. Fair enough. Just thought I’d let you know what I know. Are you going to come in tonight with me then?”
“Yeah, alright. I will,” Henry said putting in a big mouthful of pasta.
Mark smiled and left the room. Henry will be ok, and the allure of David would be enough to keep him going.
Awkwardly, it was Mark who had been paired David later that evening, and they found themselves walking past a corner shop on their patrols. Seeing the look on Henry’s face when he found out he was being paired with Stan and then that Mark was being paired with David made him feel really bad for his brother. He was probably thinking he was better off at home.
“Sorry,” Mark mouthed as Henry made eye contact. Henry shrugged, careful not to look too grumpy about it and offending Stan.
During the briefing Alistair had explained, “Henry, I know last night was particularly difficult for us all but tonight I think going with Stan tonight will help. He’s seen some nasty shite out there and he’ll be good to talk to if you need.”
Conversation between Mark and David hadn’t exactly been flowing. Mark tried to talk to him about what happened in the Town Centre when the vampura fell from the multi storey carpark, but he didn’t seem that interested, so Mark tried a different tact.
“Henry was a bit affected by what happened last night. How are you doing?”
“Alright. I guess. It’s not something we see very much of to be honest. Luckily by the time we all got there though, there wasn’t too much to see. It was just the parent’s hysteria. It was unimaginable.”
“Yeah, I bet. When we were growing up, Grandad used to say that the vampuras had a code that they wouldn’t bite, feed off or sire kids. Like it’s a rule. It’s funny to think evil has a code of ethics.”
"You wouldn't think it would you?"
“I know. Mum always used to worry when we were kids but Grandad kept having to remind her that we were probably safer than she was.”
“Those bastards last night didn’t seem to care about that.”
“Was there any sign of them after?”
“No, we spent a lot of time looking but then the sun started to come up so we called it off.”
“Did you hear the Chief Constable say on the news that we’ll be increasing our patrols? Like we could do any more than we are already!” Mark said.
“I know right!” David agreed. Mark was pleased that he had been able to get him talking. “That guy is a bit of a prick. He’s a bit oblivious about what it is we face, even after all this time.”
“I hear it’s a bit hit and miss really. Some police forces do a lot with the Nasscies, and others see us as a hindrance.”
“Police require our assistance on the green on Castle Road. Two times vampuras,” said a voice through the radio.
David quickly reached for his to respond. “Mark and I will go, we’re not far.”
Mark wiggled his shoulders in anticipatory excitement. “Yeaaaah, first bit of action tonight.”
David wasn’t wrong, they weren’t far. It was just two streets up from where they were and they were there in no time after a light jog.
“G’evenin’,” the police officer said to them when they were close enough to hear. “Thanks for coming.”
At least this officer is grateful for us, Mark thought.
“What do we have?” David asked.
“Some dear let her dog out for a piss when she heard some arguing coming from other there,” he said pointing into the dark of the small green opposite them. Sure enough, Mark and David could hear it still going on. “We attend, because we have to every time someone argues it seems, and we very quickly establish they are not the sort we deal with. They’re too wrapped up in their issues to care that I had turned up, so I’m not sure they’ll care when I leave.”
“You’re going?” Mark asked, a bit surprised. “What happens if they kill us?”
“There ain’t much I’ll be able to do about it is there?” the officer said. “I’ll stay in my car, how about that, but if I get another shout, I’ll have to go.”
“Oh well please don’t go out of your way,” David sarcastically muttered as he beckoned to Mark to come with him to approach the vampuras.
“You’re completely missing the point Jerry!” the female vampura shouted in frustration. She caught Mark and David approaching in their trademark black leather jackets. “Oh fuck sake, it’s you lot. This is all your fault Jerry!” Jerry looked flabbergasted at the possibility it was his fault.
“What’s going on here?” Mark asked. David shot him a stern, wide eyed look that told Mark he shouldn’t have asked that question. He’d be reminded later on that they were not there to counsel the vampuras, just put them down.
“Nicky, please, just listen to me,” Jerry pleaded, ignoring the Nasscies. Seemingly their argument was more important than the fact that two people had turned up hoping to eradicate them. “I just spoke to her a few times. There’s nothing going on between Marta and I. I just didn’t tell you because I knew you’d react like this.”
“Maybe you should predict the lottery with all this foresight you seem to have!” Nicky snapped back.
Mark felt like he was watching a game of tennis at Wimbledon, his head moving left to right to left again, every time Nicky and Jerry started saying something.
“Nicky, babe. Listen to me. Marta’s my vamp mama, ok? There’s a connection we have that you would no doubt have with anyone you sire.”
“She’s sired hundreds of dicks like you! Why does she have to keep talking to you!?”
“Because I want to talk to her. She’s important to me. I don’t have my real mum anymore after she disowned me like this and I killed her. So Marta just reminds me of what I’m missing out on. I wouldn’t be jealous of you if you kept seeing one of your sires. It’s healthy.”
“But the thing is, I haven’t sired anyone!”
“Yet, baby. You haven’t yet. Let’s say we get out of here and find you someone to have a little nibble on. You know it turns me on a little b-”
“Woah woah, that’s enough of that,” David said, not liking where this was going. “As… I want to say touching, but I’m really grossed out by it all, this is, we’re not letting you go anywhere I’m afraid.”
Nicky moved up to Jerry who put his arm around her. “Fuck off, we’ve just made up. You’re being so rude!” she yelled.
“Ok Mark,” David said and the pair simultaneously reached for their stakes and lunged for the pair of vampuras. They were still entwined around each other and not quick enough to react properly so when David and Mark were near enough to push them, they actually fell backwards onto the grass.
With a swift and synchronised movement, both stakes were buried into the chests of the bickering lovers.
“That went on for far too long,” David muttered, reaching back for his mallet. Mark and him knocked the vampuras in their stiffened form on the heads, because why not, and they disappeared from existence.
Mark looked back at the police car which was still parked up. It’s head lights flashed twice in acknowledgement and he drove off. “At least he stuck around.”
“That’s something,” David agreed. “Right, I’m hungry now. Meal deal from Cooper & Brook?”
“Oooh, yeah let’s do that.”
“So earlier,” David started a few hours later. They’d scoffed down there food and staked another vampura each in the time between. “You said Henry was a bit affected by last night? Is he alright?”
Mark knowingly smiled a little bit to himself. “Yeah, I managed to persuade him to come out instead of wallowing too much at home…”
“Oh good, it’s good that you did. I remember when I saw something particularly harrowing in my probationary and I didn’t come back in for a few nights, but I don’t think it did me any good,” David admitted.
“Well he seems to enjoy being paired up with you so I think that helped get him up and out so quickly,” Mark said, testing the water a little.
“Oh really, he said that did he?”
“No, not specifically. Just call it twintuition,” Mark said, wiggling his fingers either side of his head in an eery and ghosty way.
“Well hopefully being out with Stan will have done him a bit of good and then we can get back to normal,” David suggested.
You’d like that, eh? Mark thought of saying, but it wasn’t his place. Henry would hate to know that he had already said as much as he had to David.
David checked his watch. “Ok, it’s forty five minutes to sun rise, let’s loop back to the pavilion.”
“Thanks for tonight, I enjoyed patrolling with you,” Mark said patting David on the shoulder.
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