《Elenora's Academy of Magicka: Ken Granfold》26. Golden Robot
Chapter: Golden Robot
Aemma raised her right hand to my chest and defrosted the right side of my chest revealing my tag. She grabbed my tag then froze it solid before crashing it into tiny pieces.
"There now all your points are useless, good luck with trying to pass now" The snow elf, chuckled before leaving.
Meanwhile in another part of town
Tatsuo was casually walking through town, taking out any robot that confronted him, with only his sword Shunsetsu (Spring Snow).
"So much noise," Tatsuo said looking around the empty street he walked through "how long till this test ends? I want to cook something"
As Tatsuo walked around thinking about what he was going to cook, a giant ball of energy came rocketing towards Tatsuo, destroying everything in its path. "Maybe I'll make some soup...yeah soup, that sounds good," Tatsuo thought to himself while looking at the ball of destructive energy flying his way.
Tatsuo raised his katana up towards the sky and just when the ball of energy was in his range, he swung his blade downwards, instantly cleaving the energy ball in half, both halves of the energy ball flew by Tatsuo before exploding behind him.
The level five robot that had fired the energy ball at Tatsuo, came marching towards him with its right hand morphed into a giant plasma blade instead of an energy blaster. The giant robot swung its blade towards Tatsuo, with it cutting through multiple buildings and splitting the ground in its path. Before the blade could reach Tatsuo, Tatsuo had vanished avoiding the devastating swing done by the robot.
Tatsuo reappeared in mid-air, in front of the level five robot's chest. "Sōryū style!" Tatsuo recoiled his katana back "Piercing Dragon", Tatsuo thrust Shunsetsu forward directly towards the robot's chest, which caused a huge gaping hole to appear where its chest used to be.
The level five robot's entire body slowly shut down before it fell on its back. Tatsuo dropped to the ground landing on his feet.
"I'll make herbal soup," Tatsuo said, before sheathing his katana
-Tatsuo: 12,000Points
Meanwhile in another part of town
Eldrin left behind trails of destruction, destroying everything in his path, it was to the point where other students would run away from him. He was like a ferocious beast with an everlasting hunger to kill everything in its path.
Eldrin raced through the town with his entire body cloaked in raging flames that would burn anything in a ten-meter radius of him. Aldrin made quick work of every level one to four robots that dared to challenge him.
"I'm right here! Come get me! You pieces of junk!" Eldrin shouted
Eldrin stopped and raised both of his hands towards the sky then released a pillar of flame from his body that shot up high into the sky, destroying all the nearby houses and buildings.
Eldrin did this to catch the attention of all the nearby robots, and it worked as three-level five robots accompanied by a small army of level four robots, marched their way towards Eldrin.
"Let's have a party!" Eldrin said, facing the army of robots marching towards him
One of the level five robots fired a ball of energy zipping towards Eldrin. "Demon Magic: Devouring Flames'' Eldrin smirked. Eldrin's left hand lit up with smokey dark purple flames, which devoured the flame cloak around his body and increased the demon flame's size, Eldrin pitched the ball of demon flames towards the incoming ball of energy.
The smokey dark purple flames collided with the ball of energy, and altho the ball of energy was bigger, the demon flames were able to devour the ball of energy, turning it into flames and increasing its size.
The demon flames now as big as an energy blast flew into the level five robots, and upon impact, it exploded into a mass inferno that engulfed all three level five robots obliterating them into oblivion and leaving a massive crater in the town
"Now for the piss ants," Eldrin said looking at the small army of level four robots, who stood before him
All of the level four robots charged at Eldrin, with their left hands morphed into plasma blades. Eldrin pointed his right index finger towards the incoming hordes of robots. "Chain Lightning," Eldrin said as the tip of his index finger sparked with electricity.
Eldrin shot a single bolt of lighting out of his fingertip, which struck one robot before leaching itself onto another robot, then leaching itself onto the next robot, this happened until the chain of electricity was leached onto every single robot in front of Eldrin.
All the robots were shocked with high amounts of lightning, destroying all of them one after another until the entire group of level four robots was destroyed.
"Done, done, and done!" Eldrin shouted with a smirk
-Eldrin: 18,900
Back to Ken
I can't believe I fell for an elemental clone, and let my tag get stolen and destroyed. I was so focused on pinpointing Yurei's mana level that I was blind to weaker levels of mana, which let that elf get the jump on me.
Now I have to figure out a way to free myself before taking further action. Since I was still conscious within the ice, I was able to release enough mana with the pressure to completely crush the ice. "Binding Chains Release!" The magical green chains that were wrapped around me vanished, I was finally free.
I look up at the scoreboard only to see my name flashing red. Damn, I'm really in a serious situation now because of that snow elf....okay Ken calm down the only way out of this situation now is to find and destroy the golden robot.
