《This Is Where I Want To Be》Getting Over It
19. Getting Over It
The next time I opened my eyes, my head was killing me. Looking at the date and the time on my phone, I thought it had to be a mistake.
“You’re not wrong. You slept for two days.” Louis was sitting at my desk, elbows on his knees like always, playing with something in his hands.
Rubbing over my eyes and then my temples, I winced in pain. Louis came over to sit across from me. He gently lowered my hands, taking over the job. Lightly massaging the side of my head and my forehead with his thumbs.
“Where is the headache?”
“All over. It must be that stuff he pumped into me. Someone was here Friday.”
I remembered the letter. I tried looking for it. The pain was so intense I regretted moving at all. I closed my eyes again. “It’s on the desk.”
“My mom and dad saw it? And you? How humiliating.” I groaned.
“Yeah… I’m sorry, baby.”
A tear rolled down my cheek but not because of Chris. The pain was too much. I ran for the toilet, heaving. Made it just in time to hurl into the bowl. Louis came after me and helped me up when I was done. I couldn’t stand or walk properly. It felt like I was dying. He scooped me up in his arms and carried me to my bed. I fell on him like he was the last thing I would feel in this world. He brought me water and covered me with a blanket. “Your parents left. They were so worried about you that they got in their car Saturday afternoon to go to your uncle.”
“You have been here this whole time?” Louis wasn’t in his usual joking mood. “Of course. Where else would I be when you need me?”
“Am I turning into a zombie?”
“I hope so. Then I can keep you caged in my house and have you all to myself.”
I wanted to react. There were a lot of jokes I could make with just that one sentence. But it hurt too much. Everything hurt. The worst was the hole in my chest that felt like it would never be satisfied. I snuggled into my pillow, feeling very lonely. “I’m going to sleep again.”
Louis sat down next to me. Took the hair out of my face and out from under my neck, bundling it behind my head. Like he knew it was pulling on my scalp and making my headache worse.
“Mmhmm… You sleep, baby.” His voice was soft. The words felt soothing, and his hand was on my shoulder. It felt like he was disappointed in me. Before I could ask, I was sleeping again.
My alarm woke me up. I had it set during the week. It was Monday… school. I had missed my whole weekend. I picked up my phone to put it off. My headache was gone, and I felt better. I couldn't figure out what would have triggered what was going on with me. I had this strange feeling that even if Mr. Tailored got just a little bit of that stuff in me, it had to affect me somehow… Or I was out for much longer than I thought, and he had pumped me full of that yellow sludge. I glanced over the room to see if Louis was still in there. I swallowed the lump in my throat, seeing the white sheet on the desk. My chest felt tight just thinking about Chris and me. It was over. A knock at the door made me get up. I slid it open.
“Breakfast in bed before school?” Louis asked.
Just smelling the food made me want to puke. I pushed past him and headed for the bathroom across the hall from my room. Louis quickly walked off, getting the food away from me. I brushed my teeth, staring at myself in the mirror. I didn’t know if going to school would convince Chris that his letter didn’t affect me. I looked terrible. Even worse than that first day after the whole ordeal. Louis had come back from the kitchen and was staring at me. “I’m sorry I thought you would feel better.”
I shook my head, rinsing my mouth.
“You going to school?”
I didn’t want to… for so many reasons. But come hell or high water, I was going. “Can I drive with you? Or would that be crossing a boundary?”
Louis’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“You seem to not want anything to do with me at school? I don’t know why you started there in the first place.”
One corner of his lips turned up.
“I don’t want to be a second Chris at school. I love you, but you have a lot going on.”
He was being honest with me. It was new and caught me off guard... I actually didn’t know what to say. It pissed me off. I shoved him out of the bathroom, closing the door. “Wouldn't it have been easier if you talked to me like this from the start?” I didn’t hear his footfalls. He was outside the door and didn’t move. “Is it that bad… am I dying? That you have to stand guard?”
He was somber when I came out dressed. “If I ask you to stay at home, would you?”
“I need to prove to Chris that I’m fine. I have to go.”
He pushed me back into the bathroom. “Then today calls for makeup… just enough to cover up those circles under your eyes. Promise me you’re not going to manifest at school or disappear in front of everyone.”
