《Liberum Mundi》Heroes of the Confederation. (Part 6)
"Huh? Oh, this thing?"
She lifts her arms and continues saying:
"Well, it's the traditional clothes, used during the Emperor's time for females who haven't married yet back then. Men also have one, do the two of you wish to try one, I could commission two of them from the guild if you wish? And why is Sova face red, are you sick Sova?"
As sis voice became worried, she closes the distance between us in no time and holds my face with both her arms before I could react, looking at my neck and touching my forehead afterwards.
Before saying:
"There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with you?"
I shook my head, while still feeling warm inside and distancing myself a bit saying:
"I'm totally fine sis, I'm all okay."
May suddenly ask in a loud manner saying:
"Sis that's not what I mean. I'm asking why are you wearing those clothes!? It looks almost very inappropriate."
"Oh, really? I once saw nobles in social gathering parties wearing something more revealing. But you see, when you become a Special Ranking Hunter. The guild would have you wear these clothes so that you can be easily identified and recognize as someone important, while also proving you're done working and free. Since I am, I must wear these clothes until I'm about to leave or whenever I return. It's kinda hard to put it on or move for that matter with this attire."
"... Is. that. so..." May stares at her continuously.
Sis ignores May's stare and looks at Angeline saying:
"Oh if it isn't Angie, thanks for bringing them here."
Angeline makes her calming smile saying:
"Please, your thanks is unnecessary, after all, I'm just doing my job. So please think nothing of it."
Sis staring at Angeline with a blank face and continues saying:
"Yeah right..."
She continues to look at us asking:
"May, Sova how does it feel, to be in Centrals public locations?"
May replies quickly saying:
"It... sucks! It's too big, it's wide, there are too many end corners and too many hallways. The card you gave me to indicate that we are not someone you wanna mess with or "Protect us" didn't work, didn't they or that annoying golden guy saw us came out of the V.I.P room and why is the restroom so far-"
Taking a huge breath in and out to calm down and continue saying:
"At least the place looks nice, a great atmosphere, very comfortable furniture and lots of free refurbishment in between the travels, making it very welcoming to be in."
Sis stares at May for a moment, then begins to look at me asking:
"So what about you Sova? You may have just been awake but what do you think?"
"Well, I don't really know what to complain about nor say...."
"Well, I'm happy to know you both enjoy it... At least you haven't really hurt anybody right?"
I immediately answer:
"No, of course not. Violence is not always the answer."
Then sis reply sounding happy saying:
"Glad to hear that, I'm happy to know you didn't forget any of that Sova."
Only to be replied:
"That's very rich coming from you Rubeca."
It was Angeline who said that. Unlike the usual calming smile she had, this time she has a cheerful grin, looking at Rubeca sharply with her eyes. As if she has something planned horribly for her.
Sis Rubeca Counter it, immediately saying her reply with a way of speaking that I never heard her use before:
"Ye never saw anything Angie, shut ye trap aboot it."
Angeline's grinning turns more malicious and her eyes bend more into a frown as if she got sis on her trap, she continues saying:
"Oh I'm sorry, I mean I never ever saw the first time you tried to regis-"
Her voice comes to a halt. Sis Rubeca closes the distance between her and Angeline, grabbing her on the jaw with her right arm, in a speed I couldn't even catch up bursting with murderous aura and her green eyes glow like she found her prey. Angeline tried to remove sister's arms but to no avail.
Sis threatening her with a malicious glare saying:
"Spill anything more and Ila crush ye head from ye jaw ya hor."
I immediately go to grab sister's right arm, pulling it as I'm trying to make her let her go. But she wouldn't even budge.
I shout to sis saying:
"Sis please let go of her, this is crazy! Stop doing this, someone is seriously going to get hurt. I don't really mind if you did something bad back then. But right now you should stop doing something seriously bad," I said to calm her down.
(Is sis always this vicious?)
Sis looks at me with her glare, feeling scared I look at May to see her...
(How do I describe her face, disappointed?)
May shakes her head before she runs grabbing sister's arm asking her:
"Sis seriously, what are we doing here again, to see you doing this?"
Sis looking at May staring for a few seconds, before finally letting go. The glow in her eyes and murderous aura began to dissipate. Me and May decided to let go of her and she begins to calm down. Looking at Angeline, kneeling down on the floor with her knees. Holding her jaw that has blue marks where sis is holding it just now.
Sis immediately looks worried saying:
"Angie I'm so so sorry, why did you do that. You know what would happen if you tried teasing me. My mental state is a little bit haywire when I return from that place."
