《Steam's Shadow》Chapter 1: Silver badge


Before the chapter starts, I would like to mention that I am a new writer and your input means much to me, so if you could write me what you liked and disliked and for what reasons that would help!

So without further ado enjoy!

Edit: This story acts as a documentation of my writing, thus the first few chapters might not be that great, compared to more recent ones.


What if humanity had not advanced as fast as they have, what if we had been living in an age where steam and gas was the main source of power, running through tubes to move pistons and shafts and other mechanisms ?

Welcome to Earth with streets of brass pipes, and metal tubes which carry the source of power of this time and age. Steam and gas was used throughout the entire infrastructure of cities and for many mechanical contraptions. However with this simple source of power came its problems and many crimes, which is why a certain young man decided to take care of these troubles within the shady underground of this world.

It is a beautiful day, sun is shining, birds are singing, butterflies are fluttering and among those peaceful sounds is also the noise of a certain steam train heading for the city of Brinston which lies in the country of the Gray Kingdom.

Within the train are several passengers, among them are our two protagonists and another person who is being transferred. It consists of 5 parts, up front is the locomotive and then there are four wagons, the fourth being the last one far in the back.

Our protagonists are in the third wagon, sitting near the door to the second wagon.

Aaron:" Sir, could you explain to me again why we are heading to Brinston?"

He says as he kempt back his short black hair.

John who is looking at the landscape through the train window :"We are travelling there for new blazestones. I have some ideas for improvements on my contraptions but I require more of them."

Aaron pulls out an orange of his jacket together with a knife and begins peeling it:" Aha, do you really think someone like you should be spending his time tinkering around? I mean you have duties to follow don't you?"

Still looking out the window, :" I can take a few days off once in a while, and besides, this "tinkering" as you call it is pretty important as you know." John says as he pats on his waist hinting to what is below his brown, cloth coat.

Finished with peeling the orange Aaron offered it to his partner, who took a glance at it, and looked away immediately with a disgusted expression. :" You know, I will agree that your toy is pretty useful, but as is eating healthy food."

He then looks at Aaron annoyed:" You know I hate green stuff, it's disgusting."

"Oranges are not green... they are orange... and it doesn't matter if it is disgusting or not you should still---" Aaron was interrupted as a faint shooting sound could be heard.

~What happened in the meantime inside the last wagon~

A muscular, rough looking man who sat on a chair with his hands tied up, was kept under guard by three policemen. Two of them are aiming at the man with steam rifles, their faces covered in sweat. The third one, who appears to only have a rapier at his waist, stood in front of the wagon door leading to the third wagon.


While looking down upon the tied up man, the third Policeman at the door states :" So then, not much longer and we will be at Brinston to transfer you. Then you can finally be punished for your murders, Iron-fist Gregor."

"Hah, we will see." The man responds and then looks at the two other guards. :" Hey you there brat! How old are you? Are you not a little too young to be at the police?" He asks, and one of the guards answers in a very intimidated voice :" I-I uhm... I'm 19, I've been part of the police since two weeks ago." "Two weeks! Hah, alright then, I guess then you probably don't even have what it takes yet to pull the trigger of that weapon in your hands." He teasingly replies to the guards, scaring them further.

One of the guards dropped his rifle in his fearful shiver. Gregor took the opportunity, stood up and rammed the other guard against the wall, knocking him out. The other guard was in shock and didn't know what to do and dropped his rifle backing up against the wagon wall, in panic. Meanwhile the third guard ran out of the wagon door, fearing for his own life since he believed himself to be at a disadvantage. The second guard, who was at the wall then began to beg :"Please spare my life! I beg of you please! Please don't ki---" Before he got to finish his pleads he was also knocked out by a powerful jab into the guts since Gregor had broken the ties on his wrists throughout the short monologue. Afterwards he took a steam rifle and other weapons from the guards before he shot them.

~Back in the third wagon~

John and Aaron are silent trying to figure out what just happened, and are then surprised as the wagon door connecting the third and fourth opened up with the policeman who fled. :" Please anyone, you have to help us, a convict who was transferred by this train has broke free and overpowered our guards! Please you must help us!" The policeman shouts half crying in desperation.

The people in the wagon then quickly run towards the door leading to the second wagon in complete panic, screaming and yelling.

John meanwhile whispers to his partner :" You go with them, I will go deal with this situation here, try to calm those morons down a bit, can't have them do something brainless now can we?"

"Are you sure you will be fine? After all we are in the middle of a wagon with only a few square meters of room to fight." Aaron worries, while placing his hand on his friends shoulder.

"Don't worry I will be fine, besides you can't fight so you are better off staying safe so you can treat me later." He implied in a sarcastic voice.

Aaron shook his head and went towards the wagon door and then turned his head around to face John wishing him good luck while he thinks :"I just hope he will be fine."

The policeman at the other wagon door is now even more scared than before :" Is there nobody who wants to help? Is everyone running away?"