I couldn’t promise that. If that happened and everyone saw it, I would have to hide forever. Louis waited patiently for me even though we were going to be late. I was moving so slowly. Every now and again, a dark curtain would cloud my vision, and I could feel myself go… somewhere. It freaked me out, but I wasn’t going to share that with Louis. My pride was at stake, and I had to keep face. Even if I died that day.
Louis parked the car at school. I noticed Jerry standing next to his, busy on his phone. I cringed, thinking of the night at the club. I was drunk… and he was stupid drunk. We had fought again when he had tried to make a move on me. Jerry glanced up from his screen. As our eyes met, concern was all I could see… If Jerry noticed the state, I was in. What was the point? I thanked the universe that he didn’t say anything snarky. Jerry bit his bottom lip, his eyes fixed on me, then kept typing on his phone. It was rare that he didn’t say something to me. What was so important on his phone…? My curiosity got the better of me. “You have a new girlfriend?” I quipped. Jerry smirked but didn’t look up from his phone.
“Come on Juliet. I already have one man to contend with, and Jerry there… isn’t ganna get anywhere near you. So forget about it.” Louis said next to me.
“My vanity is a little bruised today. Sheesh. You jealous?”
Louis wasn’t himself, and it freaked me out. Was he overwhelmed being my babysitter that whole weekend? Was he going to stay at our house till my parents came home? We were so late that no one besides Jerry noticed Louis had driven me to school. I didn’t want my two best friends to find out like that. It dawned on me that Charlene had not come to the house that morning. I didn’t even think to tell them I wasn’t walking to school. It felt like we were drifting apart, and I hated it. Growing up was taking its toll. Many clicks broke up as the years went by. After school going their separate ways. Anyway… I wasn’t going to let that happen. Even if I had to tell them all about me.
“I have to tell my friends about you… today. Could I invite them over? They will have to drive home with us?” His pathetic little smile turned into the genuine old one that reached his eyes. He touched my cheek, rubbing his thumb gently over my skin. Louis’s touch was comfortable and comforting. It made me feel better. For a split second, I wanted to turn my face and kiss the palm of his hand. Just before my lips planted, I opened my eyes to see if he had noticed.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
His hand lowered, and he played with the chain that hung permanently around my neck. “You don’t have to do anything… If you give me permission. I’ll do all the kissing.”
That made me laugh lightly. “No… not yet.”
Charlene and Carl were curious the whole day about what I would tell them. They contacted their parents and made an effort to make plans with me. When we walked to the parking and got in Louis’s car, they were stunned and quiet. It was really awkward. Louis didn’t say anything. He was a million miles away. Something was still bothering him. It was a long day already.
He parked his car in his garage at his house. Charlene and Carl made a few comments. We made our way to my house. Louis unlocked the front door, and we all went inside. I wasn’t feeling well and aimed for the couch. Charlene came to sit next to me, feeling my forehead.
“She has a fever. Were you sick the whole day? Why did you come to school?”
I wanted to tell her that I needed to show Chris I was not even affected by his stupid letter. I had not seen him once that day. I groaned at my own stupidity. “If I had to miss every day, something is going on in my life, I’d probably never get there.”
“What’s wrong with you?” Carl asked.
“I think I’m turning into a zombie.” Louis choked on the cigarette in his mouth. I smirked, thinking I could still get a rise out of him. Their heads turned to the kitchen to watch Louis put his phone and bag on the counter.
“You want us to go?”
“No! Stay, please. I need to talk to you guys.” Louis came to sit on the couch he always picked.
“This is Louis Du Pont. He is our neighbor and a friend of my parents. He moved in last Saturday. My parents went out of town and left him here to take care of me.” Carl and Charlene shared a look with raised eyebrows and pulled lips.
“Don’t worry, you can say whatever you want in front of him… You’re probably wondering why I didn’t want to ask him for a lift from the club.”
“That’s just one of the questions I have,” Carl said.
I wasn’t going to bring up anything else that day. All I wanted to do was tell them about Louis. “I can’t say why I didn’t want to. Because I don’t know….” I searched Louis’s face for any sign. He was still not there, but I hoped he would talk to us.
“We’re still working on trusting each other,” Louis said, at last, trying to help me out.