Sis then puts her arms inside her robe, taking out a potion like bottle with red liquid giving it to Angeline. Angeline looking at sis Rubeca for a while before taking the bottle to drink it. When she drinks it, her bruise begins to disappear and her face returns to how it used to be.
Angeline stands up, dust away her clothes, fix her posture and gives a gentle smile once more saying:
"I wanted your precious families that you told me countless time during your work time, to know more about you. Not only your good sides but also your problems and your difficulties. And I would give my life if it means helping you out. I've been wanting to meet them when you tell me your stories with them. After all, you would never tell anyone anything unless they ask for it considering your personality."
Sis looks at Angeline with a solemn expression, then proceeds to hold both Angeline's shoulder saying:
"Geez, I don't even know what your ideas of helping out means, but if it means endangering your self I won't let it. I didn't bring you and everyone else from Underground out so that they can serve me, but for a new chance of life in the surface. And here I thought you were finally acting like a professional for once."
Angeline brushes of Rubeca's hands off from her shoulders. smiling cheerfully saying:
"Well I said it before and I'll say it again, my professional career can go out of the window if it means I can help you out in your dire times, that's how I want it and you cannot stop me from doing it," her voice sound firm.
May and I began to calm down when the conflict is finally settled, I took a huge sigh as to free my self from the tension just now, looking at May seeing her finally calming down too. When sis took a deep breath and letting it out. Only to say:
"Well then, if you are so eager to help me out... Since you're here, then I guess we can begin the exams."
Angie replied in surprise saying:
"Wait why am I included in the exams?"
"Well since you're so longing to help me out, I thought I could make you do your job as a receptionist to explain the details to them, telling them what they need to know. While also making you do a friends job as to help me out doing my paperwork for these exams and hunting reports last week, and's lets not forget your job as a High Ranking Hunter in helping me out for this exam as judge and jury for these newcomers, DEAR FRIEND," said sis Rubeca in a sarcastic manner.
"WHAT!, w-well please excuse me then if it's just that, I just heard my friends from a mile away in the frontlines calling for reinforcements so I must return post haste," she said in a troubled manner.
Before she could leave though, sis immediately grab her by the shoulders once more to reply with a small voice whispering to her ear where I could just barely hear saying:
"This is my revenge for "teasing" me Angie, you will be here until we are done observing the newcomers. For if you are a Hunter, then as a higher ranking hunter I am qualified to give you an order and help out when situations demand you to do so."
Angeline starting to look hopeless while still managing her calm smile saying:
"What situation!? This is just abuse of power. Tyranny I say," to be quickly replied with a soft chuckle.
"Oho ha ha ha, Don't get me started with more Angie and here you said you wanted to help me."
Sis says sounded happy. Only for Angeline finally showing a hopeless smile to reply in a defeated manner saying:
"Okay, I'll participate in this exam as judge and jury. But I am not doing your paperwork, do you understand!
(When I say "help you in crisis", I mean going hunting together or helping taking care of your siblings)," she says softly.
Sis answers sounded happily saying:
"Good, that's fine by me. Now explain to them the ways to register, and how do we deem them worthy."
"Okay," says Angeline softly while still smiling.
She then starts to look at us, and begins to walk right in front of us, gaining back her composure and smiling like the first time we met her muttering:
"If I remember correctly, the blonde boy is Sova and the green haired girl is May-"
Raising her voice to normal and continue saying:
"Alright, then you two come closer and listen carefully."
As we take a step closer to her, she then continues saying:
"There are multiple ways people can register them self as a Hunter in the whole world. And before I could tell you how, I need to explain the purpose of Hunters. Hunters are more than a title given to those who are worthy of it, but also a job given to the strong to protect the weak from the horrors beyond, the mission of a hunter is simple to kill any inhumane threat that poses a danger to society and humanity as a whole, and we are sworn to take an oath to never hurt our own kind. Next is, we have Branch Guilds and Special Ranked Hunters everywhere in the world from the biggest city like Rucina till the smallest frontier villages in the uncharted lands to deal with the rapid developing threat if it ever occurs, except the Eastern Aologi Empire."
Curious I ask:
"But why? I know that the Empire is powerful in their own right, but why are they refusing a helping hand."
May raising her arm saying:
"Ms Angeline, please let me answer this one."
"If you insist, but please you two can call me Angie like how your sister calls me," she says softly.
"Okay, well Sova, I guess I didn't tell you this before, but do you remember the climax of the civil war that happened in the Aologi Empire 9 years ago?"