I used my accelerator boots to run across rooftops looking for the golden robot, but it was nowhere in sight, I couldn't spot it at all. Maybe it's hiding inside one of the buildings or houses.
"Damn it! I better find this stupid robot quick!" I thought to myself
I jumped down from the rooftops and ran from building to building looking for the golden robot but I still had no luck finding it. This isn't good, there is less than an hour left before this task is over, where the hell is the golden robot!
As I ran around looking for the golden robot I heard a scream coming from a nearby building, so I quickly made my way to the building only to find Claire tangled up in slimy tentacles.
"What have you gotten yourself into this time?" I asked walking up to Claire
"D-Don't just stand there help me!" Claire asked embarrassed
"This is wrong on so many levels. Banish!" I said before the tentacles that were wrapped around Claire disappeared freeing Claire
"I won't be saying thank you if that's what you're waiting for!" Claire said with a stubborn look
"I wasn't expecting anything from you" I replied with a blank expression "Anyways aren't you part of the Wizard Elite? How did you fall into such an embarrassing trap?"
"Hey shut up! You have no right to pity me, you got your tag destroyed and it's almost time before you fail, which you will" Claire rebuked as she pointed at the scoreboard high in the sky
"Jeez I just saved you and that's how you act towards me?"
"As I said before, you don't deserve my kindness, but...I was taught to repay those that have helped me, in return with kindness...so how may I help you?" Claire asked forcing herself to be kind towards me
"Huh? That's new, who would have thought you were capable of showing kindness on your own" I replied a little surprised
Before Claire could reply, the ground around us started to shake vigorously and the building we were in started to break down. A huge piece of the building fell off from above Claire and came falling down towards her, she was so distracted by the heavy shaking that she didn't realize it.
So without realizing what I was doing, I quickly jumped towards Claire falling on top of her, trying to protect her from the falling piece of the building. The piece of the building came crashing on top of us.
I really thought it was going to hit us, but I opened my eyes only to see that there was a barrier around me and Claire protecting us. It looks like Claire was quick enough to cast a magical barrier just in time to protect us.
"Woh, you saved us!" I said with relief looking at her.
"no your just lucky, I was trying to save myself" Claire replied opening her eyes
Before I could reply to her, I couldn't help but stare at Claire, taken back by her appearance up close. "Now that I'm up close to you, you're actually really beautiful...." I bluntly said while admiring how attractive Claire is when she isn't looking down on me
"w-what?...ahh...g-get off of me!" Claire demanded all flustered and red in the face before pushing me off and quickly standing up
"Can't you take a compliment either?" I asked as I stood up
"H-how can you be so b-blunt, saying something like that..to a girl..." Claire said annoyed and still blushing
"huh? But isn't it good to be honest?" I replied a little confused. I was raised on an island so I'm still a little new to interacting with people my age especially with girls, maybe I shouldn't be so blunt next time.
"Well yes..b-but not like that...." Claire stuttered "Anyways let's forget this ever happened" Claire quickly said "so just tell me how I can help you, so I can get away from you," Claire said even more flustered as she changed the subject
I looked at her still a little confused but I decided to ignore it "Well have you spotted the gold robot by any chance?"
"As a matter of fact I have, if you head east three hundred meters from here, you will see a cathedral which is where the gold robot is"
"Oh sweet! I'm going to have to find a way to get in without alarming it"
"No need, it's just standing there, It doesn't move an inch no matter how close you get to it. So all you need to do is cast a spell strong enough to take it out, which I doubt you know a spell strong enough to destroy it"
"Jeez, are your expectations that low towards me? Whatever I just need to focus on destroying the gold robot" I said with an annoyed expression "Careful not to fall into another trap, cause I won't be around to save you again!" I chuckled before dashing off towards the cathedral
"S-shut uppp! I don't need you saving me!" Claire shouted as I disappeared into the distance.
Great, now that I know where the gold robot is all thanks to Claire, I'll destroy it in one go and pass this test. I was able to make it to the cathedral in a couple of minutes, thanks to my Accelerator Boots.
Once I reached the cathedral I walked inside and I was met by the golden robot, who was just standing a few meters in front of me motionless. Claire was right it wasn't phased that I was in front of it.
Now since this robot has been enchanted with high-level defence by Ace I should go with a full incantation destructive spell.
"Okay I only have about fifteen minutes before this test is over so I'll go with the spell Incinerate, I haven't been able to master this spell but the stage it's at right now should be enough to obliterate this robot".
I took a firm stance before raising both my hands up towards the gold robot, my hands were very close to each other with my palms facing the robot. I took a deep breath then exhaled slowly, I cast 'Spell Command' which created a magical ring that circled around my right wrist, these rings allow me to control any spells I cast.
