《Liberum Mundi》Songs of Marching Fire. (Part 6)
As the dust clouds piles, the wooden floor creaks and the stone walls cracks. You can only wonder if this place was just left for days. I mend my heart with the memories of my past. Remembering the fun and happy moments before all this happen. Ascending the stairs with Moriz and Yuwei behind me.
The hallways are thin, so much so it can only fit one person. The darkness stretche beyond my sight, with my eyes enhanced I could still see through the darkness yet for how long? Yuwei summons multiple fireballs, one after another and float beside our head.
"It's better if there is light rather than wasting your qi like that. You're still new to this right? Then it's better if you preserve it and let me do this stuff."
"Thank you sis."
Moriz tried to stretch, only to fail and say, "Damn this hallway is so tight!"
I reply saying, "Well it's big enough to fit Aunt Palka at least."
"True enough," Yuwei replied.
"Hey am I missing something? She must be pretty big huh."
As soon wooden as a door came to a view, I knew who this door belongs to. It;s Aunt Palka's room. Yuwei squeeze through me and opens the door for me. The door creaks and opens, it's not locked. Come to think of it, I've only been inside aunt's room a few times before, the only impression I can give is it's not normal. The fire around me begins to float away and reach inside the lantern. Lighting up the whole room.
Inside, the room is covered with white walls and filled with weird metal rods that hangs bags with red liquid and shelves. The room was big, no it was huge. I know when I was a kid I thought maybe the room will get smaller but no. It's probably bigger than I thought, maybe it was the darkness that blocks me back then. I walk around and see small notes and parchments stamp on the walls with dates and unknown writings I never seen before... Wait, one of them is in Owlian and it writes "[2800/9/19] Dr. Lunor... Who? But that name sound familiar and if that is a date isn't that yesterday... I decide to ignore it and continue searching the room. The room has no bed, only a wide chair that feels like it can bend and many big cans and bins.
"What is this place? An operation room? Cause it sure does look like one," Moriz starts to look at the shelves that's filled with syringes and knives.
Yuwei walks beside him saying, "Well I have the same thought. That's why I didn't dare move anything and leave all the stuff in the same spot. I'm not equip with the knowledge about this unlike Sornov. So I'm actually planning to ask some imperial doctors to come tomorrow. So do you know where she keeps the stuff?"
"Yea I do, when I ask aunt to help me keep some stuff safe. She told me that she likes to keep it right here..." I walk to the shelves and decided to move it away with my legs. Only it won't budge, what is this thing filled with?
"You need help bother? Leave it to me," he hold the end of the shelve and pull it easily with one arm when I could hear something fall and glass colliding inside.
"Moriz becareful!" I said in reflex.
Moriz panics saying, "Whoa, I'm sorry!"
"Well I guess that's that. Still you're really strong."
Moriz shakes his head saying, "Aw thanks. Sadly this much is nothing in the Martial World you know."
Behind it is a cracked wall. I knock on it with my foot and tell Moriz to remove the cracked walls. Only to reveal a huge gap with a big jet black box inside. Now that I think about it... this thing is probably made with the same material the retractable spear Rana gave me. I wonder if it's the same?
This is where she told me she keeps the money. There's a giant round wheel with numbers. She told me how to use this and told me how to input it.
If I remember correctly I ask Moriz, "You know how to use this right?"
"Brother who do you think I am. Of course I do!"
"Oh I'm sorry I was just making sure..."
Moriz pet me saying, "Heh I'm just joking... Your hair is very soft," he mess my hair before saying, "Now I know why Yuwei keeps petting it."
As he continues to ruffling my hair I ask, "Uh, Moriz?"
Yuwei suddenly slaps his hand saying, "Hey, that's enough!"
"Ow what was that for? So what do you want me to do again?"
"Ah right, I want you to input 79, 66 and 31" I wonder what does it mean? It's not a date since our calendar only has 10 months... Maybe it is since there are those personal calendar for each religion or country or is this just random?