He leaned over to shake Carl’s hand and kissed Charlene on both cheeks. It made me a little jealous. I pulled him away from her. He fell dramatically onto the cushions behind him. My two friends were very suspicious. Louis was watching me, a slight smile on his mouth.
“So, yeah. He’ll be here and take us to school every morning till my parents come back.”
“And…” Carl asked.
Neither Louis nor I said anything. He was at least looking at me… I went ahead. “He…We…I…”
Louis’s smile broadened. He was two hundred years old and had to deal with all my childish drama.
Charlene frowned. “Are you telling me you two are together?”
I shrugged. “Louis doesn’t like talking about anything… I can’t speak for him.”
“Excuse me!” Louis said. “Can I say something…”
I wasn’t sure, but what the hell things were belly up anyway. And I might be dying, so yeah, go for it. I pointed with my hand for him to continue.
“I’ve declared my undying love to her…” Louis fell on his knees before me, taking my hands in his, holding them. Kissing both of them. I burst out laughing, digging my face into his shoulder. He smelled really good. It took the whole day, but my Louis was slowly coming back to me. My Louis? I thought. He took the chain around my neck and held it up to them.
“Look here… I gave her this necklace to tell her I wasn’t going anywhere.” He was so sincere. His eyes roamed my face. He was so close to me. Louis didn’t care that we had an audience. I couldn’t help myself. I took his cheeks in my hands and pulled him closer. I was breathtakingly aware of my lips on his. All my worries seemed to disappear when he was that close. It wasn’t a peck… My lips parted, and I stretched it out. I didn’t use any tongue to tease him. The moment Louis’s lips softened under mine, and he wanted to tilt his head and pull me into him… I realized what I had done and sat back, covering my mouth with my hand.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered.
There was a fierce flare of yearning in his eyes. I chortled nervously. The chain was still in his one hand. I felt the slight pressure on my neck. He was desperately hanging on to it, staring at my mouth. I felt myself blush from my chest to my cheeks. He noticed and was engulfed in emotions. He kept his cool and didn’t belittle me… “Oh, baby.” His voice was soft and sensual. The smile on his face made me want to do it again just to make him that happy.
“Oooh!” Cheers came from Charlene and Carl. Hand claps and giggles.
“Oh! My! Was that your first kiss? It looked like a first kiss.” Carl laughed.
“If all I needed were these two to make you kiss me, I would have made friends long ago.”
I pulled the chain out of his fingers and buried my face in the cushions. All of them mocked me. Charlene was laughing. I knew some truth of my life would bring us closer together. Carl tried to pull me out of my hiding spot with Louis’s help. “Come on, Jules. Show yourself,” Carl joked. When they got me to turn around, I covered my face with my hands. They soon pinned my arms. It was a moment I would never forget. These people were important to me. I stood up, getting away from them.
“Okay! Okay! A moment of weakness.”
Louis sat back down on the couch, watching me. His beautiful blue eyes smiling. How he sometimes looked at me… made my mind race. My body react in a million different ways. I couldn’t help thinking about us actually taking it further. If he could take all my cares away with his presence. What would it be like being wrapped up in his arms? His hand came up and covered his mouth.
“I’m gonna make you guys coffee. I might not drink anything, but I need an excuse to get my heart from calming down.” I winked at Louis over my shoulder.
A second later and one step into the kitchen. “I’m pregnant!” Charlene said it loud and clearly. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around. Charlene’s back was towards me. She burst out in tears, putting her hands over her face. I just stood there… All the implications of what she said ran through my mind. She had sex. She didn’t tell me. She was pregnant… Benjamin… New Year.
“You’re almost 12 weeks pregnant? That’s like the first trimester gone.”
Louis’s eyes went from me to her, assessing the situation. I think he was as caught off guard as us.
“That’s almost halfway,” Carl said. He walked to Charlene and pulled her into his arms. “Why didn’t you say anything. Oh, Chars…” Louis lifted a box of tissues on the table.
After she calmed down, she turned to me. I was just standing there staring like an idiot. “Aren’t you going to say something?” She asked.
“Are we going to France?”
“Wait, what!?” Charlene exclaimed. Everyone was quiet and gawked at me.