As I begin to remember back, it's the time when Mom and Dad took me to the sky for my birthday present. Clenching my fist hard till it shakes, Angie looked at me with a worried face asking:
"Are you okay Sova? Did something happen?"
"No, it's just a bad memory."
May holds my clenched fists saying:
"Sova It's okay, I'm here... No, we're here with you. we'll be together," hearing her say that, I relax my hands and nod signalling her to continue.
"Well, You see one of the reasons the civil war escalated and the rebellion happened is because when the Empire finally accepted the Guild's offer or nagging of endless requests to use Hunters. They decided to finally accept it and place the hunters guild branch on their industrial city near the borders of the Confederation. But the brewing conspiracy group that had infiltrated its way inside the Empire has made its way into the branch guild. Turning the branch guild's master to help the enemies. Converting the one and only base in the city with hunters, the capital city of the rebel where they started their coup d'état."
Putting all the things she said together, I finally realize replying:
"Oooh, no wonder. They pretty much don't trust the guild anymore... Wait so why is Coryn doing here then?"
"Well I can answer that," says sis Rubeca.
When Angie starts to interrupt her saying:
"Are you sure? You're about to reveal secret diplomatic missions you know."
Only to be replied with:
"If it's that much of a secret then how do you know it's a secret?"
"I don't, but I do know that it's not something to talk about to kids like them."
Sis then look to the side to ponder. Finally answering:
"Fine, sorry Sova guess I can't tell you for now."
I nod saying:
"It's okay, So continuing on the explanation?"
"Ah yes, so there are multiple ways you can register your self as a hunter, the first one is the easiest one."
She says that while looking at sis before she continues saying:
"Is just by filling your biography, like your full name, age, gender, date of birth and et cetera and doing a simple mission as hunting a GIANT CHICKEN to pass," Angie says loudly as to make everyone hear clearly.
Sis interjects her explanation saying:
"You know, for a receptionist, you shouldn't skip out on information like that Angie."
Only to be replied with:
"Please be quiet when I'm explaining. I'm doing this because I was forced to, so at least let me just do what I want and explain this kinda mundane exposition quickly to the important parts to them. I myself, am getting bored."
Angie said in a strict manner while still in her smile. Continuing in a gentle manner saying:
"Right now, you two are registering through the special recommendation method, this method is usually used by High Ranking Hunters to help recruit initiates with great potential in the future, while also having special talents like young magicians who can cast 6 elements at once. So this method must have their recruits show their outstanding abilities that makes them unique and special from others.
Basically your "OH SO WONDERFUL SIS RUBECA" just put you in hard difficulty, high risk, high reward situation. To boot it all off since it's her, the guild can't just say no to the one that catches the eyes of the OH SO GREAT RUBECA," she said loudly to emphasize her words.
Looking at sis Rubeca she is still as calm as ever, closing her eyes. I breathe out a breath of relief, why is she provoking her if she knows what will happen, does that mean something worse happened that sis can't tell us about.
(I'm quite curious now.)
When Angie then turns around to look at the two dummies set up in the arena. Pointing at them saying:
"Well, you see those dummies. Well simply put your job is to give everything you've got at them showing them what you can do to make you feel "Unique". Do not worry the dummies won't have a hard feeling for they're meant to be decimated to nothing."
I suddenly raise my voice saying:
"Wa-wa-wait, Sis if what she is saying is true, then what are we suppose to do I don't have any elements nor can I use magic even May can't use magic- Well she can still sense them but What am I suppose to show?" I said in a panic.
"Do not worry Sova, you already finish the training I gave you remember, just use it on the dummies I can assure you those skills are "Unique" in their own right. After all, it's not like normal Hunters can use it and besides few High Ranking Hunters can't use it either." explains Rubeca calmly.
I took a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds before letting it out, to calm my self down. Looking around the weapon-filled room, I decided to pick my weapon walking to the nearest weapon and decided to grab a metal spear, 2 meters long, simple in design that looks like a generic spear the Conscript always use. While May takes a Simple whip made of leather. And as we descended the stairs together distancing our self. Standing across a few meters away from the dummies. When Angie starts explaining, making me look up to where the voice is coming from.
"In this test, you will be given a training dummy to display your skills upon this small arena, like where you are standing right now. So now please, show us what you two are made off."
As she finishes saying that she then starts whispering to sis Rubeca, with low enough voice and distance that I can't really make up what she is saying. So if this is like the training we did, looking at the dummies in front of me, I take a stance with the spear in hand.