"All right leave it to me!" he stares at it for a while before he decided to hold the wheel part. His face suddenly becomes shocked and pulls his hands away.
Worried I ask, "Is something wrong?"
Moriz moves his fingers saying, "Sorry Sova but this safe... This thing is made from an illegal steel and something that only the Aologi Empire has the rights to own. I'm sorry it's just this is probably second time I'm confronted with this thing. Oh yeah you're spear is probably made by the same material. This may be rude but can you please keep that away from normal people?"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"Let's just say if we ran out of magic situation could be really bad. But don't worry, that was just reflex so I'll do it much quicker this time."
"Okay I don't really understand but becareful."
When he started spinning to the left four times, he insert the numbers I told him in quick succession, the door unlocked and he quickly opens it. Moriz immediately pulls back and started holding his right hand. cold wind fills the room. When saya hugs my neck tightly. I tried to loosen it by shaking only for her to tighten her grip. I hear her murmuring, "Little brother... Don't... Go."
I decided to let her be and check the inside. I see a syringe and multiple thin small purple liquid cans inside and decide to leave it alone, some burned detailed painting with a weird hard paper that shows a little girl with green hair and a man in military uniform similar to Coryn but with a different medal hanging on his coat, his face was burned that makes it impossible to identify him... Wait there is one medal that's the same with her. I wonder who he is? Could he be Uncle, I wonder whatever happened to him? Or is this Aunt when she was a kid?
As I browse through the locker, passing through items. Moriz crouch beside me and ask, "Ah I hope that was worth it. So did you found what you wer-" stopping mid sentence as he stare at the small cans.
Ignoring he stop mid-way, I answer saying, "Well I didn't find any of my money but I guess that's okay. This items are definitely important to Aunt Palka. Since I don't know anything else I'll just leave everything here to Sis Yuwei," I look back asking, "Say sis, what do you plan to do with this stuff?"
"I'm just going to keep it at the palace until they come back. My sector may be pretty stable but it doesn't mean there won't be burglars. Well since that safe is made out off that. I guess it's really almost thief proof. I need to change some plans... I guess if there is something we can use to help my people than maybe please forgive me if I use some. You don't mind right?"
Feeling troubled, I say, "Well I don't know. This is not mine..."
She smiles, petting my head saying, "Okay, I won't use it."
I nod when I look at Moriz still staring at the small cans. His face was deep in thought when I ask, "Are you okay?
He keep staring as he ignores me, "Moriz?" I ask in a worried manner.
When he finally snaps back looking at me saying, "Oh what? Sorry brother. It seems I got lost in thought."
"You've been staring at those small cans, do you know what that is?"
"Well I do but..."
I bend my head to the side saying, "But?"
"Never mind, since your done lets get going, we haven't got much time."
I nod saying , "Right," I stand and walk to the door saying, "Can you please close the locker and cover it up again Moriz?"
"Huh? Oh... Sure," he closes the locker as he stares at it.
When I walk outside. Yuwei comes out beside me saying, "Hey Sova?"
"Are you not tired? You've been carrying her this whole time. Don't you want me to carry her instead?"
"No I think it's fine. Sis Rubeca actually once task me to carry something much heavier. This is nothing... Say about Sis Rubeca, is she okay?"
"Oh right, you don't need to worry about her. In fact, you should just stay away from her now. You don't need me to tell you why right?"
The memories before I fall to the Reliquary resurface. I shake my head thinking that maybe she will be fine now. So I say, "Sorry sis, but I don't think the same thing will happen again. I'm sure she will be fine now."
She breath out as she pets my head saying, "Sova..." she closes her eyes, when she opens them saying, "I'm sure you're right," smiling as she say so.
I nod when I realize, "Where is Moriz?"
The fires float to the door. Moriz comes out with his head low saying, "Sorry, I was caught up with my mind. Let's quickly move on."