I looked her up and down. That would explain the constant blazer. The moodiness. “You’re going to start showing soon? We will have to get out of here… I’m not letting you do this alone.” Charlene came up to me sniffling, wrapping her arms around my neck. I met Louis’s eye over her shoulder to see whether I had overstepped another boundary. There was nothing but joy… He had lived in France his whole life… It was the first thing that popped into my mind. Getting the hell out of there… with Louis and my friends. I wished I could be more emotional at that moment. More excited or comforting. Ask Louis if he was really okay with it. But I was doing all I could to not run to the bathroom, disappear… Or worse, manifest and kill my friends. I pushed Charlene away, running to the bathroom. So much for holding myself together.
Everyone followed Louis as he came after me. I waved them off, but they stayed standing at the door. I had nothing to throw up anyway. I was dry heaving. Until a chunk of blood clot or something came out of me. Carl cussed a string of words. Charlene gasped.
“What’s wrong with you?” Carl asked.
“Why do you keep asking me what’s wrong with me… I think I’m dying,” I whispered in a pathetic attempt to not break down. Regardless my cheeks were wet. I had bigger problems than being pregnant.
Louis walked over and picked me up. “No, you’re not! Take it back!” I didn’t say it. “Take it back, baby!”
“Okay… I take it back. I’m not dying.”
“Say that again, I dare you.” He kissed me on top of my head. I couldn’t defy him even if I wanted to. I fell on his chest, fast asleep.
“What’s wrong with her?” Carl asked again.
“Stop it, Carl. She’s sick can’t you see that.”
“She has some genetic disease. Her parents went to her father’s brother up north to go and talk to him.” I said to try and give them a reasonable answer. “It seems he knows more of the family’s history… It’s serious and has something to do with her blood and clotting.”
I carried Juliet across the corridor. What happened in the loo sent my emotions spiraling. I had put her down and was just staring at her. “Let me put her in bed.” Charlene touched my shoulder. “I will get her into some pj’s.” I conceded to Charlene’s suggestion. Carl and I left the room. I didn’t want to tell them how I had taken care of her the whole weekend. See her suffer and fight werewolf toxin. Charlene closed the door and soon had her dressed and under the covers.
She came out concerned. “Her fever is bad… Can’t we take her to a hospital?”
I didn’t know what to say.
“Juliet doesn’t like hospitals,” Carl said, staring at her room door.
“I have a drip I can put on her… I won’t be able to drive you guys home. Is there someone you can call?”
“Can we stay and help you.”
I nodded and went to the hall cabinet where all the medical supplies were. We had the drip in and hanging in no time. Charlene sat with her, wiping the perspiration off her forehead and neck.
“Why do they have all the medicine and supplies in the house?” She asked when the room was dead quiet.
“There are things she will tell you eventually. You must have realized Juliet isn’t….” I kept quiet to see where her friends were in figuring out what was happening.
Charlene was the first to speak… “normal? Is that what you wanted to say.”
“Normal in what way?” Carl asked.
“Does it matter…” Charlene barked at him. “If it comes down to something massive, are you going to shun her?”
“Never. But how am I supposed to protect her if we’re in the dark.”
“That’s why I’m here… She’s really fortunate to have friends like you in her life… I hope you guys will remember today when everything comes out in the future.”
Carl was my biggest concern. He was unreadable. He gave nothing away unless he wanted to. I had thought he was in love with Juliet or Charlene, but he didn’t show any sign when she kissed me. Or when Charlene said she was pregnant.
That night I sat next to her bed, keeping vigil and thinking. Juliet had kissed me. Her lips had fused with mine and held me in place. One I never knew existed. She did it out of the blue. I didn’t see it coming, and I loved her for it. I was so old that something like that should have been overrated by then. Her walls were coming down. She was offering more of herself, regardless of what I was giving… or saying… or doing. That is what I wanted… Juliet to choose me because of me… It felt so good and right. I was glad that I had given her space.
