《Undiminished》Flying High and Dying Hard


Here we go again. Not even that far along in the adventure and I'm dying again. At least I'm off that messed up piece of land, I just wish it hadn't required my death. I, however, am not going to complain about my situation, mainly because I don't want the little prick sending me any more snide messages.

I might as well try and describe what happened after being grabbed and flown away by what I can only imagine an octopus-pigeon hybrid would look like. You read correctly ladies and gentlemen. A true freak of nature that not only exists, but apparently also thought it was a good idea to carry me off to knows where. I'm willing to take bets on how I died this time. Go ahead and take your time, I can wait. Had plenty of time to take your shot? Well, I guess I'll never really know, but I do hope you don't cheat and read ahead to find out. I could lie and pretend to be some kind of expert and tell you how far this thing managed to carry me, and in which direction, but I like telling the truth for the most part.

All that I can tell you is if I thought I was lost before being carried off, I can assure you I've never been more lost in my entire life than I am now. I would like to say I'm a well-traveled person who knows more places than not, but again, that would be a big fat lie. I'm a small town, semi-country boy who has only really seen a small part of my home country of America. So, you can imagine my ability at guessing where I currently am is null and void, and if you know anything about the American school system then you know we aren't taught much about other countries.


With that being said, from what I have seen so far and what I managed to look at while in the air, I'd say there is a strong chance that I'm not in any well-known location. Whether or not I'm still in America is up for debate, but I guess location doesn't really matter. As far as I know, everyone I've ever known or loved is dead, and has been for six months already by this point. That thought popped up in my head during my flight to new lands, and I have to say it was far more terrible than anything I've ever encountered in my life thus far.

To know you are all alone in the world with nothing to keep you company except for a puppy is something indescribable to explain in words alone. Of course, just as I was coming to this realization, Pidgpus decided it was time for my drop off. If you previously bet that I died by falling to my death, then you would be correct and wrong all at the time. You see, falling would have been too easy of a way to die. Nah, I'm not about easy and clean deaths anymore. Pidgepus dropped me from at least a mile up in the sky right into the waiting arms of a cactus field.

You are now probably asking yourselves how I survived the fall to the field, which is a good question to ask. Well, the answer to that is Pidgepus would repeatedly grab me before terminal velocity could be achieved. I basically ping-ponged my way till I was about three stories above the ground where I was then promptly dropped onto the cacti, where I slowly bled out filled with needles. A fun time it most assuredly was not, but one death sure does beat a death cycle so overall I call it a win for me.

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