"Are you okay?" I ask in worry.
"Yea, I'm fine. I'll probably be back in shape in no time."
"Are you sure? Then, Let's keep going?" I ask.
I walk ahead leaving them behind. A small fire accompany me as I went. I wonder if this is the same technique Rana used?
With curiosity I say, "Spin in circles please."
When the fire spin to create a small ring. It is the same! I play with the purple fire as I walk telling it to make shape as it comply. A triangle, a square, oval, rectangular and et cetera. When another wooden door comes to a view. This is May's room...
"This is it, can anyone help me open the door?"
I turn around to see both of them are not there. Where did they go? My worries begins to kick in as I remember my time in the Reliquary and see the fire is still with me. I let out a breath of relieve. As I was about to went back they appeared.
Yuwei smiles saying, "Sorry Sova, I was just checking something. Here let me open the door."
As she holds the handle. The door creaks and open. The flames spread and enter the lanterns once more. The room was just like what Sis Yuwei said, it's empty. There is almost nothing, no shelves, no books, no pens nor paper like always. Just one tidied up bed and a whole lot of empty space.
May is someone who loves to play puzzle games. She usually gave me some word or brain games to "Stimulate the brain" before her own written tests. Like riddle crosswords, pair the cards, some weird multi coloured cube (which I failed miserably) and et cetera. She told me she keeps it somewhere right here...
I walk to the middle of the room and remember what she told me. Use two fingers then... Ah, I can't do it without my arms.
I turn to them saying, "Um, can any of you come here. I can't do it without my hands."
Yuwei shows a curious face saying, "You know you can just lay her on the bed right? I mean do you enjoy doing that? Having her on your back and all."
Surprised I say, "Huh? What are you talking about?" well I guess having something warm in your back is nice and all but I don't think I'm enjoying it. So I say, "If I put her on the bed how am I going to carry her on my back again."
Yuwei holds her forehead saying, "You didn't put her down just because of that? You can be dumb sometimes," when her eyes widened saying, "S-Sova I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that!" in a panic voice.
"Fine just let me do it," Moriz say as he walk beside me. He whisper saying, "You don't need to hide it brother. I know you actually enjoy it, cause I too enjoy having a girl seating in my shoulders," smiling as he say so.
"No I'm not! I'm just fulfilling my word to carry her," well at least Moriz' not feeling down anymore.
He looks away saying, "Sure~ you do. So what do you want me to do?"
"Ah right," I move to the side saying, "You see the large line pattern on the wood floor down on where you stand?"
"Yea, and then?"
"I want you to hold the two large lines with your fingers."
"Yes, and then?"
"Now I want you to multiply 2 until the power of a 9."
"The fuck?"
I ignore his remark asking, "So can you do it?" I ask in a worry.
"Of course I can! This is child's play. I'm not part of the first page for nothing. Now lets see 2,4,8-" he says as he move with his knees.
Yuwei walks beside me asking, "Sova, Where did that idea came from?"
"May told me that this room floor pattern and the inside the inside walls is changing every month."
"Huh?" Yuwei say in a confused manner before saying, "I'm pretty sure our ancestor already prevent such events to occur in this sec. Why didn't you tell me? How did this room even..." she holds her chin as she delves into thought.
"I don't know why? But she told me that sometimes the parchments she left on the floor would move from it's original position. At first I thought it was a poltergeist where she rejects it firmly for some reason. And so this is the conclusion she finds. The room would change according to the formu-something she makes and it's proven correct all the time we count since it's corner never change. She told me that she will tell you when I could finally solve this math thing... Sadly I keep failing after power of seven."
Yuwei pats my head saying, "It's okay Sova. You'll learn someday. Don't give up!" Yuwei cheers me with a voice of passion.
I nod with a um. When Moriz finally say, "511, 512 strips there. Found it!"
"Good now grab the lines with your fingers with the space you make in the beginning and open it like in aunt Palka's room."