Chris might have helped in that regard. He was pushing her away, and I was there. It wasn’t hard to follow their exchanges at school. They were so obvious if you knew what to look for. Since I arrived, it had toned down a whole lot. Especially the last week before the letter. His face was in a constant scowl. I had known he would give her a note and tell her it was over. When I came out there, I had no idea there would be competition. The school was just a way for me to keep tabs on everyone. Hiding had become a pastime for me, following everyone. With her, I went a little overboard in my snooping. From listening to her conversations under the tree during recess. To standing outside her window at night just being there with her. Being close to her but not being able to tell her yet. I wanted her to fall in love with me and was trying to be very careful. Even that night, when I went to their house to try and stop her from going clubbing. She was so angry. I wasn’t someone that could deter her from doing anything, nor did I want to be that guy that controlled her. Regardless, it was a big step for her to ask me if Charlene and Carl could come over. Make an effort to introduce me.
I didn’t think she realized that she had feelings for me. She had been fighting it. Juliet thought I was ignoring her. That I was busy with my own things in those times, but I wasn’t. I was obsessed just like she had become with Chris. I didn’t want to copy what she and Chris had… So, I deliberately avoided her at school. I was standing in an empty class close by when Chris gave her the letter, knowing what was about to happen and unable to stop it. He had followed through with it… My therapy session must have sunk in. I couldn’t believe he chose Sita. He was so attracted to Juliet that I thought he would take her from me. I had hoped I would creep into her heart before that ever happened. Her kissing me was proof that I had. It had to be. I was trying to keep it together. She was, in fact dying. Or turning into something… else, trying to seem strong and go on with her life. She hid a lot of feelings from everyone. So guarded to not get hurt again. Initially, I thought I would have to show her how to love. In the end, she was showing me.
The following morning Juliet woke up to her alarm again. The other two emerged out of the guest room, yawning. They came to sit at the breakfast nook of the kitchen.
“I don’t know if Juliet is going to eat this morning, but I am so hungry I could eat a horse,” Carl said.
I laughed. “No worries, what can I make you?”
Carl lifted a hand and waved it at me. “No, you sat up with her the whole night.” I will make breakfast. “You feel up to anything, Chars?”
“Yes, please. Egg on toast would do.” Carl went at it.
Juliet’s door opened. I wasn’t going to bombard her with food again. “Louis!”
“I’m here. How do you feel?” She walked down the hall towards the kitchen, rubbing her eyes.
“Actually… Really good. It seems all I needed was that stuff out of my system.” She didn’t realize what she had said, and neither did the other two. I desperately wanted to believe she was right, and like Liam thought, she would just have to fight it. She entered the kitchen dressed in a loose-fitting tank top with very low-cut sleeves.
“Wooow!” I said softly to myself. Charlene did not consider that we were sharing a domicile when she had put on Juliet’s PJs. Juliet sat down next to Charlene.
“A little tired but no fever. Did yesterday really happen?” I nodded, trying not to stare at her breast visible from every angle. Had to keep myself busy by making a fresh pot of coffee. It didn’t help. Everything kept falling out of my hands. My eyes kept drifting over to her.
“You okay Louis?” Charlene asked, snickering behind her hand.
Carl glanced over at them. He didn’t even flinch… What the hell? Was Carl even human? Juliet yawned, stretching her arms out over her head. My jaw dropped, and then my cigarette.
“S**t.” I scrambled to pick it up off the floor. When I got up, she had left as if nothing had happened. Juliet didn’t even know what she was doing half the time. With my hand on my heart, I tried to catch my breath.
“You got it bad….”
“Your definition of PJ’s is flawed… Next time put some clothes on her.”
“Where’s the fun in that. Are you blushing?”
Was I actually blushing? I shook myself. Charlene and Carl were chuckling. I turned to him. “How do you do it?”
“I’m not in love with her,” Carl said, putting down a plate in front of Charlene. I sat across from her, a mug in hand, taking it all in. I was officially a part of her life. Sharing moments. Making memories. And she was bringing me in…
Up North: Liam and Cindy
“Samuel!” I wrapped my brother in a warm embrace.
“Liam. I have missed you guys… Cindy.” He kissed both her cheeks and gave her a big hug. They liked each other. We wanted to let Louis and Juliet spend more time together, and there were things we needed to know.
“How is my niece…? He was looking over Cindy’s shoulder to the front door. “Louis?”
“They’re not here.”
“I am disappointed. I thought you were coming to tell me good news about them.” Cindy sat down, and I went to sit next to her, putting my hand on her thigh.
“What’s wrong? Are they okay? Is it not working. Do you need me to talk to him?”