"Flames of the Crimson God". Four crimson magic circles appeared in front of me lined up in front of each other from smallest to biggest. "Lend me your Flames''. the magic circles started to erupt into blazing magic circles. "And Destroy everything in my way, INCINERATE!".
An intense ball of fire blasted out of the magic circles, at a speed that easily broke the sound barrier with little to no effort. The ricochet of the spell pushed me back a little bit but I was able to keep a firm stance. As soon as the ball of fire hit the golden robot, I quickly raised my right hand towards the sky, directing the ball of fire upwards with the golden robot.
The ball of fire shot through the ceiling of the cathedral and up one hundred meters into the sky before exploding. The explosion was big enough to almost cover the entire town. Everyone could see the explosion no matter where you were in town. I dashed out of the cathedral and onto its rooftops to see if it had worked.
"Incinerate is an expert spell that is strong enough to whip out a town as big as this, luckily I used Spell Command to redirect Incinerate upwards where the explosion wouldn't damage anyone but the golden robot. There is no way the golden robot survived after taking the full force of an expert level spell like that" I thought to myself cautiously
Everyone was surprised and speechless at the same time looking at the size of the explosion. The fiery explosion started to settle down and disappear into the sky. The golden robot finally appeared out of the leftover smoke in the sky and fell down a few meters away from the cathedral.
I looked up at the scoreboard, and unfortunately, my name was still flashing red. I couldn't believe it, there is no way it survived that spell. The golden robot slowly stood back up and looked at me for a few seconds before suddenly making a run for it.
Looks like incinerate was able to break all the high-level defence enchantments that were cast onto it. But now it's running away trying to buy time for the enchantments to reform itself.
"Shit! I didn't think it would come to this but looks like I'm going to have to use a red lighting spell. It might be overkill but I've only got five minutes before this task ends, I don't have any time to waste!"
I quickly dashed after the golden robot with no further delay. I travelled using the rooftops so I don't lose sight of it. While chasing the robot I conjured four purple daggers in each hand and threw them into the sky. The daggers scattered in the sky before flying into walls surrounding the golden robot.
Purple ribbons sprung out of each dagger and wrapped themselves around the golden robot completely immobilizing it. The golden robot tried to force its way out of it, but it was no use as the more it struggled the tighter the ribbons got.
"Don't bother, they might not look it but those ribbons are tougher than steel" I said standing twenty meters in front of the robot
Now it's time to end this. I took a quick look and I could see some students standing around in the short distance watching me, some of those students included members from my dorm including Yurei, Claire, and Emilia, as well as Eldrin, Tatsuo and Rex, and some other familiar faces.
But I didn't have time to worry about them, I'm guessing they are just watching to see if I can destroy the golden robot with only two minutes to spare. I took a firm stance and raised my left hand in the air, creating a crimson circle above my left hand.
"Volterra's". Red lightning bursted out of the magic circle above my left hand and materialized into a giant lance made completely out of red lightning. "Crushing Lance''. There was wild red lightning flying off of the lance destroying anything it touched.
"Game Over" I mumbled to myself
I threw the lance with full force with only ten seconds left. The lance flew faster than the speed of lighting. Destroying the land underneath it. The lance hit the golden robot with full force completely disintegrating the robot into ashes.
My name finally stopped flashing red, but unfortunately, I couldn't celebrate as the lance continued going straight, completely disintegrating everything in its path.
The lance kept on going forward until it hit the end of the town which was where the magical barrier around this mock town stood. But not even the barrier was strong enough to stop the lance, it just shattered the barrier with some resistance making its way towards the hotel.
In front of the Hotel
Ken's lace made out of red lightning had just shattered the barrier around the mock town and is now heading towards the hotel at a speed faster than lightning. Just when it looked like nothing could be done to avoid the destruction of the hotel, Mei appeared standing in between the incoming lance and the hotel.
"Ken Granfold...very impressive," Mei said to herself
Mei grabbed the handle of her katana. As the lance quickly closed in reaching Mei, Mei yawned before quickly drawing her katana upwards, slicing through the lance with little to no effort, destroying it before it could reach the hotel. The lance broke down into red lighting before disappearing into thin air, and with that, the test was finally over, I had just passed.
"These generations of kids sure are interesting" Mei smiled softly before she re-sheathed her katana.
Next Time: Hot Spring
- In Serial23 Chapters
[Dropped ver, read desc] Solo Player Rebirth!