"Okay," he pulls the wall out as he say that.
There is only a white envelope inside. Moriz grabs the letter and walks to us saying, "What do you know a letter for all that counting of strips. Isn't that wonderful!" in a sarcastic voice.
I look at the white envelope to see it's still brand new with no stains at all. I ask, "Can you please open it and we can see the inside."
"Sure, sure," he says reluctantly as he opens the envelope and took a piece of paper out.
Yuwei eyes starts to focus as she stares at it closer. Moriz gets beside me as we look at the content. Which says,
[Dear sister, if you manage to find this I congratulate you with my honest regard which I am of course lying. So now please put it back where it came from! This is for Sova!!!]
As we stared in silence. I could see the disappointment in Yuwei and Moriz's face.
"For me? Does this mean she knows I'm alive. Thank goodness!" my heart begins to get excited.
"Wait why Sis?" Yuwei ask sounding baffled.
"Maybe there's more," Moriz says sounding irritated.
I nod saying, "You're right there is more!"
"There is?" They ask in unison.
"Yes. She said that she was able to acquire something called organic ink during a contest in our journey out with Sis Rubeca near the coast of your sector. So all you need is light it up. She showed me multiple times how to use it. Hurry, I can't wait!"
Yuwei eyes widened saying, "Alright, alright, hold your mars... Ah that's right! There's that event..." she looks away with a face of disgust as she looks to the floor saying, "Why did I have to remember that now."
"Are you okay?" I ask in worry.
She looks at me saying, "Yes, it's okay. That problem was resolve. Here let me help."
Yuwei holds the paper, producing a small purple kindling and put it below the paper when words begins to form on top the latter. The letter reads,
[Sova! Congratulation on finally surpassing your math limits. I'm so proud I wish I could give a hug right now. Which I should already do since we're probably reading this together he he he. I really have nothing much to say really. Just study the notes I gave you during our lessons and you'll be fine in our next test. Since you manage to solve this I guess I should give you some spoilers. Read about the biography of the first prince of Rucina Dynasty or the First Emperor of the Eclipse Empire. You'll find some interesting things there. That's all, if you fail I'm going to sleep in your room for extra lessons. And I'm not accepting a NO for an answer. Not even from mom and nobody can stop me!]
Moriz folded his arms saying, "Heh, how lucky and this never gets old whenever I see it. This is the kind of stuff that Dina will always love to do. Maybe I should visit her and tell her about this."
Yuwei sighs and say, "DONT start another weird idea on her mind. Well this letter is still not helping."
I look down when suddenly drops of water fell into the paper scribbling the ink. Huh? What happen? My chest hurts pretty badly and I can't see clearly no more. Am I crying? Oh yeah, I was suppose to have this test with May when I become a hunter. Sis was gonna give us a celebration party and stay with us for a little bit longer after we became hunters. I was suppose to go on an adventure with May and visit Nicole after this. I was gonna save up money and brought them to my dream plan... I hate this! I don't like this one bit! I grit my teeth as I feel this mix of anger and regret. I know something will go wrong in my journey. I'm suppose to be ready. So why does it still hurt so badly!
"Umph, ow" Saya groans lightly when I realize I've been gripping her legs with all my might.
Yuwei panic as she scramble for words, "U-um, Sova it's going to be okay. Okay? So please don- ah um wait no..."
I loosen the grip on Saya's leg saying, "I'm sorry Yuwei."
I lay Saya on the bed when I see bruises on where I grip her. I unconsciously say, "I'm sorry Saya..." I cover my face saying, "I'm sorry May. I regret saying all that to you. I guess you're right aunt, I'm not ready for this at all."
Yuwei sits beside me and wraps her arm around me, pulling me to rest in her chest saying, "It's okay Sova. We'll bring your family back okay? I'll help you out along the way. So just take your time."
As my tears flow. Time went on...
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