“It’s Juliet. She passed out and didn’t wake up until two days later. Louis phoned us Sunday.”
“So, after her incident… It was headaches, and it is getting worse… I have been trying to get the liquid analyzed… It is all foreign substances. Humans have no reference for them.”
Cindy and my eyes locked in shared understanding. “That’s not good….” She whispered. “What are we going to do?”
“Louis was in a panic on Monday when she vomited again. It was just a giant chunk of blood.”
The room was quiet for a moment. I had hoped Samuel would have some answers, but it seemed we were all in the dark.
“Do you have any information about the guy? This infected vampire…?”
“I asked at the compound… Could not really tell them enough to get proper answers… His description was so distinct that they knew immediately who I was talking about. Seeing that each family just got one servant for life, it wasn’t difficult to figure out who had escaped and was MIA… The thing is, he left many years ago… It seems he was under an abusive family that mistreated him.”
I hated those kinds of vampires that thought of us as a superior race that could come and go and do whatever they wanted. They were radicals wishing to take over the world. Infiltrating the government was their priority to get a foothold in leadership worldwide. Everyone and everything was beneath them.
“What is this guy doing with the werewolf pups? If he is against the born vampires, why is he so against the werewolves?”
“From what you told me… And what Juliet said… This isn’t about the werewolves… The liquid is not just their toxin….”
“He needs something from the cubs?” Samuel nodded. “But the werewolves are already so low in numbers. What does he think will happen when there are no more kids to experiment on?”
“I hope I am wrong… but I think he is working on recreating this formula and infecting all of us.”
“We have to find him.” Samuel stood up and shook his head slightly. He was as panicked as we were. I knew there was more he wasn’t saying. My brother had his own way of dealing with things and a lot to factor in before he could take any action. He walked over to a decanter and poured us all a drink.
“This guy is good. Rodrigo… is untraceable. How do you find someone that doesn’t exist? No name, no friends. We didn’t even know what was going on… We thought it was the Compound killing all the cubs so they would have no opposition further down the road.”
Frustrated, I sat forward in the chair, leaning my elbows on my knees. That zombie we encountered and had to kill. Just thinking about Juliet turning into that... I woke up every day afraid that I would open her room door and she would look like that. We would have to keep her locked up until we found a cure. The thought was unthinkable.
“No! We have to find this guy. Can you not put more men on it? Can we not work with the werewolves… Scour every corner. Get your best tracker on him! There has to be a way!”
Samuel came over. He sat down on the table in front of me, putting his hand on my shoulder. “Louis is my best tracker… Do you want him to leave Juliet?” I shook my head. Samuel squeezed my shoulder. “You have to believe that Juliet is strong and that this is her system’s way of working that stuff out of her… We don’t know how many doses it takes to get someone to that stage… You should stay a few days and hunt properly here in the area. Go back when your head is right. You can’t crash like this in that small town. Or in front of Juliet. You need to be strong for her.”
“Has Louis figured out anything more about the Hybrid?”
“We doubt that the guy really is. He is thirty and has never manifested or even knows anything supernatural around him exists. I don’t understand what’s going on… how is this source to be trusted? The one that told you what they had seen at the orphanage.”
“Just because he has not manifested means something hasn’t caused him to. It does not mean he isn’t the Hybrid. We have no idea how that would even work. Look like, or what it would entail… Wait till something happens that pushes him over the line. Then we will all know who and what he is.”
“Could he not be an experiment of this guy that is obviously creating new things and species… Maybe one of his experiments had a different outcome than he expected.”
Cindy got up. “I need air… all this conjecture is driving me up the wall. I’m going for a walk. Just need some time alone.”
The uncertainty was getting to us all. Cindy left the room.
“Has Louis chosen yet?” Samuel asked.
“The first time he saw her, he was a goner,” Samuel smirked. I knew she was not so beautiful for nothing. “I am glad you have someone else in your camp… Have you told Juliet anything?”
“No!” I shook my hands, getting up and walking around the room a bit.
“She is so frustrated and irritated. I don’t think we did the right thing letting her grow up like that.”
“Versus?” I shrugged, too tired to care about all my mistakes. Did you tell her Louis was a setup?”
“I’m too scared to tell her… That we interfered and manipulated her. She hates being treated like a child. If she finds out, she might just go off-grid.”
