《Faltovia's Faults》Chapter 20: A Test


Kathlyn was stunned, completely and utterly. Her younger brother showed off magic she had never heard before, his friends seemed to have grabbed a hold of the headmaster’s attention, and what of that book. It seems as if whatever is in that book is the key to what’s going on. She gathered herself, and hopped off of the Fenix, realizing everyone else had already done the same.

When she looked around, she saw the sunset licking at the horizon in the distance, purple and orange light shining down from the mountains’ edge in the west. She was stunned by the view, never really having left Golden Bloom outside of their vacation home in the south. As she took in the view, wind blowing through her hair, suddenly she felt a shock.

She gazed over towards the headmaster, discussing her expectations with Edwin’s friends. A devilish grin shot across her face as Edwin once again created his sun shot, as she had dubbed it. He blasted it forward, as it tore through the ground, and as it reached far away, he eased his hand.

For a split second, Kathlyn seemed a bit let down, then an explosion erupted in the distance. A scorched hole in the earth formed where Edwin had released his attack. He bent over, taking a deep breath, and shot a look towards the headmaster, “That’s what it would look like if I was trying to commit terrorism,” huffing heavily from the strain.

The headmaster began to laugh, and Edwin moved back. Kathlyn couldn’t hear everything that was being discussed, but she stared in shock and awe, as each of Edwin’s friends went and showed what they could do.

When it was Haven’s turn, Edwin stepped up again. He launched the attack at Haven, and set it off. The look on the headmaster’s face was one of pure ecstasy as the dust cloud cleared, showing the mana-barrier still intact.


Kathlyn had never known exactly what Chris could do, and the look on his face showed that he wasn’t entirely sure what to show off. He held this look of deep concentration, until suddenly he bounded up in excitement.

In a flash, he pulled the sword from its sheath. The blade seemed entirely normal, shining in the fading daylight. That was until he began to focus. Slowly I saw a white glow begin to form around the sword, growing larger, and larger, until he took a quick step. He swung the blade down, launching the white outwards. The light continued until it was entirely out of sight.

Kathlyn stumbled forward, shocked by what she had just witnessed. As she approached the group huddled around the crevice, she stopped suddenly. The tear was clean, and tens of feet deep. With a single swing of his sword, Chris had torn the ground like it was a simple piece of parchment.

The headmaster began to chuckle, “It seems that you have been practicing well. I never thought I’d witness such a display from such a young lad either,” She grew serious, “But don’t think it’s that easy to fool me, I asked for your best.”

Kathlyn looked at Chris, wide eyed, ‘That wasn’t his best?’ Chris rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment, “It was that obvious I was holding back? You’re a bit scary, Headmaster Gwyndel.” Chris laughed.

Headmaster began to glow, lightning wrapping around her body. She kicked at Chris, aiming for his skull. He quickly ducked out of the way, bounding backwards. His feet slid across the dusty earth. His friends began to panic, but he held his hand up, as to let them know he was fine.

He dashed in, moving so quickly from a standstill it almost looked like he teleported. He swung his right hand upwards, towards Headmaster’s jaw, but she easily dodged it, allowing it to barely miss her. Suddenly a flurry of blows, being thrown, blocked and parried. It was almost as if they were simply a blur. It wasn’t clear who was winning, until she slowly began to push Chris back. Chris stumbled and she lunged.


He cracked a wry smile, and suddenly disappeared. Headmaster had fallen into his trap. Her arm was yanked forward by a force unseen, throwing her to the ground. She propelled herself up with a large gust of wind, and where she was, a deep footprint was placed. It was smashed into the ground several inches.

She began to spray fire down, encircling herself with large towering flames. A preventative measure she seemed to have taken pride in, until her body jolted from a shock to her body. Tripping her up.

She formed a large earthen barrier around herself, only for a single impact to shatter it to pieces. The shock from the blow blew everyone including Kathlyn back. Gwyndel threw herself backwards, to avoid a strike that cracked the ground beneath her. A fist imprint buried half a foot into the ground.

She placed a sphere of thin wind around her body, and suddenly she began blocking the earth shattering strikes. With that Chris reappeared, smiling wide, with his eyes focused and elated. Their arms and legs were entirely a blur, the shockwaves pushing each of us backwards. Each connection felt as if the gods themselves were fighting.

Chris feinted a grab, and suddenly clapped. The sound blasted outward, the sound piercing everyone’s ears, but it was clear it was aimed towards the Headmaster. She covered her ears and sneered, taking a knee due to the shock. Blood trickled down her arms and ears as she put her arms up in a surrender position.

Kathlyn and everyone else stood stunned at the sight of their friend and their Headmaster having spontaneously fallen into intense combat. Chris helped Gwyndel up, and hovered his hands over her ears, letting a white light slowly trickle its ways into her ears. The blood drip then stopped.

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