《Beanstalk》Chapter 12: Big, Bad Merv


As Wolf traced the path back up the tunnel a feeling of urgency filled him as he began to move swiftly.

I don’t want this place to be my grave.

It was not hard to find his way back to the main chamber where they had all been hung on hooks. From there there was only really one major tunnel which quickly took him back to the intersection where they had first been captured by the Zombie Duke.

Picking a direction at random he headed down the tunnel he had first chosen the last time they had reached this point. As he walked he mused that they had not encountered a single zombie so far.

Perhaps Ana cleaned them out? That means I am headed in the right direction.

Soon at the end of a long corridor Wolf saw a ladder embedded into a wall that went up like a chimney.

Feeling excited that he may have found the exit at last Wolf began to climb up the ladder. As he climbed higher he finally emerged into a small cave and the outside world could be seen.

A large number of humans wearing some kind of battle fatigues stood staring at the sky outside the cave. Tentatively Wolf walked out and cast his eye across a hundred or so humans before his gaze was also irresitably drawn upwards.

In the sky all he could make out was two blurry images as shapes fluttered around the sky and the colours black and gold smashed into each other again and again.

As time passed the shapes began to slow and he could make out the shape of the Zombie Duke fighting. It was fighting some kind of divine goddess that was wreathed in a holy light with angel wings extending from her back. Her body was strong and athletic with a prominent chest.

Without conscious thought Wolf’s cock grew hard in his pants as he stared at her divine form.

“God damn that angel is stacked.” No1 whispered in disbelief next to him.

“Tall, athletic, hourglass shape. The ass won’t quit and the tits are banging. This angel is definitely mine.” No2 said.

“Nah bro. I saw her first.”

“Meh. She might like the younger meat.”

“Ahem.” Wolf coughed and interrupted them. “I believe I saw her first. Clearly she is at least in her thirties, she is probably looking for a mature man like me.”


The body of the zombie duke hit the ground at super speed. A small crater formed in the ground as the angel descended and ripped the zombie Dukes head off.


“YEAHHHHHHH!” the surrounding soldiers began to cheer.

The angel had her back to Wolf as she backed up facing the crowd and displayed the severed head. Finally when she was almost on top off Wolf she turned around in all her glory.

Her golden wings extended and glittered in the light as Wolf’s gaze slowly focused on her face.

“Fuck.” Was the only word that came out of Wolf’s mouth as his cock instantly shrivelled and nearly inverted inside his body.

The ‘Angel’ was not quite as feminine as they had all assumed. A very masculine face stared back at them decorated with a magnificent handlebar moustache. As the Angel released her Totem the wings began to fade and even the breasts retracted and disappeared. Within seconds a thick-set burly looking man with a handle bar mo and mutton chop sideburns stood in front of them.

“You look like complete fucking noobs. You boys just out of the Beanstalk?” The man asked in a deep husky voice.

“Y…yes.” Wolf stammered still in shock at the transformation.

“Righto then. Name’s Merv. I’m the head of this ragtag division. Who brought you up form Earth?”

“It was Joysich.” No2 said.

“I take it he carked it?” Merv asked.

“Yah mate. We think that zombie duke got him the moment he came out the beanstalk.” No1 said.

Merv’s eyes tightened as the words washed over him before he sighed.

“He had a fairly large stick up his arse but he was a good egg despite that. Trained him myself.” Merv said as he stroked the edges of his moustache.

Finally No1 couldn’t contain himself any longer.

“Soooo……what’s with the titties?” No1 blurted out.

Merv looked a bit embarrassed as he scratched his head.

“Well truth be told its a cunt of a thing. Got this Totem [Angel of Mercy]. It has a feminine essence to it so whenever I utilise a transformation it has certain….ah….manifestations.”

“You mean you get big ass titties.” No1 laughed.

“HAH!” Merv said as he slapped No1 on the back. “Too right kid. Too fucking right.”

“Anyway follow me cruds, lets talk while we walk.” Merv said. A man appeared to his right and he issued orders as he walked before the man scurried away.

“Alright quick 101 of the shit you just landed in. You two just look like kids so I am sorry but welcome to the end of the fucking world.” Merv said as he glanced up at Wolf while he continued to walk swiftly.