"Hey now! I am still here, so stop being so upset!" John responds in a self confident voice while scratching the back of his head.


"What can a kid like you do? You look like you are barely 18!" The policeman rants.

"How about instead of being such a jerk, you move away from the door, since whoever is on the other side will try to get through."

"Have some respect towards your seniors ~" The policeman says as a shot came through the door grazing his shoulder. He curls up on the floor screaming and yelling in pain.

Immediately afterwards the door opened up and a ball rolled down the wagon into the middle.

"Huh? Oh crap! Get behind a seat and duck!" John shouts but it was too late, gas began rushing out of the ball, flowing upwards and after it had filled the room it ignited, blowing up the wagon walls and roof, only leaving charred seats and the floor in shallow flames.

"Hey are you alright mate?" John screams desperately. :" Can you hear me?" he yells.

"Hmm it seems I missed someone, well I can deal with that." The man, armed with a steam rifle, said as he came through the door.

John then stood up and stepped into the middle path of the Wagon with and angry look in his eyes as he wipes off the ashes from his face with his left hand. Due to the trains speed and the open air wagon, his coat was fluttering revealing a sword sheath on his waist, and his tied back hair was pulled out of his coat by the air current as well.

"Long tied back brown-blonde hair, a brown coat, a sword on his belt and is that..." Gregor took a better glance at Johns coat :" Is that? A silver badge! The badge of approval for high ranking executive. A sterling silver badge, then you must be... the Private Detective Johnathan Sterling!" He shouted in excitement before he began rubbing his hands.

With a surprised look in his face, John grinned :"Seems like I have been found out. Oh well I guess that makes things a little quicker, now that you know who I am, would you like to surrender and spare us the trouble?"

"Surrender? Never! Look here! I have a steam rifle from those nice guards back there, they were nice enough to simply hand them over... after I knocked them out. Anyways! You could never beat me now!" He claims in confidence as he lifts the steam rifle and aims at Johns head.

Meanwhile John is seemingly disappointed :"Oh yay!... Another idiot who thinks just because he can fight at range that he can beat me. Fine let me prove you wrong!" He then drew his sword from the sheath at his waist and held it in front of him with both his hands. The sword had only a single blade facing the floor, while the tip was pointed at Gregor, tubes coming out from the swords bottom of the hilt, connecting to something on his back, beneath his coat.

He took a long leap towards Gregor, who in turn due to the tension used the steam rifle, releasing the pressurized steam which shot a bullet. Anticipating the reaction, John presses a button on the hilt which caused pressurized steam to be released from the back, blunt side of the long sword which had small holes carved in through which the steam was released, thus pulling John downwards just enough to barely dodge the bullet. Caught by surprise, Gregor stepped back, but John who then turned the blade at an upwards angle, pressed the button repulsing the sword which cut straight through his right arm near the shoulder.

"Damn you Sterling!" Gregor screams in pain as he falls to the ground holding his bleeding shoulder. "You cut off my arm! What kind of executive member does that?!"

"Aww, don't cry Mr. I just killed two policemen and blew up another one, while threatening a train. A medic will treat your wound soon enough." John smirks, trying to play with the defeated enemy who then laid down moaning in agony.

"What have you done John! You cut off his arm! I need to quickly treat him before he dies of loosing too much blood." Aaron yells, just coming through the door running towards Gregor. He pulls out a small med-kit from his jacket and stabs the patient with a syringe while he was too busy with the pain, causing him to fall unconscious.

"What did you just give that man?" John asks, in awe of the magic that happened.

"I gave him a tranquilizer strong enough to put even an elephant to slumber, so I can treat him without him screaming and shouting." Aaron explains.

A while later they arrived at Brinston, the police was already awaiting the transfer of the serial killer called Iron-fist Gregor but they were surprised seeing him in this bad of a shape, in company of the Sterling detective instead of the guards that were meant to be with him. After carefully explaining what had happened, the police Officer in charge thanked them for their hard work.

"I don't need your thanks! Had you put more guards with him then this kind of disaster wouldn't have happened! Nobody would have died and no passengers would have been in danger! Damn you people tick me off!" John had enough and walked away with loud steps towards the central part of Brinston, meanwhile Aaron bowed towards the Officer and explained:" Please excuse him, he is just tired and upset by this horrible situation, please take better care of your criminals next time." Afterwards he rushed back to Johns side.

"I hate the state for their stupid carelessness, what if I had not been there? Then the people would've ended up as collateral and a serial killer would be free again," John mumbles.

"Well that is why you became a private detective right? You went ahead and obtained your executive license, the sterling badge which is one of the most high ranking licenses, for that reason right?" Aaron wonders.

"Not quite true, I became a detective for more than that, but besides that, this badge is also like a lock that ties me down. I may have authority but there are also people who have authority over me." John explains as they head towards the Brinston main town.

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