《Ascension Game》19th Entry - Return


I am back at the station. How long has it been, 2 weeks? I realize I lost track of time; I am back from a bizarre trip. I exit the church; my first envy is to take a bath since I’ve only used buckets and cold streams to wash lately. But I realize that the isolation cleaned me perfectly. I wonder, could this be a brand new body? I walk to the cafeteria, but no one’s there; it’s 3pm. I decide to go for a walk and explore the station a little. I pass by the mall; I meet a few people but no one that I personally know. I arrive at a swimming pool and decide that it would be fun to swim a little. The entry is 15 credits for one hour, and it’s 5 additional credits per hour. The swimming suit is 10 credits; I get it and do some laps. After some minutes of sport, I hop into the jacuzzi.

I relax there for a good moment. When I get out, it’s time for dinner, so I head to the cafeteria. I retrieve my friend, they’re happy to see me. “We’re used to you disappearing without giving signs, but it is getting out of control," says Lilly. They get shocked when I tell them I went to the upper stages. “We heard you got back with Ashley,” says Markus. “We thought you stayed in your room all week,” adds Tao.

When I ask why they didn’t visit me, they reply that I sometimes wish to stay alone, which is true. I learn that many people are trying to beat the first level and that the Black Knight has been replaced with a relentless huntress. This would mean that every boss is unique and could only be defeated once. The Bureau organized others conferences in which they revealed magic and other things I didn’t know about. Apparently, there is a guild system that includes ranking and multiple advantages. The Office is trying to create one but needs a particular item. Other groups have started to form with the same objective. People began to take the “Game” seriously, and some believe that the winning prize is a way back home. I watch the other groups in the cafeteria, and the mood had clearly improved. I see a lot of genuine smiles and laughs. People seem more relaxed in general.


I learn that there is a party tonight organized by a new division of the Student Office. My friends insist that I come, and I honestly wouldn’t mind some social interaction since I’ve been quite alone recently. Apparently, you can rent some public spaces, so they privatized one of the outside gardens. We finish eating and end up chatting in my room until the party. Since there is no dress code, I get there in regular clothes. My friends dressed casually as well. Only Lilly put on a light dress. It is a warm evening; I've read in the “Station Operating Manual” that the first floor emulates seasons. We should enjoy the summer while it lasts.

The entry is 12 credits; there is good music and multiple bars. Tao tells me that a party business has started and that various groups organize some to gain extra credits. “But only the Bureau’s parties are worth it,” he adds. We sit on nifty seats near a fountain. As the discussion goes, I learn about gossip and dramas. I realize that a lot happened in 2 weeks. Since it is early, there are not too many people yet, which is nice. After a few minutes, the music stops; Ethan, the head of the Student Office, is about to give a speech.

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