“She dared to go after this guy and save one little werewolf cub and put her own life on the line. I don’t think love and boys are the sole reason for her existence.”
“Juliet has always been different. She isn’t normal and not growing up as we did. Isn’t that what you wanted. Juliet is affectionate and needs someone that is there for her… Give Louis a chance… Give them a chance.” I agreed. He poured us another drink. We stood staring out onto green fields, paddocks, and a beautiful lane with trees running on either side.
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The Devil’s Love
“The course of true love never did run smooth.” – William Shakespeare.
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Capture (Book 1 in the Wolfen Brethren Series)
In the year 2890 the planet earth has been overturned by supernatural species, werewolves to be exact. The revelation of a race other than humanity came with it the imprisonment of all free humans. Neema is one of the many humans who remained un-captured by the wolves and living in a dwelling underground. However, when her underground village is infiltrated she is forced to the nearest compound for mating and breeding. Placed into a submissive role, Neema fights the restrictions placed upon her by the wolf community. Resistant to the expectations exerted upon her, she must learn to adapt to the changing world around her. She is forced into accepting her position as the mate of a powerful and cruel alpha male of one of the oldest and most revered wolf bloodlines. Neema struggles to establish a home for her and her two younger siblings in the harsh new world they have been forced into the centre of. Can Neema find her place in a world where dominance and breeding is all that wolves care about.A story about strength, family and acceptance.
8 83 - In Serial44 Chapters
TouchDown- book one The Bradford Series
Every girl needs their world to be rocked at least once.While Aiden Bradford believes he has everything he's ever wanted for his senior year at UCLA, he can't help but feel there's something missing. His world couldn't be more perfect. He's emulated his Uncle Blake, the top NFL Quarterback now retired from the 49ers, in every way but he still isn't happy. His family and friends are his world, Leighton, his girlfriend, is finishing college miles away in New York. So when he meets Riley, his world is rocked in a way he never dreamed. Riley Hudson has always been a good student, a good girl in general. She's not shy or outspoken, she's just there, unnoticed and always in the background. After two years at her local community college she received a scholarship to finish at the university. Now in a dorm filled with three other girls, she's living her quiet little dream of going to UCLA and being the first in her family to get a college degree. One night fate steps in, in the form of Aiden Bradford, the star quarterback, who ends up rocking her world in a way she's never imagined.The Moss Bluff Series should be read first This is the final installments of The Dual Threat Series **Adult content Readers advised - language and sexual situations **
8 236 - In Serial36 Chapters
Ratbags and Scallywags [bxb]
Charlie Rascal accidentally exposes Aubrey's deepest secret: That he is profoundly deaf and blind in one eye. Now Charlie has a lot of making up to do. Since the time of his near fatal crash four years ago, Aubrey Keats keeps his internal struggle as quiet as the world around him. After being paired with Charlie, he is forced to adjust and readjust the walls he has built around himself. With only poetry and empathy to guide Charlie closer to his deeply misunderstood classmate, he learns about this dark world in which Aubrey is forced to live. And now, all he wants to do is make it a little brighter.
8 222 - In Serial6 Chapters
★A little bit too much★ Soviet Russia
so.... I've had some friends in Amino that said yes! that I should do a USSR(Soviet Union) x Russia story! I'm sorry if this Incest @[email protected] also- I ship this too- so... don't judge me please qwq
8 135 - In Serial41 Chapters
There was a sobbing tone in Taehyung's voice as he said, "You're crazy! I am your son!"Who would have imagined that when Jungkook heard these words, he sneered and said, "I don't have a son like you." Taehyung said with cries, "Why, am I not your son?"Jungkook said, "I do not regard you as my son." A forbidden romance between father and son. (Not blood-related)If this topic triggers you, you can skip it. Please do not report.THIS STORY DOESN'T BELONG TO ME. IT IS A KOOKV ADAPTATION OF A CHINESE BL NOVEL. ALL CREDITS GOES TO THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR AND TRANSLATOR.Author: Xī ZǐxùEnglish Translator: StormFrostHighest Ranks 1 in #father-son1 in #forcedrelationship1 in #badending6 in #controled1 in #manipulation1 in #jungkookxtaehyung2 in #KookV
8 191