“As for you old man, your ancient lined face tells me you’ve probably already had a good life so dying out here is not a bad way to punch your ticket.”


“I’m 38!” Wolf complained.

“38? Jesus fucking christ you’ve aged badly. Your face is as wrinkled as my ball sac.” Merv said as he stepped over the decaying body of a large zombie.

Wolf stared in shock as a sea of dead zombie corpses spread out before them. Some of the piles were so high they formed small hills. All he could smell was the rotten stench of death.

The impact of this vision even sent No1 and No2 quiet for a short time. Merv strode passed it all as if he didn’t even notice until he saw Wolf’s shocked expression.

“Get’s ya the first time you see it doesn’t it? But this is nothing boys. Until you’ve seen corpses piled high enough to blot out the sun, that’s when you know your knee deep in shit.”

“The war is in its final stages. Only 12 human cities remain with the zombies trying to wear us down in a war of attrition. It’s like trench warfare in World War 1 now. Pretty brutal. The zombie kings seem to have identified our beanstalk entry points and have swarmed them so we are shutting them down.”

“Over to the west around 100 clicks away is the Russian entry point. This zombie Duke wiped out most of those poor bastards as well before coming back here. The Russians asked us for help, but fuck the Russians. After the shit they pulled last year lets just say the Australian forces are not inclined to cut our own throats a second time.”

“Not that nationality really means that much anymore. The city we are taking you too is called Eureka and it’s controlled by the Australian forces, though there are humans from other parts of earth mixed in. The Americans splintered with one city still controlled by the USA and another American city called Belieberdom has declared its independence. The Chinese and Indians control two cities each and they are very very strong. The rest are a smattering of smaller independent cities filled with a hodge lodge of people from earth who are running their own show. And then of course there are the Russians. They have four cities and holding strong.”

“Long story short, we will head to the Chopper and Port into Eureka. From there we will get you inducted and trained and you can join the rest of us miserable bastards.”

“There are helicopters here?” Wolf asked in shock.

“No no. Not a real fucking chopper.” Merv said as they arrived at a large flat platform with strange lines carved all over it.

“Watch.” Merv said as a group of twenty soldiers stood on the the patterns.

A glow of energy began to emanate from the lines as the men channeled their mana into it. A line of energy began to spin around in a circular fashion like the blades of a helicopter. Faster and faster they moved until only a blur could be seen.


Within seconds the men were gone.

“Holy shit.” No2 said.

“Holy shit indeed.” Wolf echoed in shock.

“That is a Chopper boys. Third generation Formation-Tech. Invented by the Chinese and tweaked by the Australian Formation Research Division. Formations will be explained to you later, but just for your info, the entire underground base you were in are formations.”

“What? But….” No1 began.

“Didn’t you wonder how the fuck an underground base that looks exactly like one on earth was situated at the beanstalk exit? Do you see any factories around here? It’s all just hardened mana kid. Formation-tech is one of the few reasons we have managed to survive as long as we have. Its not something the zombies do well, if at all.”

The whole time Merv had been talking Wolf had been eyeing of the patterns carved into the chopper.

“It’s the same technology as the engravings in the beanstalk.” Wolf whispered.

“Hah! You’re a perceptive one alright. That was where the idea came from, but really our formation-tech is like a child with a crayon trying to draw the Mona Lisa. But who knows, maybe one of you will have some talent in this area.”

“Alright you little farkers. Get on the Chopper and let’s get the fuck out of here.” Merv said as he leaped onto the platform. Quickly Wolf and No1 and No2 followed him.

An enormous surge of mana shot out of Merv and into the platform as the energy started to spin.

“Inject your mana in kids. I’ll power it up but it still needs a trace of your mana to lock onto your bio-patterns.” Merv shouted as his mana roared into the patterns.

Wolf immediately injected mana into the patterns and felt a strange resonance thrum through him as a reciprocal energetic loop was formed. The mana circulated through the patterns then into his body and then back again at a faster and faster rate. As each pass of energy went through him it was like his mana and the patterns synched until if felt like they had merged into one.


The world blinked out.

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