Remembering the way to use it, feel it across your body. As I move my left leg forward and raising the back of my spear with my right hand by just leaning the spear to my forearm, to a position that looks like I'm about to pierce the one in front of me. Concentrating this sensation I feel across my body to the tip of the spear, forming a wave-like aura on the tip of the spear. As to condense the aura on the tip, I keep muttering to my self.
"Focus, focus, focus."
When I thought it's finally gathered enough, I immediately push the spear with all my right hand can muster, and bending my left arm inwards in the process, making the spear fling into the dummy piercing it. Leaving only the support stick that helps the dummy stands, and continues to puncture into the wall behind the dummy till half the spear is in the wall. Leaving me in the basic stance sis told me about, but this time my left leg is forward. When I look at Angie she is showing a forced smile while sweating a little.
When it's May turn after she saw my display of skill, she says to her self in a low voice that I could hear.
"I'm gonna do better."
Swinging her whip around her, forming a whirlwind like formation, moving like it has the mind of its own, imagining to protect the user. I then sense all the aura she had started to coat all around the whip, spreading around, and gathering around the tip to manifest some ball like shape resembling a morning star, before she then starts swinging the whip around wider and wider, as to gather the momentum then proceeds to slams the whip that looks like a elongated morning star into the dummy crushing it beneath the whip, and pulling it back to her hands in quick succession, leaving nothing in it's wake except traces of holes in the floor.
"Morning star, he he he," she said happily while laughing.
I then decided to look at Angie one more time, she now shows a much more force smile than before and more cold sweats drips from her head.
She then starts to look at Rubeca saying:
"Did you just teach them spirit energy? The one the first Emperor of Rucina used in his conquest of unification, the so-called "Qi", are you crazy they could have died! With how the Emperor not saying much about it back then," she says angrily as to scold Rubeca while still smiling.
Only to be replied with, "Why would you say that I saw them both having great potential inside of them so why not harness it. After all, they are the one who ask me first how or what should I do or have, if I wanted to be a successful Hunter, since I nor they can't use magic, like almost the rest of the world can. So I decided to teach them what I can do. So the quote for the training is "If I can do it, you two can do it better," I mean it's not like he didn't leave no legacy for his Qi. He did teach his sons and daughters but we know what happens after that. Nevertheless, he did leave a clue to, "release yourself," says sis Rubeca softly.
"That's just not right, the way he teaches qi is just too vague lets be honest here the term "release" is used by many and the one that manages to try it and succeed died from the "weakening effect" for let me think they don't know how to "keep it back inside." Rookies with a weak mind and body could seriously die a slow and horribly painful death of the weakening effect as they grow lifeless by the minute don't you take the risk into consideration," Angie retort sounding very angry.
"The proof is already there. They both can do it and at such a young age no less. Besides after the Emperor died many people tried their best making multiple techniques of their own that varied from each other in a unique way like what they do here. So what's your rating Misses Judge, mines a fine and dandy A-okay," says sis Rubeca softly while being sarcastic.
Angie looking back and forth between us and sis Rubeca sighs and finally says:
"They pass, with that much control in Qi they are no different than most High Ranking Hunters. You two shall now be registered as Special Ranking Novices, so please wait for 3 days as I and Rubeca do the paperwork and the making of the cards for you two. Now then this time if you would please excuse me, I would like to go and do the paper works and also makeup all the shifts that I miss being here."
"Oh sure," sis replied gently to Angie.
Before Angie leaves, she starts to take out a pen and some small parchment from her pocket, writing down something in some unknown language that looks like bent lines with strips and dots. giving it to sis afterwards. She then regains her composure once more. Looking like the first time we met her. She walks out of the room in a quick manner opening the door and closing the door delicately.
Looking at May, seeing her smiling happily so I said to her:
"See May, you are very special after all."
Looking at me with a surprised expression before blushing a little, walking closer to me pulling my cheeks once again saying:
Feeling the pain I close my eyes and once again screams:
"Ow ow ow ow ow, waaay pes sas te."
Before pulling me close face to face from my cheeks, as she loosened her grip and I opened my eyes. Seeing her bringing her face closer to mine...
Feeling our lips touch each other...
after letting me go from her pinch she says:
"This is my revenge for making me like this. Be happy for it's my first," she says before looking away making me unable to see her face, as she walks out of the arena in quick strides.
What does she mean like this? I feel somewhat pretty happy and embarrassed. So did sis see any of that as I look to the side I saw sis jumping down to the arena walking closer to me, giving me a pat on the head saying:
"Well congrats Sova, you're becoming more mature and took another step on the stair to adulthood. I guess? Maybe? I think?"
"Can you not change your words, Sis?"
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