Important Notice! As of the latest chapter, I have decided to drop this story :( I'm sorry about that for those who enjoyed reading it. However, I have some good news for those who like the story :) I didn't just drop the story and forsook it. My story has gotten a lot of feedback and criticism, and when I realized how much potential my story missed, I decided it was time for a makeover! Introducing my new story: [Rewritten ver.] Solo Player Rebirth! It's the same, just better! And I aim for this one to be the final major makeover for this story. And believe me, rewriting this story is a preeminent task. But in my opinion, it's way better! So click the link below if you are interested. Thanks, L0rdGr1m. Click Here! Synopsis: Every year thousands of people get teleported into a gamelike world where they have to fight for their lives. No one has ever completed the game, and the nine pillars, which are the strongest players, are not even close. But the hope of completing the game still persists in most people. But will anybody ever beat it? Sung-jin is the best player that no one knows of. A solo player thought to be dead years ago; will he be strong enough to beat this game?
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A Smidge of Magic
What happens to a man when he is torn from everything he knows? Ian McClintoc, a detective from D.C., must find the answer to that very question when a routine investigation takes a horrible turn. Lost, battered, and broken Ian must do the impossible: survive and find a way to return home. And Ian is so very far from home. But he is not without hope. When he awakens in a strange world help arrives in the nick of time. Though is a very unexpected form: an elven ranger. Valethalassa Therrae, and her shadow-wolf companion Mal. She guides Ian to the fantastical city of Landorei and to a seer. There Ian's quest begins; retrieve a magical scroll that will send him home. But all is not as it seems. The mysterious Harlequin Court seeks to use Ian for their own ends. Fighting, friendship, magic, monsters, mystery, laughter, tears, revenge, war. Let the adventure begin. I hope you all enjoyed the novel and the adventure it took you on. I have a second one in the works, but progress has been slow on that front considering all that is going on in the world today and the nature of my work. I'll be posting chapters from that one in the coming months (with any luck). If you enjoyed this novel please leave a review as I'm always eager to read a critique of my work to improve my writing. - Best regards in these trying times, M.I. O'Flaherty
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The Guide
Leon Octavian Sirus was the head scientist of the Median Empire’s department of artificial intelligence. He tried to play god by creating a world with true sentient life, though virtual. It is still a world with people that can learn, think, and feel and as always that action had consequences and one of them was his death by his own creations. Despite commiting a grevious taboo, his world was succesful enough that instead of burning in the depths of hell, which is what this sociopath deserves, he is given the chance by his own world's guide to guide a race in a young world. P.S. This awesome cover was made by the more awesome MikeWe.
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Three Hundred Years After The End Of The World
Three hundred years after the end of the world as humanity knew it, the gears of an old plan slowly begin to move again, as a group of self-imposed reincarnators, along with their equally unlikely companions, gather once again to set things right... but does the world they plan to restore need, or even want, their help? Follow the misadventures of an eclectic bunch of genius misfits as they attempt to assemble and fix the world they accidentally devastated in the past. ~~~ Author's note: This is actually the first volume of a novel I wrote nearly a decade ago for the VNDB discussion boards, taking inspiration from the random off-topic ramblings that characterized the golden age of the community. After sevear years and countless rewrites, it is pretty much unrecognizable, but while it is not fit for professional publishing (due to the fact that several fragments and older versions are still out there on various forums and blogs), I decided it is a waste to just let it sit idly on my hard drive forever. As such, I decided to share it somewhere where people could maybe appreciate it, so here it is.
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Space Side Echoes
The First Galactic War came and went. The Beryons were defeated but dozens of species died out and now the surviving races are rapidly expanding across the galaxy trying to find fortune and empire. Aden and his mentor Julian are veterans looking to cash in on this new era but crippled and without any money they’re left with only one choice - carrying out jobs for the seedy underworld. Their first job was to steal and transport an experimental prosthetic arm and deliver it to Echo Station to a mysterious benefactor. Unfortunately powerful factions are pitting their agents against each other and Aden, along with anyone who has the misfortune to meet him, are about to get swept up into a race that takes him across the galaxy and maybe try and prevent yet another Galactic War.
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World of Gamey
Linh Nguyen is a failure of his family. His parents is a multi billionaire and all his brothers and sister are genius in their own way. Being kick out of his house when he start his High School year, he moved to Los Angeles and go to school there. On his first day, he was picked on by the school bully Richard. One day he has have enough, and tell Richard to leave him alone, he got beaten unconscious. After that incident, Linh changed into something even greater! Watch as Linh on his journey to survive the new cruel world, getting revenge, and obtaining a harem for himself!Warning: Because I tried to write this story in a realistic way it contain a lot of profanity, descriptive of sex, rape, murder, and a lot of gruesome detail. Advice not to read if you against any of those. ALso if there is any similar name from the fiction to the people you know in real life, please understand that these name is something I come up with. I don't mean to put these name in there because I know someone. All of these characters is from my IMAGINATION!P.P.S: This is my first time doing this so please understand if the story isn't great. I will man up and take on all the criticism to help me improve my writing for you guy.
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